I will eventually become a god

Chapter 149 This is what the God’s Chosen Son is like. To reap the rewards, you still need to drive

The mandrill looked at the sky pirate leader who didn't know whether he was alive or dead on the ground, touched his chin, and said with a suspicious look on his face:

"How long has it been since then? How come you have become so strong?"

"The evaluation of the single combat effectiveness of this Sky Pirate has reached level 5 or above...Level 5, you know what this concept is, he can be regarded as a well-known figure in the inner circle, among the white crows Captain is more than enough.”

"I was killed by you just like that..."

"Xue Jing, are you hiding something from your buddy and signing in every day to upgrade the system?"

Xue Jing remained calm, just waved his hand and said as if nothing happened:

"What are you thinking about? You must have read too many novels. There is no system or panel in reality. I was just suddenly selected by the alien god and became the so-called chosen son of God."

Mandrill scratched his head: "I've heard of the Chosen Son of God...but is it such an exaggeration?"

"This is what the chosen son of God is like." Xue Jing affirmed.

Xu Ren, who was listening to the conversation, thought to himself: "No wonder the eldest lady of the Wu family treats him so special... Is it based on the sense of recognition of the same kind?"

"What should we do with this person?" Mandrill asked, pointing to the sky pirate leader on the ground.

"But first...is he dead or not?"

Xue Jing raised her foot and flipped the prone Sky Pirate leader to the front, "I didn't hold back, but I could feel that he was not dead after the last blow."

"Only now..."

He glanced at the leader of the sky pirates who was motionless and frowned.

Void Blade squatted down and reached out to check the leader of the sky pirates.

"He is dead...except for the stab wound on the neck, the body surface is basically intact...this is a B5-level protective film, and the muscles are R9 gold muscles. There is only slight damage to the chest..."

She explained while inspecting.

"...The most serious injuries on his body are his internal organs. It's almost like he walked through a meat grinder. However, he has an 'advanced powerful repair device' implanted next to his heart that will be triggered when the heart stops beating. These injuries should not be It’s just fatal.”

With a calm expression, she reached out from the wound into the chest of the sky pirate leader, groped for a while, and with the sound of sticky flesh and blood, she pulled out a small oval black stick with many broken lines.

"The repair device did not start. Was it damaged, or did he actively cut off the trigger mechanism of the repair device?"

The mandrill next to him said anxiously: "Don't worry about the cause of death, let's quickly see if his ISE can still be used. This is an ISE of at least B3 level and above, a rare item that cannot be bought at all!"

The Void Blade turned over the body of the sky pirate leader and said slowly: "Even if it's not broken, others can't use it. ISEs above level B are basically customized for individuals. This thing is inherently harmful to the body." The burden is extremely high. If the fit is not good enough, the rejection reaction will be serious. As soon as it is installed, the alienation rate will explode. "

The corpse was turned over, revealing the purple diamond-shaped crystals on the spine on the back.

Mandrill raised an eyebrow: "It doesn't seem to be broken...Xue Jing, this is your trophy, what do you want to do with it?"

Xue Jing thought for a while, shook his head and said, "I don't know. What suggestions do you have?"

Mandrill looked at the virtual blade: "Captain, can you let the people from the Black Nest modify this thing and make it a universal ISE that can suit most people?"

Xu Ren said calmly: "Black Nest has too many things to research. Even if it consumes a lot of funds from the agency every year, it is still in a state of shortage of funds. If you dare to ask them for help, they will open their mouths."

Mandrill scratched his head: "What should I do with this thing? Sell it to the black market?"

Xuren: "All of this guy's xenografts are precious and valuable, but they are all customized products. They cannot be used by others and can only be broken down into raw materials and sold."

Xue Jing waved her hand: "Then please help me deal with it, Captain Virtual Blade."

Xu Ren nodded and said: "Then I will help you sell it on the black market through channels, and I will take a part of the commission from it."

Xue Jing smiled and agreed: "It should be so."

"Speaking of which, why do sky pirates appear in the outer ring?" Mandrill asked in confusion.

Apparently no one here could answer this question.

"I will investigate later." Xuren pressed the silver bracelet on his hand a few times, and a halo of light appeared on the bracelet, scanning the sky pirate leader on the ground from beginning to end.

"Not everyone can eat the Dragon Core aircraft. These sky pirates dare to directly attack a Dragon Core aircraft. They are either stupid young men who don't understand anything, or there are forces behind them that can support them. "

"...Looking at this heterogeneous body, it doesn't look like something that Deng Touqing can possess."

The plane painted black was rapidly advancing in the sky, flying towards the north, and the sky was getting dark.

In the cabin, Xue Jing was lying on a seat, holding the back of her head with one hand, and opened the panel.

[...Fitness experience value +1524]

[…pleasure, health experience value +1862]

[...Running experience value +1337]

[...aiming experience value +1321]

[...Fighting experience value +1262]

[...Hidden Dragon Power experience value +1028]

[...Visualization·True experience value +668]

[...Soldier attack experience value +1560]

[...acting experience value +669]

[…Aiming increased to Lv8 (223/6000)]

[...Fighting upgraded to Lv8 (141/6000)]

[...Acting skill upgraded to Lv4 (52/1200)]

It can be said to be quite a huge gain.

He fought to the death with strong men and won. Although he used Shadow Flame for most of the process, he also gained a considerable amount of conventional skill experience.

"There are so many experience points in maintaining health. As expected, I still need to drive more Gundams. It's really fun."

Xue Jing thought to himself, then closed his eyes and looked inside, feeling the changes that had taken place in himself.

Fighting finally reached Level 8. As before, what was strengthened was the 'foundation' of his body.

The bones are harder, the bone marrow's hematopoietic ability is more outstanding, the structure of the tendons and muscles has changed, they are stronger and more powerful, have higher flexibility, and even the instincts deep in the genes have become sharper... everything in his body They are all more suitable for fighting.

He opened his eyes and turned to look out the porthole.

Under the dim sky, the sunlight was about to disappear, and the visibility was much lower than during the day. But at this time, he looked out the window. The powerful vision brought by the L8 aiming immediately penetrated the clouds and fog, got rid of the restrictions of dimness, and saw everything. The ground scenery below meters comes into view.

Grassland, streams, drinking hares, and foxes watching eagerly in the grass.

The pupils turned into a soft silvery white, and the moonlight slash came out of thin air, cutting a strand of weeds in front of the hare, causing it to jump and run away in fright.

The fox hiding in the grass was a little confused and didn't know how he was discovered.

But seeing that the rabbit was gone, he just thought he was unlucky, shook his body, and left the place.

The time came to nine o'clock in the evening.

"Look, the one below is Edge City No. 328."

In front of the cabin porthole, Xu Ren said to Xue Jing, motioning for Xue Jing to look down through the porthole.

At a speed of more than one thousand kilometers per hour, after more than four hours of sailing, it almost crossed the entire fifth metropolitan area, from the southernmost to the northernmost.

Xue Jing looked down. Under the dark night, he could vaguely see a desolate and dilapidated city. Only scattered lights illuminated it. Because it was too dark, the specific appearance was not clear.

"Outside of this edge city, and further outside, is a realm that does not belong to humans - the 'Bad Land'."

"We'll be at the Roaring Falls in about half an hour. I hope you, the 'Chosen Son of God,' can get in, otherwise..."

Xu Ren sighed with a headache.

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