Chapter 175 Guang Chengzi Goes Down the Mountain Chi You Resurrects!

In the heavenly banquet, a group of saint disciples did not give Haotian any face to leave, so that the entire heavenly banquet was so horrible and unhappy!

This incident was also spread by word of mouth from those who went to the banquet to spread towards the entire wilderness.

They thought Haotian would do something to the saint disciples.

But Haotian in the heavenly court did not move at all.

Although everyone was surprised at this, it was not unbearable!

After all, there are saints behind those saint disciples. Although Haotian is the emperor of heaven, he is not a saint, so naturally he can’t subdue a crowd of saints.

Not to mention the fact that Tianting Haotian is like this. In the past few decades, the human race has grown stronger under the leadership of Shennong.

The traces of the Terran have spread throughout most of the prehistoric, and the momentum of the Terran’s prosperity has long been revealed in the world!

And when he did this step, Shennong was already considered to have completed his merits. Three years ago, he achieved the throne of the earth emperor. Only when the next emperor was born, he entered the fire cloud cave in the ancestral land of the human race to suppress the luck of the human race. !

On this day, above East Kunlun, in Yuxu Palace.

Yuan Shi, who was closing his eyes, wandering in the heavens, suddenly opened his eyes. There seemed to be a world evolution in his eyes.

There are many creatures in that world. If you look closely, those creatures look like him!

As time passed, the vision in his eyes also disappeared, slowly returning to calm.

His gaze swept across the disciples below, first staying on Burning Lantern for a few breaths, and finally falling on Guang Chengzi.

“Guang Chengzi!”

“The disciple is here!”

Guangchengzi was summoned by Yuanshi. He did not hesitate to come to Yuanshi and bowed to him.

The other disciples also looked at them one after another, and they knew in their hearts that there was something good that would fall on Guang Chengzi.

All of a sudden, their feelings flowed in every way, and they didn’t know what to think about!

“The co-lord of the human race, Shennong, has completed his merits and achieved the throne of the earthly emperor!”

“But, the next human emperor is about to be born, you can join the human race, find that human emperor, and accept him as a disciple!”

Hearing this, Guang Chengzi’s face showed joy.

He knows that the Xuantu Master, who was taught by humans, became a disciple and became a disciple. On the day when he became the emperor, Xuantu also gained a lot of merits. With the help of those merits, he made breakthroughs at every level!

Now he is the strongest of Da Luo who has stepped into the realm of quasi-sage!

That Jiejiao Duobao also obtained the position of the emperor of the earth because of Shennong’s certification, and now his cultivation level is also rising.

Now, it’s finally his turn!

“Yes! The disciple will never fail the teacher’s entrustment!”

Guangchengzi came back to his senses and gave Yuanshi a respectful salute.

At this time, the rest of Yuanshi’s disciples looked at Guangchengzi, with envy and jealousy in their eyes. Even if they knew that Guangchengzi had a chance, they didn’t expect that Guangchengzi would become the teacher of the emperor.

They don’t have any doubts, is it possible that among their disciples, only Guangcheng is a direct disciple, and they are all named disciples.

Why is the gap so big?

As Yuanshi’s disciples, their hearts were not at peace, and the burning lantern beside them was not at peace.

You must know that he and Yuan Shi are both one of the three thousand visitors of Zixiao, but his luck is not good, he wants Lingbao but not Lingbao, and has no chance.

When Yuanshi set up the evangelical teachings and opened the mountain gate to recruit disciples, he put aside his face and worshipped into the evangelical teachings of the Yuanshi. He wanted to be reused by Yuanshi. Not to mention sanctification, he could make his cultivation even further.

However, in fact, he only got the position of a useless vice-master, and neither Guang Chengzi nor the other Yuanshi disciples looked down upon him, and even secretly despised him in his heart.

When it comes to strength, he can be said to be the first person under the Yuanshi, if he can get the position of the emperor of this man, with that merit, he might be able to make his cultivation further and cut down the three corpses.

But now that the position of the emperor’s teacher fell into the hands of Guang Chengzi, his heart suddenly became unbalanced, and a trace of different thoughts suddenly flashed through his mind.

However, just when this little thought appeared, he quickly killed it!

This kind of thought is not suitable to emerge in front of Yuan Shi.

At this time, Guang Chengzi had already bid farewell to Yuan Shi, went down Kunlun Mountain, and headed to the human race, ready to accept the emperor as his disciple!

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

In the Netherworld, next to the six reincarnations.

Countless Nine Nether evil spirits continued to converge, and the twelve shots of the Tianshen Shaqi was swallowing these evil evil spirits.

A mysterious breath continued to emerge, as if something taboo-like existence was gestating.

Fengxi, Hou Tu, and Xuan Ming’s figures all appeared here.

Feng Xi’s expression was still relatively calm, but the expressions of Hou Tu and Xuan Ming became a bit agitated.

All of this is because, among the twelve shots of the god evil flag, the god evil flag painted with the image of Houtu has an illusory figure emerging.

I don’t know how long it has passed, a roaring sound resounded through the entire Nether Realm, and even spread towards the entire prehistoric land.

Looking at this scene, Houtu’s eyes flickered slightly.

The entire Netherworld realm suddenly shook, and a breath blessed it, and the roar was blocked in the Netherworld, and it couldn’t be heard at all.

In the Netherworld, where the Nine Nether Yin and evil spirits constantly converge, the figures of Feng Xi and Houtu emerged.

“Roar! Di Jun is dead, I want you to be buried with Di Jiang Zu Wu!”

Just after Houtu finished all this, a roar came out!

Then an illusory figure stood on the banner, and this illusion figure was exactly what Chi You looked like.

The eyes of Hou Tu and Xuan Ming flashed with joy. Chi You’s ability to resurrect gave them great confidence.

It proves that Fengxi’s idea is feasible. After endless years, their brothers will definitely be able to return!

However, after Chi You appeared, he did not see Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi, nor did he see the ancestral witches. There was a confused look in his eyes.

When he saw the surrounding environment clearly, he saw Hou Tu and Xuan Ming in front of him, a look of doubt and surprise flashed in his eyes.

“Houtu Ancestral Witch? Xuanming Ancestral Witch? Why are you here?”

“No, it should be why I am here? Am I already dead?”

Chi You still remembered that in the last battle of the Lich, Di Jun killed several of their ancestral witches with a witch-slaughtering sword, forcing Di Jiang and him to blew himself up.

Then a group of people followed and dragged Donghuang Taiyi and others to blew themselves up. Why are they still alive?

After all, their witch clan has no primordial spirit and only cultivates the flesh. Once they die, they will completely return to the embrace of the father.

Houtu didn’t speak, stretched out his hand to point to Chi You’s eyebrows, a message fell into Chi You’s mind, and De Chi You understood why he was still alive.

After Chi You finished accepting the information in his mind, he opened his eyes and expressed amazement at the idea of ​​using these twelve capital gods to resurrect, and then he asked.

“Houtu ancestor witch, don’t know how my witch clan is now?”

“Have my Wu Clan defeated the Demon Clan, did I ever occupy this wild world?”

Houtu was silent, Xuan Ming’s eyes flickered slightly, and she opened her mouth to speak.

“At the beginning, the Gonggong brother broke the mountain, causing the sky to overflow, and almost leading to the destruction of the land. After the arrival of the saint, this battle will naturally not be fought.”

“Now the Lich Clan retreats to the northern part of the Great Desolate, and is not competing for the position of the world, and it is not easy to be born, and this predecessor is now a situation in which the human race is booming.”

Hearing Houtu’s words, Chi You couldn’t believe it.

He didn’t expect that he waited for others to fight for life and death, and finally paid the price of his life, so that the people picked up a bargain, and his heart was full of unwillingness.

“Chi You, now the Lich War is over. Now that you have resurrected, you can return to Pangu Hall, reshape your body, guard Pangu Hall, and wait for the return of the other brothers!”

Hou Tu naturally knows that Chi You is unwilling, but what can be done if he is unwilling, the age of the Lich has passed, and it is now the world of the Human Race, is it possible that the Wu Clan can still compete with the Human Race?

Even if the Wu Clan dared, she did not dare. Today’s Wu Clan does not have the vitality to experience a great war.

“No! Houtu ancestor witch, we still have a chance, I am willing to reincarnate the human race, just ask for a chance!”

Chi You shook his head, and said to Houtu.

He was unwilling to pay such a high price and ended up like this, and he still wanted to give it a try.

Houtu’s face changed slightly, she had already thought of what Chi You wanted to do.

“No, the Wu Clan can’t stand the tossing anymore!”

Hou Tu spoke in opposition.

“Why not? Didn’t Fuxi of the Demon Race reincarnate the Human Race?”

Before Chi You could speak, Xuan Ming spoke first.

Seeing Hou Tu and Fengxi looking towards her, Xuan Ming was silent.

She knows that she is not authentic, after all, her brother can have the hope of resurrection, and she is also totally resistant to wind and hope.

He didn’t owe anything to the Wu Clan, but she was still unwilling in her heart!

Hou Tu wanted to say something, but was stopped by Feng Xi standing next to her, and Feng Xi spoke.

“You want Chi You to reincarnate the human race, fight for the place of the current human emperor, and finally use the human fortune to feed back the Wu family’s fortune, right?!”

Xuan Ming looked at Feng Xi, she nodded, only to see her speak.

“Yes! At the beginning, the Witch and Human race intermarried, and the human and witch line was born, and that line is also Human!”

“Since they are all human races, Chi You reincarnated as a human witch, it might not be impossible to fight for the human luck!”

Chi You’s face was full of fearlessness. He looked at Feng Xi and said to him.

“Yes, Ancestral Witch Xuan Ming is right. If Fengxi Tianzun is afraid that I will win the position of the emperor, he doesn’t have to agree, just kill me now!”

Hearing Chi You’s words, Feng Xi showed a smile on her face, and saw him speak.

“Why should I stop you?”

“I can even accept Fuxi’s eldest brother, so what’s more, you are a wizard Chiyou?”

“Now you want to enter the venue as a Witch Clan, I can give you this opportunity, are you really willing?”

Hou Tu wanted to say something, but Feng Xi stopped it.

Chi You was silent for a moment, then bowed to Fengxi and Houtu.

“I have decided, please…”

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