I will eventually become a god

Chapter 163: The Killing Move: Thunder Flame Boiling Cauldron, King Jiwu, Seventh Metropolitan Circl

Chapter 163 The ultimate move - Thunder Flame Boiling Cauldron, Extreme Martial King, Seventh Metropolitan Circle (4K)

[Hidden Dragon Ruyi Jin Lv8 (2426/11000)]

Looking at the changes in Hidden Dragon Jin, Xue Jing blinked.

He had experienced the "specialization" phenomenon of the skill panel twice before.

The first time was when he killed the cockroach monster in Ruizhu Hotel, [Yun Jin] was specialized into [Hidden Dragon Jin].

The second time was after using [GOD-508·Hundred Feet Pole], [Visualization] was specialized into [Visualization·True].

These two specialized skills are more powerful than ordinary skills, and the experience points required for upgrading are also much more than ordinary skills.

And this time, it is another specialization on [Hidden Dragon Jin], which is already a specialized skill...

Xue Jing looked at the experience points required for the upgrade of the new [Hidden Dragon Ruyi Jin], which has not changed compared to before, and is still 11,000.

"It seems that the experience points required to upgrade specialized skills are fixed, just like regular skills and divine skills."

He thought to himself.

"Then, let's try to change..."

Xue Jing took a deep breath and began to circulate his strength.

This time, his body seemed to have undergone some wonderful changes, and the feeling of strength generation was completely different from before.

The real dragon was born in his body, no longer the previous yin and yang harmony of hardness and softness, but as soon as it appeared, the strength of the body was 'pure hardness'.

He didn't need to extract the soft strength at all.

"This is..." Xue Jing was a little surprised.

With a thought, he disintegrated the 'hard real dragon' in his body and started to circulate his strength again.

The real dragon appeared again, and its body no longer had the hardness of the hard real dragon just now, but was soft and loose like cotton soaked in water.

The newly born real dragon roamed freely in Xue Jing's body, but the movement was silent. Xue Jing could not even feel its existence. Wherever it went, it seemed to be flowed by water and blown by the breeze. There was only a faint, almost imperceptible soft touch.

This is the 'pure softness', a soft real dragon composed entirely of soft power!

"The hidden dragon's wishful power... The generated power is completely at will, it can be hard when it wants, and soft when it wants."

Xue Jing jumped off the head of the Yanti Dragon, picked up a stone on the ground, and looked around. His superhuman vision allowed him to easily lock onto a deer on the plain several kilometers away.

Or, it was a borderland creature that looked like a deer.

The soft real dragon flowed silently to his right arm. Xue Jing took a throwing posture and threw the stone at the deer several kilometers away.

The stone flew towards the deer at a very fast speed, but strangely there was no sound of wind.

The stone hit the deer without the deer noticing it at all.

Something strange happened.

As if ignoring the rules of physics, the stone stopped immediately when it hit the deer and landed lightly on the ground.

The deer flew dozens of meters away as if it was hit by a speeding truck, and then landed gently, without any damage to its body.

It was not until it landed that it suddenly realized that it seemed to have been hit and flew away. It immediately showed a frightened expression and turned to run away.

"The soft power is pure to the extreme, and it will not cause any harm."

Xue Jing whispered to himself.

"But... everything in the world follows the principle that things will turn to the opposite extreme, just like the concept of the Vajra Ruyi Hand, 'the extreme hardness will become soft, and the extreme hardness will become the extreme softness', and the reverse principle is the same."

"The extreme softness will become hard, and the extreme softness can also be transformed into the extreme hardness... It depends on how I develop it."

He clenched his fists, his eyes excited:

"I didn't expect to get such a wave of unexpected enhancements before the decisive battle with the pure-blooded dragon species!"

"The Vajra Ruyi Hand relies on the special body of hard practice of its own school to instantly generate pure hardness in the body."

"And [Hidden Dragon Ruyi Power] not only has the effect of the Vajra Ruyi Hand body, but it is even better than it. It can generate not only pure hardness, but also pure softness. This is the real 'Ruyi'!"

"Aban, you did a good job, you did a good job!"

Xue Jing took a deep breath, exerted his strength, and transformed into a real dragon of extreme hardness in the sound of dragon roar.

Then he crushed it, shaped it as he wished, and used the Shaking Star Fire and the Wind Thunder at the same time.

Boiling blood and spirally compressed muscles appeared simultaneously. He looked at his right hand, which was clenched into a fist, and thought:

"The destructive power of pure strength itself is far superior to ordinary strength. Using pure strength to simultaneously use these two most destructive killing moves of the Hidden Dragon Flow, the power is immeasurable."

"This move needs a new name."

He thought about it and pondered for a while.

"Well... the combination of Shaking Star Fire and Wind Thunder, then, let's call it the 'Big Killer Move - Thunder Flame Boiling Cauldron'."

Shaking Star Fire is a defense-breaking skill that injects strength into the enemy's body, and Wind Thunder is a pure explosive skill.

The combination of these two moves is to inject strength into the enemy's body and cause a big explosion...

Xue Jing thought of the crazy swelling of the skin surface of the Yan Tilong head that was hit by this move in the consciousness space, just like the effect of boiling water.

Shaking Star Fire, Wind Thunder, one thunder and one fire, both are related to burning and boiling, and it is quite appropriate to name it "Thunder Flame Boiling Cauldron".

Xue Jing turned around and punched the Yan Tilong corpse.

The fist touched the Yan Tilong's already broken head, and there was no movement for a while.

It was not until a few seconds later that its surface began to swell up gradually, and then more and more, more and more...


The entire Yan Tilong head exploded, and bones and flesh covered dozens of meters in radius, forming a scene of blood and flesh hell.

"... Are you free?"

The person in the mirror was speechless.

Xue Jing smiled, "I realized something new, I couldn't help it."

A layer of dragon-shaped Qi covered his body, blocking all the blood and flesh, so that it was not splashed on him.

"You martial artists are too arbitrary."

The man in the mirror shook his head.

"You always do whatever you want. I see that you are usually like this. After you make a breakthrough, you can't help but destroy something to test it."

Xue Jing coughed dryly and didn't speak.

The man in the mirror continued:

"In fact, this is not good. Although this is just a small matter, everything starts from a small thing. Overly arbitrary actions will hurt you one day."

"I don't know how many martial artists have made big mistakes without thinking in order to calm down their anger."

"That 'Extreme Martial King' was..."

At this point, the man in the mirror paused, as if he realized that he had said something he shouldn't have said, and immediately shut up.

Xue Jing asked in confusion: "Hmm? Extreme Martial King?"

The man in the mirror said nonchalantly: "Nothing, you still have to experience everything in person to gain enlightenment. It's useless to talk too much now. You young people don't like to listen to these sermons, so I won't mention it anymore."

Although Xue Jing was interested in the title of 'Extreme Martial King', which was obviously closely related to martial arts, he saw that the man in the mirror changed the subject so abruptly, knowing that it was probably something it didn't want to say or couldn't say, so he gave up asking.

"By the way, at your age, you can practice old martial arts to this level, which is quite amazing." The man in the mirror praised lightly.

"Even in the Seventh Metropolitan Area, where martial arts are the most developed, there shouldn't be many people who can compare with you at this age."

Xue Jing asked curiously: "Oh? I thought I was pretty good, but after hearing what you said, I don't think I'm outstanding in the Seventh Metropolitan Area?"

The man in the mirror hummed: "In terms of pure martial arts, it is. After all, the Seventh Metropolitan Area is the King of Extreme Martial Arts... I'll just give you a simple example. You should also know that there are seven major titles in your old martial arts world, right?"

"【Martial Saint】【Weapon Master】【Flying General】【Hegemon】【True Dragon】【Heavenly Position】and 【Tenth Stage】."

"Currently, five of these seven titles are In the seventh metropolitan area. ”

Xue Jing was surprised when he heard this: "So exaggerated?"

The man in the mirror chuckled: "It's more exaggerated than you think. One of the remaining two titles is not very valuable [Tenth Dan]. Top martial artists will only get this title once and will give it up after collecting stamps. That's why it's not in the seventh metropolitan area."

"In addition, there are also three major titles in the Far East, [Sword Saint] [Fighting God] and [Sun Wheel]. At present, except for [Sword Saint] which is still in the hands of the Far East people, [Fighting God] and [Sun Wheel] have been won by martial artists from the seventh metropolitan area across the sea."

The man in the mirror paused, as if he remembered something. , and added: "Also, [Champion] is also in the Seventh Metropolitan Circle... Although this special title is not counted among the seven major titles, it is more valuable than [Tenth Dan] and can only be obtained before the age of 30. Some top martial artists who have achieved success late in life cannot obtain this title in their lifetime because they are over the age limit, which is a deep regret."

"Now you know how developed the martial arts of the Seventh Metropolitan Circle are. It is no exaggeration to say that your Fifth Metropolitan Circle, multiplied by ten, is not enough for them to fight."

Xue Jing clashed his fists against his chest twice and sighed: "The world is so big, it seems that I am far from qualified!"

The man in the mirror said casually: "Don't be too Mind, you are not a pure martial artist. Your true path is to be gifted and ascend to the next level... If you add the identity of the chosen one, you are undoubtedly the top person among your peers with your current strength. "

"Actually, if you really want to say, you should not waste time on martial arts. In a few years, martial arts will probably have no sense of existence in you. It would be better to focus on the secret arts bestowed by God."

"By the way, how long have you been practicing martial arts? You should have started practicing since childhood, ten years?"

Xue Jing thought about it and pondered for a while: "Well... about two and a half months now?"

As soon as these words came out, the person in the mirror fell silent.

A breeze blew by, and the atmosphere on the scene was a little awkward.

The silence lasted for a long time, and the person in the mirror twitched his mouth and said: "This... is it so. "

There was another silence.

"Which school do you follow? Who is your master?"

Xue Jing said casually: "Canglong School, my master is Li Qi."

The man in the mirror pondered for a while, and asked curiously: "Canglong School? Li Qi?"

"I haven't heard of it. Is he some unknown hidden master?"

Xue Jing said: "No, he should be quite famous. He was called the 'Three Heroes of Jade City' in the inner ring decades ago."

The man in the mirror nodded and said: "Well, I understand. Just pretend that I didn't ask anything."

Two and a half months...learning from a small sect it had never heard of...

The man in the mirror looked at the corpse of the Flame Crying Dragon with its head exploded and scratched his head.

Just based on this attack... Fifth stage? It should be sixth stage, right?

If it was cultivated by the top people of the top school and the top resources, it would be normal.

But he came from a small sect, and he practiced the old martial arts to the sixth level in two and a half months...

If you tell it that he is the reincarnation of the King of Extreme Martial Arts, it will believe it.

Damn, I was fooled by this kid!

After another silence, the man in the mirror spoke with difficulty:

"Well, I think you should continue to practice the old martial arts. It's good to have more skills. You still have potential."

Xue Jing smiled, "Haha... I know."

Time passed slowly in the chat.

At noon, Xue Jing was standing with his eyes closed in a posture that looked like a dragon but not a dragon, practicing the Hibernating Dragon Technique.

Suddenly, he felt something, opened his eyes, and looked to the left.

In the forest in the distance, there was a sneaky figure, walking and stopping to touch over.

Seeing this, Xue Jing didn't care, but continued to stand.

By the time the other party groped and rustled closer, more than ten minutes had passed.

Xue Jing then opened his eyes, looked at the other party, and asked in confusion: "Renia, what are you doing?"

At this time, Renia was wearing a black robe and a hood, covering her whole body tightly, and her body was curled up.

She looked around and whispered in a low voice: "I came here secretly without telling anyone."

Xue Jing tilted his head: "What is there to hide? Are you a virgin who is about to get married in the feudal era but comes out to meet her lover secretly?"

Renia tightened the hood on her head: "I don't know what you are talking about... I came here to discuss with you about 'killing the Dragon God'! Do you know the seriousness? If any news leaks out, I will be dead!"

Xue Jing smiled: "It seems that you have made up your mind?"

Renia was silent for a while and whispered:

"I have no choice."

The priestess is the duty of serving the gods.

She was destined to be the priestess of the Dragon God before she was born. She was born unable to decide her own destiny and could only bear it silently.

But now...

Renia looked at Xue Jing.

This man is very strong, stronger than she has ever seen.

Although there are still some doubts about whether he can kill Lord Dragon God, since he dares to bring it up, there must be a way, right?

No matter how likely it is to kill Lord Dragon God, Renia must consider whether this will be her only chance in this life.

Even if this is just a life-saving straw that is of no use at all, she must grab it!

Serving the Dragon God? What a joke!

Her mother, her grandmother... were all swallowed by the monster that eats people at the slightest disagreement.

Life and freedom, the two most important things for people, if there is a chance to take them back, what other choice does she have?

Xue Jing looked at her gradually firm eyes, smiled, stretched out his hand, and held Renia's hand together:

"Don't worry, I will never let you down for abandoning your faith and making up your mind to kill the gods."

"Believe me."

Xue Jing said softly.


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