I will eventually become a god

Chapter 164 From now on, I am the king of this country. Who is in favor and who is against? (4K)

Renia touched the simultaneous interpretation headset on her ear. Xue Jing did not take it back when he separated from her two days ago.

With a firm look in her eyes, she asked:

"So what should we do specifically?"

Xue Jing released his hand from Renia and said:

"Renia, you said before that you can get close to the 'Dragon God', right?"

The girl nodded: "That's right."

"My ancestor is said to have had an unknown relationship with the Dragon God. She signed an equal 'Daruka Contract' with the Dragon God and became the first generation of the Dragon God priestess."

"The first generation of priestess, according to legend, was the one who drove the Dragon God to create the world and created 'Nagdolu'... that is, the land under our feet."

Renia put her hands on her chest, crossed her fingers, and made a prayer gesture.

"Although the history of the relationship between the first generation of priestesses and the Dragon God has been lost, the contract between the priestesses and the Dragon God has been passed down."

"According to the content of the contract, each generation of Dragon God priestesses has one chance to summon the Dragon God through a sacrificial ceremony."

"If the Dragon God is satisfied with this generation of priestesses, they will become her 'Daruka'... But so far, except for the first generation of priestesses, no descendant of them has ever done it..."

Rainya's eyes darkened.

"The priestesses who do not meet the requirements of the Dragon God will be taken back to the Roaring Waterfall by the Dragon God according to the contract, and will serve him there for the rest of their lives..."

"And it has a bad temper and often swallows the priestesses who serve it. My mother and grandmother have been buried in its stomach. At present, only the priestess of the previous generation, my sister Dotia, is still alive in the Roaring Waterfall... She should still be alive."

Xue Jing pondered for a moment and said, "Is that so..."

"When can you hold this sacrificial ceremony to summon the Dragon God?"

Renia hesitated and asked, "Is it urgent?"

Xue Jing nodded and said, "It's urgent, preferably today or tomorrow."

Renia pinched the corner of the black robe she was wearing and whispered:

"It's impossible today. The sacrificial ceremony needs the consent of the elders' council, and then people need to be arranged to build the altar... The altar is very complicated, and I can't build it alone."

Xue Jing said, "What about tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow is also uncertain. The efficiency of the elders' council... is a bit poor, and I don't know if they will agree to my application." Renia shook her head.

Hearing this, Xue Jing nodded and looked at the person in the mirror in the bracelet.

"Little Mirror, what do you think?"

The man in the mirror, who looked like a handsome little boy, curled his lips: "Don't call me Little Mirror, I'm old enough to be your ancestor."

After a pause, it said meaningfully: "Just do what you think."

Xue Jing chuckled, turned his eyes to Renia, put his hand on her shoulder, and asked with a smile:

"Renia, speaking of which, I have been here for several days, but I haven't visited your country yet? As a foreigner, I am very curious about your exotic culture."

"Take me there for a walk? By the way, help me introduce it, I want to meet this elder council of your country..."

Renia: "Ah?"

For some reason, the smile on Xue Jing's face looked very sunny and warm, but it made her shudder inexplicably.


This country.

In the land called 'Nagdolu', one of the only two countries with a total population of no more than 10,000 and only one city.

Nagdoru is the land of dragons, and the absolute ruler here is a creature called "dragon".

And this country, because of the existence of the Dragon God Priestess who had signed a contract with the Dragon God, has never been attacked by dragons, so the people live and work in peace.

And today, the peace that has lasted for several years... was broken again.

"That country, the evil thieves from that country are attacking!"

A middle-aged soldier in leather armor shouted in panic on the sentry tower on the wall of this country.

Then, he immediately picked up the horn made of the big horn of some creature hanging on the rope next to him.


The melodious and dull horn sounded throughout the city. The long syllables without any pause symbolized the highest alert, and everyone in the city involuntarily stopped their work.

Then, some people saw that there were more than a dozen shadows in the sky, facing the sun, flying towards this country.

"Is that... a dragon!?"

"There's someone on the dragon's back!"

"Is it the witch? No, this generation of witches is useless... She hasn't tamed a single dragon!"

"It's the other country, the despicable people of that country. They dared to offend the Dragon God and capture and tame dragons!"

"What should we do now?"

"First notify the Council of Elders and the witch. Also, quickly send someone to recall the 'patrol'. There is only the guard team in the city now, and they can't stop these despicable people from that country!"


"Hmm? That's the country?"

Xue Jing and Renia rode a giant lion transformed from shadow flames and came to a high hillside, looking down from above.

Below the hillside, there was a circular city surrounded by stone walls. It was not very large, and looked like the medieval town commonly seen in otherworldly TV series.

A river ran the city in two from the middle. The buildings inside the city were arranged in a staggered manner, and looked very beautiful.

At this time, the area near the city gate was quite lively.

On the city wall, at the city gate, and even in the nearby sky, there were people and various "Daruka" everywhere, engaged in a fierce melee.

Flames, water, poisonous fog, lightning... messy attacks came from various Daruka, crackling, and Xue Jing was stunned.

"Why, I came at the wrong time? Are you conducting a military exercise?"

Renia covered her mouth and said uncomfortably: "Wait... don't talk to me first."

She was not used to the speed and bumps of the Shadow Flame Lion when running. She felt bad, dizzy, and almost vomited.

After a long while, she patted her face, forced herself to suppress the nausea, took a few deep breaths, and barely recovered some of her condition, looking at the city gate.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

Renia was confused.

Xue Jing shrugged: "You ask me?"

"I was fine when I went out this morning..."

Renia blinked, but soon reacted and frowned.

"It's the people of that country!"

"That country invaded again."

Xue Jing said casually: "Why, do you two countries have grievances?"

Rania nodded: "Yes."

"This country and that country were originally one country, which was founded by the Dragon God Priestess, and its name is 'Dorama'."

Xue Jing's eyes moved.

[Dorama] means 'country' in the language of the indigenous people of the border area. The country founded by the Dragon God Priestess is called [country]...

That's right... If there is only one country in the world, there is no need for more names to distinguish it. It is reasonable to call it [country] directly.

"That country is a group of people in the original 'Dorama' who do not recognize the 'Dragon God Creation Theory'..."

Rania was about to explain in detail, but Xue Jing immediately waved his hand.

"Let's not talk about these old things for now. I'm just asking casually. I'll listen to you again when I have the chance."

Time is quite tight now. He doesn't want to waste time listening to the insignificant stories between the two countries.

After he kills the pure-blooded dragon, if Bai Ya is interested in the indigenous culture of this border area, let them form an exploration team and come in to ask.

Now it’s more important to do business.

Xue Jing stood up from the head of the Shadow Flame Lion, crossed his arms, narrowed his eyes, and looked at the dozen flying dragons above the gate of this country.

"I didn't expect there were still these fish that slipped through the net... That's right, the leader of the dragon-catching group who gave me the map said that they make a living by catching dragons and selling them to the upper class of that country."

"Almost missed it, there are still a few wools that haven't been pulled."

Rainya was stunned and was about to speak.

But at this time, Xue Jing stepped on the foot, and the whole person rushed towards the gate at the bottom of the hill like an arrow from a string, with an incredible speed.


"No, we can't stop them. There are too many dragons from the other country!"

"All my Daruka are dead... What should I do now?"

"Damn it, if the priestess of our generation wasn't that useless... How could it be like this now!"

"Lady Dotia shouldn't have been allowed to hold the sacrificial ceremony. If she were still alive, how could the despicable people from the other country dare to invade?"

Facing the attack from the other country, the people of this country who were retreating step by step were somewhat desperate.

Just then.


A figure suddenly descended from the sky and landed in the center of the battlefield, making a loud bang.

The strong impact caused a circle of dust to spread out from it, and the mud flew, burying and blocking the people around the battlefield and Daruka's vision, making it impossible to see the situation clearly.

"What happened?"

"Something fell from the sky! Which dragon was shot down?"

In the dust, Xue Jing, wearing a black tactical suit, slowly stood up and looked at the dozen flying dragons in the air.

"Then first..."

"Let's collect these fish that have escaped the net first."

Xue Jing took a deep breath, and in the sound of the dragon's roar, the extremely strong dragon was born in his body.

As soon as it appeared, it immediately shattered and turned into powder-like strength. After shaping it as desired, it restored the true dragon form again.

Then it split into two, one part rushed to the blood, igniting thousands of sparks, and the other part rushed to the muscles, rolling up wind, clouds and thunder.

Xue Jing's figure instantly disappeared from the spot, and when he appeared again, he was already standing in the air and came to the nearest flying dragon.

Xue Jing punched the flying dragon and the soldiers of the other country riding on it before they could react.

At the same time, he suddenly had an idea and added a little soft power to the already formed punch with the help of [Canglong Ruyi Jin].


In the muffled sound, the flying dragon flew backwards without a sound, and the soldiers of the other country on its back were also thrown away.

During the backward flight, the flying dragon's whole body began to swell wildly, like boiling water, with countless large bags. When it hit another flying dragon, its whole body exploded, spraying blood, flesh and bones all over the sky.

The flying dragon that was hit also flew backwards like the previous one, with its whole body swollen. When it hit another flying dragon, its whole body exploded.

Such scenes happened one after another. One flying dragon exploded and hit another one. In a short while, ten flying dragons exploded and died one after another.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang--"

Continuous explosions, blood mist and minced meat all over the sky, put everyone on the battlefield into a state of downtime.

Everyone stared at the scene in the air in a daze, their eyes blank and motionless.

That was not fear or shock, but complete incomprehension.

Now, what happened in front of them was beyond the limits of what they could imagine.

Why can someone jump so high?

Why can someone punch a dragon?

Why did the dragon explode after it was punched?

Why did the other dragon explode after the dragon hit another dragon?

I don't understand it at all, I don't understand it at all, I don't know what it means at all.

Xue Jing landed gently on the ground, looked at the result of this punch, nodded, and was quite satisfied.

"This move is called-'Thunder Flame Boiling Cauldron·Fireworks Ended and Fire Passed On'."

He looked at the few remaining flying dragons and snapped his fingers.

The black air flow wrapped around him, turning into black flames, forming an armored giant with only the upper body.

The giant held a black giant bow, posing a posture of bending the bow and arrows, and several black arrows appeared on the bowstring.

"Swish, swish, swish, swish--"

The arrows flew out, accurately piercing the necks of the remaining dragons in the sky, killing them and falling to the ground.

The giant immediately turned around and swung his giant fist at the stunned soldiers and Daruka of the other country on the ground.


The giant fist swept, raising a wave of dust, and swept away all the soldiers and Daruka in the range, falling dozens of meters away.

"Boom, boom, boom--"

The roars came one after another, and the people of this country all stood at the gate of the city, staring blankly at the scene of the giant god in front of them constantly crushing mortals.

The soldiers of the other country began to run away crying, only hating that they only had two legs, and desperately trying to stay away from the terrifying black giant god.

Soon, everything settled down.

The shadow flame giant turned into black flames and gradually dissipated, and Xue Jing himself slowly stepped out of the black flames.

His figure was like the Lord of Death walking out of hell.

Looking at the figure wrapped in black flames, like a god or a demon, the people of this country immediately came to their senses, knelt down on the ground without hesitation, and prostrated their heads on the ground respectfully.

Including all the Daruka, all the creatures in front of Xue Jing knelt down.

In the quiet atmosphere, the huge city gate slowly opened, making a loud creaking sound.

More than a dozen figures whose clothes were obviously more luxurious than others walked out of the city.

These dozen people were all men, and the youngest one looked like a middle-aged man over 40 years old, and most of them were white-haired old people.

Trembling, they walked in front of Xue Jing.

The old man in the lead spoke cautiously: "I am the great elder of the Elders' Council of this country. May I ask who you are..."

Xue Jing glanced at him and said nothing.

At this time, the Shadow Flame Lion on the hillside, carrying Renia on its back, jumped a few times and quickly came to Xue Jing's side and leaned down.

Renia slipped off the Shadow Flame Lion, hesitated for a few times with unsteady steps, touched her chest, took a while to calm down, suppressed the nausea, and then slowly walked to Xue Jing's side, half a body behind him.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, Xue Jing slowly said:

"Renia, next, you will help me translate."

"Tell them."

His tone was flat.

"-From now on, I am the king of this country."

"Who is in favor and who is against?"


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