Chapter 102 King Zhao Rebellion! Set the fox to keep the geese! Prime Minister Thunder Strikes!!

In the Prime Minister’s Mansion.

Listening to the ghost’s report, Yan Luo showed a strange smile.


“Emperor Qian actually issued three holy wills in a row?”

“It’s really interesting…”

“In this way, King Zhao will also have to send troops without sending troops, unless he wants to rebel directly!”

Yan Luo couldn’t imagine that the female emperor would be so tough.

A holy will, the other party can also politely refuse.

If you continue to do three holy orders in a row, and then refuse, no matter what the reason, you will resist the will and disrespect the will, with the intention of rebellion!

Yu Ying continued, “Lord Hui, King Zhao is already reorganizing his soldiers and horses and preparing to go to Linzhou in the east. ”

“But when he received the holy will, he tore it up!”

“He also killed all those messengers who preached the holy will, and blamed them on the mountain thieves, and he couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow.”

“And this kind of thing?”

“This King of Zhao is very ferocious, and it seems that he does not take Emperor Qian in his eyes at all.”

“He should have had the intention of rebellion a long time ago!”

“This time forcing him to deal with Daqi is tantamount to sending him to his death.”

“If you are not careful, you may directly reverse…”

“It seems that it is necessary to lay it out in advance.”

Yan Luo pondered.

With such a posture of King Zhao, it is only a matter of time before he creates a counter-terrorism! This time, it depends on how much he will be persecuted…….


Mo Tao, who was far away from Qinghu City on the border of the Great Qi Dynasty, received the order and led his soldiers and horses to retreat and return to Daqian.

Daqi increased his troops by 400,000 and will arrive in a few days.

Plus the remaining 200,000 reinforcements before, it is a full 600,000 troops! With only 200,000 soldiers and horses, it was absolutely impossible for Mo Tao to defend Qinghu City.

Da Qi came with anger this time, and the soldiers and horses sent out were definitely not simple.

It must be an elite division with a famous general!

If Mo Tao were to stick to Qinghu City, it would only be the end of the entire army.

Just the next day.

Four hundred thousand soldiers and horses of Daqi came to Qinghu City to join the previous warm army.

“Hmm, this group of rats, running really fast!”

A general with a tiger’s back and a bear’s waist, his face full of flesh, riding on a high horse with a fierce face.

This person is the commander of this army, Zhou Honglie”! He was a famous general of the Great Qi Dynasty.

He has been conquering Daqi for many years and has made countless meritorious achievements.

Once a man carrying 30,000 iron horses slaughtered a small barbarian country with millions of people into a river of blood!

In the end, it will be overthrown and erased from history! Cast the name of Hehewei.

Some middle and lower imperial dynasties once fought against Zhou Honglie, losing more than winning.

It can be seen that it can fight a good battle and is brave and fierce.

This time, Daqi was really angry, and naturally it was impossible to send ordinary soldiers again.

These are 400,000 soldiers and horses, and they are not unknown people.

It is the famous elite division of the Great Qi ‘Xuan Jia Army’!

The reinforcements that had been pieced together temporarily before could not be compared at all.

“If you can run the monk, you can’t run the temple!”

“Think you’ll be fine if you run back to the Great Qian Dynasty?”

“All the generals obey the orders and chase after General Ben!”

“Kill them straight to their nest!”

“Lao Tzu will not beat them to the ground, and will never return to the dynasty!!”

Zhou Honglie shouted loudly, took the lead, and led his generals straight to the direction of Emperor Daqian.

Soon after.

Mo Tao returned to Linzhou of the Great Qian Dynasty with an army of 200,000 troops.

At this time, King Zhao also led 200,000 soldiers and horses under his command to reach the frozen city of Linzhou.

“Hmm, the king came to greet them, but they went straight into the interior of Linzhou?”

King Zhao’s face was gloomy as water.

Mo Tao actually did not leave a large army behind, and together with him he defended the Eastern Yuncheng City!

If the Great Qi soldiers and horses attacked, how could he stop it with only 200,000 troops?

“This must be another conspiracy between the Dog Emperor and the Prime Minister!”

“Want to pit the king? Oh well…”

King Zhao’s eyes revealed a gloomy light.

If the great army of the Qi Dynasty attacked, the first one to choose to attack, eight out of ten, nine is the Eastern Yuncheng!

The city of Gai is one of the important gateways to the east.

Otherwise, King Zhao would not have been sent to this pass to guard it.

“Dog Emperor, you’d better pray that the Qi army doesn’t invade.”

King Zhao’s face was cloudy and uncertain.

On this expedition, he ‘requested’ a large amount of armaments and materials from the DPRK and China! If the Great Qi Dynasty would not invade, then he would have to swallow these materials privately.

But if the other party commits it, it is another scene…

As a result, the next day, the spies sent back the news.

Zhou Honglie, the famous general of Daqi, led 400,000 Xuanjia troops, plus 200,000 soldiers and horses, and was rushing to the border of Daqian!

In a few days, the army will come to the city!

Upon hearing the news, countless people in Daqian felt extremely nervous.

Although it had been expected, I didn’t expect Daqi to kill it so quickly! It seems that the last fiasco, far from making the Great Qi Dynasty jealous, angered them!

In the mansion of Dongyun City.

King Zhao was holding a secret letter in his hand, and his face was very ugly.


“Even Guoshi plans to let Benwang Town guard Dongyun City?!”

“Isn’t this putting the king in danger??”

King Zhao couldn’t believe the contents of the secret letter!

This time, Daqi sent out an elite division, and there was also a great general Zhou Honglie sitting in the seat! What did he take to resist?

Relying on his own 200,000 soldiers and horses, and the defense of Dongyun City? To stop Daqi’s Tiger and Wolf Master was simply whimsical!

“Be well…”

King Zhao said three ‘good’ words in a row, and his face showed a vicious color!

“This is you persecuting the king!!”

“Come, the order will be Lianzhou!”

“Open the border gates of the three northeastern states, and let those Ningyi foreign armies come in to the King of Zhao, who is planning to defect!”

He had to rely on external forces to be able to resist the Great Qian Dynasty!

“Yes, sir!”

One of his henchmen took the order and left.

“When the Qi army arrives, the king will directly open the city gate!”

Under these circumstances, King Zhao could not bear it any longer.

Since the Great Qian Dynasty could not tolerate him, then he defected to other great forces!

Directly uniting with the barbarian states in the northeast, there are even more powerful Qi imperial dynasties that believe that they can definitely catch Daqian off guard!

“Want to pit the king?”

“The king wants to see who is pit whom!!”

The corners of King Zhao’s mouth flashed a sly smile.

“And a few younger brothers, depending on how you choose.”

“The king does not believe, you are willing to be ruled by a puppet emperor!”

At the same time, King Zhao again sent several letters to unite with King Wu, King Liang and other feudal kings.

Soon after.

When several clan kings saw the letters, they all looked uncertain!

“The third brother is crazy? Actually want to lure wolves into the house? ”

“This is a rebel gangster!!”

“It seems that Emperor Qian really forced him to be anxious!”

“Even if you are in a hurry, you can’t do it, can you?”

“Such a crime of rebellion will be left in the stink for thousands of years!!”

King Wu, King Liang and other clan kings, although they have always been ambitious, but they are not moving.

In today’s situation, there is no name for it.

If there is no ‘great righteousness’, it is a rebellion! The so-called enlightened have more help, and the unenlightened have little help!

This is an indisputable truth throughout the ages.

Not to mention.

King Zhao actually wanted to collude with the barbarians in the northeast.

There is also collusion with the Great Qi Dynasty!

It was even planned to directly open the entrances of various border passes, lure wolves into the room, and conspire with the tiger!

“The third brother is really a crazy demon!”

“Although we have ambitions, after all, we are the bloodline of the Great Qian Royal Family, how can we be with foreign races?”

“Even if you can gain an advantage, you will end up with the tiger!”

“Great Qi Dynasty, will it be easy to hand over the authority of Da Qian to our hands?”

“What’s more, if it fails, it is a sinner of all ages, and everyone is infamous!”

Wu Wang and the others sighed.

They felt that King Zhao was really driven crazy and actually made such a ridiculous choice!

Bring them along to rebel! They are entangled inside.

Unless forced to do so, they won’t choose such an approach!

This is equivalent to directly betting on the life of the family, without any room for maneuver.

To be honest, they don’t want to!

However, it seems too late to expose King Zhao now! Sure enough.


King Zhao declared that Emperor Daqian was dazed and ruthless, and his poor soldiers and weapons made the people everywhere unhappy!

He’s going to go on a crusade!

Call on the kings and princes of all regions to invade the imperial city together and establish a new emperor! In the northeast, the news came out immediately.

King Zhao’s subordinate general ‘Wei Liancheng’ led 150,000 soldiers and horses to respond to King Zhao’s call!

At the same time, Wei Liancheng ordered the opening of many northeastern passes, intending to lure barbarian aliens into the pass!

This is the Master of Justice and their loyal ally! The message is out.

The world is in an uproar!!


“King Zhao actually rebelled?”

“He’s crazy!!”

“Even if you rebel, you will collude with those barbarian aliens!”

“Isn’t this luring the wolf into the room?!”

“Those barbarian and foreign tribes in the northeast, with a cruel temperament, especially the Turkic tribes in it, are very powerful!”

“They often plunder the northeast region, and there are many evil deeds, and if they are allowed to enter the customs, it will definitely be a disaster for the people of Daqian!”

All over the Great Qian Dynasty, there was a sound of shock.

King Zhao’s act of rebellion was really too sudden!

However, the next news is even more frightening!

King Zhao, who was in the eastern Linzhou Dongyun City, was ready to open the city gate and welcome the soldiers and horses of the Great Qi into the pass!

He not only colluded with the barbarian foreign tribes in the northeast region, but also defected to the Great Qi Dynasty!

With him as the internal response, once the barbarian army and the Great Qi army entered the pass, the situation in Daqian was immediately critical!


In the eastern region, the leaders of several barbarian foreign countries laughed.

“King Zhao is doing a good job!”

“He should have done this a long time ago!”

“We’ve been waiting for a long time for today!”

“The hinterland of the Great Dry is the truly fertile and rich land.”

“This time we enter the customs, we must go crazy to plunder!”

“The pattern is small! Wouldn’t it be more fragrant if we directly occupied half of the Great Qian Dynasty!! ”

The other side.

The commander of the Qi army, Zhou Honglie, who was rapidly marching, received a letter from King Zhao and could not help but be stunned.

This is not yet a war, the other side of a powerful clan king is about to surrender??


Zhou Honglie let out a triumphant laugh.

“Very good!!”

“The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie!”

“This King of Zhao is the most correct choice to turn to us Daqi!”

Zhou Honglie was full of pride and red light.

He thought it was his own army, which frightened King Zhao! That’s why the other person makes that choice.


In the Great Qian Dynasty, when Manchu Wenwu learned the news, he was immediately furious!

“This King of Zhao is flowing with the blood of the Great Qian Royal Family!”

“Bring the wolf into the room!!”

“What a thief in the back of his head!”

“Raise unfamiliar white-eyed wolves!”

“No wonder he kept prevaricating His Majesty’s orders, it turned out to be so spineless!”

“Before the war starts, surrender first, shamelessly!!”

Many old ministers were so angry that they almost fainted.

Those members of the royal family are even more physically trembling.

Not fear, but anger!

How could they have such a big rebellious person! Unite with outsiders to deal with your own people??

It’s crazy!!

“Guys, think about how to deal with it!”

“Yes, the other barbarian countries in the northeast are not worried, but the Turks among them have to be defended!”

“The Turks have at least 400,000 soldiers and horses, not to mention their bravery and good fighting…”

“If the nest is thrown out, coupled with the cooperation of the generals under King Zhao, after the northeast has calmed down a little, many ministers will have cold sweat on their foreheads.”

“The eastern border, more dangerous!”

“Once King Zhao opens the city gate, the Great Qi soldiers and horses enter smoothly, which is definitely a huge disaster!”

“It is said that Daqi sent a fierce general to command 400,000 Xuanjia troops, plus 200,000 soldiers and horses!”

“A total of 600,000 troops, plus King Zhao’s 200,000 rebels, is an army of 800,000…”

Many of the military generals present felt their hearts twitch when they heard this number!

In the northeast, the Turks and other barbarian armies, plus the 150,000 soldiers and horses stationed in the northeast under the command of King Zhao.

Probably more than six hundred thousand troops!

In the eastern region, the King of Zhao united with the soldiers and horses of Daqi, and even reached the simultaneous attack of 800,000 troops, and if he was not careful, the Great Qian Dynasty was in danger!

“This King of Zhao is indeed a wolf with ambition!”

“Born anti-bone!!”

The female emperor’s face was gloomy, shocked and angry.

She thought of driving the tiger and swallowing the wolf, and letting the Great Qi Dynasty deal with the King of Zhao.

Didn’t expect this guy to be so faceless!

Direct mutiny!!

The female emperor suddenly felt now that she was not too anxious!

Pitting the King of Zhao did not succeed, but instead put Da Qian in a dangerous situation.

“Immediately dispatch troops and send troops to fight!”

The female emperor was so anxious that she had to mobilize all her forces to intercept it.

If it is successfully entered by the enemy forces of the two sides, the consequences are unimaginable!


Not long after.

There is amazing news.

In the northeastern region, those generals under King Zhao were beheaded by thousands of mysterious and powerful people!

And, quickly took over the rebels!

It is said that all those thousands of strong people, all dressed in flying fish suits and wearing embroidered spring knives on their waists, are all masters above the level of the Grandmaster!

“Yes… Nishiki Guard!! ”

“Isn’t that the Prime Minister’s Kinmen Guard?!”

“Those guards carried out the beheading operation!!”

After learning the news, all parties were shocked!

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