Chapter 176 Xuanyuan Chiyou was born Shennong inspection!

The prehistoric time slowly passed by, and Guang Chengzi also wandered around in the human race for several years.

But he did not discover any vision of the emperor’s birth.

Just when he was a little dazed, he suddenly felt something, a smile appeared on his face, and his figure suddenly disappeared.

The strides of the human race spread over most of the prehistoric, and there are countless human tribes belonging to it.

Among these human tribes, there is a human tribe named You Xiong.

The patriarch of the Xiong tribe named Shaodian.

Although Shaodian didn’t talk about the general talents, let the Xiong tribe dominate one side, but also let the Xiong tribe flourish.

The fact that the Xiong clan can have such a change is also related to the treasures attached to Shaodian’s wife.

Although Fubao is a woman, her knowledge is not much less than those called by the great sages of the human race.

Shao Dian is also very happy about this, for which he and his wife attached treasure are very affectionate.

One night, the two of them were walking in the field in the suburbs, and Fubao looked up at the starry sky. Suddenly, the sky glowed with a ray of light, like lightning, like a silver snake.

That ray of light revolved around the Big Dipper, and finally this ray of light fell from the sky and actually fell on her. The treasure only felt a movement in her abdomen, and she was pregnant since then.

Fubao didn’t dare to delay, and quickly told Shao Dian how he felt.

And after the visions of Xie Xie and Shennong, Shao Dian and Fu Bao are also clear, this may be the birth of a sage of the human race!

It is even possible to become the co-master of the human race!

Regardless of this, both the Shao Dian and the attached treasure themselves are very concerned.

Shaodian also sent many people to concentrate on protecting the attached treasure, being extremely cautious about it, fearing that something unexpected might happen.

In this way, a few years have passed since time flies.

Fubao’s belly grew bigger, but there was no sign of giving birth.

Regarding this, Shao Dian was also a little worried, even if there was a legend of Xia Xie and Shennong, but at this moment, he was still so nervous.

But on this day, Fubao suddenly cried out in pain, and red clouds filled her body.

Shaodian knew that this was Fubao was about to give birth, so he quickly called a midwife to deliver Fubao.

Soon, there was a very loud baby crying inside the house.

The originally bright sky changed instantly, forming a scene of starry sky.

Colorful rays of light, colorful clouds floated out from the house, and a strange fragrance went to all directions.

All the human races who smelled this strange fragrance felt their bodies relaxed for a while.

If you are sick, the disease will disappear completely, without the disease, your physical fitness will increase.

Shao Dian looked very excited, he walked into the room, and looked at the attached treasure affectionately.

Then he picked up his child.

Originally, a newborn baby should be extremely ugly, but his child is quite different.

The whole person looked fleshy, and his big eyes flickered, making him look extraordinarily cute.

“The Immeasurable Tianzun, the disciple Guangcheng under the seat of Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun in the poor Taoist Kunlun Mountains, come to visit!”

At this moment, a vocal number rang, and a voice came in.

Shao Dian was shocked. Although he had never heard of the name of Guang Cheng Zi, he still knew the name of Yuan Shi Tianzun, a saint.

Shao Dian didn’t dare to delay, he hurried out.

“Shao Dian has seen Fairy Master Guangchengzi. I don’t know if the Fairy Master is here, what can I advise?”

Shao Dian saluted Guang Chengzi very respectfully.

“The Patriarch Shaodian doesn’t need to be polite. This time, the poor Dao was ordered by the teacher to accept the son of the Patriarch Shaodian as a disciple!”

Guang Chengzi looked at Shao Dian and smiled slightly, explaining his intention.

“Fairy Master Guangchengzi can accept my son as a disciple, nothing can’t do it!”

“This child has just been born, and I haven’t named him yet. Now that the immortal Changji has come to accept disciples, how about a name for my son?”

Shao Dian said to Guang Chengzi expectantly.

After hearing Shao Dian’s words, Guang Chengzi pondered for a moment and looked around. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he opened his mouth to speak.

“Well, if that’s the case, then I will give him a name, and he will be called Xuanyuan from now on.”

“There is also a Xuanyuanqiu nearby. This name is considered appropriate. What does Patriarch Shaodian think?”

Shao Dian naturally had nothing to do. He immediately decided that his child was called Xuanyuan, and agreed with Guang Chengzi that he would come to accept him as a disciple when he became an adult.

On the other side, when Xuanyuan was just born, there was a tribe named Jiuli in the human race, which was a human-witch family born from the marriage between the human race and the witch race.

Chi You was reincarnated in this Jiuli tribe. When he was born, he was born with a bloody spirit, as if he was born to kill.

Seeing him like this, the Jiuli tribe, which has some blood of the Witch clan, not only didn’t feel scared about it, but secretly surprised him, thinking that this was the best gift God gave them Jiuli.

All the saints were extremely surprised by Chi You’s birth and the transformation of heaven.

They all thought that Chi You died in the original Lich War, but they didn’t expect Chi You to be alive and even reincarnated into the human race, wanting to compete with the newly born Xuanyuan for the throne of humanity!

But seeing that the human race didn’t react at all, they also reacted.

Although the blood of the witch clan had the blood of the witch clan, it also belonged to the human clan.

In this case, this is a struggle within the human race, and it is not considered as an intervention by outsiders.

For this reason, they did not interfere at all, but quietly watched, this third human emperor would fall into the hands of Chi You or Xuanyuan!

Guang Chengzi, who had just received Xuanyuan happily, also felt the breath of Chi You’s birth. Although he didn’t understand what it meant, he knew that he should teach Xuanyuan well.

Therefore, in order to facilitate the teaching of Xuanyuan, Guang Chengzi did not go far, but lived in this bear tribe, quietly waiting for Xuanyuan to grow up.

And this Xuanyuan did not live up to the vision he had when he was born. When he was still young, he was able to help his father, Shaodian, solve some tribal affairs and even put forward some opinions of his own.

Time slowly passed, and Xuanyuan also moved towards adulthood. Although Guang Chengzi did not formally recruit students as an apprentice during this period, he still taught him some knowledge of cultivation and instilled some concepts of interpretation and teaching.

After Xuanyuan became an official adult, Shaodian gave the position of patriarch to Xuanyuan, allowing De Xuanyuan to develop the Xiong clan wholeheartedly.

With the planting of grains and the spread of Shennong’s Herbal Medicine, the number of human races has not been troubled by disasters, and once again skyrocketed. This skyrocketing increase has allowed the necessary planting area to continue to expand.

If you are more, then I will be less, and there is a lot of dispute over the ownership of the field.

After Xuanyuan learned of this, he thought for a while, and decided to prevent disputes with one-foot acres, and even distribute the land in a unified way for coordinated development.

At the same time, Xuanyuan was very dissatisfied with the defensive power in the tribe, thinking that it could not protect his tribe well.

Finally, according to Guang Chengzi’s suggestion, the brave warriors from the tribe were gathered, and they were trained to become an army, which greatly enhanced their combat effectiveness, and the Xiong tribe would be prosperous.

The surrounding tribes had heard about Xuanyuan’s abilities, and brought the tribes to seek refuge, so that Xuanyuan’s reputation spread to the rest of the human race.

The news of Xuanyuan naturally reached Shennong’s ears.

Shennong, who had already completed his merits, flashed a divine light in his eyes, and the fame of Xuanyuan and Chi You fell in his ears.Now that Xuanyuan has a teacher named Guang Chengzi, he can be regarded as the first step in his eyes.

He immediately decided to go to the Xiong clan to evaluate Xuanyuan. If Xuanyuan can satisfy him, then the next emperor will be given to Xuanyuan.

In order to better evaluate Xuanyuan, Shennong came to the Youxiong tribe without telling anyone.

When Shennong saw the vigor of the Xiong clan and saw the difference between the Xiong clan and the current human tribe, his eyes were filled with satisfaction, and he immediately stated his identity and wanted to see Xuanyuan!

Knowing that Shennong had arrived, Xuanyuan dared not take the slightest carelessness, and immediately went out to meet Shennong in person. Guang Chengzi beside him was also by Xuanyuan’s side, and both of them bowed to Shennong.

“The patriarch Xuanyuan of the Xiong tribe in the human race has seen the co-lord!”

“Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun’s disciple Guangchengzi has seen the co-master of the human race!”

Shennong carefully looked at Xuanyuan who appeared in front of him, and saw that he was just standing there quietly, with a kingly aura between his eyes, and he was quite satisfied.

“I have long heard that there is a great sage Xuanyuan in the human race. When I saw it today, if it is true, it really makes me feel a lot of joy!”

Shennong personally helped Xuanyuan and said with a smile to him.

“Master Dao is polite, you are Xuanyuan’s teacher, and my teacher is Duobao, logically speaking, I still want to call you Master Uncle, and thank you so much for cultivating such a talent as Xuanyuan for my Human Race!”

After supporting Xuanyuan, Shennong also spoke to Guang Chengzi.

After a few polite words, Xuanyuan and Guang Chengzi welcomed Shennong into the Youxiong tribe.

In the following days, Shennong watched while Xuanyuan was handling government affairs, and at the same time discussed with Xuanyuan some insights on governing the world.

After a while, Shennong’s heart was mixed.

Xuanyuan has his own unique insights on the governance of human race.

If he insists on saying something, what he and the emperor sacrificed and advocated is royalism, and he prefers the way of benevolence and righteousness.

Although Xuanyuan also belonged to the kingly way, it was more inclined to the kingly and hegemony way, and the methods were too staunch. Although it was enlightened, it was more iron and blood.

If Xuanyuan were the co-master of the Human Race, it might bring about other changes in the Human Race, but he didn’t know whether it was good or bad!

For this reason, Shennong was very hesitant. He didn’t know whether to hand over the position of co-master of the human race to Xuanyuan.

However, on this day, Shennong saw Xuanyuan approaching Guangchengzi with a question, and he saw Xuanyuan’s expression towards Guangchengzi.

There was a sudden movement in his heart, thinking of a terrible question.

On this day, he took Xuanyuan and walked outside of the Xiong clan. Suddenly, he spoke to Xuanyuan.


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