"As arrogant as it may sound," Cyd turned to Hephaestus and held out his hand, "but I wish you happiness."

Why... carve this line Is it not me who wrote the words?

"If you join my Familia and become my family, I might be happy," Hephaestus chuckled and put the blindfold back on.

"Just kidding~" Hephaestus raised his hand and patted Cyd's forehead, then moved towards the tower with his hands behind his back.

"What a bad-ass Kami-sama," Cyd spread his hands.

Of course I'm joking~

I will definitely be happy.

Hephaestus let out a laugh as crisp as a silver bell, probably the happiest time in her nearly infinite years.

51st Chapter 呲liu


Cyd, Bell and Hestia looked at each other in blank dismay around a piece of paper.

Obviously, this is just an ordinary piece of paper, but the things drawn on it are not ordinary at all, it should be said to be a horror.

"All SSS," Hestia rubbed her eyes hard, if it wasn't for her handwriting, she would have thought that some god did it without thinking for the sake of bragging.

"This...this is me!" Bell pointed to himself with a little trembling.

The more a certain ability is exercised, the faster the corresponding value will increase, and the ability will also be significantly improved. In theory, he should be able to clearly feel this advanced by leaps and bounds. The increase in value brought a sense of difference, and Mao felt that he had not changed.

Should I be beaten by Cyd and rolled all over the floor or be beaten all over the ground, should my muscles hurt or hurt, and my bones should be broken or broken.

"This...is SSS after E?" Cyd touched the chin and fell into contemplation.

"As expected of Sensei!" Bell's eyes widened.

"How is that possible!" Hestia patted the table hard, "And what are the extra skills!"

Enhanced Recovery ——self-injury recovery is improved, yes Health potion Water absorption is increased, increasing healing speed.

Fighting Spirit Recovery - absorbs health potion and will stimulate your own spirit at the same time

unyielding - its own anti-strike ability increases with its own will.

Evasion - There is a high probability of dodging against non-group attacks.

Heroic Yearning - Immune to mental disturbances below Cyd's strength.

Argonaut - Charges up the next attack.

"Unyielding plus Enhanced Recovery plus Fighting Spirit Recovery, doesn't Bell become a super-resistant meat shield!" Hestia holding head screamed, "How did my Bell become like this? !"

Cyd turned his head somewhat guilty, "This...isn't it good? Don't you see there is a dodge?"

Enhanced Recovery is because of him Often blows up Bell and then fills him with health potion, Fighting Spirit Recovery is because every time he fills health potion, he always says something to stimulate Bell's heroic dream, which makes him continue to be beaten happily, dodge because he can't dodge. Was blasted, plus other skills.

Most of his skills are related to him.

As expected of me!

“Look, Bell, isn’t this super reliable,” Cyd patted Hestia with a thumbs up on his shoulder.

"Yeah Kami-sama! With these skills, I'll definitely be better at protecting my comrades!" Bell's eyes flashed and he approached Hestia.

Obviously this baby has not thought about what the three skills of unyielding, Enhanced Recovery and Fighting Spirit Recovery look like together.

Super shaking M!

I can't tell!

Hestia covered her face.

"Bell you're going to be a great hero," Cyd put his arms around Bell's shoulders and raised his hand to the stained glass on the wall, a special piece of glass art from Apollo Familia that depicts heroic stories. "It's not possible, you're bound to be there!"

"en!" Bell nodded hard.

Hestia folded the paper in front of her and stuffed it into her chest, then walked to Bell's side with hands on hips, "Bell, don't push yourself too hard."

"Then Kami -sama can't force himself," Bell scratched his hair, "Kami-sama doesn't need to work so many jobs now."

"Bell...you're such a good child!" Hestia extended the hand with tears in her eyes and hugged Bell, burying her face in Bell's chest, "I'm so glad!"

Cyd let go of Bell very witty.

"Well, because Kami-sama is here," Bell patted Hestia's back lightly.

Speaking of this height difference...who is comforting who...

"Remember to meet at the Hostess of Fertility later," Cyd patted Bell's head.

<>"Well," Bellp nodded.

Judging from the strength of Hestia's hold on him...you won't be able to leave for a while.

"Really..." Cyd shook the head and opened the church door. After seeing a touch of golden and red, Cyd subconsciously wanted to close them, but the people outside the door seemed to have expected it. Generally extend the hand on the door.

"Yo! Was the lonely Sensei abandoned by the students? Do you need me to comfort you?" Loki said with a smile.

Compared to Loki's very casual and cheeky attitude, Ais seemed to think that Cyd's sudden closing was unwelcome and she lowered her head a little disappointedly.

Cyd squinted and continued to pull the door shut, Loki couldn't smile after his fingers were caught between the door and the frame, especially as Cyd continued to close the door slowly and firmly.

"Don't do this! Don't!" Loki raised his foot and stepped on the door frame to try to open the door, "I'm here to give you information!"

I was about to let go suddenly Cyd was stunned when Loki kicked his own play, and Loki took the opportunity to pull out his hand.

"I don't think you're that kind," Cyd opened the door and walked out.

"Hahaha, of course, but if something goes wrong on your side, Ais Carbon will be sad, Ais Carbon is sad and I want a Ragnarok," Loki spread his hands, "in order to prevent… ...Hey, what do you mean by this [Can you do it] expression."

"Yeah, don't you gods seal power?" Cyd bypassed Loki and came to Ais. , rubbed her head gently, "Just now it was just that Loki was not welcome."

"Well," Ais' eyes brightened, "I'll come alone next time."

"Well," Ais' eyes brightened. p>

"Hey!" Loki jumped on Cyd's back and locked his hands around his neck very skillfully, "Don't kidnap my Ais!"

"Let's go," Cyd With a chuckle on the patted Ais's shoulder, "You guys should have a special place to talk."

"Hey! Don't ignore me!" Loki squeezed Cyd's neck and almost took a bite.

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