I will eventually become a god

Chapter 162 Superhuman Speed, Extreme Dragon Strength, Specialized Skills, Hidden Dragon Ruyi Power!

"This one is a bit thrilling."

The person in the mirror in the bracelet spoke.

"I didn't expect it to be a life-type dragon species with specialized physical strength... It's also very cunning. It doesn't have the arrogance of other dragon species at all. I didn't choose to be tough with you, but I knew that you could only rely on shadow flames to stay in the air, which was not very good. Once you are flexible, you will be engaged in air combat throughout the entire process.”

Xue Jing pulled his hands on his body and tore off the tattered black tactical uniform, revealing a strong upper body that was carefully carved by a god.

"I originally wanted to be more economical and try to kill it without using my claws like the last one, but I didn't expect that I had to use it in the end."

He looked at a sharp claw in his hand, and the silver-white light on it was a little dim.

For the last guard dragon, he really tried his best. [Shadow Flame] has been completely exhausted, and he can't squeeze out any more. The name in the skill bar has completely turned black and is slowly recovering.

[Plant Contract] More than half of the dozen Dragon Thunder plant seeds contracted were destroyed in the battle.

He himself suffered many injuries continuously in close combat, but he only recovered from the injuries by forcibly using his mental power to stimulate the fire of life.

Rao worked so hard, but in the end he only consumed less than half of the life force of the guard dragon. He felt that he had reached his limit and had to use the sharp claws of the snake-killing soldiers to strike the final blow.

The person in the mirror crossed his arms and said, "This is already the best result under normal circumstances. That Corolla Dragon species can only be regarded as an unexpected surprise. You have done your best."

"Three and a half claws...the half you save may be the last straw to defeat the pure-blood dragon species."

Xue Jing moved her body, feeling the rare fatigue in her body, and said:

"I have to rest for a day or two to recover and prepare for the next battle against pure-blooded dragons."

Today is the fourth day since he entered the border area.

The rest period for the U19 knockout round is seven days. He was still competing on the day he started, so it does not count. When he arrived at the entrance of the junction, he entered the next day, so the time of entering the junction coincided with the rest time of the competition.

In other words, if you want to rush back before the start of the game, you must kill the pure-blood dragon within the next three days and break its core, so that you can escape from this polluted border of the [Mirror World].

Looking at the sky that had completely darkened, Xue Jing squatted down and opened the panel.

[Kill special creatures with divinity, divinity +359]

[Possess divinity: 746]

[...Fitness experience value +1920]

[...Health experience value +1088]


The fight to the death with the last guard dragon was very difficult, so the experience points were gained a lot. The experience value prompts on a large number of panels were all in four digits, but Xue Jing raised his eyebrows.

"...It feels a little less."

This was already a pretty good harvest, but after such a long and difficult life-and-death struggle, he always felt that it should be more than that.

After thinking about it, Xue Jing had a vague realization in her heart.

"It seems that the final victory was a trick... I won with the use of snake-killing soldiers, not with my own strength."

"Did you lose some experience for me because of this?"

Xue Jing shook her head, "Aban, you are really strict."

He pulled the panel prompts to the end.

[Running upgraded to Lv9 (290/8000)]

[Hidden Dragon Strength is upgraded to Lv8 (364/11000)]

[Ride upgraded to Lv6 (657/3000)]

Three more skills have been improved.

Even Xue Jing, who has become accustomed to a large number of skill level improvements in the past few days at the junction, couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

Although it is hard work, it feels so good to get the corresponding results after the liver explosion.

[Running], one of the first skills he activated, finally followed the footsteps of other skills and reached Lv9, only one step away from the ultimate Lv10.

At this point, he already has two Level 10 skills, [Fitness] and [Charm].

Four L9 skills, [Health], [Run], [Aim], [Fight], and [Soldier Attack Lv8], which is about to be upgraded with about 2,000 experience points.

"Hidden Dragon Strength has also been upgraded to a level... Let's see what changes happen tomorrow. I'm too tired now, so I need to rest first."

Xue Jing glanced at the dragon corpse next to him, and lay down on the ground without minding the surrounding environment.

The level 9 health regimen allowed him to have no trouble with insomnia at all. Even with the sky as a quilt and the ground as a seat, he immediately fell asleep after closing his eyes for a few seconds, breathing extremely long and steady.

Even if the guardian dragon dies, its body still contains extraordinary dragon power, which makes all wild creatures stay away in fear. Within a few kilometers, there is not even a bug that is not afraid of being disturbed from sleep.

The person in the mirror in the bracelet looked at Xue Jing, who was sleeping like a baby, and sighed:

"...Good boy."

A night of silence.

Early the next morning.

On the quiet grassy plain, a figure swooped over at an incredibly fast speed. The wind pressure pushed the weeds along the way to both sides, forming a 'channel'.

A rabbit lying on the ground carefully chewing grass blades did not have time to react. A figure passed by him and was swept several meters into the air. It turned several somersaults and fell to the ground unconscious. passed.

Xue Jing galloped towards the place where she and Renya agreed to meet, feeling the unprecedented lightness when her legs stepped on the ground, her eyes showing joy.

The wind no longer seems to be a resistance to him, but has become his assistance.

While running, his body automatically fine-tuned its posture, conforming to the airflow it came into contact with, instinctively reducing air resistance to the limit.

"190? No, it should be around 200."

Xue Jing used the reversal speed of the scenery in the field of view as a reference to roughly measure his own speed at the moment.

It is basically certain that it has reached the 200-kilometer level.

This is already comparable to the high-speed rail, and can be called superhuman speed!

In converted terms, the speed is about 50 to 60 meters per second.

"If I use my full strength, I should be able to improve it by about one-fifth."

Xue Jing thought to himself.

For things like running speed, the marginal effect is extremely diminished due to air resistance.

For the top track and field athletes in the previous life, once the 100-meter running speed entered within 10 seconds, every 0.01 second increase was an extremely exaggerated improvement.

Once he enters the realm of within ten seconds, even if his physical fitness is doubled on the spot, it is hard to say whether his performance can be improved by one second.

Xue Jing's current speed is extremely incredible.

This is not just due to physical fitness, but also involves the 'mental interference with self-reality theory'.

The powerful mental will, when he had the strong idea of ​​'wanting to be faster', silently operated, interfering with his self-reality. Coupled with the speed bonus of Lv9 running, it allowed him to run as fast as he does now. speed.


Amid the cheerful shouts, Xue Jing's figure flew across the plain.

Half an hour later.

The charred earth was a mess, with craters everywhere and covered with cooled black magma and mud.

After Xue Jing hurriedly arrived at the agreed place, she braked suddenly and slid forward for another ten meters without stopping. Her toes drew a long ravine on the ground, kicking up countless amounts of soil.

It was still early at this time, and Renya had not arrived yet.

"They didn't dispose of this body."

Xue Jing glanced at the corpse of the Flame Crying Dragon that he killed, which remained unchanged from two days ago.

"There are no other creatures that can threaten the dragon species in this border area. It is normal that they don't know how to deal with the corpses of high-level dragon species. In addition, Renya's country seems to believe in dragons. For a moment, it is natural that Don’t dare to offend.”

The man in the mirror spoke.

"Actually, just feed the flesh and core organs of this dragon species to what they call 'Daruka'. Dragon meat and dragon core are great tonics for the creatures in the border areas, allowing them to become stronger quickly, and even If you're lucky, a bloodline mutation will occur."

Xue Jing smiled: "I killed all the powerful dragon species in this border area, and I didn't care about their bodies... Isn't it true that for the natives here, there are opportunities everywhere?"

The person in the mirror nodded and said: "That's true...it depends on whether there are those brave enough to take advantage of these opportunities."

"If not, when the residual power on these dragon corpses dissipates, wild creatures will come to devour them...a group of powerful monsters should be born."

While chatting, Xue Jing jumped up, flew several meters, jumped on the head of the Flame Screaming Dragon's corpse, and sat down.

First, he opened the panel and took a look at the sexual skill bar.

After a whole night of recovery, the color of [Shadow Flame] has recovered a lot at this time. Although it is still a little dim, I think it won't be long before the blue bar will be full.

Then he closed his eyes and looked at his physical condition at the moment.

The fight to the death with the last guard dragon yesterday was too fierce, which caused a lot of life force to be consumed. It did not fully recover after one night, and the fire of life was still a little sluggish.

However, in [Health Preservation] after Level 9, the vitality recovery speed is also much faster. At this speed, it should be restored to full status before tomorrow.

After confirming her own condition, Xue Jing calmed down and activated her consciousness simulation for the first time in a long time.

In the consciousness space, a storm of pixels swept across, quickly condensing into a huge wasteland.

Xue Jing himself immediately appeared on the wasteland.

He looked inside and checked that the physical data were exactly the same as in reality. After there were no errors, he immediately took a deep breath and started to use his strength.

In the sound of the dragon's roar, the lifelike, almost real dragon with powerful energy is transformed from the body.

At this time, Xue Jing's Hidden Dragon Strength had reached Level 8. Combined with the talent beyond the human species brought by Level 9 fighting, his control over strength was no longer the same as before.

"Then, let's give it a try..."

With a thought in Xue Jing's mind, the power of the real dragon in his body suddenly changed.

The strength structure that was originally a combination of hardness and softness, harmonizing yin and yang, began to change, and all the softness was pulled away from the real dragon at an extremely fast speed.

Not long after, the powerful dragon's eyes became dull and his whole body became motionless.

At this time, there is no trace of 'softness' in his body, but a 'rigid true dragon' composed purely of strength!

Compared with the previous difficult extraction process, the process of forming the Gangji True Dragon at this moment was quite smooth and did not cost Xue Jing much effort.

"Very good." Xue Jing perked up.

With the wishful power of Vajra's wishful hand, he has achieved the most critical step, condensing the true 'pure strength' without any softness!

The next step is to crush it into powder, then integrate it and perform ‘ruyi shaping’ that can be kneaded into any shape.

Xue Jing thought for a while, relying on the confidence that he would not be really harmed in the consciousness simulation, and directly exerted his strength without any scruples.


The hardness increased to the extreme, and the glass-like rigid dragon shattered into pieces when Xue Jing vibrated, turning into countless powdery energies.

"Puff, puff, puff -"

Numerous blood holes immediately burst out all over Xue Jing's body, and crystal-clear, viscous blood shot out in all directions, even spraying dozens of meters away.

Countless violent forces were rushing around in his body. In just a moment, two-thirds of the blood in his body was sprayed out. The inside of his body was in tatters and he was seriously injured and dying.

Xue Jing was suffering from inhuman pain, but his expression was indifferent. With a thought, countless small pixels condensed on his body, filling his broken body and repairing the injuries.

"Can't you control the strength after being crushed... Come again."

He didn't feel any frustration. He just summed up his experience and immediately started trying again.


Another violent rampage left Xue Jing covered in blood, but with a thought, he recovered from his injuries and continued immediately.

She didn't know how many times she had experienced near-death moments. Every time, Xue Jing tried to control the overwhelming force after being crushed.

Each time, he made a little progress.

The injuries on his body became smaller and smaller every time. From the initial almost complete explosion of the body, to just a slight tear, to no wounds at all on the body surface.

Countless opportunities for error tolerance and a tenacious will to show no mercy to himself allowed him to use the most extreme method and the most comprehensive observation of his own shortcomings. The speed of progress was terrifying and unimaginable.

after an hour.


The Gangji True Dragon was shattered, and countless powdery powers scattered in all directions.

The so-called force itself is nothingness, just the 'kinetic energy' generated by the movement of the body itself.

At this moment, Xue Jing used an almost perfect response method to control the inside of her body, counteracting the violent rage, just like an animal tamer patiently taming the beast, and gradually calmed it down.

Under his control, the violent force gradually became obedient and submissive.

Until a certain moment, Xue Jing reached his heart, and all the powdery power was brought under his control.

The power of the powder gathered together and began to combine with each other, shaping it, and reincarnating into a 'real dragon'.

And this real dragon is no longer the motionless and sluggish look before, but is extremely agile, with bright eyes, jumping up and down in Xue Jing's body, without any worries, extremely flexible, even better than the previous real dragon, which has both strength and softness. Dragons need to be more agile.


The pure Gangji True Dragon let out a powerful dragon roar that made Xue Jing's body tremble, seeming to vent his joy of being reborn.

"It's done!"

Xue Jing opened her eyes, showing joy.

With a thought in his mind, countless small pixels suddenly rotated in front of him, condensing into the appearance of a flame-crying dragon.

As soon as it appeared, it immediately looked at Xue Jing, its eyes were filled with anger, and it roared like a dragon.


The roar that shook the void and the impact of strong airflow caused Xue Jing's hair to blow back, forming a back, but his expression did not change at all, and his figure stood firmly in place like a javelin, unwavering.

Yancrying Dragon lowered his head, opened his big mouth, and bit Xue Jing.

Xue Jing clenched her right hand into a fist, placed it behind her right waist, and assumed a forward fist stance.

The Gangji True Dragon was divided into two. Following Xue Jing's thoughts, one entered the blood and ignited thousands of sparks, while the other entered the muscles and stirred up wind, clouds and thunder.

Tornado Thunder and Shaking Star Fire, the two most completely opposite killing moves in the Hidden Dragon Style, merged together at this moment.


The fist and the dragon's head collided together, and the two stopped strangely as if time had stopped.

After a few seconds, Xue Jing withdrew her fist.

The Flame Crying Dragon's faucet suddenly began to vibrate at high speed, and then its skin swelled in all directions, like boiling water.


The faucet exploded, and blood and flesh sprayed everywhere.

In reality, Xue Jing suddenly opened her eyes.

[You achieved enlightenment in the consciousness simulation, Hidden Dragon Strength experience value +2062]

[The specialization conditions have been met, Hidden Dragon Strength has been transformed into——Hidden Dragon Ruyi Strength]

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