"Bell-sama!" Lili yelled to charge ahead, but was stopped by Ryu on the side.

"Being able to be someone's back!"

Bell slowly stood up from the rubble, blood running down his forehead.

He is not without injuries, but his will is getting higher and higher.

"Can save people!"

"Can give them hope!"


Minotaur roars Bending down, the ferocious big horn was aimed at Bell.


Bell clenched Hero's Blade, no longer Minotaur but Cyd reflected in his eyes.


Minotaur charged at Bell like a cannonball.

"Be such a hero!"

"clang ――――"

The knee that was pierced by Bell finally had a problem, Minotaur lost his balance, Knocked down just before hitting Bell.

Bell roared and whirled, the sharp Hero's Blade hitting Minotaur's neck.

Minotaur stared wide-eyed, the muscles in the neck begin to rhythm.

It won't die! Absolutely will not die!

"Well, you'll be better than me," Cyd's mouth slowly rose.

The blood poured out like a fountain and dyed the whole rock wall red.

Bell swayed and slowly fell backwards.


Lili charged at Bell, this time Ryu didn't hold back.

“ka-cha ――――”

Bell took a step back and forced back the body that was about to fall, and then slowly raised the Hero's Blade in his hand. .

"I won."

"Bell-sama!" Lili's eyes were sore, and he threw himself on Bell regardless of the blood on Bell's body.


Bell was thrown to the ground without any resistance, and Lili's huge package was all pressed on him.


Bell's face flushed for a while.


Bell's head twisted and fainted.

"Bell-sama!" Lili screamed.

"Really...it's not handsome at all," Cyd sighed, "what do you think after watching it for a long time? Loki Familia folks?"

"Found out... ...we didn't mean anything, we were just passing by," Finn came out of the corner with his hands over his head.

He was followed by a pair of Amazon Sisters, Ais with a blank face and Bete, a werewolf pulled out by his tail.

"But I really saw... an amazing scene."

"It's just the 1st Step for him," Cyd bent down and picked up a red horn , "He will continue to grow."

"If he can defeat Minotaur with his LV1 body, he will indeed become a powerful adventurer," Finn glanced at the dizzy little boy with a complicated look. , it's hard to imagine that not long ago he was still being chased around by Minotaur.

"It's a hero, not an adventurer," Cyd shook his fingers, came to Lili's side and lifted her up, "Maybe he won't be the greatest hero of the epic, but he will definitely be. A hero to rely on."

"Because you are his Sensei?" Ais suddenly said, "Because you allowed him to grow so fast?"

Cyd picked up Bell.

"Bell he will become like this sooner or later, I just speed up and let him take less damage."

Cyd chuckled and looked towards Ais.

"As a Sensei, that's all I can do."

PS Well, the class started to fill up, and the most empty day became the most full day. day to night.

PS(iωi`) c(  ̄д ̄;)ノ(*  ̄` ̄)(*?ο`*) =???? =???? ?( ?Д`)?

Chapter 22 Banquet

Although he has not yet become a hero, there is no doubt that he successfully walked out of the crowd and appeared in everyone's field of vision.

I defeated Minotaur with LV1.

He is just a new adventurer who has just been an adventurer for a month.

This is a great cause! Great enough to upgrade to LV2!

Bell Cranel, this little boy broke the record and became the fastest adventurer to upgrade to LV2.

In order to celebrate the success, Hestia generously took out a few small vaults. This Goddess was probably too happy, so he got carried away with hosting a banquet at the Hostess of Fertility, and invited a few Not many friends, but this time Cyd didn't stop.

Bell needed someone to cheer him on, because he deserved it, so Cyd quietly gave Mia a sum of money, otherwise how could Hestia's savings support the party.

[Can pauper Hestia really pay? ]

At least some people have that look.

"Very good!" Bell cheered with his glass up.

"Yeah! Bell-sama!" Lili took the opportunity to hug Bell's waist.

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