I will eventually become a god

Chapter 151 The natives of the border area kill special creatures with divinity!

"Reflection and blending?"

Xuren asked doubtfully.

Dr. Shen said with an ugly face: "That is a strange phenomenon caused by the contact between two special products, the top ten divine relics in the sequence - [GOD-005 Mirror World] and the junction."

"[GOD-005·Mirror World] is something that reflects reality and extends infinite possibilities. If the world itself is compared to a mirror, then [Mirror World] is another mirror opposite to this world."

"When two mirrors compare with each other, they will produce infinite mirror images... In other words, in the process of reflecting each other, an infinite world of virtual images will be born. Each virtual world symbolizes a certain possibility in the real world."

"The [Mirror World] occasionally pulls people in the real world into the virtual world. Only by finding the 'unreal' flaws in the virtual world can we escape from it and return to the real world."

He quickly explained the general capabilities of [GOD-005], and then said:

"You also know that the junction is the final product of the overlap between the real world and the other world. It is what is born after parts of the two worlds merge with each other."

"And 'reflection and blending' means that the [Mirror World] inserts a line into it. It first uses its own ability to reflect the virtual image of the junction, and then integrates this virtual image into the junction."

"The junction is originally a 'sub-world' born out of thin air. Its essence contains an illusory side. It is very consistent with the virtual world. It is very simple to integrate..."

"After this phenomenon occurs, the junction will undergo completely unpredictable changes... The most important point is that the junction after the reflection and blending will inherit the characteristics of the virtual world, and it will be impossible to escape from it without finding a flaw."

"And the flaw in the junction is...the core."

"The junction where the core does not exist is equivalent to 'death' and will not change. Therefore, only the junction where the core still exists will be reflected and blended by the [Mirror World]."

"And the core of 'Roaring Falls'... is basically certain to be the pure-blooded dragon."

Mandrill scratched his head beside him and said, "Can you tell me the conclusion directly? I don't understand."

Dr. Shen glanced at him and said slowly:

"To put it simply, this junction is no longer what we observed before. What changes will happen is currently unknown."

"And if Xue Jing wants to come out... he must find a 'flaw'. The flaw is the core. If the core is a pure-blood dragon... he must kill that dragon and destroy its core organs."

"The most serious problem is that he doesn't know this information yet... and he can't be contacted now."

In a fertile grassland, Xue Jing stood in a black tactical uniform and a large backpack.

He was holding a palm-sized tablet in his hand, and a map was displayed on the screen.

"Huh? Didn't you say there is a GPS positioning at the exit? Why didn't you see it?"

Xue Jing was a little confused.

"The two monitors that have been placed don't show anything on them...what the hell."

He was a little confused.

"Forget it, maybe the signal here is not very good."

Xue Jing put the tablet into her backpack and then looked around.

"This is the junction... It's incredible. The weather outside is obviously apocalyptic, but as soon as you step in, you can hear the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers. It really feels like you have entered another world."

He looked at the endless fertile grassland around him, the clean stream not far away, and the clear and cloudless sky, feeling a little dazed.

Taking off the gas mask on her face and breathing in the fresh air, Xue Jing couldn't help but feel happy.

After thinking about it, he took out a cylindrical 'monitor' from his backpack and pressed a hidden button on it.

Eight mechanical claws immediately stretched out from the lower end of the cylinder.

Xue Jing pointed the mechanical claw downward and placed the monitor on the grass.

Immediately, the monitor began to click, like a spider with quick hands and feet, digging up the soil on the ground, digging a small hole just enough to accommodate itself, and then drilled its entire body into it, leaving only a small head exposed. .

Xue Jing took out the tablet from her backpack and opened the map to take a look.

Compared to the nothingness just now, there is now an extra white dot on the map. With the 'dot' as the center, a long bar extends out and is rotating in a circle, like a sonar radar.

"It's strange... the GPS system should not be broken and the signal is normal. Why can't we find the exit location and the other two monitors?"

Xue Jing was a little confused.

"Forget it, we'll talk about it later."

Xue Jing stretched, not very worried about the situation.

Strong strength can make up for the fragility of the heart. With his strength at this moment, even if such an unexpected situation occurs, there will be almost no psychological fluctuations.

"Let's do things first."

He untied his backpack and snapped his fingers. Black air was drawn out of the shadow under his feet, and black flames condensed, turning into a rather large crow.

Xue Jing handed the backpack to the crow to hold on to with its claws, Xue Jing randomly chose a direction and walked forward.

Half an hour later, Xue Jing walked into a forest.

"The color of this tree is a bit strange. Do you want to try making a contract..."

While nibbling on the compressed biscuits in his hand, he looked at the large tree in front of him that was completely light blue but had fiery red leaves, which was a bit novel.



Suddenly, there was a roar from the depths of the forest that he had never heard before, and a scream that was obviously human.

Xue Jing's eyes moved, thought for a moment, and walked in the direction of the sound.

After passing a few trees, a clearing appeared ahead.

In the clearing, there was a strange monster with strange lumps all over its body, a thick head, and a body twice as small as its head.

The monster was as big as an adult buffalo, and its thick head had a mouth that could open almost to the waist of its body. It was covered with jagged fangs, like a lamprey.

The beast's mouth was drooling, and in front of it was a girl with a frightened face, dark skin, and cool clothes.

"Human native?"

Seeing this, Xue Jing was about to do a favor and communicate with this native.

And just then.

"Alindaluka, Tamogu!"

The girl pointed at the monster.

Xue Jing's earphones also had simultaneous interpretation, understanding the meaning of what the girl said.

[My Daruka, come on! 】

As soon as he finished speaking, a thin yellow monkey came out from behind the girl, screamed and rushed towards the monster.

Then he was slapped on the ground and turned into a pulp.

Xue Jing: "..."

Listening to the girl's incredible scream, Xue Jing was speechless.

I thought you could do anything, but it turned out to be this little Karami?

Xue Jing shook his head and pointed at the monster.

In the large shadows in the forest, the strong black airflow was drawn out and condensed into countless sharp black spears, which penetrated the monster.


Countless sharp shadow flame spears immediately pierced the monster into a hedgehog, causing it to scream in pain.

Xue Jing held it with her palm and whispered: "Let it bloom."

The shadow flame spear pierced into its body suddenly bloomed like a lotus, countless black spikes burst out of its body, and dark red blood spattered all over the ground.

The monster's roar stopped abruptly.

The girl stared blankly at the scene in front of her, her beautiful eyes glazed over.

Xue Jing walked towards her slowly. At the same time, he instinctively opened the panel and took a look.

[Kill special creatures with divinity, divinity +12]


Um! ?

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