Murong Yu then said to Lin Xuan: "This is my cousin, Ou Zhenjie."

nodded, and then extended the hand to Ou Zhenjie; "Cousin is good."

Ou Zhenjie: "..."

What does this person mean?

He is Murong Yu's cousin, but what is your cousin? Do you think you are Murong Yu's boyfriend?

If it's Murong Yu's boyfriend, then this is nothing wrong with calling his cousin.

Besides, he also likes Murong Yu!

He has liked Murong Yu a long, long time ago. Although he is a cousin, their blood relationship is relatively distant and they can love each other.

It’s just that Murong Yu really looks down on any man. Ou Zhenjie and Murong Yu have known each other for fifteen or six years. There is nothing to do with them, at best they can get closer to Murong Yu compared to other men.

But for so many years he has never seen Murong Yu have a good relationship with any opposite sex, and he doesn’t even know what kind of friends Murong Yu has. This is actually a good thing, a waterside pavilion gets the moonlight first , He may be the one who can easily pursue Murong Yu.

But today I saw Murong Yu actually talking with a stranger of the opposite sex. It was Lin Xuan. He had noticed it a long time ago. I came here this time, although it seems to be with Murong Yu. Saying hello, I actually want to see who Lin Xuan is.

Ou Zhenjie is also from a wealthy family. Although Ou Family is not one of the so-called Eight Great Families in Tiandu, it is indeed a family above the Eight Great Families. In other words, the Eight Great Families is TLevel. 3 Other families, but his Ou Family is TLevel 2 Other families, T1 is Three Great Influences, very strong!

Of course, there are also reasons for the close relationship with Murong Family. Anyway, in the normal continent, it is difficult to find how many people can compare to Ou Zhenjie in terms of status and status!

Before this, he was very proud. In his eyes, Murong Yu is the only one who can compare to him. Even after coming to this Martial God Academy, his view has not changed. Although he saw a lot of Tianzong genius, he simply felt that there was still a gap with himself!

Ou Zhenjie smiled and shook Lin Xuan's hand, and then said: "Hello."

Then Ou Zhenjie said with a smile: "This is the first time I have seen Xiaoyu with a smile. Contact with the opposite sex, are you Xiaoyu's friend?"

Lin Xuan then looked towards Murong Yu and asked: "Is that so?"

Murong Yu: "..."

"en. "

She is nodded.

She really has no friends, let alone the opposite sex, there are very few people of the same sex, but Lin Xuan is really helpful to her. She is grateful to Lin Xuan from the heart and hopes to be able to To be friends with him, of course, is just ordinary friends, inspiring and tempering each other.

"Hehe, very good, very good." Ou Zhenjie's gaze then looked towards Murong Yu and said: "Xiao Yu, what's the situation just now?"

"Cultivation breakthrough that's all, nothing."

"so that's how it is, let's have something to eat together?"

Ou Zhenjie asked.

"No, Lin Xuan and I have some things to discuss. Cousin, please go first."

Murong Yu has said so, Ou Zhenjie naturally can't say anything. nodded and then walked away.

As soon as he turned around, his eyes flashed with coldness.

Let’s not talk about the close relationship between Lin Xuan and Murong Yu. Even if Lin Xuan says yes, he is impossible to believe, but Lin Xuan is Murong Yu’s friend of the opposite sex, Ou Zhenjie is already It is destined to take Lin Xuan seriously, as for what to do, that can only be said later.

"He likes you."

Lin Xuan asked.

"I don't know."

Murong Yu answered faintly.

"Um...Can relatives still like each other?"

Wang Xintong asked in confusion.

"Stupid, more than three generations will do."

Wang Xintong suddenly realized that his pretty face was a little red. How could I forget this.

"Little elder sister, add a WeChat?"

Lin Xuan took out his phone and shook said with a smile.

Murong Yu Weiwei’s nodded, and then scanned Lin Xuan’s QR code, and the two added a friend.

Murong Yu’s WeChat avatar is still a very cute anime avatar. In fact, it can be seen that she is childlike in deep in one's heart. Yes, the age is here, no matter how cold, no matter how Mature, that's not a bad old woman after all.

Wang Xintong is accustomed to Lin Xuan, and she feels that it doesn't matter what she thinks. As long as Lin Xuan can think of her and treat her well, she doesn't care what Lin Xuan does.

"Oh, we still have mutual friends."

Lin Xuan said.

Murong Yu is also quite surprised, how can they have mutual friends?

Then Murong Yu approached Lin Xuan and took a look, then took out his mobile phone and took a look.

"Who is a mutual friend?"

"Look through the friends list together, look at the avatar, and see which one is the same. I'm still curious, can we have Who is a mutual friend."

Lin Xuan is really curious.

Ling Ying? Han Chuxue?

That’s not true. They know each other, but they don’t have friends. They just know each other that’s all.

In Murong Yu's eyes, they are opponents that they need to care about. In Ling Ying and Han Chuxue's eyes, Murong Yu is the same!

I can enter Murong Yu's eyes and treat them as opponents. That really proves that they are excellent. Ling Ying and Han Chuxue are excellent at first, but they were brought by the bastard Lin Xuan, demonic beast. The domains are all gone, otherwise it would be Domain Realm long ago.

"You won't turn it over?"

Lin Xuan glanced at Murong Yu curiously.

"No need to turn."


Lin Xuan took a look.

Father, mother, uncle, Second Uncle, aunt...

That's right! This is Murong Yu's friends list!

There are only a dozen people, all family members! Then there was a note from a cousin, maybe it was Ou Zhenjie.

Lin Xuan's mouth twitched.


Does this person really have friends? The blame has to be turned over.

However, Lin Xuan does not have many friends.

Then Lin Xuan took a look, then looked at Murong Yu's phone, and finally found the mutual friend of the two!

Murong Qing!

To be honest, although they are both called Murong, Lin Xuan really never thought about the relationship between them, but now...

Murong Yu naturally saw it...

Lin Xuan's remarks to Murongqing...

Eighth Wife.

It’s also the first time that Wang Xintong looked at Lin Xuan’s mobile phone. It doesn’t matter if you don’t look at it, just take a look...

Little fairy, then what big wife, second wife, third wife, always There are a dozen wives in line...


She was also noted as one of them.

Of course, these remarks of Lin Xuan are basically known to those girls, some didn't think much, some were too lazy to think, anyway, there are always a dozen wives impossible, right?

Yes, Murong Yu was also shown by Lin Xuan's remarks.

Of course, she doesn’t really think these are Lin Xuan’s real wives, maybe they are just for fun.


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