Chapter 169: The Dragon Race Enters the Heavenly Court, Reactions From All Sides!

On Penglai Island, on the Cliff of Enlightenment, Zhulong looked at Fengxi in shock.

“Emperor, you mean, you want me to be one of the ghost emperors in the underworld?”

Zhulong didn’t expect that Feng Xi would actually give him a high position like Sifang Ghost Emperor.

Ask yourself if he is Fengxi, when someone takes refuge in him.

Perhaps, he could not act like Fengxi.

Maybe this is one of the reasons Fengxi can become Hunyuan!

This thought also flashed through Zhulong’s mind.

Fengxi turned her back to Zhulong, his gaze looking into the distance.

It seems that he can see the entire prehistoric land and other unknowable places.

Fengxi’s faint words seemed to imply something special.

“Candle Dragon, this world is very big, and some people may not be able to explore one ten thousandth of their lives.”

“This world is very small. Someone may have an insight into everything in a single thought.”

“Since I gave you the position of one of the Sifang Ghost Emperors, then you have this ability!”

“Don’t you want to become Hunyuan?!”

At the end, Feng Xi turned around abruptly, and he looked at Zhulong, his eyes seemed to have some meaning.

Looking at Feng Xi’s gaze, Zhulong didn’t know why, his heart that had been riddled with holes since the end of the Three Clan War, this moment was beating again.

His cheeks were all flushed, and he saw his eyes firmly open to Feng Xi.

“Of course I want to become Hun Yuan!”

“I also want to make a legend of my own!”

Listening to Zhulong’s words, Fengxi flicked her sleeves and laughed loudly.

“Hahaha! Good!”

“Sure enough, I didn’t misunderstand you, so starting today, your candle dragon will be the Eastern Ghost Emperor among the Sifang Ghost Emperors!”

As Feng Xi’s words fell, the extremely distant Nether Realm suddenly shook.

Hou Tu in the Netherworld also felt something in his heart.

She smiled knowingly, shook her head slightly, and then closed her eyes.

There was a roar behind her.

It turned out that where she was, it was the place of the six reincarnations.

At this moment, her mind was establishing contact with the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and a trace of mysterious fluctuations spread from her.

In Penglai Island, after Fengxi’s words fell, a spatial crack suddenly appeared in front of him.

A trace of ghostly breath came out, and a trace of light burst out.

A ghost seal cast like Yin Qi appeared in front of Feng Xi.

Feng Xi didn’t hesitate at all, he threw the ghost seal at the candle dragon.

The candle dragon took over the ghost seal, and saw that the underside of the ghost seal was engraved with the eight characters of the emperor, Dao Yongchang!

For some reason, the candle dragon read these eight characters, and a trace of yin aura swept from the ghost seal, covering the candle dragon.

Zhulong did not move at all. He knew that Feng Xi would never be against him, otherwise he would never survive now.

that’s the truth!

After a long while, after the yin qi dissipated, the appearance of the candle dragon had changed drastically.

Originally, what he was wearing was a purple-golden dragon robe embroidered with nine fangs dancing to catch a dragon.

But at this moment, his purple-golden dragon robe had been replaced by a jet black imperial robe.

There are not only nine dragons on the dragon robe, but also a few hundred ghosts.

And on his head, there was a flat crown, his eyes flickered slightly, and the aura of majesty suddenly revealed.

At this time, Zhulong gave a salute to Fengxi.

“Eastern Ghost Emperor Zhulong, I have seen the Great Emperor!”

When Feng Xi heard Zhulong’s words, a trace of satisfaction flashed in her eyes, and she nodded slightly to him.

“Well, don’t say anything about this for now, everything will be as it is.”


A divine light flashed in Zhulong’s eyes, and he was not surprised at all.

Right now, even though Feng Xi is a strong man at the Hunyuan level, he wants to be hostile to a group of saints, which is also a foolish dream.

After speaking, the candle dragon disappeared on Penglai Island under the guidance of the bridge of stars.

Looking at the back of Zhulong leaving, Feng Xi’s eyes flickered slightly, and he was not saying anything.

San Xiao was also quietly accompanied by Feng Xi, without a word at this moment.

They know very well that Fengxi at this moment needs to be quiet and need to think about things.

(Does anyone know who Jingjing belongs to?)

. . . . . . . . . . .

After returning to the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, he did not delay in the slightest. He directly found Ao Guang and said something to him.

It didn’t take long before Ao Guang took the Dragon King from the other three seas and headed towards the heavenly court.

He saluted Haotian directly and joined the heavenly court.

And Haotian in the heavenly court did not expect this surprise to come so quickly.

He was sure to subdue the Dragon Race, but that was after the battle between the Dragon Race and the Human Race.

But he didn’t expect that at this time the dragon clan would surrender to the heavens and join his command.

In order to express his grace to the dragon clan.

Haotian also gave an order to seal the Four Seas to the Dragon Clan, let him guard the Four Seas, and be responsible for the entire prehistoric movement of clouds and rain.

This matter soon spread to the entire prehistoric land.

All the great supernatural powers did not expect that the Dragon Clan who was going to fight the human race actually came such a hand.

He directly joined the heavenly court and became a minister of the heavenly court.

If Human Race still insists on attacking Dragon Race at this time, it is undoubtedly not giving Haotian face.

They are all looking forward to the human race’s response?

Chaos, Wa Palace.

Nu Wa slowly opened her eyes, the light in her eyes flashed, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

“It seems that Haotian is not easy!”

“Able to seize this opportunity to bring the Dragon Clan under his command, no matter whether it is scheming or means, it is not bad, but I don’t know this strength…”

Nu Wa admires Haotian quite a bit.

After all, the ability to develop Heavenly Court from nothing, to today’s vivid and colorful, is enough to prove that Haotian has a good talent.

Haotian, who was originally docile, also showed his fangs at this moment, which proved that he is definitely a person who is unwilling to live under others, and he will definitely conflict with Sanqing and others in the future. This is not a good show!

(Nu Wa and Hou Tu don’t know Fengxi’s plan. Zhu Tian is a story that he wants to tell, and it’s full of unfolding…)

Shouyang Mountain, in the Bajing Palace.

Taiqing Laozi opened his eyes slightly and glanced in the direction of Heavenly Court, without paying any attention.

Afterwards, he concentrated on refining the furnace of medicine in front of him.

East Kunlun, in Yuxu Palace.

There was a sneer in Yuanshi Tianzun’s eyes.

He had long known that Haotian was by no means such a simple character.

He had expected Haotian’s movements and his thoughts a long time ago, he could have prevented it, but he did not.

Without the strength of a saint, then in his eyes, all beings are ants.

Haotian was just such an ant in his eyes, just like a beam-jumping clown!

If Haotian is knowledgeable, then he can still be his emperor, if he is not knowledgeable, then he doesn’t mind making a move, just get rid of the chaos!

After all, he is a saint among the prehistoric, the most top-notch existence. Although Haotian has Hongjun as his backer, it is very easy to pinch him, because Haotian is only a quasi-sage cultivation base!

In Jinao Island.

Tong Tian didn’t care much. He could just ignore the importance of Tian Ting not to provoke him and the people around him.

On Mount Xumi in the west, the lead and Zhunti sit opposite each other.

The two of them did not expect that Haotian would be able to subdue the Dragon Clan, but this matter was not a bad thing for them.

Zhunti smiled and said to the lead.

“Brother, this Haotian method is quite good. He can actually subdue the Dragon Race. It seems that he has a big picture in his heart. He will definitely collide with Sanqing in the future. Maybe we can contact Haotian in advance to provide him with some help. !”

“At that time, it might be possible to draw Haotian to our side. As long as Dongfang is not an iron plate, then we…”

Zhunti hadn’t finished his words, but there was a light in the eyes of Xiuying, and he had already understood what Zhunti meant.

After all, if Haotian and Sanqing are in conflict with each other at that time, then he wants to fight against Sanqing. Only he is the only choice in the West, and the enemy’s enemy is his friend!

In the ancestral land of the human race, a group of human race elders who are about to send troops to the dragon race have gathered together.

There was a certain dignity in their eyes, and all of this was because the dragon race had joined the heavenly court.

Although Heavenly Court only relied on Haotian, the great Heavenly Venerable, its strength was much worse than that of Demon Race Demon Court.

But no matter what, Heavenly Court is all orthodox!

Haotian also has Hongjun as the backer behind Haotian, and they should naturally be cautious.

“Brother, the Dragon Clan has joined the Heavenly Court. If we act on the Dragon Clan, then wouldn’t we have to fight with the Heavenly Court?”

“That Haotian is the boy of Hongjun Daozu. If he shoots, I’m afraid Haotian will have us…”

You Chao spoke to Suiren, his words were a little worried.

Sui Renshi was silent, he was also a little undecided.

“Huh! What’s to be afraid of!”

“At the beginning, the monsters killed our human race, we were not afraid!”

“Now, can a mere Haotian still scare us?”

Zi Yi’s cold voice sounded in the hall of people.

“Little sister, you don’t know that Haotian is the boy of Hongjun Daozu.”

“If Haotian goes to ask Hongjun Dao Ancestor to take action, how can my human race resist it?”

There was Chao’s expression with a wry smile.

Regardless of the appearance of his girl, even compared to those female supernatural powers, her appearance is not different, but this temper does appear to be extremely irritable.

Zi Yi’s eyes flickered slightly, she looked at Chao’s and said.

“Second brother, of course I know that Haotian is the boy of Hongjun Daozu.”

“But, so what?”

There are Chao’s for a moment, and some don’t know how to speak.

Zi Yi didn’t care, and continued to speak.

“If it’s because there is Hongjun behind Haotian, I’ll give in when I wait!”

“Then, if another person with a sky-reaching background comes to persecute my human race, my human race will have to back down?”

“My human race’s past opponent, where can the Yao race be weaker?”

“Dare to take action in the face of the monster race, and dare to take action in the face of the dragon race, now facing a person who has Hongjun Daozu as a backer, dare not to take action?”

“If so, how can my human race become the protagonist of heaven and earth?!”

“How can my Human Race talk about Human Race’s great prosperity?!”

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