Because they are gods of interest, they prefer to act wilfully than to do things seriously.

As for whether other people have's none of their business...

It's better to say they just want to see other people's headaches.

At least a few of her acquaintances have shed two lines of blood and tears.

"I should have thought of that," Hestia covered her head, especially after finding out that the host was Loki.

The only thing that can turn the situation around is Freya. As long as she proposes a title, the male gods around her will eagerly vote for her, but this guy is still watching a show. look.

"It's such a happy decision, call him crazy..." Loki raised the hammer with a smile on his face.

Suffer to die! Dwarf!

"Just call him Hero's Apprentice."

Accompanied by the elegant tune, the young man with the erhu pushed open the door and walked into the messy Conference Hall, shining like the sun. The blonde hair fluttered slowly.

"Oh~ I have a raw face~" Loki sat on the chair mystifyingly, "Didn't you never participate? The great poet Apollo?"

"It's not that you don't participate. , but not interested," Apollo sat down beside Hestia quite naturally.

Hestia froze for a while, then moved towards Hephaestus with an unnatural face.

"So you're interested now?" Loki crossed his arms, "he's been doing some unfathomable mystery until now."

"That's a necessary thing~ "Apollo was not angry, and said very plainly.

"Being a bard? Singing there all day long, you've been able to gather such Familia," Loki grinned.

The Apollo in front of me is simply a wonderful flower. It is obviously a god who appeared with Zeus, but he did not take the initiative to establish a Familia, but sang praises there.

Hero of Pure incredible person.

It is impossible for this world to exist such a person, but Apollo sings it persistently, and the story that brings hope also comes into play. People who yearn for such a hero begin to follow Apollo spontaneously. Pray for such a hero.

At first no one cared about Apollo's Familia, because they were too weak, they didn't have any intention of fighting, not even a powerful adventurer, but when they reacted, the number of Apollo's Familia was too large to ignore To the extent that various occupations gather there, it is not so much that Apollo's Familia cultivated them, but that they gather there voluntarily.

If Soma Familia built the Familia with Soma who can't resist God, Apollo used stories that give people hope and the music of his Major Perfection.

It's hard to do...

Loki propped up his chin and looked at Apollo.

I've been serious about not participating in their bullshit Apollo this time.

Although her Familia is the strongest Familia alongside Freya, even the two of them can't stand Apollo Familia's [attack].

Just like Soma, who can shake people's hearts, Apollo's stories and music can also affect people's hearts. The difference is that Apollo is very generous in teaching his children's songs, and Soma, the god of wine, is a person who doesn't care. Ask the boring bottle gourd.

Hestia's eyes widened.

It can be done!

Bell doesn't have to be a crazy white rabbit!

"Then tell me why you called him Hero's Apprentice?" Loki smacked his lips.

"Because... what taught him was," the corner of Apollo's mouth raised slightly, and his right hand rested lightly on erhu, "the greatest hero of this world."

" It's a lie! The hero that Apollo admits is not only..."

"Has the Hero of Pure White really appeared! Why doesn't my child know!"

Freya The corners of his mouth began to rise, and finally became a little distorted.

No more patience!

Apollo's admission is the final trigger. Hero of Pure White, who is favored by the gods but does not belong to any god, finally appeared in this world!

It's the perfect moment!

"Oh, your tone, it looks like he's not your Familia's child," Loki stood up slowly.

Apollo was stunned for a while, then lowered his eyes, his tone became a little low, "I'm not qualified to have him, we believe oneself infallible love..."

"It means he Not one of the Familia people yet!" Loki raised his voice before Apollo could finish.

That is to say, everyone has the opportunity to make him their own child!


Hestia took a leap with both hands on the table.

Cyd lives in her house right now, as long as she does it first!


Hestia, half-flying, fell straight on the table.


Hestia looked towards Hephaestus clutching her leg in disbelief.

"That...sorry," Hephaestus crossed the table under Hestia's desperate gaze, "I can't help but see the excellent child!"

At this moment, Loki Has sneaked to the door.

"That child is at Hestia's house!?"


"That child is mine!"

The group of gods... raged...

" are not allowed to rob my children!" Hestia shouted and caught up with the rioting group of gods.

At this moment, only Apollo and Freya were left in the messy Conference Hall.

"That child isn't a cheap treasure like first come, first served," Freya stood up at a moderate pace and tidied up her skirt gracefully, "The anxious roar will scare him. Yes."

Apollo held erhu in silence.

"Aren't you in a hurry at all?" Freya chuckled and walked in front of Apollo, bent down, the snow-white gap was completely exposed in Apollo's field of vision, and the seductive scent was even divine. Can't resist.

However, Apollo still held erhu and did not respond.

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