Chapter 174 No Good Banquet

The heavenly feast, all the immortals and gods all appeared together.

Even the disciples of saints such as Jin Ning and Guang Chengzi are here.

It’s just that all of this was lost after a group of Western disciples such as Pharmacist and Maitreya came here.

Everyone stared at the Pharmacist and the others sluggishly.

To say that the West teaches people, they did think of this.

But they never thought that dozens of people would come to the West at once.

Compared with the other three religions, there are only a few people. The Western religion seems to have pulled out all of its roots.

Such a Western religion really doesn’t know what to say.

However, the pharmacist and Maitreya did not pay attention to everyone’s eyes, and walked in front of Haotian and Yaochi very naturally.

“Pharmacist, Maitreya has seen Da Tianzun, the Queen of Heaven.”

“The teacher asked me to wait to attend the heavenly feast. This is a gift prepared by the teacher!”

“It’s just that I’m barren in the West, so please don’t dislike it!”

The pharmacist’s words fell, and everyone looked at his hands.

I saw that a congenital spirit treasure appeared in the hands of the pharmacist, but that congenital spirit treasure was only a low-grade congenital spirit treasure.

All the fairy gods at the scene looked at each other, some were stunned.

You know, even if it is the dragon clan, they have given away three low-grade innate spirit treasures.

And this Western religion, there are two saints, even if it is barren, isn’t there a middle-grade innate spiritual treasure that can’t be made?

So, it’s just a low-grade innate spirit treasure. Isn’t this looking down on Haotian?

If so, it might as well not give it.

If they were Haotian, I’m afraid they would have gone mad at this time.

But what they don’t know is.

If you are not concerned about your own saint’s face, Zhunti will not prepare to send gifts, just let the disciples come.

Even so, he took out this low-grade innate spirit treasure, and it was already painful to his bones.

But Haotian was not as mad as they thought.

Although Haotian’s face was a bit ugly, he still maintained his demeanor as the emperor of heaven.

I saw that after Haotian accepted the innate spirit treasure, he spoke.

“You all come from afar, so take your seat!”

Pharmacist and Maitreya also didn’t care about the changes in Haotian’s expression.

A heavenly emperor, has not been put in their eyes.

After all, there are two saints standing behind them!

After getting the consent of Haotian, Yao Shi and Maitreya brought a group of Western disciples to their positions, but because there were too many people, they added some positions.

Time slowly passed, and no one came after the saint disciples arrived.

After all, these saint disciples are all representatives of saints, even if they are still not present, they dare not show up at this moment.

After all, who has such a big spectrum, dare to appear behind the saints?

This truth is not only a group of immortals, but even Haotian is well aware of it.

For this reason, Haotian cast a wink at Taibai Jinxing who was standing aside.

Taibai Jinxing immediately understood, and saw him two steps forward and shouted loudly.

“The hour has come, the heavenly feast has officially begun, let’s have a feast!”

As Taibaijinxing’s words fell, every fairy god was looking forward to it.

Not long afterwards, I saw a group of female officials floating outside the Yaochi Wonderland, holding a plate of rare and precious spiritual things exuding the aura of fairy clouds in their hands, and placed them in front of everyone one after another.

These spiritual creatures just smelled the smell, and they felt refreshed and refreshed.

Under the leadership of Haotian and Yaochi, the celestial gods also tasted it.

All of them showed joyful expressions on their faces. Some spiritual things, even for them, could hardly be eaten several times.

Even those saint disciples have a joyful expression on their faces.

And this is more than that. At the center of the Yaochi Wonderland, with the sound of music, a team of heavenly court ladies danced under the clouds and mist, like a fairy and a god, beautiful!

A crowd of people waited and scrambled, so happy!

“Upper flat peach!”

At this moment, Taibai Jinxing shouted again, drawing everyone’s attention back.

Their eyes shone brightly, you know, this time the heavenly feast, the finale is this flat peach.

It is not a secret that Yaochi has the innate spiritual root of Renshui Flat Peach in his hands.

Even if it was divided into 3,600 plants by Yaochi, its reputation would not be diminished in the slightest!

Among these 3,600 flat peaches.

There are 1,200 plants in front of them, with tiny flowers and fruits, which are ripe for three thousand years.

There are 1,200 trees in the middle, which are ripe for 6,000 years. People will rise up after eating the Xiaju, and they will live forever.

There are 1,200 plants in the back, with purple veins and fine nuclei, one ripe in 9,000 years. People have lived with the heavens and the earth, and the sun and the moon are the same.

The more you sit in the front, the longer the flat peaches you get, the better.

The group of people sitting at the back looked at the nine-thousand-year-old flat peach, with envy in their eyes, but they couldn’t give birth to a trace of jealousy.

After all, those people are either great supernatural powers or saints, no matter which one they are, they can’t afford to provoke them.

What’s more, the mana contained in the nine thousand years of flat peach is too powerful, even if it is given to them, it may not be able to absorb it.

“The flat peach has been delivered, please!”

Haotian picked up the flat peach in front of him, stood up and made a please gesture to the crowd, and said with a smile.

“Big Tianzun, Queen of Heaven, please!”

Everyone also got up and gave a bow, and then they picked up the flat peaches in front of them and took them.

Suddenly, the fragrance of flat peach permeated the entire Yaochi Wonderland, and every casual Xiu’s face was filled with surprise.

They can all feel a warm current coming from their bodies, they are refining their bodies, and their mana is constantly growing. Just such a flat peach has saved them countless years of effort.

Many people looked at Haotian with a hint of gratitude in their eyes, and they faintly thought of joining the heavenly court.

Haotian looked at the expressions of the crowd, and he was immediately satisfied, and then clapped his hands again, and a team of court ladies began to dance to the music.

Many of the guests who came to the event shook their heads, apparently already indulged in singing and dancing.

But these songs and dances are quite boring to those saint disciples, so it’s better to practice hard by yourself.

If it were not for the request of their own teacher, I am afraid that they have already left one after another at this moment!

Even so, the patience in their hearts was reduced to the extreme, and there was a little more impatience in their eyes.

Haotian paid attention to these saint disciples all the time, seeing the impatient expression in their eyes, he waved his hand and stopped singing and dancing.

Seeing him standing up, with a solemn expression, Haotian said.

“Everyone, although my heaven is rebuilt, I still lack talents to join!”

“You are all the leaders of the prehistoric times. If someone is willing to join the heavenly court, then the deity welcomes you, and I am willing to build the heavenly glory together with you!”

Haotian’s words fell, and the entire heavenly banquet was silent. Many people knew that something would happen this time.

However, no matter who it was, they never thought that Haotian would solicit in public. Some people were eager to move, and some people sneered constantly in their eyes, but no one dared to act rashly.

After all, there were disciples of the saints who were there, and they represented the will of the saints.

Speaking of it, maybe those saints are still paying attention here.

Although this Haotian is known as the disciple of Hongjun Daozu, Taiqing Laozi and others have not helped him, and those saint disciples have never joined the heavenly court.

No matter how you look at it, there is something secretive between Haotian and those saints.

They are all human beings, and even if they have ideas, they won’t express them at this time.

Seeing that no one was moving, Guang Chengzi and the others showed a sneer in their eyes, thinking that Haotian’s move was whimsical.

And Haotian also felt the ridicule in the eyes of many people, and there was a lot of anger in his heart, but he did not burst out.

Haotian’s eyes were full of majesty, and he said in a deep voice again.

“But someone is willing to join my heavenly court, guard the prehistoric order with this heavenly deity, and build the heavenly glory together?!”

Taibai Jinxing on the side also gave a wink at a few of them. This was someone he had found in advance and was ready to serve Haotian.

Seeing Taibai Jinxing’s wink, the few people struggled, and finally stood up and saluted Haotian.

“Thanks to the great heavenly respect, we are willing to join the heavenly court and become a member of the heavenly court!”

And following the actions of these people, many people who wanted to join Heavenly Court in their hearts also opened their mouths to Haotian to join Heavenly Court.

With the previous few people pushing the tank, they are not afraid.

And all of this, naturally, can’t hide the expression in Haotian’s eyes.

He glanced at Taibaijinxing imperceptibly, and was very satisfied with him.

Afterwards, Haotian looked at a group of saint disciples with a bit of pride.

I saw him smiling and speaking.

“You are all disciples carefully cultivated by the seniors.”

“I don’t know if this Tianzun today is fortunate enough to be able to see the abilities of your nephews?”

“So it’s good to see how much you nephew learned?”

In Haotian’s words, all stood for the sake of Guang Chengzi and his uncles, and seemed quite arrogant.

However, as soon as Haotian’s words fell, Guang Chengzi and the others looked at each other.

Afterwards, they stood up one after another. Although most of them were only in the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal, they did not stare at Haotian timidly.

“Da Tianzun has passed! Don’t you hear the Fa without spreading the six ears?”

“How can the saint’s law be easily demonstrated?”

“What’s more, I’m not a showoff. It’s too early now, and the teacher is still waiting for us to return to our lives and say goodbye!”

Guang Chengzi and Duobao choked Haotian in one sentence.

After the words fell, they walked out of the Yaochi Wonderland, and the disciples of the interpretation, such as the Yuding Ding and the Undang Virgin, followed one after another.

Although Xuan Du was also a little unhappy in his heart, he did not express it like Guang Cheng Zi and Duo Bao.

“Da Tianzun, since all the juniors have already left, then I will also go back to the teacher!”


“I have many things in the West. Please forgive me for leaving first. If Datianzun is interested, he can come to my West Xumi Mountain as a guest. This is what my teacher said!”

Pharmacist and Maitreya also wiped their mouths, and left with a group of Western disciples.

Seeing a group of saint disciples so shameless, Haotian’s expression became gloomy, and his aura was faintly aroused…

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