Damn it! Don't pull my clothes!

Cyd corner of mouth twitching.

It's not that he hasn't seen passionate women. The women there were also very enthusiastic when he was in Daughters Island, but compared to their group of Ishtar prostitutes, those women were like docile little white rabbits.

Ryu didn't know where he was squeezed.

To knock them all over?

Cyd hesitated.

These prostitutes don't appear to be malicious, but rather like... hunger and thirst, probably because he is very popular, and I always feel... a little unstoppable.

[Knock them all over! ]

The black scarf raised strangely, and the layers of scales gushed out crazily on the top of Cyd's head to form a huge dragon claw.

"That...what is that!"

The instinct to fight made the prostitutes around Cyd quickly pull away.


dragon claw slammed into the ground, the ground cracked, and with a piercing sound, thick smoke engulfed Cyd's body completely.

[Tsk, I thought at least one or two people could be flattened. ]

Xiao Hei regretfully underestimated.

"I'm here to negotiate, don't bring out the last resort in advance," Cyd sighed took out Hades's Helmet, hesitated, and put it on his head.

[Anyway, this is definitely the end result. ]

The smoke cleared, and Cyd's silhouette was already disappeared without a trace when Ishtar's prostitute reacted.

"Go find him! He must be in our territory!"

"Definitely catch him before that woman finds out!"

Sketch The prostitute, like a vigorous cheetah, rushed into the street very quickly to start a stall-style search, but when she saw other men who were excited, she would naturally wrap her arms around his neck and guide him into the room.

This is such a place, but it has nothing to do with Ryu.

He's impossible to walk, just hide.

Ryu looked all around, but there was still no trace of Cyd, apparently Cyd didn't intend to appear in front of her.

"Want me to go back obediently?" Ryu put on his hat and walked into the street with a blank face, "I won't leave you here alone."


“You’re not fine Bell-sama,” Lili tried her best to pull the hem of Bell’s clothes, but the strength was too little She can only be dragged forward by Bell, "Cyd-sama will be angry if he knows you are sneaking over."

"It's okay Lili," Bell turned his head and gave a thumbs up, "Even if it is I want to help Sensei beat him up too."

"No way! Ishtar Familia...Ishtar Familia is off-limits for Bell-sama!" Lili raised her voice.

"Yeah Bell, dangerous in every sense of the word," Welf said earnestly.

"Then I can't let Sensei face it alone!" Bell said firmly, "It has always been Sensei who has been helping us, no matter what kind of danger we encounter this time, I will be with Sensei. Let's face it together!"

"Well said!"

With a somewhat familiar tone, a person landed in front of Bell from the sky.

"This is Hero's Apprentice," the young man wearing a cowboy hat slightly raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a self-confident smile.

"Hermes-sama?" Bell tilted his head, then looked towards Hermes' behind, "Miss Asfi...isn't there?"

"That troublesome woman has been taken by me. Throw it away, men always have some time to relax," Hermes gave a thumbs up, "You little apprentice, Cyd is indeed in crisis at this moment, and it is far more difficult for him than the giant dragon, and even makes He's helpless! You're the only one who can help him!"

"I'll definitely go!" Bell puffed out his chest.

"Well, I'll wait for your words."


"Let's go, let's take you to see something fun. "

Hermes took Bell's shoulders with a smirk, and half-forced him to the streets of Ishtar Familia.


PSfine, I almost understand what your point is. In the next chapters, I will try to use this kind of knife mixed with knives. The style of the painting is good. I almost understand the style of the next book. In short, please look forward to it in various senses.


Fifty Chapter 4 He's here

"He's here, although I don't know why he came here on his own initiative, but it's very good."

In the huge castle, holding a pipe and wearing scantily clad The woman came down the stairs at a moderate pace, her eyes like amethyst scanning the youth members waiting for her below.

Almost subconsciously, she compared her usual favorites to the pure white figure.

"It's really disgusting," the woman stopped, "but it doesn't matter, since he's here, he'll belong to me today, forever, and then... Freya, I It will drag you from that place!"

ka-cha ——

"Broken?" The woman threw the broken pipe away, "It's almost time to change it. It's new."

"Ishtar-sama?" The young man who was waiting for Lin Xing looked at the woman standing on the corridor in confusion.

"I'm tired of it, he'll give it to you," Ishtar shook his hair, "Phryne~"

As if hearing the most terrifying words in this world, the young man's face Immediately became pale, and fell to the ground with a plop.

"Gu gu gu, do you finally know who is the most beautiful person?" A huge shadow shrouded the youth.

The young man passed out as he rolled his eyes and foamed at the mouth.

"I hope you can settle down," Ishtar glanced coldly at Phryne, who grabbed the young man.

"The guest coming tonight isn't something you can touch."

"I'm afraid he'll be fascinated by me," Phryne stroked her bloated body.

"I'm scared of you."

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