Murongqing is the eighth wife he remarked ! ? ?

This eldest wife, second wife, or something, is actually meaningless. They just rank casually. Look at the friends list. Whoever is first is the eldest wife.

It’s just that Lin Xuan didn’t dare to remark Lin Ya as one of his wives, because in the eyes of other girls, she is Lin Xuan’s elder sister. If she was remarked as one of his wives, they would have it. Guessed it.

Lin Xuan glanced at Murongqing's remarks.


Lin Xuan: "..."

That's right! Dumbfounded.

"Murongqing is your sister-in-law?"

Lin Xuan asked.

Murong Yu nodded.

"What kind of sister-in-law?"

"My father's younger sister."


"Well, Dear."

Lin Xuan; "..."


This Murongqing's identity turned out to be the biological younger sister of the master of Divine Temple!

Fuck me! Is this person too low-key?

"Then why did you make this note for my sister?"

Murong Yu asked puzzledly.


Lin Xuan didn't know how to answer for a while.

"The family urged my aunt to find a boyfriend. During the New Year, my aunt said that she would not go back at her boyfriend's house for the New Year." Murong Yu then said.

Lin Xuan; "..."

"Don't...don't, don't, don't misunderstanding, I'm just used to giving comments like this to the girls in my friends list , YY it."

Lin Xuan laughed explained.

This Murong Yu is also one of the tasks, so you can't say that you have a girlfriend or something...

Nor can you tell her that Young Master wants to chase your sister-in-law, Be your little uncle.


Murong Yu nodded.

"Then I will give you such a note."

Murong Yu: "..."

She is very indifferent to all this, how do you love Remarks how to remark, that is your freedom.

"Alright, fourteen wives."

Murong Yu: "..."

Then they went to the meeting place, because the fourth round The assessment time is estimated to be almost the same.

Lin Xuan is really surprised that Murongqing has such a huge status.

But this Murong Family is really amazing, Murong Qing Time Attribute, this Murong Yu Four Great Attributes, and others are estimated to be very difficult to deal with!

This kind of is destined to be born, which means that the ancestors of Murong Family are very difficult to deal with, and there is definitely time for an attribute. Simply put, it is a bloodline problem, otherwise at most one Both are great, but you are basically good at direct bloodline, that's the bloodline problem! But think about it, if the ancestors of the Murong Family are not powerful, it is impossible to create a huge monster like Divine Temple.

About half an hour later, all those who passed have gathered here, waiting for the start of the fourth round of assessment.

As Lin Xuan expected, there are almost 20,000 people entering the fourth round of assessment.

At this time Na Luo Xiu came over again.

Murongqing and Xiao Runing also walked over here, talking and laughing side by side.

The two of them have been called Goddess mentors. From today to now, it is these two women who may impress everyone the most. As for Murong Yu, no one has seen her too much.

"Everyone be quiet."

Luo Xiu said, everyone looked towards him.

"First of all, congratulations to everyone for passing the first three rounds of assessment. In fact, the combined difficulty of the first three rounds of assessment is not too great. From the number of 21,000 people who have been promoted, you can You can see it, but don’t be happy too early."

Luo Xiu paused continued: "This time the Martial God Academy enrollment is expected to be around 20,000, and the enrollment will continue for half a month. Every day, there will be tens of thousands of people to participate in the assessment. The total number of candidates for half a month is probably more than 200,000, and 200,000 admits 20,000. This acceptance rate says high is not high, say low is not low, after all, it is The geniuses who came here from all corners of the world have fierce competition! And your 21,000 people will eliminate 119,000 people in the fourth round!"


Hearing Luo Xiu's words, everyone sucked in a cold breath.

If 21,000 people eliminate 19,000 people, just admit 2,000 people?

Fuck me!


"Yes, we don’t look at the level, we only look at the rankings. In the fourth round of assessment, the first two thousand can enter the Martial God Academy, and the others will be eliminated. Of course, if they are eliminated It’s okay. Martial God Academy will admit new students next year, and you still have a chance."

Lin Xuan was secretly stunned. This time only 2,000 people were admitted, which is really cruel.

And some people already regret it, because Mao wants to come today, today must be the day with the most people in this half a month, and the competition is also the cruelest.

"Associate Dean, what about our fourth round of assessment?"

Someone asked.

"This fourth round of assessment is the comprehensive strength of everything."

Everyone was confused.

"Next you will be taken to the endless forest."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Endless Forest?"

Not many people have heard of it. Maybe most of the people in China have heard of this place.

"The Endless Forest is one of the more famous huge demonic beast forests in the field of demonic beasts in our country. The demonic beasts in it range from the weakest Qi Condensation Realm to Heavenly Venerable Realm, Supreme Void Realm Demonic beasts exist."


Everyone took a deep breath.

"And you will enter the Endless Forest next and have a one-day experience, yes, it is almost the same as the last round of the new rule Heavenly Martial Conference, because we found this rule, this method is indeed It’s very useful. No matter what abilities or methods you use, you can kill demonic beasts, get monster crystals, and exchange points. In the end, the top two thousand in points will succeed in enrolling! Don’t say anything unfair, your realm is different , Your background is different, your Spiritual Artifact is different, if you are really good enough, then you can stand out! If your realm is just a pseudo realm, even if you are a Domain Realm, it may not be as good as Law Principle Realm!"

Luo Xiu said.

This is great news for Lin Xuan!

Ah! Finally, I can go to the level well.

Because of this kind of actual combat, there are too many things to test a Martial Artist. If it is not useful, it will not be applied to the final round of the Heavenly Martial Conference.

"Of course, the Endless Forest is very dangerous. The lowest realm of each of you is Law Principle Realm five stars, where there is a certain degree of self-protection ability, but if you are unlucky you may encounter a powerful demonic beast and die. In, we will equip each of you with a teleportation spar when the time comes. If you encounter danger, you can use spar to teleport to the Safety Sector domain where your instructor is located. Of course, it means that your assessment failed, but even so , The danger may still happen, so the heart is that you all persons who are willing to conduct the fourth round of assessment, come to me and sign the life and death order in turn, regardless of life or death. Of course, if you die, my Martial God Academy will give your family some relatives. Pension, but not responsible! Now give you a chance to choose, start!"

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