Not far away, Ling Ying and Han Chuxue were standing on the roof of a building with wind blowing, and they just happened to be able to see the situation below!

"It seems that someone is destined to not be low-key."

Ling Ying helplessly said.

Yes, Murong Yu appeared in front of so many people today, and she just walked towards Lin Xuan in front of so many people, and talked to Lin Xuan. This is enough to make those men pay extra attention Lin Xuan is here.

Ling Ying and Han Chuxue have deliberately not appeared on the same stage as Lin Xuan, and now there is another Murong Yu... and Lin Xuan also has Wang Xintong beside him.

In this Martial God Academy, there must be more men than women!

About seven to three, men account for seven.

Actually, it's not that there are more female geniuses than men, but that there are more women than men!

There are basically three types of people who come to Martial God Academy. One is to come here to really improve themselves, the other is to be extremely strong, and the other is to compare themselves with others, both are Genius, I still want to suppress you. The last one is to show off. What kind of identity do I have? I want to show off, only to find that there are more people here than him!

And these three points, how much do you think women can account for?

Thirty percent is really good!

But the good news is that there are so many beautiful girls in Martial God Academy. They are not only beautiful, they are really female beauty captivating even the birds and beasts, covering moon, shaming flowers. Divine Grade girl!

But now, the female Divine Grade sister has friends of the opposite sex, and she can even communicate with him in front of the crowd!


"Congratulations." Lin Xuan laughed.

"Thank you very much, I will invite you to dinner after the assessment."

Murong Yu said.

"Are you going to invite me to have a meal to thank me? You are too picky?"


Murong Yu shook his head, and then said: "Repay, thank you, don’t conflict with inviting you to eat."


Then they talked and walked away. .

Everyone looked dumbfounded.

"How to repair these 6 Heavenly Layers?"

Murong Yu asked expectantly.

Lin Xuan took a look at her, and his favorability reached ten!

Big sister! Young Master, I have done this. How about your favorability score of ten?

I chase after fuck!

Lin Xuan is about to cry.

But it really depends on people. It is really difficult for this kind of girl to increase her favorability.

"6 Heavenly Layer...6 Heavenly Layer is very difficult."

Lin Xuan said.

Murong Yu looked at Lin Xuan.

The monk Wang Xintong next to him is confused. What are they talking about, what 5 Heavenly Layer and what 6 Heavenly Layer.

"For 6 Heavenly Layer, you need to find a man with pure yang body, Dual Cultivation."

Murong Yu: "..."

see Murong Yu's expression, Lin Xuan haha ​​laughed.

"Just kidding, Dual Cultivation is not good, it's just cultivation together."

"What do you mean?"

Murong Yu asked.

"If 5 Heavenly Layer is a qualitative change of your cold power and even Qianfeng ice pupil, then 6 Heavenly Layer needs to use flame to strengthen the ice."

"Fire strengthening Ice?"

Murong Yu black brows slightly wrinkle.

Lin Xuan nodded: "Yes, of course it is not strengthened by flames in the traditional sense. This person must be a pure yang body."

"What is a pure yang body again? "

Murong Yu has never heard of it. She has only heard of Extreme Yin Body. Are the Pure Yang Body and Extreme Yin Body two opposites?

"To put it simply, this person's Fire Attribute is 100% pure, and his physique is called the Pure Yang Body, which releases the Fire Attribute Power very powerfully."

Lin Xuan Road.

Murong Yu thought slightly, she didn't even remember a Fire Attribute with 100% purity, let alone a pure Yang body!

The attribute can reach 100%, theoretically it is possible, but basically no one can reach it. At most, it is 99%, which means it cannot reach 100%.

But because Lin Xuan said that the cultivation method of 5 Heavenly Layer is correct, she believes in Lin Xuan now.

"Do you know such a person?"

Murong Yu asked.

"You are lucky, I happen to be."

Murong Yu; "..."

Then Lin Xuan extend the hand, a touch of flame, This directly tells Murong Yu that he has Fire Attribute.

But what is pure Yang body, 100% Fire Attribute purity, that is Lin Xuan, in fact, as long as it is a Fire Attribute person, it's not too much in the world, just Lin Xuan said that in order to appear unique and unmatched is her only choice, and then when the time comes takes advantage of something, isn't it a matter of one sentence or two?

Murong Yu: "..."

Is it such a coincidence?

Is her luck really very good?


"Don't worry, you have just been promoted to 5 Heavenly Layer, you have to slowly consolidate it first."

"Well, I know, many thanks to you."

Lin Xuan laughed; "You're welcome, just give back when the time comes."

"What do you want?"


Lin Xuan rubs his chin.

This girl can't say that I want you like this.

"I didn't think about it, let's talk about it later."

Murong Yu's nodded slightly.

"Little feather."

At this time, a voice came from behind, Lin Xuan, they all looked back, a very handsome man smiled and trot to theirs. before.


How come every man is more handsome than Lao Tzu!

Lin Xuan thought uncomfortably.

Actually Lin Xuan is really not too handsome, but he is good-looking, and for this kind of person, he is really handsome.

So Lin Xuan really feels that this World is not a world that looks at faces. No, it can’t be said that. For a good girl, it is the kind of self-love and self-respect, and it is a very good girl in itself. Said that their choice of male partner does not say that you must be handsome. It just depends on fate and feeling. Look, which girl around Lin Xuan is not beautiful or good? Isn’t it sturdy for Lin Xuan, and Lin Xuan is handsome? It's just good-looking!

But man, in the eyes of a man, I really look at girls a little, look good!

When a girl has good looks, you will have this mind to approach her, and then what happens, if there is no good looks, there is no proximity, let alone what happened! So, if you say that this is also a world that looks at the face, it is also correct. For men, it is definitely a world that looks at the face!

But for Lin Xuan, face is really important. Who doesn't like being beautiful? But the heart must be good! The girl beside Lin Xuan, which heart is bad?

For Lin Xuan, the value of appearance is related to the premise that he is close to her. With the value of appearance, Lin Xuan's heart is where Lin Xuan accepts her.

Murong Yu saw his slightly nodded later, and said: "Brother Zhenjie."

Lin Xuan: "..."

Oh, , Is this man still Murong Yu’s big brother? Brother?

Nothing, right? Ling Ying said, Murong Family has only one daughter in the present age and that is Murong Yu.

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