Even now he can't forget the feeling of first encountering the Minotaur, the fear, the powerlessness, as if nothing was done, and he could only wait for the end of his death like a poor creature.

At that time, he saw the hero, shining brightly but not dazzling at all, the smile on his face made him feel at ease...

very cool, just like from the story Come out like a hero.

I...want to be like him...

So this time...I won't run away.

Because Sensei is here!

Bell's round shield on his left arm began to emit rays of light, and flower-like patterns bloomed in the center of the shield.

Because Kami-sama is here!

The sacred text on the black short blade's blade begins to shine.

I'm not alone!

There are people behind me to protect!

Cyd's mouth slowly rose.

"Go on, hero."

Chapter 21 A new epic has already begun

A new epic is being born, no, it should have already begun .

Is he the strongest person?

No, he is very weak. The weak is like a passerby in a heroic story. Like the people around him, he longs for a hero.

But he's a little different from the people around him.

He longed and longed to be one of them.

He wants to be a hero.

His wishes are simple, and that's what hurts him.

It's like a poor little white rabbit being chased around, ignored and laughed at.

"clang ――"

The pure white shield hit Minotaur's chin from top to bottom, the edge of the shield slashed into Minotaur's chin like a battle axe, But only cut in.


Minotaur cup one fist in the other hand moved towards Bell and smashed it down.

If you get hit, you will die.

Bell's eyes widened slightly, Minotaur's silhouette reflected in red's eyes.

So at that time he ran away.

Because he didn't want to die.

[Heroes don't fear death, they just face it]

If possible, Sensei please make it clearer next time.

Bell released his shield, turned his body to the side, and swung out Hero's Blade into Minotaur's waist.


The huge fist smashed into the ground, and the smoke that lifted up covered their silhouettes.

"Roar--- ---"

I couldn't see the surrounding Minotaur, waving his fists frantically.

It was a shame at that time...

Bell scratched his face.

He can't see the surroundings as well as Minotaur, but every punch of Minotaur will bring the smoke around, drag this blessing, he can see clearly.

"That's the shield that Sensei gave me."

Bell easily dodged the Minotaur's random attack and walked up to it. He raised his left hand and grabbed the edge of the shield. The shield, which had lost its brilliance because of his departure, shone again.

"Give it back to me."

It was unexpectedly dull...

At that time, there was nothing left in my head except running away, but now it is Can also think wildly.

Bell wasn't flustered by Minotaur's murderous-looking eyes, he pulled out his shield very smoothly, bent over to avoid Minotaur's death hug, and moved towards Minotaur's knee with a knife.

"Yes, that's how Bell is," Cyd opened his hands, "Heroes are shining, but not unattainable, this world does not have a race called heroes, no one is born We are heroes, but...we, all human beings, are all candidates for heroes, and all of us have the qualifications to become heroes. Do you want to continue as an ordinary person, or become the person you want to be? Bell, what do you choose?”

"Of course..." Bell grinned with a smirk as usual, "Be a handsome hero!"

"Go Bell," Cyd put down his hands, "become Hero, be the hero you want to be."

"I'll...become the same hero as Sensei!"

Bell roared and swung his left arm, pure white The shield slammed into Minotaur's face like a heavy hammer, and Minotaur's head threw back heavily with a crisp bone cracking sound.


"Roar--- ---"

Minotaur opened his arms towards Bell while coughing blood.


Bell raised his shield to block the left side, and the Hero's Blade in the right hand stabbed into the knuckle of Minotaur's right arm and stirred vigorously.


Bell was hit by Minotaur’s left hand, the shield resisted most of the damage, but the remaining power still smashed Bell into the air. into the rock wall.

“ao ――――”

Minotaur wailed while clutching his limp right arm.

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