"Tsk, since you don't fight for it, I will accept that child," Freya laughed while covering her mouth.

"You won't succeed," Apollo closed his eyes. "No god has ever succeeded."

"I've never failed," Freya said confidently. Shaking his hair, he walked out of the Conference Hall.

"The love we believe oneself infallible..." Apollo leaned back on the chair, "Pushes you to despair, even so you are willing to come to me, how should I... To face you."

"Our Hero of Pure White."

Chapter 27 and the gods began to backstab each other

This It must be a dream...

Cyd stared blankly at the group of gods scrambling outside the door.

But it's noon now.


Cyd slowly closed the church door.

"Hey! Cyd, please help me drive these guys away!"

Seeing that the door was half closed, Hestia, who was strangled by Loki's neck, reached out to Cyd as if for help. hand.

"That child appeared!"

The gods who were fighting each other immediately stopped fighting and stared at Cyd.

"Rush duck!!!"

Almost at the same time, all the gods rushed towards Cyd, and poor Hestia was drowned by the group of gods almost instantly.


Cyd closed the door very quickly.

"dong dong dong! child open the door! We are not bad!"

"Yes yes! We are here to help you!"

Cyd silently covered his ears.

"Old...Sensei!" Bell hid behind the sofa shiver coldly, "what's going on!"

"I want to know too!" Cyd corner of mouth twitching.

"You calm me down a little bit! The majesty of God! You will frighten that child."

Well, Bell almost fainted from your fright.

I don't know who yelled, the noise disappeared instantly, and the knock on the door sounded again after a while, but compared to the previous knocks like countless cannonball strikes, this time Much calmer.

A soft female voice swept through their hearts like a spring breeze, and Bell, who had been a little anxious, also unconsciously calmed down.

And Cyd's face was completely twisted together.

Just by listening to the sound, you can tell that he is a super troublesome guy, especially a girl!

The long-lost Cyd remembered the original rules of survival.

"Child open the door, we're not bad guys."

"Sensei," Bell said cautiously, "Kami-sama is still outside."

Although Somewhat reluctantly, but Cyd dilly-dally pulled the door open a crack and watched the silver-haired Goddess at the door warily.

"Don't invite me in," the corner of Freya's mouth raised slightly, and the charm feature automatically activated.

No one can resist being the Charm of the Goddess, no one!

I understand this, some of the sighed part of the group fight is ready to go back, anyway at first they just come to try, if Freya really fancy this child, and want to get him hysterically , then they can't do anything, and Freya is one of the strongest Familia here, and there is the only LV7 known as the ultimate weapon.

"No," Cyd began to close the door.

Freya's face froze.

"pu hahaha!" Loki laughed, clutching his stomach.

She doesn't scold Freya's Familia, so it's time to laugh or laugh.

Although somewhat annoyed by Loki's harsh laugh, Freya extended the hand to hold the door.

"Then we can talk at the door!"

"Hmm..." Cyd was silent for a while, "If you don't solve it, you'll all be stuck here today, right?"


Looking at the group of crazy nodded gods Cyd in front of me, my head hurts.

That doesn't make it impossible to train Bell...

"Come in," Cyd sighed opened the door.

Gods, no matter which world or era they are in, they are always above people. They have the power to even change the world, and they also have their own thinking. Facing them, human beings seem to be in addition to enduring. There is no other way to go along.

It's the same here, the way they descend is extremely brutal, like a meteor, smashing the towers of humans in order to hold down Dungeon.

Even though he said sorry, he must have shown no sincerity while admiring the distressed expressions of humans while shaking in front of them.

No matter how angry you are, humans can't do anything about it.

But I don't know if it's luck or sadness. These gods are the kind of existence that idle pain in the balls, deliberately smashed the towers that humans had worked so hard to build, and then built a bigger one by themselves. And began to give humans Falna, allowing them to develop their potential to explore Dungeon.

They are like the audience who are tired of sitting in the auditorium. They deliberately sealed their power and jumped into the stage, but they did not act with the actors, they just wanted to observe the actors up close. Expressions, often to fiddle with them.

Children's willfulness is sometimes like a disaster, but sometimes it is a savior. It is precisely because of this that mankind's attitude towards God is always ambiguous.


Bell and Lili shivered and brought out the few teacups, and then sadly found that there were not enough teacups at all.

Because more than half of the gods are crowded into this little church!

"Wow! Isn't this a dim sum from that shop? I'm also super...it was from the day before yesterday."

"Well...it's true that humans can survive. This place is really hard, how can I keep this child here!"

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