I will eventually become a god

Chapter 150 GOD005, stepping into the junction, he can’t come back (4K)

Chapter 150 GOD-005, stepping into the junction, he...can't come back (4K)

Endless wilderness.

On the red dry earth, only scattered withered grasses were still struggling tenaciously, and the air was filled with black ash visible to the naked eye.

The scorching temperature caused distortions visible to the naked eye in the void. Under the pitch-black night, the volcano in the distance spewed out scorching red streams, reflecting a turbid flame-colored light.

In the cabin, Xue Jing looked at the scenery outside the window and said:

"Although I've heard that the environment in the 'bad land' outside the metropolitan area is very bad... I didn't expect it to be so bad."

Xu Ren stood beside him, looking out the window as well, and said in a calm tone: "That's not entirely the case."

She pointed to the volcano in the distance that was constantly erupting red streams.

"That volcano is the remnant of the 'overlapping phenomenon'. When the two cars in this world and another world collided with each other, they were thrown from the other's car into our current world."

"The internal movement rules are completely different from the rules of the present world, and the frequency of explosions is ridiculously high. This has led to the deterioration of the nearby regional environment to such an extent."

Mandrill interjected: "The environment in this area is a bit harsh, but it's not all bad. This makes the creatures in the border area not very fond of coming to this place, so at least you don't have to worry too much about being suddenly dangerous near here. Something attacked.”

“Just be prepared with cooling measures and a gas mask.”

Xuren shook his head and said: "It is not certain that we will not be attacked by border creatures... Some special 'flame-dwelling species' like this kind of environment, so we still have to be careful."

Mandrill opened the refrigerator, took out a bottle of Xinsha soda, unscrewed the ring, took a sip, and said with a smile:

"The temperature here is not yet suitable for high-level flame-dwelling species, so don't worry."

"Speaking of Flame Crabs, I haven't eaten 'Flame Crab' for a long time...Wow, my mouth is watering just thinking about it."

"After this mission, we must go to the inner ring for a meal."

Xue Jing asked curiously: "What is a flame crab?"

Mandrill clicked his mouth and seemed to be thinking about it:

"It's a fire-dwelling creature. It looks like a crab with flames burning all the time on its body. The meat on their body is naturally cooked. You can eat it directly by peeling off the shell. It's so delicious."

"However, the breeding environment for this thing is very demanding. Only a few breeding companies have the ability to breed it, so it is very expensive. Especially the flame crabs produced by 'United Breeding' are the largest and have the best meat quality, but they are also the most expensive."

"The kind of King Crab that only comes out in 100,000. One pound of meat can be sold for more than 10,000. Last time, there was a King Crab that broke the record and sold for nearly 10 million at the auction. The price is outrageous.”

Xue Jing nodded and said, "It sounds good. I'll have to try it if I have a chance in the future."

During the chat, the plane gradually approached its destination.

In the wilderness at night, several bonfires burned quietly.

Around the bonfire, more than a dozen large and small tents were set up. Various instruments were placed on the ground. Dozens of figures wearing bulky gray protective clothing and gas masks were busy working on their own. .

"call out--"

There was a hissing sound in the sky, and a black-painted plane that was almost invisible in the night came over the camp, then stopped and landed slowly.

"Captain Void Blade is back, those guys over there, get out of the way quickly and make room!"

A man in protective clothing shouted to several agency personnel who were chatting together next to him.

The people dispersed quickly and the plane landed on the vacated ground.


The hatch opened, and Xuren, Mandrill and Xue Jing walked out.

As soon as Xue Jing got off the plane, she felt a heat wave covering her whole body.

It's like being in a steamer, it has transcended the range of 'hot' and reached the feeling of 'hot'.

After taking a breath of air, a sticky and burning feeling immediately came to my nostrils.

He glanced at the black and gray particles in the air and frowned.

The mandrill beside him had already put on a gas mask on his face, and was holding one in his hand, handing it to Xue Jing.

"Put this on."

Xue Jing reached out to take it and put on the mask.

Because of the mask, the air he inhaled was less than usual, making it more difficult to inhale, which made him a little uncomfortable, but it was still much better than inhaling the black ash from the volcano.

Another person walked out of the cabin behind him. It was Xiaojing, a member of the Void Blade team. The petite girl had also put on a mask.

"Captain Void Blade, welcome back to the team."

A man wearing protective clothing and a gas mask came forward and shook hands with Xu Ren.

After Xu Ren exchanged a few words with him, he extended his hand to Xue Jing and introduced:

"He is Xue Jing, the explorer of this new border."

Xue Jing nodded, stretched out his hand, and said with a smile: "Hello."

The man's eyes lit up, he stretched out his hand to shake Xue Jing's hand, and said, "Hello, hello, Brother Xue, you are finally here... My name is Shen Da, and I am the leader of this 'Rumble Waterfall Temporary Research Group'."

Xu Ren said from the side: "Dr. Shen is fully responsible for this junction exploration mission. He will provide you with logistical support. Just listen to Dr. Shen on what to do in the junction."

Shen Da: "Let's go, let's go to the camp to talk. The air outside is not very good."

This is a large tent covering an area of ​​more than 20 square meters. As soon as Xue Jing entered the door, she felt cold all over.

He looked around the environment inside and found that except for a small bed and a few chairs, it was basically filled with various instruments, making constant sounds of beeping, clicking, clicking, etc. , the space for people to move around is only about five or six square meters, which is quite crowded.

After everyone entered the tent, Shen Da zipped up the tent and sealed it, then took off the gas mask on his face and the bulky protective clothing on his body.

"Huh, I'm alive. The environment in this damn place is really terrible."

He breathed softly and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Only then did Xue Jing see his face. He was a man in his mid-twenties, with a somewhat high hairline, thick eyebrows, and a somewhat expressive face.

Xuren Mandrill and Xiaojing also took off their masks one after another. Seeing this, Xue Jing did the same.

This time, what came through my nose was the usual smooth breathing feeling.

"This tent is equipped with a simple air conditioner and a simple air purifier."

Mandrill introduced from the side.

"It's a little black technology specially provided by the Sixth Agency. Don't look at it, but it's actually military supplies. The effect is very good. You can't even buy it in the inner circle."

Xue Jing nodded: "I can feel it."

The inside and outside of the camp are almost two worlds. To exaggerate, they are one heaven and one hell.

With just two portable machines, you can enjoy the comfort of a normal environment in such a harsh place, which is really awesome.

Shen Da walked to the corner of the tent and lifted up a canvas covering something. Inside was a large box.

He opened the box and took out a black cylinder the size of a mineral water bottle.

The material of the cylinder looks quite high-end and has a sense of technology. There are very regular grooves on it, making it look like it can transform into a robot at any time.

Shen Da walked up to Xue Jing with the cylinder and showed it to him while saying: "Brother Xue, this is a 'real-time monitoring scanner for border areas'. Its scanning limit radius is six kilometers, which means the area is about 110 square kilometers. , can monitor changes in the junction area in real time.

"Your first task is to find a more secluded spot within the 'Roaring Falls', approximately every six kilometers in radius, and install this thing until it can roughly cover the entire junction."

Shen Da said, pressing a certain place on the 'monitor', and something changed immediately.

Eight small square plates were lifted off one end of the cylinder, and eight alloy mechanical legs stretched out from them, looking like a mechanical spider.

"Once you find a suitable place, put it on the ground and it will automatically dig a hole to bury itself."

"I will hand you a tablet, which will display a real-time map based on the GPS installed on the 'monitor'. The scanning range of the monitor will be marked on the map. As long as you follow the range displayed on the map, it is easy to Know how far away to place the next monitor.”

Shen Da added many more notes. Xue Jing listened carefully and nodded from time to time to express understanding.

"...The most difficult step in this is to place monitors around the large waterfall where the pureblood dragon species lives."

Shen Da warned solemnly.

"The physical functions of pure-blood dragons are incredibly strong, and their perceptual abilities are also extremely good. With a nose to smell and ears to hear, they can detect movements more than ten kilometers around."

"It is impossible to place a monitor in its territory without being noticed. Therefore, it is a very hit and miss thing. If you are lucky, it will not bother to pay attention to you. If you are not lucky, then you have to run as fast as you can. How fast, don’t even think about fighting it head-on.”

"Brother Xue, I have read your information and know that you are an extremely outstanding martial arts genius, but believe me, it is absolutely impossible for you to be an enemy of this kind of monster now. You have no chance of winning even one in ten thousand. Don't hold it in your arms." Have strange thoughts."

Xue Jing nodded and said with a sincere face: "Don't worry, my motto is to be steady. I will definitely keep my tail between my legs the whole time in the junction area, and do not do anything extra except for the task."

When Shen Da heard the words, he felt the sincerity in Xue Jing's words, and immediately nodded, quite satisfied.

The three members of the Void Blade team next to them all scratched their heads, feeling that something was a little strange.

Shen Da took out a black bracelet from his coat pocket and handed it to Xue Jing.

"This is a recording bracelet that will record what you see and hear in the junction in real time."

"There are human indigenous people in this border area. Your second task is to try your best to contact and communicate with the indigenous people... Of course, this task is secondary, and it doesn't matter if you don't complete it."

Xue Jing took the black bracelet and put it on her hand.

"I will try my best." He nodded and said.

The reward for this mission, White Crow, had already been given to him in advance. [Bai Chi Gan Head] helped him upgrade his visualization to Visualization·True, which can be said to be of great help to him.

Although the purpose of giving a reward of a hundred feet of success is not pure, Xue Jing still accepts the favor and will do her best for this mission no matter what.

This can also be regarded as an 'investment'... If he does things well, Bai Ya may want to ask him for help next time. With the precedent of making great progress, the reward he will give next time will not be bad. Where did it go.

It would be best if he could enter the sixth institution where the divine relics are collected and enjoy them...

Early the next morning.

boom! !

The volcano in the distance suddenly erupted, and the earth trembled faintly.

In a separate small tent, Xue Jing opened her eyes and sat up from her sleeping bag.

After he arrived at the camp by plane last night, he had a conversation with Dr. Shen. After getting the necessary equipment for the mission, he planned to enter the 'Roaring Falls' immediately.

But Dr. Shen said there was no rush. It was too late and many staff operating the equipment were already asleep. It was better to go in tomorrow morning.

So Xue Jing slept in the camp for one night.

In the small tent, the air conditioner and air purifier made almost inaudible operating sounds. Xue Jing stretched out and stood up from her sleeping bag after a good sleep.

He picked up the black tactical uniform that White Crow had specially customized for him and put it on.

The tight-fitting tactical uniform outlines his perfect figure like a god's sculpture, with clearly defined muscles, which is quite attractive.

Putting on the gas mask and carrying the Futu knife, Xue Jing walked out of the tent.

Half an hour later, Xue Jing stared at the land in front of her that was shrouded in a vague light curtain, with curiosity in her eyes.

Behind him, dozens of agency personnel were running back and forth, controlling various instruments.

"Recording bracelet test completed."

"The cross-border physical sign sensing device has been tested."

"The test of the indigenous language simultaneous interpretation earphones is completed."

The agency staff kept reporting the test results of Xue Jing's equipment to ensure that nothing went wrong.

Xu Ren next to him stared at Xue Jing nervously, fearing that when he stepped into the junction, he would be instantly bounced away.

The Chosen Son of God does not suffer from pollution and alienation, but it is really unclear whether he is a natural person or not.

It would be fun if Xue Jingjin couldn't even get in after all the effort was wasted.

"...All tests completed, no abnormalities."

With the last words of the agency staff, everyone's eyes turned to Xue Jing.

"If you run out of food and can't get replenished inside, you can come out at any time. A GPS has been installed at the exit so you won't get lost."

"Remember, never have a head-on conflict with that pure-blood dragon..."

Dr. Shen held a tablet and kept pressing it, while giving Xue Jing a few words.

"Okay, you can come in, be careful!"

Xue Jing, who was wearing a black tactical uniform, a Bluetooth headset on his left ear, and a large backpack, smiled and nodded when he heard this.

"Then I'll go."

"Go on, go on, be careful, and we'll eat flame crabs together when you come out." Mandrill waved his hand.

"Be careful." Xuren nodded.

Xue Jing stepped into the light curtain in front of her and walked in without any hindrance.

Seeing this, Xu Ren breathed a sigh of relief.


Before she could feel at ease, a sudden change occurred.


Suddenly, a ring of light fell from the sky, covering the entire border area of ​​the 'Roaring Falls'.

The next moment, the entire junction lit up!

Everyone at the scene involuntarily stretched out their arms to cover their eyes.

After the light gradually disappeared, Dr. Shen looked at the junction where the light curtain in front of him had been completely distorted, and his expression changed.

"GOD-005·Mirror World..."

"'Reflection Fusion Phenomenon'...why, how could it be so sudden?"

Xu Ren frowned and said, "Dr. Shen, what happened?"

Dr. Shen looked ugly: "This is bad... He did not enter a pure interface, but a interface that was reflected and blended by the mirror world."

"He... can't come out."

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