Chapter 103 The Female Emperor was ridiculed! If you can’t do it, let it be!!

Daqian Palace.

The civil and military officials were shocked.

They were all still caught off guard.

I didn’t expect that the prime minister had already thundered out! Thousands of guards went out and directly beheaded them!

He not only killed the generals under King Zhao, but also took over his soldiers and horses.

It’s a godsend!!


“It’s too fast!!”

“Does the Prime Minister, Sir, have the power of a prophet?”

“It turns out that those Jinyi guards under the Prime Minister are so powerful!”

“Thousands of masters above the level of the Sect Master are dispatched to take the first rank of rebel generals among the 100,000 soldiers and horses!”

The crowd felt incredible.

They had only just received the news, and they were frowning and thinking hard about how to deal with it.

As a result, the prime minister’s side has already beheaded many generals of the rebel army!

“In this way, the crisis in the Tohobi region will be solved!”

“Don’t be too optimistic!”

“Nowadays, in the northeast region, the troops are in short supply, and without the guard of King Zhao, those barbarian armies are still ready to move!”

“Indeed, the 150,000 soldiers and horses that have taken over may not be able to defend the three northeastern states.”

“Rest assured, since the Prime Minister has already made preparations, there must be a countermeasure!”

Some ministers had solemn faces, and many people were full of confidence in Yan Luo.

Sure enough.

Soon after, news came back again.

Two princes each appeared in the northeast region with Tuwan soldiers and horses, guarding the border land of the three states!

Plus the original 150,000 soldiers and horses, it is 350,000 troops!

Relying on the defensive advantages of the border pass, those barbarian countries must weigh up and weigh well if they want to invade!

Upon hearing the news, there was another uproar in the hall.

“It’s Boyang Hou and Xin Ling Hou!”

“How could they cooperate so much with the Prime Minister?”

“It seems that their relationship with the Prime Minister is not so simple…”

“Anyway, this is a great joy!”

“There are two princes guarding the three northeastern states, which can protect the border from the invasion of barbarians and foreign tribes!”

The crowd was secretly surprised.

Those two princes, however, were a powerful being.

Usually low-key, this time it is silent, it is already secretly supporting the prime minister!

The energy under the Prime Minister’s command is really amazing!

“This guy…”

The female emperor was very unhappy in her heart.

“I obviously have a lot of soldiers and horses hidden under my command, and I even want military power!”

“It seems that there are still many soldiers and horses that he secretly controls!”

The female emperor did not simply think that Yan Luo was just befriending the two princes.

Meanwhile. The other side.

East Lindju.

King Zhao was shocked to learn that all his generals in the northeast had been beheaded!


“The Jinyi guards under the Prime Minister’s command are so powerful?”

“What a bunch of crap!”

“A hundred thousand soldiers and horses, can’t stop thousands of people?!”

King Zhao turned from shock to shame to anger!

Coupled with the fact that two princes went to Zhenshou, wouldn’t his plan to collude with the Turks and other barbarian countries be in vain?!

He didn’t wait for him to slow down.

Another subordinate came to pay his respects in a hurry.

“Wang Ye, big things are not good!”

“Commander Mo Tao, as well as King Yun, Marquis of Nanyang is coming with a large army!”

“A total of 400,000 soldiers and horses have come to the city!!”

When King Zhao heard this, he almost jumped up in shock!

“What do you say?!”

“When did they send a large army?”

The King of Yun, the Marquis of Nanyang, is also a powerful clan king and prince! Although it is not as good as the King of Zhao, it is definitely not underestimated when united! If it was on his own territory in the three northeastern states, King Zhao was not afraid at all.

But at this time, he only had 200,000 soldiers and horses in his hands!

What’s more, when most of the elite soldiers and horses remained in Dongbi Juzhou! After all, according to his original idea, it was not a rebellion.

It is naturally impossible to bring the elite to death.

As a result, at the moment, it will put itself in danger!


“How can they move so fast?!”

“What happened to Daqi’s army, it didn’t arrive for so long!”

King Zhao couldn’t help but feel anxious in his heart.

Now, he must hold Dongyun City before the arrival of the Daqi army! Otherwise, everything will be lost!

No, it should be that before the real start of the rebellion, it will fail!

“Immediately order everyone to guard against death!”

“No one is allowed in the city!”

“Stand guard against the enemy!”

King Zhao roared.

Even, he immediately got up, rushed out, and came to the city gate on the side of Da Qian, which was a matter of success or failure!

He had to supervise it himself!!

“These damn guys, they’re really fast!”

Looking at the distance ahead, the iron horse rolled in, and the black pressure was overwhelming, shaking the earth.

King Zhao’s face was hard to see the pole!

Less than a moment.

Soldiers are coming down the city!

The leader is the commander Mo Tao, the King of Yun, and the Marquis of Nanyang!

“King Zhao, you rebel thief, don’t surrender quickly!”

“If you dare to betray Da Gan, today is your time to die!”

“Open the door and surrender, and we can give you a decent death!”

Mo Tao and the three of them gave a loud sigh to Zhao Gan on the city wall.


King Zhao laughed furiously!

“When the king rebelled, was it not the persecution of the fainting dry emperor?”

“I urge you to unite with this king, too!”

“Coupled with the army of the Great Qi Dynasty, it can definitely be invincible!!”

“Are you willing to be ruled by a puppet emperor and by that foreign prime minister?”

When Mo Tao and the others heard the words, they couldn’t help but scold!

“It’s a big rebellion!”

“I don’t think you will repent when you die!”

“Don’t talk nonsense with him, delay time, and we’ll launch an onslaught at once!”

“All the troops attack!!”

Mo Tao and the other three commanders shouted, and Qi Ji ordered an attack!

The army of 400,000 under his command suddenly swept in like a torrent of steel! Shout to kill the heavens!

Under the short soldiers, a bloody storm immediately broke out.

It didn’t take long.

Mo Tao’s army has achieved absolute superiority!

Although Dongyun City is a border pass city, it is defending the outside of the pass, not inside the pass!!

The defensive power of the city is simply plummeting.

And, at this time.

There was a riot in the city!! King Zhao’s face changed in an instant!


“There are spies!!”

King Zhao naturally understood what was going on instantly.

There are spies disturbing the hearts and minds of the army in the city!

“No one is allowed to leave their posts without permission!”

“If anyone dares to take a step back, the king will be the first to behead him!”

As soon as the words fell, King Zhao casually swung his sword and cut off the head of a soldier! Punish someone as a warning to others!

If only they were internal chaos.

Then this war will not have to continue.

However, King Zhao’s move did not receive much effect! Once the military spirit is shaken, it is almost impossible to contain!!

After all, they only had an army of 200,000 troops, and they were facing twice as many troops as the other side!

Besides, they are rebels! The military is unstable!!

Coupled with the riots in the city at this moment, the situation outside the city is precarious, and the panic is even more difficult to contain!

“I… I choose to surrender!! ”

“Don’t kill me, I surrender!”

Several soldiers could not contain the fear in their hearts and opened their mouths to surrender.

King Zhao was furious and directly killed several soldiers on the spot with one sword!

But once someone opened his mouth to surrender, he could no longer suppress it very quickly.

One after another surrender sounded!

Even if King Zhao even killed dozens of soldiers, it would be of no use!!


“These anti-bone boys, the breed!!”

“So afraid of death!!”

King Zhao was so angry that his face turned blue!

Mo Tao, King Yun and the others sneered, “King Zhao, you are a rebellious thief against the bones!” ”

“If you are not greedy and afraid of death, why do you choose to defect to the enemy?”

“And the face accuses your men, who are really thick as walls.”

“King Zhao, if you have a backbone, you might as well kill yourself here!” Anyway, the trend has gone! ”

When King Zhao heard this, he was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of old blood! Obviously, it was really said by everyone.

Even now, the trend has gone, he still does not dare to commit suicide! He is really greedy and afraid of death!!


It’s a completely one-sided situation!

King Zhao’s soldiers and horses suffered heavy casualties and collapsed into an army! The city gates were also broken, and the defeat was completely determined! King Zhao was captured alive and tied up.

“The king is not willing…”

King Zhao Yangtian sighed, unable to withstand the blow, and fainted.

The people around them all cast dismissive glances.

I couldn’t imagine that this King of Zhao was so unbearable! No wonder they chose to mutiny!!

It was almost a disgrace to the face of the Great Qian Royal Family! Meanwhile.

Off the outside.

Zhou Honglie led the Qi soldiers and horses to arrive.

As a result, we received the news of King Zhao’s defeat!

The entire Dongyun City has been taken over by the people under the Great Qian Prime Minister!


When Zhou Honglie heard this, he was stunned! This is also too fast, right?!

“Under the command of King Zhao, don’t there be 200,000 soldiers and horses?”

“Guarding a Dongyun City, can’t even hold on for a day??”

Zhou Honglie’s lungs were about to explode!

“What a waste!!”

“What a mighty clan king!”

“Not even a little prince!”

The other generals looked at each other, their faces ugly.

Originally, they thought that the Eastern Yuncheng City would open the city gate, and they could drive straight into the city and attack the city.

Unexpectedly, the situation suddenly took a sharp turn for the worse! What should I do now?

Dongyun City was re-controlled by Daqian, and more than 400,000 soldiers and horses were stationed to rely on the defensive barrier of Dongyun City, and it was difficult for them to break through!

“Commander-in-chief, what should we do?”

“Do you want to continue the big attack?”

Several adjutant generals asked cautiously.

“Attack a fart again!!”

Zhou Honglie couldn’t help scolding.

“Now the other side has just won a big victory, and the morale is high!”

“And we’ve been a long journey and we’re exhausted.”

“You don’t understand such a simple truth?”

Zhou Honglie scolded the vice admiral to the point of bloodshed!

Don’t look at Zhou Honglie’s appearance of five big and three thick, but in terms of martial arts, there is no ambiguity in the slightest if they are as strong as a rainbow, then they will certainly not hesitate to attack.

The current situation has no favorable conditions for them at all!

“Camp here first and wait and see what happens!”

Zhou Honglie’s face was gloomy.

“Great Qian Prime Minister, it is indeed unfathomable…”

Although Zhou Honglie scolded King Zhao for his waste.

But he knew very well that all this was because of the Prime Minister’s calculations! It’s that prime minister who is so scary!

How long has it been since King Zhao rebelled?

So soon there will be a large army to kill!

Including the land of the three northeastern states, it is also quickly controlled! It can be seen that this prime minister has already made a good layout!!

King Zhao has always been in his grasp without knowing it! Defeat is completely expected…

The news came out, and all parties shook!

In the hall, the Wen and Wu officials looked shocked! That’s one of the most powerful clan kings! Was it ‘cleaned up’ by the prime minister so quickly? Countless shocked eyes fell on Yan Luo.

They couldn’t understand how this prime minister had done it!

“Does the Prime Minister really have the power of an uncertain prophet?”

“Otherwise, it would have been impossible to dispatch troops so quickly, behead the generals in the northeast region, and attack the city of Dongyun at the same time!”

“You found none, there were several clan kings and princes among them, all of them!”

“I can’t imagine that the prime minister can secretly mobilize these clan kings and princes?”

The more the ministers thought about it, the more frightened they became.

The Prime Minister’s calculations are too terrible, and the energy under his command is even more unfathomable!

One of the most powerful clan kings, King Zhao was wiped out! It’s just a lightning bolt!!

The female emperor sitting on the dragon chair had a complicated face. Originally, I thought that my plan and means were very powerful.

I didn’t expect to be a catastrophe!

In the end, it was this prime minister who stood up and quickly swept away the rebellion and deterred all sides!

Nowadays, although the barbarian army in the northeast is assembled, it does not dare to act rashly.

In the same way, even the 600,000 elite soldiers and horses of Daqi honestly camped outside the Guanxi and did not rush to attack!

Isn’t all this exactly the majesty of the Great Qian Prime Minister?!

“Is this guy really so clever?”

“And the energy behind it is simply immeasurable!”

The female emperor muttered darkly in her heart.

When she heard the words ‘uncertain prophet’ mentioned by those ministers, she couldn’t help but think of it instantly.

In the simulation screen, in the future, his fifth imperial sister Yang Miaojiao, the holy daughter of the Taishang Dao, will not become Yan Luo’s confidant with a red face??

Shop it to, four without practicing long one is not equivalent to the power of the uncertain prophet?

Thinking of this, the female emperor couldn’t help but giggle in her heart!

Can it be that now his fifth imperial sister has secretly befriended Yan Luo??

At this time.

Manchu Wenwu looked into Yan Luo’s eyes, full of awe! When everyone thinks it’s a huge disaster.

As a result, the Prime Minister has swept away the hidden dangers with the power of thunder!

This method is simply unpredictable! Now.

Yan Luo suddenly looked at the female emperor and smiled, “Your Majesty, your decision this time is not very wise.” ”

“In the future, this kind of thing will still be done by the Prime Minister!”

When the female emperor listened, her face twitched slightly.

This is to say that she made a mistake! But she couldn’t refute it!!

Originally, I thought that driving the tiger and swallowing the wolf, but I didn’t expect to almost lure the wolf into the room, causing a disaster!

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