[I want Bell to conquer the past! ]

Cyd, who said so, brought Bell to the 15th Floor, and found an empty space. Then Cyd left a sentence and left after a while. After a while, he dragged A Minotaur came to them with a foaming mouth.

At first Bell thought he was going to hit the Minotaur who looked dying, but Cyd took out a bottle of health potion and poured it on Minotaur's head.

Minotaur, who was half-dead, stood up alive again.

Also! I will definitely beat the Minotaur! I will definitely hand in a test paper that will satisfy Sensei!

As Bell thought so, Cyd began a series of horrific actions.

Polishing Dungeon's rock wall with Minotaur's face is just one of the insignificant ones.


Cyd let go of his hand, and Minotaur, who had lost Cyd’s support, knelt on the ground against the wall, and the dazzling blood stains of the rock wall spoke silently. What cruel treatment the Minotaur has suffered.

It's... dead...

Bell swallowed.

Cyd then slowly poured the health potion on Minotaur's head.

It...was alive again...

Lili covered her eyes in disgust.

She begins to sympathize with Dungeon's monster for the first time.

If you don't die, you will be beaten constantly.

Is this person really the one who shook her awareness of adventurer at that time!

When she first heard that Cyd was Bell Sensei, she was very happy, with such a Sensei Bell would definitely grow into a gentle person, a mature person, a trustworthy person, although Bell now He is such a person, but it is still uncontrollable to worry about him.

But now...

She's shaken!

"What the hell do you want to do?" Ryu was speechless, "This Minotaur is about to die from your tossing."

"That's why I brought so many health potion," Cyd pointed to the box of health potions beside Bell.

"I… thought it was for me," Bell shrugged.

After all, Cyd's sentence that you might be cold tomorrow is too scary, so he prepared the supplies very seriously.

"Emmm...if it works, it might work," Cyd grabbed Minotaur's head and started plowing.

Bell shivered.

The most difficult thing for candidates is the waiting before the exam.

But now! Even though Bell was in the exam room, he became more and more panicked.

Because Cyd's Sensei's quiz is in front of him, the key is that he can't guess Cyd's purpose until now!

"Really..." Cyd sighed crouched down, "You're disappointing me a bit."

Cyd raised his hand and patted Minotaur's face.

"It will be endless if this goes on."

Minotaur shuddered and lowered his head as if resigned, but his fingers sank deeply into the ground.

"Forget it...let's get another one," black's scales covered Cyd's right arm.


The huge force easily smashed the ground, and the smoke that was lifted blocked all vision.


With the second sound, a silhouette flew out of the smoke and smashed into the rock wall. The next one buried that silhouette underneath.

"Old...Sensei!" Bell's eyes widened in disbelief, "How is that possible!"

Ryu's expression turned cold.

"Roar--- ---"

Minotaur, who was covered in scars, stood on the spot and kept roaring, the blood-like red covering its body and its head. The horns became more ferocious.

"Isn't that pretty capable?" Cyd sat up from the rubble and patted the dust off his body.

Turn over and dodge when he punches down, then head straight to him.

"Sensei are you all right!"

"Sure," Cyd raised his fingers to rest Bell's forehead.

"That's your purpose?" Ryu pointed to the Minotaur who moved towards the roaring around as if announcing something.

Just the imposing manner is no ordinary Minotaur.

Originally, the Minotaur was not something that the LV1 adventurer could deal with, and now this Minotaur has been strengthened by Cyd.

"You can do it right," Cyd looked towards Bell, "Beat him!"

"Cyd-sama you're kidding, right!" Lili held back Bell's clothes, "Bell-sama can't do it! That's not something you can deal with, when you're ready..."

"Lili, this world doesn't give us that much time to prepare," Bell sighed and put his hand on Lili's head.

That's when he was attacked by the Minotaur in an unfathomable mystery and nearly lost his life.

"Bell-sama..." Lili lowered her head, she remembered that look, the look in Bell's eyes when she stood in front of her without hesitation.

That look no one can stop.

"You're going to win, right," Lili loosened Bell's clothes.

"Of course!" Bell gave a thumbs up.

"Go ahead," Cyd put his arms around his chest, "I'll be here to see it."

"Sensei...I'm off!" Bell patted Lili's head as he walked towards it without hesitation. The Minotaur glared at him fiercely.

Ah~ it's really terrifying...

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