I will eventually become a god

Chapter 165 Planting Contract Lv6, good weather, perfect for slaying dragons (4K)

In the city of this country, there is a large open space square.

This square is circular in shape, with countless blue stones that look extremely ancient and covered with traces of time placed on the edge. Each stone is engraved with different mysterious characters.

In the center of the square is a high platform made of wood.

Xue Jing was sitting on the high platform with a golden sword at the moment.

Under him was an old wooden chair woven from branches and vines.

Looking down at the people of this country who were carrying various sacrificial items and laying them out in the square, Xue Jing opened her mouth and yawned.

The sudden invasion of the other country did him a small favor, allowing him to directly display his personal force in front of the Presbyterian Council of this country without any other reasons.

After that, things became very simple. After he asked Renya to translate that sentence, although the scene was silent for a while, no one dared to stand up and object.

The people of the Presbyterian Church took to the table on the spot, and the man who was a handsome man knelt down, expressed his surrender, and welcomed him, a foreigner, as the king of this country.

Xue Jing had no intention of making the emperor addicted, and directly ordered the Dragon God sacrificial ceremony to be held immediately to summon the pure-blood dragon species.

In principle, this proposal must pass the vote of the elders. After more than two-thirds of the people agree, it is determined that a ceremony will be held, and then Wu Zhu will be notified. Wu Zhu will first conduct an ancestor worship ceremony by asking the first generation of witches, and after getting the consent of the first generation, Choose a day again...

It’s troublesome anyway.

However, no matter how traditional it is, no matter how troublesome the rules are, under the absolute threat of force, nothing cannot be compromised...

Under the command of Xue Jing to "skip" the entire process, all processes were omitted and the altar construction started directly on the same day. It is expected that all preparations will be completed at noon tomorrow and the ceremony to summon the Dragon God will be held.

Xue Jing was not familiar with how the altar was built and could not help, so he had to sit on the throne and act as a 'supervisor' doing nothing.

Bored, he opened the panel and took a look.

[Possess divinity: 1271]

After killing the dozen or so dragon species in that country, although each one was very weak and could not provide much divinity, the cumulative effect was quite considerable, with a total of more than 500 divinities. .

In addition to the more than 700 he originally held, the number of divinities he now holds has reached four digits.

"How much divinity have I gained by entering the junction this time?"

Xue Jing recalled briefly.

It cost 1,200 divinity to upgrade to one level of Shadow Flame.

After being promoted to the third level of Plant Deed, there are a total of one thousand and six divinities.

The total of the two is two thousand eighty, plus the one thousand and two currently held, minus the five hundred provided by [The Man in the Mirror]...

This junction, so far, has provided him with almost 3,500 points of divinity...

Almost a harvest of seven divine relics!

Coupled with the continuous death battles with dragon species, the regular skill experience gained...

"This is taking off a bit." Xue Jing muttered.

All that's left is the last pure-blooded dragon species.

I don’t know how much divinity it can provide if it can be killed?

Or... what can be harvested is not just divinity.

Xue Jing was thinking, Renya, who was standing next to him like a maid, whispered:

"Your Majesty the King."

Hearing this, Xue Jing came back to her senses, glanced at her, waved her hand and said:

"Your Majesty King... Just continue to call me Xue Jing, Renya."

Renya curled her lips and said: "Your identity has been approved by the Council of Elders, recognized, and written into the 'Book of Laws'..."

"If I were as young as you, I would be scolded by the Presbyterian Council."

Xue Jing touched her chin: "You are my royal translator and my only communication channel. How dare they talk to you?"

Renya didn't understand the meaning of 'I' at first, but when the simultaneous interpretation earphones received this word that was difficult to translate, the specific meaning was quickly explained to her.

This is the title of an emperor, a ruler.

Renya complained: "I see you enter the state very quickly."

After a pause, she continued: "Maybe it's a kind of inertia... Because I'm known as 'the most useless witch in history'. I can't even tame a dragon, so they have always bossed me around like this." , Even now, they still look down on me.”

Xue Jing smiled and said softly:

"Don't worry, after about tomorrow, you will no longer be the 'most useless miko in history', but the 'most legendary miko in history'."

Renya was silent for a while, her eyes were firm, and she whispered:

"What do you need me to do?"

Xue Jing reached out from the pocket of his tactical uniform and took out four... no, it should be three and a half snake-killing sharp claws.

After thinking about it, he took back two of them and handed only two intact ones to Renya.

"After the dragon god is successfully summoned in the sacrificial ceremony, you find an opportunity to nail these two claws into its body."

Renya reached out and took the two claws that made her feel a little frightened for no reason. She covered her wildly beating heart and asked, "Where to nail them?"

The person in the mirror in Xue Jing's bracelet said: "Anywhere will do...but the torso or the head is best."

Renya rubbed her two beautiful claws shining with silvery white light with her fingers, and said doubtfully:

"But... with my power, it's impossible to hurt Lord Dragon God, right?"

Xue Jing said: "Just prick it, don't think about anything else."

Renia was silent for a while, and said somewhat disappointedly:

"Then...will I die?"

Attack the Dragon God at close range...No matter what the fate of the Dragon God is after being attacked, her fate is obvious.

Will she die?

Xue Jing did not answer immediately, but pondered for a moment and said seriously:

"I can't guarantee you this, Renia."

"Your actions are very dangerous, I won't lie to you about this."

"You may die, or you may not die...The probability of death is much greater than survival."

"I can only say that I will do my best to protect your safety if possible."

"What you are about to do is such a dangerous thing."

Xue Jing reached out and touched her head, and said gently:

"If you are afraid, you can refuse this matter, you don't have to feel burdened, it's just human nature."

Renia was stunned and a little absent-minded.

A glimmer appeared in her eyes, and she murmured: "Why don't you lie to me and say there is no danger?"

"Why don't you threaten me and force me to do this?"

Hearing this question, Xue Jing laughed dumbly.

"...I'm not so depraved as to deceive and coerce a little girl."

He paused and said gently: "We are willing to cooperate on equal terms. Putting aside these, you are also my friend, and I will not do such a thing to you."

Rainya's eyes lit up: "What if I choose to refuse?"

Xue Jing smiled: "Then I will go to kill the Dragon God alone."

Rainya's eyes became brighter: "Without my help, it will be difficult for you, right?"

Xue Jing nodded: "To be honest, yes."

"If you don't help me, the probability of me killing the Dragon God will become very low... close to impossible."

Rainya's voice trembled a little: "Can't do it without me?"

Xue Jing said solemnly: "It can't be done without you, only you can help me, only you can do it."

Tears suddenly fell from the corners of the girl's eyes.

"Only I can do it..."

"How can I refuse when I hear such words..."

For the first time in her life, the witch who was called 'the most useless in history' was affirmed of her self-worth.


"Were you acting just now? Are you lying to her?"

In the valley, Xue Jing strolled around, looking for dragon thunder plants.

The dozen dragon thunder seeds he had collected before were almost destroyed in the fight with the third guard dragon. This time, facing the pure-blooded dragon species, he had to collect more.

Facing the question from the person in the mirror, Xue Jing smiled and said:

"Why do you ask? Does it look like acting to me?"

The person in the mirror was silent for a while, shook his head and said: "It doesn't look like acting, but I feel that you are a good actor."

"...I am just purely curious. Are you deliberately playing the emotional card to make her willing?"

Xue Jing thought for a while and said: "One third of it is intentional."

"I do think that if I say it this way, it should touch her and make her willing to do it."

"...But, nothing I said is a lie."

"If she doesn't want to, I won't force her. This is a cooperation between you and me."

"I need to kill the Dragon God, and she needs it too. Under the premise that both of us need this result, I just pushed her gently."

Xue Jing squatted down in front of a golden corolla, touched the petals with his fingers, and engraved the seal on it.

"If it comes to this, Renia still chooses to refuse because of fear."

"Then it means that her character is only this level. For such a person, I will not trust her with the key 'claw'..."

The man in the mirror sighed: "You are very mature... not like a child."

Xue Jing put the golden seed in his pocket and smiled: "Is this a compliment?"

The man in the mirror crossed his arms and did not reply. Instead, he glanced at the glasses Xue Jing was wearing and joked:

"In fact, you have a simpler way to make her work for you wholeheartedly."

Xue Jing naturally understood what it meant, but just shook his head and said:

"If it is really necessary, I will not be stingy about using this face."

"The premise is that it is really necessary."

The man in the mirror snorted and joked: "Am I talking to you about the face? You are so narcissistic."


For a whole day, Xue Jing collected dragon thunder plant seeds everywhere in the territories of various guard dragons.

The final harvest was about twenty-five or six.

It's not that I can't collect more, but the upper limit of the plant contract has been reached.

In order to contract more seeds, he even used 1200 points of divinity to upgrade the plant contract to level 6, the same as Yingyan.

Now, he has completely pulled his strength to the extreme that he can reach at present, and Ah Ban really has no more strength.

When he returned to this country, it was almost noon the next day.

At this time, the altar had been built in the square.

Various ritual vessels were placed around the square, and the meat of many creatures and various local specialties, which Xue Jing could not recognize, were placed as offerings in various places in the square that had become an altar.

Hundreds of people in this country, wearing various sacrificial clothes, were standing in their positions and waiting for the ceremony to begin.

On the high platform in the middle of the altar, Renia, with heavy makeup on her face, wearing a witch's ritual dress, wearing a gorgeous ceremonial crown, holding a hook-shaped ritual vessel in each hand, knelt quietly.

Xue Jing did not enter the city, but stood far away on the hillside, overlooking the sacrificial scene below.

Time passed slowly until noon, when the sun was above the zenith and the sacrificial ceremony officially began.

The witch under the high platform seemed to be saying something. After he finished speaking, all the sacrificial personnel moved, and Renia also began to dance on the high platform.

As the ceremony progressed, it seemed that a mysterious invisible force gradually emanated from the altar.


A thunderous explosion came, and Xue Jing's eyes looked at the center of the border - the roaring waterfall.

Huge golden lightning was constantly falling from the sky. Every time it fell, he could hear a thunder after a while.


Under Xue Jing's gaze, a huge shadow shot up from the roaring waterfall.

Its speed was so fast that it didn't seem to be very noticeable because of the distance.

However, the continuous shrieking sonic booms from its body and the white air waves spreading along its path all showed a fact.

Xue Jing's pupils shrank slightly: "Supersonic..."

At this speed, he probably couldn't stand it just standing on its back, not to mention being hit by this speed...

Xue Jing looked carefully, and his strong eyesight clearly imprinted this monster flying at supersonic speed in his eyes.

There is no doubt that it is a dragon.

Xue Jing has seen a lot of dragon species since entering the border, but no dragon has ever given him such a strong feeling of "dragon".

Its whole body is filled with an absolute, terrifying and domineering aura that is above any creature and at the top of the food chain.

It was a natural temperament, as if it was born to be above all creatures, without any room for doubt, extremely arrogant, extremely self-righteous.

The dragon scales, like bark, did not have the roughness of the three guard dragons, but were delicate as if carefully crafted by gods, elegant and luxurious.

Huge wings, streamlined slender body, swaying slender dragon tail, and two sharp dragon horns on the top of the head that curved upward.

On the dragon horns, there were winding brown branches, and on the branches were beautiful flowers like cherry blossoms.

"That is a pure-blooded dragon species... a real dragon."

Xue Jing's eyes were filled with excitement, as if he had realized something.

"Be careful, act according to the plan, don't be impulsive." The man in the mirror reminded.

"Don't worry." Xue Jing looked at the real dragon that cut through the air and pulled out a sonic boom cloud, and said softly.

He took a deep breath, touched the Futu knife hanging on his waist, and looked up at the sky.

There was only one sun in the cloudless sky, casting rays of sunshine.

"Nice weather, perfect for slaying dragons."


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