Chapter 168 Candle Dragon Surrenders The Name of the Underworld!

On Penglai Island, on the Cliff of Enlightenment, Feng Xi seemed to feel something, and looked out of Penglai Island.

“Emperor Fengxi, Zhulong is visiting!”

A word with a bit of vicissitudes was introduced into Penglai Island, and a looming figure appeared outside Penglai Island.

Hearing this sentence, a divine light flashed in Feng Xi’s eyes.

He didn’t say much, just stretched out his hand, and a starlight flew out of his hand.

The starlight condensed into a starlight bridge in midair, connecting the inside and outside of Penglai Island.

Outside Penglai Island, Zhulong looked at this starlight bridge, and his eyes also flashed a different kind of light.

Without hesitation, he walked onto the bridge of stars.

Only in a moment, Zhulong felt the space change, and he had come to a cliff filled with Taoist rhyme.

In front of him, it was Fengxi and three clouds of different colors that he wanted to see during this trip.

“Zhulong has seen Emperor Fengxi!”

Zhulong bowed to Feng Xi with a respectful expression.

“Candle Dragon, I have heard of you.”

“You are Zulong’s younger brother. I thought you had fallen in the battle of the three races, but I didn’t expect you to live to the present.”

“Moreover, your cultivation has reached the level of Quasi-Saint Consummation!”

Fengxi turned and looked at Zhulong, a purple light flashed in his eyes.

As a powerhouse at the Hunyuan level, even though Zhulong tried his best to hide his cultivation strength, he was still able to see through it.

“Sure enough, I can’t hide anything from the emperor.”

“There is nothing to be proud of when the quasi-sage reaches Consummation, isn’t the emperor’s strength also beyond everyone’s expectations?”

Zhulong didn’t have any unexpected expressions, this incident had already been expected.

Hearing Zhulong’s words, Feng Xi smiled slightly, and then spoke.

“Zhulong, you are not staying in your dragon palace, why did you come to my Penglai Island?”

Zhulong didn’t speak first, but stretched out his hand, and a figure was thrown to the ground in front of Feng Xi.

“This is the clan member who offended the daughter of the co-leader of the human race, Shennong, and hereby handed him over to the emperor.”

“No matter what the emperor does, my dragon clan has no opinion!”

“It’s just… I hope that the emperor can restrain the human race, the dragon race can’t withstand the war with the human race now!”

Zhulong pointed to Ao Xian who was thrown to the ground by him. At the end of his speech, his words paused slightly, and his heart was full of bitterness.

The ancient dragons, occupying the four seas, were even able to defeat the Phoenix and Qilin tribes with one enemy.

But now, I actually want to lower my pride and beg for mercy from outsiders.

There was a bit of unwillingness in his heart, but at this moment he dared not show it at all.

Hearing Zhulong’s words, Feng Xi glanced at him slightly.

Although Zhulong bowed her head slightly and couldn’t see his expression clearly, Fengxi knew that Zhulong was unwilling.

He didn’t care about Ao Xian in front of him, he was just a small person.

“Although I am the Holy Father of the Human Race, I have not interfered in the affairs of the Human Race!”

“But since your candle dragon said so, I should give you the dragon clan a face.”

“The Human Race decides to send troops. There is absolutely no possibility to change this matter, but I will restrain the Human Race and not let this matter continue to expand.”

Feng Xi’s eyes flickered slightly. He looked at Zhulong, and he could clearly see that a trace of calamity dissipated on Zhulong’s body.

That was the karma committed by the three tribes in ancient times.

The existence of these karma will make these three surviving tribes fall into a state of constant anxiety.

Even when they are cultivating, it is easy for them to get confused.

Although this karma exists in the candle dragon, there is not much left.

Perhaps, after ten thousand years, the karma on the candle dragon will dissipate.

At that time, maybe the Candle Dragon, who has already reached the quasi-sage perfection, will set foot in the realm of Hunyuan in one fell swoop.

He is not guilty of offending a strong man at the Hunyuan level.

This is not to say that he is afraid of a strong Hunyuan, but that there is really no need for this.

What’s more, after ten thousand years, Zhulong will make progress. Wouldn’t he make progress without it?

Hearing Fengxi’s words, Zhulong breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the human race did not retreat, but the words of Fengxi will restrain the human race, this is not a bad ending.

“Candle Dragon, thank you Emperor!”

Zhulong bowed to Feng Xi, the original matter was here, and it should be over.

However, Zhulong’s expression was a bit hesitant. After a while, he gritted his teeth slightly and said.

“Emperor, not long ago, Taibai Jinxing, a subordinate of Tianting Datianzun, came to my dragon clan.”

“I hope that the dragons will return to the heavens, and the heavens will perform their duties and move clouds and rain, and the great heavens can eliminate karma for my dragons.”

Hearing Zhulong’s words, a playful look flashed in Feng Xi’s eyes.

He looked at Zhulong and spoke to him.

“Really? So what do you think?”

“The return of the dragon clan to the heavenly court is a good thing. When the karma is eliminated, maybe your dragon clan can rise again!”

When Zhulong heard Feng Xi’s words, a cold sweat suddenly oozes from his back.

He didn’t dare to delay, and said quickly.

“No! No! No! I haven’t thought about this.”

“It’s just… the emperor is the Arctic Ziwei Great Emperor of the Heavenly Court. If it is possible, can the Dragon Race…”

Zhulong took a peek at Feng Xi, but he didn’t finish his words.

But neither he nor Fengxi knew what he wanted to express.

A smile appeared on Feng Xi’s face. He looked at Zhulong and spoke to him.

“You are a good calculation!”

“I want you to join the Heavenly Court, and when your karma is eliminated, you can also step into the realm of mixed origin at that time.”

“Why let the dragons come under my command?”

“As you know, the most unacceptable thing for me is betrayal!”

Feng Xi said, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and a hint of aura was immediately released.

Behind him, the space was shattered, and a turbulent flow of void emerged.

The whole person showed a monstrous power.

Like a god, the mighty power is like the sea, and the mighty might be like a prison, which is extremely terrifying!

Not only the candle dragon in front of him, but also San Xiao behind Fengxi, it was the first time that Fengxi had seen such a majestic Fengxi.

Zhulong was stunned by Feng Xi, and it took a long time before he returned to his senses.

A wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“The emperor is also right. Dragons can join the Heavenly Court. After all karma is eliminated, I will most likely set foot in the realm of Hunyuan!”

“But… what if someone doesn’t want to watch this happen?”

Having said that, Zhulong squeezed his fists, and he suddenly looked up at Fengxi.

“Not everyone can step into the realm of Hunyuan in a flash like an emperor!”

“In the entire prehistoric wilderness, there are enough people standing at the top. They will never watch, another person who can be equal to them appears!”

“If you can’t live now, how can you talk about the future?”

After Zhulong finished speaking, he lowered his head again.

He is very aware of the power of the saints, as long as they want to know, then his existence can’t be hidden from these saints.

The primordial land is so great, the luck is so much, and there are many people who have been divided. Why would they be willing to have one more person to distribute?

What’s more, they won’t watch the dragons rise again.

Originally, he thought that he could only survive so long in this life, and the dragon clan could also survive in the cracks.

But I didn’t expect a character like Feng Xi to appear.

This gave him hope, so he would never mind taking a gamble on Fengxi.

Anyway, the situation of the Dragons will not get worse!

Hearing Zhulong’s words, Fengxi fell into deep thought.

Although the Dragon Clan did not show it, he knew very well that the strength of the Dragon Clan should never be underestimated.

If the Dragon Clan joins his subordinates, it might not be impossible to add a bit of help.

Feng Xi’s heart moved a little.

Naturally, Zhulong was able to see the look that flashed in Feng Xi’s eyes.

Without any hesitation, Zhulong suddenly knelt to Fengxi on one knee.

“Candle Dragon is here, swearing in the name of Heaven!”

“The dragon clan is willing to submit to Emperor Fengxi, but there will be betrayal in the future, heaven and earth will punish him!”

Rumble! Rumble!

In the midair, the sound of thunder abruptly sounded.

This is God’s recognition of Zhulong’s oath.

From then on, the Dragons could no longer betray Fengxi, otherwise, within the prehistoric land, there would be no chance for them to survive.

Feng Xi looked at Zhulong, and she couldn’t help but feel a sigh in her heart.

He didn’t expect that Zhulong would be so decisive.

Seizing the moment of his heartbeat, he directly made the oath of heaven.

However, to be able to subdue the Dragon Clan, he has no reason to refuse.

Feng Xi stretched out his hand and waved, and helped Zhulong up, and said to him.

“Since your Dragon Clan wants to join my subordinates, then I naturally have no reason to refuse!”

“The dragon race will separate now!”

“One part is headed by the Four Seas Dragon King, joining the Heavenly Court, surrendering to Haotian on the face, but remember, you should not listen to the announcement!”

“Part of it is headed by you, join the underworld!”

Hearing Fengxi’s words, Zhulong gritted his teeth and then nodded.

“Okay! But where is the underworld?”

Hearing Zhulong’s words, Feng Xi showed a smile on her face.

“It’s normal if you haven’t heard of the netherworld!”

“This is the product I set up in the Netherworld to maintain the normal operation of the Six Paths of Samsara!”

“Emperor Netherworld is respected by the Great Emperor, and there are four ghost emperors under his command, the Shifang Yama, the civil and military judge, and the bull head horse face.”

“This will be a force not inferior to Heaven!”

Hearing Feng Xi’s words, a shocked expression flashed in Zhulong’s eyes.

He did not expect that Feng Xi had set up such a huge force in secret, and from this he could know how much Feng Xi had ambitions!

Just hearing the netherworld made him feel a shock from the heart.

At this moment, he never felt that surrendering to Fengxi was such a correct decision.

At this time, in his mind, he couldn’t help but think of the inexplicable words his elder brother told him when the three races were in the final battle…

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