"Well, come with me," Ais nods.

"Even Ais Carbon... uh Ahhh! I'm going to wipe the tears and snot down your neck!" Loki shook Cyd's neck exaggeratedly, then turned his head away as if he wasn't joking with you. down.

"If you really did that," Cyd corner of mouth twitching, he could already feel Loki's breath, "I'd have to bury you upside down in the ground."

"I love this child Ais very much," unexpectedly, Loki didn't do anything, but leaned into Cyd's ear and said in a calm tone that was the opposite of usual, "If you deceived her, or Makes her sad, Ragnarok will come, remember Hero of Pure White, Ragnarok not because I'm a god, but because I want to."

" Then you should let Ais stay with me all the time," Cyd rolled the eyes, "she will definitely be very happy, every time she goes back, she will look back one step at a time."

"Ahhhhh! You wish! Ais Carbon It's mine! 呲呲!"

"Oh Ahhh! You actually made it!!!"

PS Plus is not because of trolls, but because I think if It's very sorry to the readers who maintain this book by not saying anything and pretending to be deaf.

PS?( *?ω? )?(●°u°●)??”(??Q?)?(?O')?( 'ω' )?

Chapter 52 Huh? Why do you all have this expression

"Do you know Soma Familia?" Loki with one swollen eye crossed his fingers on the table, so serious that Cyd couldn't separate her from the previous one... ...that thing is connected.

"Yeah, Lili's Familia, right," Cyd kept rubbing his neck with his sleeve, or he'd remember the gooey feeling again, and Loki's eye would probably get another swollen one.

"Soma Familia and Ishtar Familia got very close recently~" Loki leaned back on the chair with his arms crossed.

"I heard that Soma basically doesn't care about anything," Cyd spread his hands.

"Yeah, even if you hit him in front of him, he'll just treat you as air," Loki laughed wickedly, "Of course, if you stole the wine he brewed, you'd probably be able to see it. Some other reactions."

"I'm impossible to help you," Cyd took a silent sip of coffee, then stood up, "If that's all you have to say, I'll go first. It's gone."

"Maybe that little white rabbit will fall into another pit~"

Cyd's eyes jumped and he sat back silently.

"Sure enough, that little white rabbit is your weakness," Loki stretched his hands exaggeratedly, "Is it possible to make you obey just by threatening him?"

"What if someone threatened you with Ais to disband the Familia?" Cyd leaned forward with a smile that was definitely not friendly, "Will you obey?"

"Of course that person I regret living in this world," Loki smiled as he leaned forward, his squinting eyes slowly opening.

At this moment, Ais is happily chewing on the red bean cream flavored potato balls.

"Well, it's only the kind of guy who's on top who thinks you're the kind of indecisive guy," Loki spread his hands, "I know very well, you can backhand at any time. Hit her up."

As if Cyd didn't care about the fact that she was Goddess just now, he punched her in the eye.

"So? Could it be that you're trying to say that there's any other god here who can't get up?" Cyd curl one's lip.

"Yeah, yes," Loki affirmed nodded, "if she hadn't been up, it would have been impossible to have been with Soma Familia so much, and that guy... super annoying."

"Even you say it's annoying..." Cyd narrowed his eyes. "What is this Familia."

"Oh, what is Hero of Pure White going to do?" Suspicious expression.

"Nothing, I happened to pass by and chat with them on a whim," Cyd leaned back on the chair with his hands behind his head.

"Hoho ho, that Familia is amazing, you'd better find someone else to accompany you," Loki rolled his eyes into a meaningful smile.

"If I can't do it alone, there's no point in taking another person," Cyd spread his hands, "Would you like to accompany me, Ais?"

Licking Ais' eyes shined with food scraps at his fingertips and nodded without thinking.

"wait a moment! Ais Carbon must not go to that place, it's too dangerous for her!" Loki hugged Ais' waist, for fear that she would follow Cyd in the next second .

Cyd frowned, the crystals on her wristbands symbolizing Hermes' blessing were emitting faint rays of light, Loki wasn't lying, and it didn't look like she was lying.

That Familia is dangerous for Ais!

“If even Ais can’t do it, then there is no who can go with me,” Cyd rested his forehead.

"No, not in terms of strength, but spirit," Loki pointed to his head, "there's... not the right place for Ais carbon."

Ais tilted his head.

"Got it," Cyd touched the chin.

Ais lowered his head in disappointment.

Although she didn't understand why she couldn't go, she knew she couldn't go.

"You must bring someone," Loki said earnestly.

"fine~what's that Familia's name," Cyd scratched the back of his head.

Loki shouldn't have to deceive him, no, he shouldn't be able to deceive him, and Loki wouldn't be so boring to tell him information and make some pranks.

But he doesn't seem to know many people, so he can only trouble her again.

"cough, that Familia's name is..." Loki coughed and stood up with his back to Cyd.

“Ishtar Familia.”

Ryu, who was holding a plate in the Hostess of Fertility, repeated the name Cyd had said with a blank expression.

"Are you sure you want me to accompany you?"

"That...why did the tone become so stiff," Cyd swallowed, not knowing why, before he said After the request, everyone except Bell showed...unbelievable expressions.

"didn't expect...Cyd-sama is good, Syr really saw the wrong person," Syr covered his eyes, his shoulders shaking constantly.

"Sensei what's going on, the atmosphere is not right!" Bell tugged at Cyd's sleeve.

"I...I don't know either!" Cyd's eyes twitched wildly.

He doesn't think there was any lightning in the conversation just now, it was just a conversation that was as natural as inviting Ryu to Dungeon, and even if there was lightning, it wouldn't have stepped on everyone at once!

It's hard!

Cyd's eyes widened slightly, it's the location! That Ishtar's Familia can't really be a lawless place!

"Hey! No matter what Hero of Pure White you are or what the gods' darling, you brat give me three seconds to disappear from this store," Mia came to slowly from the He came out from behind the counter, "Otherwise I'll try my best to challenge you."

No, even a place of lawlessness isn't this too ridiculous!

"I think there must be some misunderstanding here!" Bell stood between Cyd and Mia in a panic, "Right! Welf, Lili!"

"Well ...Bell if you understand..." Welf scratched his face in embarrassment.

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