Chapter 166 Sending troops to the Dragon Clan, the meaning of Haotian!

“Dear clan elders, emperor brothers, teachers still have six ears.”

“You are right. As the co-owner of the human race, facing foreign enemies, I really can’t show my weakness.”

“Dragon tribe commits my human tribe, then fight!”

Shennong’s eyes bloomed with a divine light.

Da Luo’s breath all over his body rose instantly, and his whole person was full of supreme majesty.

Hearing his words, no matter whether it was the third ancestor of the Suiren clan or the others, a smile appeared on their faces.

“Yes, only in this way can I have the spirit and demeanor that my human co-owner should have!”

Suiren glanced at Shennong approvingly, then his expression became serious.

“If this is the case, please ask the co-lord to order the Human Race to send troops to the East China Sea to suppress the East China Sea Dragon Race!”

The eyes of the rest of the people all flashed the feeling of divine light, and they spoke to Shennong one after another.

“Please order from the Communist Party to send troops to the East China Sea to suppress the East China Sea Dragon Race!”

All the high-levels of the Human Race gave him support, and Shennong had nothing to fear, so he immediately gave the order.

“According to this co-master, the dragon wants to harm my daughter and baby girl, and deceives my human race too much!”

“My human race must not be deceived. Now, in the name of my co-lord, I will use the human race army to dispatch troops to the East China Sea immediately to suppress the East China Sea Dragon Race!”


Shennong’s words spread throughout the ancestral land in an instant, and even spread towards all tribes.

Those human races who heard Shennong’s words were first taken aback, and then became angry.

Who is Shennong, is their most beloved co-owner.

And the baby girl is Shennong’s most beloved little daughter, and that is the princess of their human race.

They didn’t expect that someone would dare to harm their co-owner’s daughter. This was provoking their human race, and this was looking for death!

There was a voice shouting to the sky to kill from the whole human race, one by one without the slightest fear, their hearts were full of resentment.

They want to seek justice for Shennong, for the girls, and for their human race.

With this command of war, within the ancestral land of the human race, the human palace flew into the air, shining brightly, and shining on the world of ten directions!

The army of billions of human races stepped out of the temple of inheritance together, their faces were full of fighting spirit, and they went straight into the sky, shaking the entire prehistoric world.

Naturally, such a big move by the human race can’t hide from a lot of great supernatural powers, and their eyes are full of shock.

After their respective calculations, they looked in the direction of the East China Sea with a bit of weirdness in their eyes.

What kind of madness did the dragon race go so far as to provoke the human race?

Don’t they know that this calamity is the general trend of the human race?

You must know that the current trend of the human race is hard to stop, even the Lich II race did not have this luck.

And behind the Human Race is supported by Nuwa and other saints. How dare he Dragon Race?

What’s more, it’s not counted as the extraordinary combat power of these saints like Nuwa, and it’s not counted as Fengxi’s threat.

Among the human races, only the quasi-sages, there are nearly ten quasi-sages such as the three ancestors of the Suiren clan and the rest of the human race elders.

Da Luo Jinxian did not know how much, how dare his Dragon Clan dare to act on Human Clan?

“It seems that the Dragon Race is in big trouble this time…”

“Could it be a big trouble? You didn’t see the banner of the human race?”

“Send troops to the East China Sea to suppress the East China Sea Dragon Clan. This is a naked person who wants to do things in the Dragon Clan territory. If the Dragon Clan loses, it will be funny!”

“At first, the Yaozu also sent troops to the East China Sea, but eventually returned to no avail. I don’t know what the ending will be this time…”

These great magicians talked a lot, and few of them were optimistic about the Dragon Race.

Even the battle with the Yaozu showed a good background.

But there is a Hunyuan in the human race, which is not the same as the original situation.

It’s not that they don’t know the existence of dragons, but no matter how deep the dragons are, they don’t have the deep humans, right?

In their view, the two are not at the same level of existence.

Among the sages, the three Taiqing Laozi didn’t have the slightest opinion on this, and they watched indifferently.

Nüwa is paying close attention to the movements of the human race.

The human race was created by her, her elder brother Fuxi was reincarnated into the human race, and her younger brother Fengxi was also the holy father of the human race.

Today, the relationship between her and the human race is inseparable.

On the Mount Xumi in the west, the look of Xiuying and Zhunti is a bit strange, I don’t know what they are thinking.

. . . . . . . . .

Just when the human race was discussing sending troops to the dragon race.

In the heaven.

With the help of the Haotian Mirror, the inspector responsible for investigating the trend of the flood and famine also told Haotian of this news.

A divine light flashed in Haotian’s eyes, and between his waves, a golden light disappeared.

Soon after, an old man with a whisk in his hand and Tong Yan Hefa walked in.

His realm is only the Taiyi Golden Immortal, but he has a unique temperament.

“The old minister Taibai Jinxing has seen the Great Heavenly Sovereign!”

“Taibai Mianli, Ben Tianzun called you to discuss something with you!”

Haotian waved at Taibai Jinxing, and then spoke to him.

“I wonder what Datianzun wants to discuss with the old minister?”

“The inspector responsible for monitoring the floods sent me a message.”

“There is a conflict between the human race and the dragon race, and now the human race is preparing to send troops to the East China Sea!”

The divine light appeared in Haotian’s eyes again, he did not say his intentions, and wanted to know if Taibai Jinxing could insight into his meaning.

The Heavenly Court was rebuilt, although monks continued to join it.

But most of these monks are just real fairyland.

At this time, it was Taibai Jinxing, the Taiyi Golden Immortal, who supported him.

It is precisely because of this that he takes a different look at Taibaijinxing.

If Taibaijinxing could guess what he meant, then he would never mind treating Taibaijinxing as his confidant!

And Taibai Jinxing, who was standing in the main hall, glanced at Haotian slightly, and his eyes showed a contemplative look.

After a long while, Taibai Jinxing looked at Haotian and spoke to him.

“Da Tianzun, do you want to seize the opportunity of the human race and the dragon race to take the opportunity to subdue the dragon race?!”

Hearing Taibai Jinxing’s words, Haotian’s eyes condensed, he looked at Taibai Jinxing silently.

After a long while, he nodded.

“Yes, I just want to subdue the dragon clan.”

“My Heavenly Court is the place to dominate the famine. Although the Heavenly Court is not weak, it can’t be called absolutely tyrannical!”

“Therefore, if you want to increase the strength of Heavenly Court, then the Dragon Race is an excellent choice!”

Hearing Haotian’s words, Taibai Jinxing also nodded, he said.

“There is nothing wrong with Datianzun’s idea.”

“In the past, the Yaozu Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi wanted to subdue the Dragon Clan, but ultimately failed to achieve the result. It is conceivable that the strength of the Dragon Clan is by no means simple.”

“If the Great Heavenly Sovereign can subdue the Dragon Race, then the strength of the Heavenly Court will grow a lot.”

Haotian heard Taibai Jinxing’s words and did not speak, his eyes also had hesitation.

Although he really wants to subdue the dragon clan, subduing the dragon clan will also bring some problems.

A former dragon clan was one of the overlords of heaven and earth. Although he retired later, not everyone would surrender.

And does he have enough strength to overwhelm the dragon clan?

The two dragons contend for the hegemony of the wild world, causing the wild creatures to be overwhelmed with huge karma on their backs.

Even if the Zulong Yongzhen Sihai has passed an unknown number of Yuanhui, their karma still has not been paid off. If he wants to win over the dragon clan, this is a problem he wants to solve.

If this problem can’t be solved, once the dragons are drawn in, the dragons with karma at that time will not only not be able to help the heavens, but will become a burden to the heavens, and the gains will outweigh the losses.

At the beginning, Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi retreated, perhaps because the strength of the dragon clan exceeded their expectations, and it was probably because of karma.

Haotian leaned back on the Emperor’s chair, eyes full of contemplation, tapping his fingers lightly, thinking about whether to take this opportunity to subdue the dragon clan.

“Taibai, if you conquer the Four Seas Dragon Clan, you know that the Dragon Clan carries a strong karma. If the karma cannot be removed, then the Dragon Clan will become a burden to my heavenly court!”

Haotian set his sights on Taibai Jinxing.

Taibaijinxing was able to guess his thoughts, he was very satisfied, but now he wanted to see if Taibaijinxing could solve this problem.

This determines where Taibaijinxing can go in the future.

“Big Tianzun, my heavenly court controls the precipice, and my own merits descend!”

“Although there are many officials in my heaven today, there are still many vacancies!”

“Dragons are born in the four seas, and they are born to be able to move clouds and rain. My heaven is just short of people in this position. If the dragons can be subdued, then…”

Taibai Jinxing didn’t say much, he knew that Haotian would be able to understand what he meant.

After a long while, Haotian’s eyes showed a trace of determination, and he saw him speak to Taibai Jinxing.

“Taibai, you will handle the affairs of the Dragon Race!”

“Be sure to let the Dragon Race join my heavenly court. You have to know the degree of this!”

Standing in the center of the main hall, Taibai Jinxing heard Haotian’s words and also saluted Haotian with a very respectful and serious expression.

I saw him speak.

“Chen Zunzhi!”

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Inside the East China Sea Dragon Palace, a pale young man with dragon horns on his head knelt on the ground trembling, not daring to say a word.

Ao Guangman glanced at him coldly, and then spoke.

“This evil barrier almost killed the daughter of the co-leader of the human race. Now that the human race has sent troops, how should my dragon race respond?”

“Brother, although Ao Xian was wrong in this matter, the East China Sea is my Dragon Clan’s territory. Now the Human Clan is coming here under the banner of suppressing me. This completely ignores my Dragon Clan’s eyes.”

“We definitely can’t let this thing happen, otherwise, where should I put my dragon’s face?”

Ao Qin, the dragon king of the South China Sea, said to Ao Guang, but even so, his eyes were full of worry.

“Huh! It’s all this damn wicked barrier…”

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