"Sensei, I also know my powerlessness!" Bell shook his head unwillingly.

"That's why the rustling sound was crying there at that time?" Cyd rubbed Bell's head hard, "It's like the little white rabbit that Minotaur took to butt smack."

"How... how is this!" Bell's face flushed, "It's not that shameful!"

"Then correct it, the little white rabbit with the little sword that wanted to be a hero was accidentally caught by Minotaur Go wipe your ass," Cyd held up a finger.

"Ugh Ahhh! Does that make a difference! Please don't go on talking! Sensei is an idiot!"

Bell squatted on the ground, covering his ears, twirling a few times exaggeratedly .

"Don't be ashamed, creatures named men can't resist the temptation of heroes," Cyd patted Bell's back, "It was wiped off, but you didn't manage to blow it up Is it?"

"But Sensei, what you said..." Bell covered his face and refused to get up.

“Ashamed?” Cyd tilted his head.

"Isn't that of course! It's hard to feel like an adult to rely on," Bell curled one's lip.

"I also want you to get used to it earlier," Cyd squatted beside Bell, "Do you know the naming convention of the gods? They will give various titles to the upgraded adventurer on that day. "

"Title!" Bell eyes shined.

"You're not looking forward to it," Cyd's expression became eccentric.

"Isn't that of course! Heroes have to have some cool titles!" Bell shook his fist.

"Looks like Hestia hasn't said anything to you yet," Cyd sighed, "what do you think of the gods?"

"Uh...Kami-sama is fine," Bell said after a moment of hesitation.

"Well, for your own good, I'd better give you a shot," Cyd raised his hand and put it on Bell's shoulder, "That meeting, in the end, was a group of people who were full and supported. There's a bunch of guys who have nothing to do to get together and make fun of each other."

"Yeah! No wonder Kami-sama never goes!"

No, it's just because she'll be the target of teasing if she goes.

"Do you think such a group of well-fed and idle guys would give you a serious name?" Cyd patted Bell like a consolation, as if he had foreseen Bell's tragic future.

"Liar! If the title is not a thing to play with! This will become a mobile black history!" Bell wailed, "Don't! Don't mess around where you shouldn't be joking. Just kidding!"

"It's a pity, for them, joking is their greatest pleasure," Cyd regretfully shook the head, "Where do you think the name Angel of Passion came from? ?"

"Is there really such a title!" Bell stared wide-eyed.

"I made it up on the spot," Cyd shrugged, "but at least some of the titles I can infer now, do you want to... mention it and be mentally prepared."

"Okay Okay!" Bell shivered a little.

"Goblin Slayer."

"Why!" Bell yelled, covering his head, "I just killed a few goblins! Isn't that another guy? Happened to be killing the goblin guy too!"

My stupid student, haven't you realized that you're the adventurer that other people say has some problems with his head?

Or simply don't want to admit it?

"Give it up, Goblin Slayer is just you, no one other than you will be there for goblin forever," Cyd smashed Bell's self-deception very simply.

"Isn't this what Sensei you asked me to do!"

"Well...isn't the Goblin Slayer quite domineering?"

"Uh... ..." Bell lowered his head and drew circles on the ground with his fingers a little aggrieved.

Goblin is notoriously weak, even if they are large in number, they are very scary and will not be looked down upon by adventurers, because there are a lot of big guys who kill a group of A, Goblin Slayer ... always Feeling...weak...

"Crazy White Rabbit."

"What's this!" Bell's fingers poked into the ground.

"Yeah, you looked at the Dungeon with red light in your eyes...just like a crazy rabbit?" Cyd scratched his face.

"It's because Sensei you made me go straight ahead!" Bell was lying on the ground in an orz shape.

"Then... the little white rabbit that Minotaur took to butt smack?"

"Isn't that just Sensei your personal prejudice!"

"Bell, my stupid student, the gods just hold conventions to get a title that they can be happy about," Cyd patted Bell's ass. "You... should give up too!"

"Kami-sama! Kami-sama! Will definitely help me!" Bell held Cyd's hand as if he had caught a life-saving straw.

"You think... this guy... has the right to speak?"

Bell, who had a completely ash-gray background, was dragged back to the church by Cyd.

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Chapter 26 Gods Rampage

Today I will prove to Bell...as his god, I can help him!

Hestia clenched her fists, still remembering the look on Bell's face as he watched him leave this morning, the look of desperation awaiting execution.

But it doesn't matter Bell, you've proven yourself, and I'll help you make a name for yourself!

"I think Wild White Rabbit is good~ You can see him at first glance like a little fellow like a rabbit, but unexpectedly wild."

"It's better to call him crazy. Rabbit got it."

"Sounds super interesting!"

"Hey! No one really thinks about Goblin Slayer? I heard that child likes to kill goblin!"

"This sounds good too!"

Sorry Bell! Your god is a useless guy!

Hestia, who was lying on the table, kept shaking.

Hephaestus patted the shoulders of Hestia.

She is very pleased with Hestia's recent progress, as if she had said goodbye to the past, giving up laziness and working hard every day.

But now she can't do anything but pat Hestia on the shoulder to comfort her.

It's not that she doesn't have the right to speak, but it's a voting system. No matter how suitable the title she proposes, these guys will only vote for the titles of those ghosts.

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