I will eventually become a god

Chapter 161: Talent beyond the limits of human species, all border dragon species are wiped out! (4K

Wearing black armor and with eighteen arms behind his back, the Buddha stands tall on the earth.

Xue Jing himself was supported by a Buddha's hand on his chest.

"Huh? What are you doing?"

The eyes of the person in the mirror in the bracelet widened.

Xue Jing raised her eyebrows and asked, "How are you doing? Are you handsome?"

"It's a bit handsome...but have you ever thought about a question?"

The person in the mirror was slightly speechless.

At this time, a thick golden thunder struck down and hit the armored giant Buddha.


The pitch-black armor was partially broken into pieces, and golden electric currents began to rush everywhere on the armor.

More than twenty times the gravity was immediately exerted on her body, and Xue Jing suddenly felt that it was quite difficult to control the giant Buddha.

"……How does it feel."

The man in the mirror curled his lips.

Xue Jing nodded and said thoughtfully: "I see, we can't use Susano to trap the Buddha, but we have to turn the Buddha to Susan?"

The person in the mirror said speechlessly: "No, can't you stop driving the Gundam? Just use the Dragon Thunder Plant purely for defense..."

Xue Jing actually understands this, but she still feels a little regretful: "But it feels a bit wrong to fight such a huge monster and not play Gundam."


Seeing that the dragon thunder seemed to have no effect, Corolla Dragon roared angrily. A red corolla on its shoulders exploded, and a large amount of light red gas spread out from it, spreading to all sides.

Xue Jing was just about to remove the shadow flame armor from the giant Buddha, but the man in the mirror looked at him:

"Wait a moment."

"This is the 'smell of corruption'! It is a special use of vitality that causes everything in contact to decay. It is specially designed to restrain carbon-based biological plants!"

Upon hearing this, Xue Jing immediately used Shadow Flame to draw out black airflow from the large shadows, filling the dark armor on the giant Buddha.

The light red gas only made a slight squeaking sound when it came into contact with the Shadow Flame Armor. Although the armor was slightly corroded, it was not serious and the corrosion rate was extremely slow.

"...Is your boy some kind of life-type dragon nemesis?"

The person in the mirror couldn't help but be speechless.

"Why do you feel that every skill of yours can just restrain them?"

Xue Jing chuckled and said, "Sit tight, come on!"

The giant Buddha in armor stepped forward and ran towards the Corolla Dragon with a rapid movement that was completely inconsistent with its huge size.

"Bang bang bang bang bang -"

Every time a foot steps on the ground, it will make the earth tremble, causing gravel and dust to fly, leaving a deep footprint.

Not long after, they arrived in front of the Corolla Dragon.

Eighteen huge Buddha hands stretched out, clenched into fists, made a violent whistling sound, and hit the Corolla Dragon.

"Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola!!"

The continuous beatings of more than a dozen huge fists, combined with the extremely large number and extremely fast speed, turned into a true fist shadow all over the sky.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!!!"


The Corolla Dragon howled, its whole body was covered with huge dented fist marks, its rough bark-like dragon scales shattered and flew, its blood continued to overflow, its two eyeballs were knocked out of their sockets, and they disappeared to unknown places. One of his fangs was broken into pieces, and the skin on his face was all rotten.

The angry dragon roar sounded, and the Corolla Dragon adjusted its posture, swung its claws and tail one after another, and hit the armored giant Buddha, trying to fight back.

But having more than a dozen arms was too much of a cheat. Before any counterattack could reach the body of the giant Buddha, it was immediately covered by the shadow of fists in the sky and could not touch the giant Buddha at all.

"Bang bang bang bang -"

The beating continued. After trying several times, the Corolla dragon gave up the idea of ​​fighting back and instead wanted to retreat temporarily.

As soon as the dragon's force field was opened, it wanted to take off. When Xue Jing saw this, he immediately thought about it. Several of the arms of the giant Buddha stopped beating, but multiplied and stretched, tied to the Corolla Dragon like ropes, and tied it to the Corolla Dragon. Tie it tightly and prevent it from flying away.


The Corollaosaurus suddenly became anxious. Its body suddenly swelled, and it changed from a slender body to a funny appearance of obesity.

Seeing this, the person in the mirror immediately said: "Back off!"

Xue Jing did not hesitate to control the giant Buddha to stop beating, let go of the Corolla Dragon, and jumped back.

At the moment when the giant Buddha left, the Corolla dragon expanded rapidly and bulged into a huge ball. Countless golden currents began to spread on the surface of the body, and then there was a loud 'bang' sound, and the entire body exploded.

The golden lightning flashed and exploded, forming a lightning ball that covered dozens of meters around it. The river was evaporated, the soil was destroyed, and everything the lightning touched was shattered.

The random current touched the giant Buddha a little, burning out cracks in the shadow flame armor, but they were immediately filled with black flames by Xue Jing.

"This is a self-destruction that turns the flesh into dragon thunder fuel... Its flesh should have burned out by now, leaving only its core organs."

The man in the mirror said quickly.

The golden thunder ball continued to explode. Xue Jing controlled the giant Buddha to take a slight step forward, but the armor on his body was immediately burned out by the golden electric current, and he had to retreat continuously.

"It will take some time for it to regain its physical body... This is a good opportunity."

"If we can get past this ball of dragon thunder and capture its core organs, we may be able to kill it without using our claws at any cost!"

The words of the person in the mirror rang in his ears, and Xue Jing's eyes narrowed slightly.

He thought for a while, then controlled one of the giant Buddha's arms, extended it, and approached the golden thunder ball.


But as soon as he touched the ball of lightning, his arm immediately melted and was burned away by the strong dragon thunder.

"No, it's very difficult to get close to. Even the roots of the Dragon Thunder plant can't bear it."

"In this case……"

With a thought in his mind, Xue Jing pulled away the jet-black armor from the giant Buddha and turned it into black flames, then rotated and gathered them all on his body, turning into a wrapped armor.

Then he disintegrated the giant Buddha, controlled all the dragon thunder plant seeds, and attached them to various parts of his body.

Countless roots, thorns, vines, flowers... all wrapped around his body, forming a second layer of thick golden plant-wood armor.

This time, he didn't even have any openings for his eyes or nose, but had full armor in the true sense, without any gaps.

In this case, vision, hearing, smell...the body's senses are almost completely blocked, and one can only act based on the rough impressions in the mind and instinct.

But Xue Jing didn't hesitate at all. He took a big breath of oxygen before the armor was sealed, and used the force of wind and thunder to spread the spiral dents on his legs.

Then, he stepped hard on the ground, shattering the earth. At the same time, his whole body was like an arrow, shooting towards the thunder and light, rolling out circles of spiral white air waves along the way.

Just for a moment.

Xue Jing entered from one side of the thunder ball, and in less than a second, rushed out from the other side. He passed by and pierced the thunder ball.

When he came out, he was holding a big meat ball as tall as a person in his hands.

The meat ball continued to beat like a heart, and granulations continued to wriggle and proliferate on its surface, growing in size.

As for Xue Jing himself, the golden plant-wood armor was in tatters, with only a few remaining parts sticking to his thighs and shoulders. The flame-wrapped armor was also missing pieces here and there, and his whole body was wrapped in gold. The electric current kept flowing through the body.


He fell to the ground and couldn't stop his feet. He knelt down halfway. The ground suddenly trembled and a large crater several meters deep was made.

Dozens of times the gravity caused the flesh and bones all over his body to tremble unbearably.

Xue Jing gritted his teeth and drew out countless black air currents from the surrounding shadows, turning them into black flames that continuously filled the armor on his body, erasing the remaining dragon thunder current on his body.

The armor was constantly broken and repaired, and after a while, the golden current was finally completely polished.

The body suddenly became lighter, dozens of times of gravity dissipated, flesh and bones stopped shaking, and Xue Jing breathed a sigh of relief.

"...Awesome, you dare to do this?"

The person in the mirror exclaimed.

"By the way, you are still a martial artist... It's really strange. The martial arts masters I have met are basically like you, a reckless man who does whatever comes to his mind and is full of action."

"Okay, without further ado, it only has its core organs left and has no ability to resist. Let's cut off the flesh on it first!"

After hearing the words of the person in the mirror, Xue Jing realized that the huge meat ball she was holding in her hands had grown to several meters in diameter.

Because his arms have been in contact with the flesh balls, most of them have been 'swallowed' by the proliferating flesh and blood.

Take a deep breath, use your strength, and pull your arms out of the flesh and blood.

Then he held it with both hands, and a ball of black flame turned into a long black knife in his hand.

"Next, it's slaughter time."

Xue Jing whispered.


He swung dozens of knives again and chopped the huge meat ball in front of him into dozens of pieces.

Xue Jing watched the pieces of meat on the ground squirming towards the center and wondered:

"How long will it take to cut this?"

The person in the mirror reflected in the bracelet sat on Xue Jing's shoulder and said leisurely:

"This is what life-type dragons are like."

"Especially this kind of guardian dragon, which is only under the pure-blood dragon species. Without specific means, we can only grind it slowly."

Xue Jing stretched out her right hand and snapped her fingers.

Black flames burned and covered the pieces of meat on the ground. The black flames that could annihilate matter were blocked by the vitality that was constantly emanating from the pieces of meat after touching the pieces of meat. Although it was constantly consuming the vitality of the pieces of meat, But until the black flame finally burned out, the vitality of the meat still showed no sign of bottoming out.

"Don't waste your divine power, just cut slowly. There is still a guard dragon to deal with." The man in the mirror said.

Hearing this, Xue Jing could only scratch his head and use his long black knife to cut the Corolla Dragon's core organs into smaller pieces of meat.

It was not until more than half an hour later that as Xue Jing cut, the core organs gathered and recovered slower and slower, until they stopped completely.

[Kill special creatures with divinity, divinity +336]

[Currently holds divinity: 387]

[...Fitness experience value +1066]

【...Health care...】

On the panel, the divine harvest and a series of experience value prompts were displayed, and Xue Jing looked directly at the end.

[Aiming increased to Lv9 (533/8000)]

[Fighting upgraded to Lv9 (798/8000)]

Two more regular skills have reached Level 9!

Xue Jing perked up.

His pupils suddenly contracted, and the focus kept changing.

Everything in the field of vision that was originally extremely clear became clearer as if a filter had been removed again.

The bones all over his body trembled slightly, and the various structures inside the body underwent subtle changes again.

His body was already extremely perfect, and was evaluated by Master Li Qi as the most balanced and perfect template of the human species.

At this time, he was changing in the direction of surpassing the limits of the human species.

Xue Jing took a deep breath and urged his strength. A real dragon was born in his body, making a dragon roar and running around everywhere.

Smooth, unprecedented smoothness.

His body was like being lubricated, and the strength in his body was running smoothly, without any even the slightest obstacle.

"The speed of running strength... has increased by at least one third."

Xue Jing closed his eyes and felt it for a while, and sighed.


He silently used his strength, and at the same time urged "Golden Scale Turning" and "Wind Thunder".

Fine and delicate dragon scale marks began to appear on the skin all over his body, and at the same time, spiral indentations extended on his right arm.

Then, his pupils suddenly changed, turning into dark golden vertical pupils.

He began to feel intense pain caused by the conflict of strength, but Xue Jing looked happy.

"Three kills in one, done."

One step closer to the ultimate skill of five kills in one, the finishing touch!

Xue Jing waved his hand and asked the Shadow Flame Crow holding the backpack to fly over.

Then he reached out from the backpack and took out the dragon species distribution map, and crossed out one of the two remaining red dots with a pen.

"The next one is the last one." He stretched out his finger and tapped the last red dot on the map. After thinking for a while, he said: "Speaking of which, I almost killed all the dragon species in this border area, but why didn't the pure-blooded dragon species react at all?" The man in the mirror sat on Xue Jing's shoulder and shook his feet: "Pure-blooded dragon species are known as true dragons. They never regard dragon species other than pure-blooded as their own kind, even if they are born by themselves." "However, the death of the guard dragon will still make it react a little...but, you moved too fast." "It's less than half a day now, and you have killed two, and the third one is coming soon. It is probably sleeping and has not reacted." Xue Jing raised his eyebrows: "Is that so." "In that case, let's fight quickly and find the next one right away." The man in the mirror: "Don't you want to rest for a while and recover your divine power?" It regarded Xue Jing's divine skills as the "secret technique" of the recipient, which requires "divine power" to activate. "It's not too late to rest after killing the last one."

After Xue Jing memorized the route on the map, he stuffed the map back into his backpack and stretched his body.

"Let's go."


Five hours later, it was dark.


The roar of a dragon filled with fear and despair resounded through the sky, and a giant dragon with wings on its back and scales like rough bark fell from the sky.


The giant dragon fell to the ground like a meteor, the earth trembled, and a dust mushroom cloud exploded.

Xue Jing panted lightly, wearing a tattered black tactical uniform, holding a somewhat dim snake-killing sharp claw in his hand, and jumped off the back of the giant dragon.

"The last one, done."

He wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"It took three days, so far, all the dragon species in the border area have been slaughtered."


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