Chapter 167 Taibai Visits the Dragon Clan, Three Heavens!

“It’s all this damn wicked barrier, just behave in the East China Sea on weekdays!”

“Now that it has provoked the human race, he almost killed the daughter of the co-owner of the human race. It’s almost time to kill!”

Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, looked at Ao Xian who was kneeling on the ground, a trace of murder in his eyes could not help but reveal.

Speaking of it, although this Ao Xian is his son, he has many sons, and Ao Xian is only one of them.

He didn’t care about Ao Xian very much.

If killing Ao Xian can eliminate this misunderstanding with Human Race, then he will definitely not hesitate in the slightest.

Ao Shun, the dragon king of Beihai, looked at Ao Xian with murderous intent, but now it was not when he was caring about his life, so he opened his mouth and said.

“Brother, now is not the time to care about Ao Xian’s life, but how should I deal with the human race?”

“Behind the human race is the saint Nuwa, and the Hunyuan Fengxi!”

“Even if you don’t count them, there are many quasi-sages in the human race. It’s not that easy to mess with.”

Hearing the words of Beihai Dragon King Ao Shun, Ao Guang’s eyes were full of helplessness.

After a long while, he just spoke.

“What’s going on in this matter? Right now, there are only tricks and tricks.”

“Humans are not so easy to deal with, and my dragons are not so easy to bully.”

“You wait to prepare for the war, I will go to the Zulong Palace to meet with the clan elders and ask for their help!”

Hearing Ao Guang’s words, the other Three Sea Dragon Kings did not refute.

Right now, that’s all they can do.

Seeing the departure of the Three Seas Dragon King, Ao Guang looked at Ao Xian and couldn’t help the anger in his heart anymore. He snorted and slapped Ao Xian with a palm.

“Niezhang, please pray carefully, pray that you can pass this level!”

After finishing speaking, he directly sealed Ao Xian’s mana and asked the left and right to take him down for strict supervision.

Just when Ao Guang was about to head towards the Zulong Palace, Prime Minister Turtle from the East China Sea Dragon Palace walked in.

He saluted Ao Guang, and said with a somewhat respectful expression.

“Your Majesty Dragon King, Heavenly Court Taibai Jinxing is begging to see you outside the palace!”

“Too platinum star?”

“What is he here, is it…”

A divine light flashed in Ao Guang’s eyes, as if thinking of something.

“Bring him in, I want to see what he wants to do!”

Prime Minister Turtle didn’t say much, he just bowed to Ao Guang.

Soon, Taibai Jinxing walked in under the leadership of Prime Minister Turtle.

“Taibai has seen the Dragon King of the East China Sea!”

Taibai Jinxing gave a small salute to Ao Guangwei.

“The Taibai messenger doesn’t need to be polite. I don’t know why the Taibai messenger came to my East China Sea Dragon Palace?”

If it was normal, perhaps Ao Guang would still chat with Taibai Jinxing, but now that the Human Race is about to send troops, he doesn’t have so much time to chat with Taibai.

Hearing Ao Guang’s words, a light flashed in Taibai’s eyes, and he smiled and said to Ao Guang.

“Dragon King, I am here this time because I have a great happy event to tell you the Dragon King.”

“Oh? What’s the happy event?”

A look of interest appeared in Ao Guang’s eyes, and he looked at Taibai Jinxing.

“In ancient times, the three tribes competed for hegemony, and eventually the dragon tribe retired, and the Feng tribe belonged to the immortal volcano, while the Qilin tribe disappeared and was hard to find.”

“Presumably, each has the influence of karma?!”

Taibai Jinxing looked at Ao Guang, with a fascination in his eyes showing in front of Ao Guang, without any scruples.

Hearing Taibaijinxing’s words, Ao Guang’s eyes condensed, staring at Taibaijinxing closely.

“The Dragon King doesn’t need to be so nervous. This time I came, naturally following the order of the Great Heavenly Sovereign.”

“Big Tianzun can eliminate karma for the dragon clan!”

When Taibai Jinxing’s words fell, whether it was Ao Guang or Prime Minister Turtle who was listening to this incident, his body was slightly shaken.

After a long while, Ao Guang said in a somewhat dry voice.

“Taibai messenger, what you said is true?”

“Da Tianzun really has the ability to eliminate karma for my dragon race?”

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Taibai Jinxing’s mouth, not afraid of Ao Guang being moved, but afraid that he would not be moved.

Right now, don’t you just get the bait!

“Of course, the heavens dominate the prehistoric, and they have their own merits and virtues!”

“It is very simple to eliminate the karma of the dragon clan. As long as the dragon clan is willing to join the heavenly court and move clouds and rain, then karma can be eliminated!”

“The Dragon King should know how much merit is needed to regulate the floods and rains!”

With a smile on Taibai Jinxing’s face, he spoke to Ao Guang sincerely.

Ao Guang was silent for a while, and he had to say that his heart was moved. Now Haotian and Di Jun are in an unusual situation.

Dijun was only the lord of the demon clan at the beginning, and his dragon clan has his own pride, how could he be willing to surrender to a lord of the demon clan.

But now Haotian is the Lord of the Heavenly Court, and Hong Jun is behind him as a backer. If the Dragon Race joins the Heavenly Court, it is not a loss.

As long as the decision to join the Heavenly Court is made, the dragon’s karma can be eliminated, and the obstacles that hinder his advancement will also be dispersed.

It’s just a pity that he is not in charge of this matter.

A trace of pity flashed in Ao Guang’s eyes, and when he was about to refuse Taibai Jinxing, a voice fell into his mind, making him startled slightly.

Ao Guang recovered, he smiled at Taibai Jinxing, and then he spoke.

“Taibai messenger, this matter is very important, I still need to discuss with the people!”

“Please also Taibai messenger to wait a few more days.”

Hearing Ao Guang’s words, Taibai Jinxing didn’t have any doubts, he nodded slightly, and then spoke.

“This matter should be the case, then I will wait for Longwang Jiayin!”

After the words fell, Taibai Venus also left the East China Sea Dragon Palace, his figure turned into a stream of light and disappeared.

Watching Taibai Jinxing leave, the smile on Ao Guang’s face disappeared, and he looked at Prime Minister Turtle.

“Prime Minister Turtle, I’m going to meet the clan elder, and you will temporarily leave all affairs of the Dragon Palace to you.”


Hearing Prime Minister Turtle’s words, Ao Guang disappeared.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The Terran is preparing to send troops to the Dragon Clan, and Taibai Jinxing also visits the Dragon Clan. None of this has been concealed from Fengxi on Penglai Island.

At this moment, on the cliff of Enlightenment, Fengxi is standing with her hand in her hand.

A breeze blew past, and Feng Xi’s blue robes were fluttering, full of misty and dusty meaning, like an independent immortal.

In the blink of an eye, three clouds of different colors hovered around Fengxi.

“Teacher, teacher, what are you thinking?”

“Is this the deep pretence you used to say?”

One of the pink clouds made a crisp sound like a lark.

And hearing the words of the pink cloud, Feng Xi also crossed a few black lines on her forehead.

He turned around and looked at the pink cloud, and with a flick of his finger, a stream of light sank into the pink cloud.

“Oh, how did you hit me, teacher, is it possible that I was right?”

After the streamer submerged in, the pink cloud suddenly retreated some distance, swayed a little, and seemed to be beaten up unconsciously.

After a long while, the pink cloud did not wake up.

This time, in her words, there was a bit of anger and frustration.

“Hahaha, Bi Xiao, you still know that I am your teacher. If you dare to talk to me so young or old, the teacher will teach you a lesson!”

Feng Xi didn’t care, she laughed.

“Hehe, sister, I said you would be beaten by the teacher, do you believe it now?”

Next to the pink cloud, a cyan cloud flew over, with a bit of amusement in his words.

“Second sister, if you don’t help me, you are still making fun of me here, you are still not my good second sister.”

The pink cloud’s words fell, and he slammed into the cyan cloud.

The cyan cloud seemed to be paying attention to the movement of the pink cloud all the time, turned into a stream of light, and avoided it.

The pink clouds still did not stop, chasing them towards the cyan clouds.

In this way, the two clouds chased and quarreled in front of Feng Xi, making arrogant shouts from time to time.

Just as they were chasing and fighting, a coercion suddenly came and stopped them in the air.

A word with a bit of majesty sounded.

“Well, in front of the teacher, how can you be so unsure about it, don’t stop soon!”

It was a white cloud that was talking. If you look closely, the white cloud is full of lines, and the lines faintly flicker, seeming to have infinite mysteries.

“Big sister, blame the second sister!”

“No, it’s obviously your own problem.”

The pink and cyan clouds seemed to tremble a little, but they still didn’t stop at all.

Seeing this, the white clouds seemed to want to do something.

At this time, Fengxi stretched out his hand to break the coercion, he smiled and said.

“Well, Yun Xiao, don’t talk about your sister.”

“I have said many times that children just have to release their own nature!”

“I think you should be like Qiong Xiao and Bi Xiao, playing more and making trouble!”

Hearing Fengxi’s words, the white cloud said.

“Teacher, where are they still children? How can there be children who are tens of thousands of years old?”

“Obviously because you spoiled them…”

At the end, the voice of the white cloud became extremely small.

But what realm Feng Xi is, he has reached the realm of Hunyuan, Yun Xiao’s words are whispering, and he can hear it clearly.

“Ahem, Yun Xiao, your cultivation level has reached the Taiyi Golden Immortal, when will it appear?”

“Thanks to the teacher, I can feel that when my realm rises to the level of Da Luo, it will be able to manifest itself.”

“Thank you for the good luck of the teacher, otherwise, I am afraid that the golden fairyland will be transformed into form!”

Yun Xiao’s words were filled with gratitude and reverence.

Originally, their three sisters were born on Sanxian Island. Although they were innate clouds, they were not as qualified as those tyrannical innate gods and demons.

Jinxian can transform them, if there is no chance, I am afraid Daluo will be their final point.

Not to mention, they also encountered two gold and silver two-color evil dragons that broke into Sanxian Island.

If Fengxi hadn’t appeared, I’m afraid they would have died.

When Feng Xi heard this, a hint of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

Just when he wanted to say something, he suddenly looked beyond Penglai Island…

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