Chapter 101 The female emperor is really well-behaved and sensible, and she has won my heart! King Zhao’s wrath! Tear up the Holy Will!!

Daqian Palace.

In the Xuanzheng Hall.

Hearing the words of the female emperor, Manchu Wenwu was stunned.

They are still pondering how to deal with this incident! How did His Majesty make a decision so quickly?

“King Zhao’s fiefdom is indeed in the northeast, but if it is close to the east.”

“Isn’t that far-fetched?”

“This time, I heard that the Great Qi Dynasty has increased its troops by 400,000!”

“Together with the previous reinforcements, there are at least 200,000 survivors.”

“Six hundred thousand troops!”

“Qinghu City is definitely unable to continue to hold on, one fire attack can receive miraculous results, Daqi has defenses, and the second time it is difficult to work!”

“If the Great Qi Dynasty takes advantage of the situation to attack the frontier, it is indeed a headache!”

“Under the command of King Zhao, there are so many soldiers and horses to resist??”

Civilian and military officials, whispering, puzzled.

I can’t understand why His Majesty made plans so quickly and let King Zhao lead the army to go out!

In the eyes of everyone.

King Zhao’s fiefdom of the three states, the soldiers and horses under his command could not gather 200,000, right? Even with Mo Tao’s 200,000 troops, it was only 400,000.

Can resist the 600,000 soldiers and horses of Daqi?

Everyone didn’t think that if Mo Tao won the next victory, he would be able to win a big victory every time!

Daqi had taken precautions, and he was serious, and the army sent out this time was by no means idle!

It is estimated that they are all elite divisions, and there are famous commanders!

Otherwise, if he was hit hard by the Great Qian Dynasty again, then Da Qi would really lose face!

Looking at the reaction of the civil and military officials, the female emperor smiled coldly in her heart.

These people, really think that King Zhao is that simple?

In the trajectory of the Sims, the soldiers and horses of the later King of Zhao reached half a million!

And well-equipped, no less than the elite soldiers and horses of the major dynasties! Otherwise, how could it be possible to go all the way south and break the bamboo?

The female emperor said that he was strong and strong, and it was definitely not to exaggerate.

Of course, there was the secret help of the Guoshi.

In front of him, King Zhao should not have so many elite soldiers and horses.

But the female emperor guessed.

The soldiers and horses secretly cultivated by King Zhao should have been no less than 300,000.

Letting him lead his army to the front line to fight against Daqi is exactly the strategy to drive the tiger and swallow the wolf! Success or failure is a matter of great advantage.

Either King Zhao repelled the Qi army, and he himself would be seriously injured! Or eat the defeat or die in the rebellion!

In short, no matter what the result, it is a matter of killing two birds with one stone! At this time.

Yan Luo’s face was strange.

The sudden decision of the female emperor also caught him off guard.

“What deep hatred does she have with King Zhao?”

“Why didn’t I see it before?”

Originally, Yan Luo also made a good layout.

He also intended to force those clan kings and princes to help! In his mind, there are also several candidates.

Among them, there are many kings of Zhao, Wu, and Liang, the most powerful kings of the domain! However, Yan Luo did not think about it, only persecuting one person alone!

The other party can completely prevaricate for various reasons.

First of all, the first point is that there are many soldiers and horses in Daqi, and the soldiers and horses of a single king of the clan can compete with each other.

Although Yan Luo knew that the armies cultivated behind the backs of these clan kings were more than those on the surface!

But he knows, doesn’t mean other people know!

If the truth is told and accompanied by evidence.

There is no doubt that those clan kings have the heart to rebel!

Otherwise, what should be explained for privately cultivating so many soldiers and horses?

Once that time comes, it will not be equivalent to forcing those clan kings to rebel! There is no doubt that King Zhao is definitely one of the characters selected by Yan Luo.

This person has a smiling tiger-like appearance, sinister and spicy.

Yan Luo learned from the investigation that this person had done a lot of bad things! In the northeast region, even secretly colluded with those barbarian aliens!

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this man undoubtedly being ambitious and weakening his power.

It’s just that I’m very confused.

Could it be that the female emperor also secretly investigated and knew these things?

Therefore, he strongly proposed that King Zhao personally lead an army to the frontier to prepare for defense against Daqi?

“Is her intelligence network so powerful?” ”

“Besides, the king of the wolf’s ambition is not the only king of Zhao.”

“Why is it just aimed at him…”

I can’t figure it out!

He suddenly felt that this little female emperor didn’t seem to be as simple as he understood!

“Being able to inherit the throne does have some extraordinary means of their own.”

Yan Luo could only think so.

At this time.

Ming Guo Gong and Tai Fu and others suddenly stood up to speak for King Zhao.

“Your Majesty, this is not appropriate!”

“The fiefdom where King Zhao is located is also some distance from the eastern border!”

“A long journey, isn’t it a long journey!”

“Besides, although King Zhao is sitting on the fiefdom of the three states, it is mostly a cold and barren land!”

“How many soldiers and horses are there under your command?”

“Let him carry his army out on the expedition, it will be difficult to stop Daji!”

“In the opinion of the old minister, it is better to let the prime minister send his generals there!”

“That’s right, the generals under the Prime Minister can recruit good battles, and even the Prime Minister is planning behind his back, and he will definitely be able to repel Da Qi again!”

“There are generals under the prime minister guarding the eastern border, and the soldiers and horses of Daqi absolutely do not dare to attack!”

Ming Guogong and others immediately put Yan Luo on the high platform.

And Tobe Shoshu and other ministers under Yan Luo’s command were irritated one by one.

How come these guys, when the prime minister is making meritorious service, how come they don’t come out to commend them! If there is a problem at this time, you know that you are looking for the prime minister in front!

They are naturally not allowed!!

But they didn’t wait for them to open their mouths to defend the words.

The female emperor had already taken a step ahead: “Ministers, are you underestimating King Zhao too much?” ”

“King Zhao is in the northeast region, but he beat those barbarian alien races to a pulp!”

“Although the northeast border is mostly a bitter and cold place, it has also trained its soldiers and horses into a brave and good war army!”

“It would be most appropriate for King Zhao to lead his troops to deal with Daqi!”

“As for the prime minister, many of his generals are in important positions in the Imperial Forest Army, and they still need to guard the safety of the palace, and they cannot be easily mobilized.”

When Ming Guogong and the others heard the female emperor’s words so sharp, they couldn’t help but frown!

Seeing the expressions of these people, the female emperor sneered in her heart!

From the trajectory of the Sims, she has learned that King Zhao is the person of the Guoshi and the Ming Guogong, and Taifu is undoubtedly also the confidant of the Guoshi!

These ministers in front of them superficially felt inappropriate.

In fact, it wasn’t to help King Zhao?! The female emperor had long expected such a scene in the court! After waking up last night, she had already thought of a solution! Today, it doesn’t matter if anyone opposes!

King Zhao, a dog thief, must go on a campaign!!

The female emperor was going to use Yang Mou to force him to deal with Daqi.

Even if Daqi’s soldiers and horses would not invade, she would have to force King Zhao to invade Daqi!

This sinister and vicious thief will not die, and the female emperor will not be at ease for a day!! Now.

The expression on Yan Luo’s face was even more strange! How did the female emperor become so enlightened today?

A wording, rebuttal of Ming Guo Gong and others are almost dumb! Even Yan Luo felt that the shooting case was amazing!

If he hadn’t seen through the female emperor’s daughter before, it is estimated that he would have wanted to put his arm around the female emperor’s shoulder afterwards!

Good brother, why are you so well-behaved and sensible? I know how to share the pressure for my brother!

“It seems……”

“Today is an early dynasty, there is nothing for me to do.”

Yan Luo stole pleasure in his heart.

Looking at the momentum of the female emperor, it is necessary for King Zhao to lead the army to go on a campaign! That’s fine.

Those few ambitious clan kings could weaken one by one.

If they were all driven to the fire pit at once, it would arouse their rebellious hearts!

If you join forces, you will be in big trouble.

Yan Luo knew that these clan kings, even if they were brothers, absolutely did not ask if they could all have one heart!

But once everyone’s interests are deprived, it is equivalent to forcing them to be tied to a chariot!

Now that it was only King Zhao alone, the other clan kings might not be able to fully help him.

It is not impossible to get rid of a powerful Zhao King first!


Yan Luo looked like an old god was there, laughing and not speaking.

Just watch the female emperor ‘perform’ alone.

Ming Guogong and others desperately advised and took a resolute attitude of opposition.

But the female emperor always has a reason to refute them with red ears and red ears!

And under the hint of Yan Luo, all the ministers under his command expressed their support for the female emperor’s approach!

At this moment, Ming Guogong and the others were completely suppressed!

“Prime Minister, what do you think of Yuan’s proposal?”

Finally, the female emperor turned her head and looked at Yan Luo.

“Your Majesty is wise, and the subject agrees.”

Yan Luo agreed without hesitation.


“Since even the prime minister has agreed to Yuan’s approach, the others need not say anything more.”

“Come, O holy will!!”

“Pass on the order, from now on, the King of Zhao will lead all his soldiers and horses to prepare for the battle at ‘Linzhou’ on the eastern border!”

“Receive the army under the command of Mo, and at the same time guard against the invasion of the soldiers and horses of the Great Qi!”

The female emperor waved a big hand and directly issued the holy will!

As soon as the news came out, it undoubtedly shocked everywhere!

Especially those clan kings, princes, one by one, have a heavy heart!

“What does Your Majesty mean by this?”

“With only the soldiers and horses under King Zhao and the 200,000 troops under the command of Mo, can they guard the border?”

“Is Your Majesty underestimating the elite master of Da Qi too much?!”

“Hmm, I see that Your Majesty has begun to ‘slash the domain’!”

“King Zhao’s power is not as simple as it seems!”

“It is estimated that His Majesty has detected it, so the first one will have to cut him!”

“We also have to be prepared in advance…”

The northeastern region of the Great Qian Dynasty.


Zhao Wangfu.

King Zhao looked at the Holy Will in his hand, and his face was extremely gloomy.

“Damn, this stinking boy, he’s crazy!! King Zhao couldn’t help but scold in his heart! ”

For this little emperor, he did not have the slightest respect.

Even look down on it!!

In his view, the female emperor was just an emperor who had been put on the shelf.

Above the court, let the foreign prime minister call the wind and rain!

“I’m afraid this plan is the ghost idea of the prime minister, right?”

“Could it be that this man has already sensed that the king’s plan has failed?”

Thinking of this, King Zhao was a little uncertain in his heart.

He didn’t think that because of the Spring Hunt Sacrifice, there was a little friction with the prime minister, the other side would be so against himself.

If the other party is so superficial, then it is not the scheming prime minister.

“In any case, how can this king possibly obey your orders?”

King Zhao sneered.

He directly wrote a letter of resignation, citing the scarcity of troops, the inability to disperse troops, the need to guard the northeast border, and the prevention of barbarian aliens.

Rebuffed the order of the female emperor! Meanwhile.

King Zhao also immediately contacted several well-connected clan kings.

Let them play together!

Advise the female emperor to take back her life! The result is less than half a day…

In response to King Zhao, it was the Female Emperor’s Giant Dao Sacred Will! Three holy orders came in a row.

King Zhao is confused!!

What medicine did this little emperor take by mistake? Lao Tzu is your uncle!!

Are you going to force your uncle to rebel?!

King Zhao’s face was blue and white, and his hands holding the strange will could not help but send out the material.

It’s not fear, it’s anger!!

Even the old emperor had never persecuted him in this way.

Now, the little dry emperor actually dared to do this?! Where did he get his courage??


In anger, King Zhao directly tore the Holy Will to pieces! The eunuch who had come to proclaim his will was suddenly frightened.

The whole person sat paralyzed on the ground, and there was a yellowish liquid flowing out directly to frighten the pee!

The officials accompanying him were no better.

An individual sifted through the chaff and looked frightened.

No one could have imagined that this Zhao King’s smiling and squinting affinity on the surface could be so ferocious!

In front of them, they dare to tear up the holy will!! What a rebellion!!!

“Come, send this father-in-law, and the messenger with you, back.”

“Then, halfway they encountered robbers and died.”

“After all, in our northeast region, there are often barbarians and foreign tribes robbing and killing, killing people and taking treasures.”

“The king also expressed his deep condolences.”

King Zhao ordered expressionlessly.

“Yes, sir!!”

One of his henchmen, with cold eyes, took the eunuch and the messenger away with a group of guards.

“Wang Ye spared his life!!”

“I didn’t see anything later!”

Those messengers cried out to heaven and earth, like mourners!

They knew that as soon as they left the Zhao King’s Mansion, what awaited them was death! In this regard, Zhao Gan did not even look at it more.

He knew that his henchmen would handle it cleanly.

After a long time.

King Zhao calmed down.

Now he knows.

Continuing to reject the female emperor’s words is a real disobedience.

This is not much different from conspiracy.

“Very good, then as you wish.”

King Zhao’s eyes shone with a cold glow.

He had already decided to straighten out the soldiers and horses and go to Linzhou in the east! Meanwhile.

He wrote a letter to his henchmen.

“You personally delivered this letter to the Guoshi.”

“If you can’t deliver it yourself, you will set yourself on fire with this letter.”

The subordinate did not hesitate for a moment: “Yes, Prince!” ”

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