Chapter 157: Apprentice Twenty-eight Constellations!

“You want to be my teacher? Then what can you teach me?”

Pa Xie looked at Xuantu, whose temperament was out of dust, a divine light flashed in his eyes.

Hearing Xuan’s words, Xuan Du didn’t feel angry because of his words, and there was even a smile in his eyes.

“I can teach you how to become an immortal and seek the way, so that you can see for a long time, catch the stars and get the moon!”

The time Xuan Du was talking, he just stretched out his hand and waved, and the aura of thousands of miles gathered into his hand.

With another wave of his hand, the originally clear sky became thinner.

Such a great means of changing the world and the earth also shocked Dexie’s heart.

But soon, he recovered his senses, and his eyes were full of determination and shook his head.

“My human race also has the inheritance of Totem Law, which is not worse than the Law of the Immortal Dao, even if it is the Law of the Immortal Dao, these are also available. I can learn by myself, and I don’t need you to teach me!”

“Want to be my teacher, unless you teach me what I won’t!”

“It’s better to allow me to develop the entire tribe, and even things that the human race can continue to develop.”

Hearing Xuan’s words, a trace of memory appeared in Xuan Du’s eyes.

At the beginning, when he was not valued by Laozi, he was just an ordinary human race without any cultivation skills.

He wanted to practice and make people better, so he left the clan and worshipped the mountains all the way up, just to get a master to accept him as a disciple.

This way, it was almost his life.

In the end, if it wasn’t for Laozi to meet Laozi, thinking of his perseverance, and accept him as an apprentice, I am afraid that he would die in the predicament with unwillingness.

Now looking at the human mind of Xi Xie, his heart is more and more admired.

If you originally wanted to accept the sacrifice as a disciple, it was because of Laozi’s orders.

So now, it is because he himself wants to accept his sacrifice as a disciple.

He wants to teach an emperor who can do his best for the human race!

“You want to become more prosperous for the human race, then this requires your own efforts!”

“What I can do is to remind you when you encounter difficulties, so that you can find a solution faster.”

“What I mean by becoming your teacher is to make you a more qualified human leader!”

Hearing Xuandu’s words, a thoughtful look appeared in Xuan’s eyes.

“The disciple saw the teacher at the sacrifice, and asked the teacher to teach me!”

“Hahaha, well, from today, you will be my Xuandu disciple!”

Xuan Du stretched out his hand to support Xuan Xie and laughed. Obviously he was very happy to accept Xie Xie.

After that, he explained to Pa Xi, what he had seen and heard in the predicament.

Speaking of how other human races who are not on the river in Luoshui survived.

Rande has not been far from the sacrifices in the Luoshui River Basin, and gradually has a vague understanding of the entire prehistoric land and the human race outside.

In this way, as the days passed, the Feng clan gradually developed under the leadership of Xia Xie.

During these years, Paoxi discovered that most of the children born in the tribe only knew their mothers, not their fathers.

The relationship is extremely chaotic, and even these many blood relatives have intercourse, and the children born to them are more stupid.

For this reason, Xia Xie also thought of a way to formulate a set of human relations laws that did not allow close relatives to be combined, and to know his mother better to know his father. Gradually, the children born from the tribe became smarter and smarter.

But as the tribe grows stronger, there is a bigger and bigger worry in the heart of Xia Xie, that is, the surrounding beasts and fruits gradually cannot meet the needs of the tribe. If you want more harvest, then you have to go outside. Hunting, it’s just that the casualties among the tribe have also increased.

On this day, Pao Xi was sitting by the Luoshui River, thinking about how to solve the food shortage problem, but there was no way.

But at this moment, a few drops of water splashed on his face, making his sacrifice come back to his senses.

He touched the drops of water on his face and saw the scaly creatures swimming in the water, his eyes brightened up, as if something exploded in his mind.

Perhaps this can solve the food shortage of their human race.

Thinking of this possibility, Ba Xi gradually became excited. He ran towards Huaxu Mountain. When he saw Xuantu, there was a young Taoist beside him. He felt a burst of warmth in his body, and he couldn’t help but feel a little bit warm. Addicted to it.

“wake up!”

Suddenly, Xuan Du yelled, waking up Xu Congcai’s state.

After Shao Xi looked at the man curiously, he didn’t dare to look at it.

He asked Xuandu.

“Teacher, I saw a scaly creature in the Luoshui River. I want to know if that scaly creature can be eaten by my human race. If so, maybe the food crisis of my human race can be solved like this!”

Xuan Du hadn’t even spoken yet, the person next to him was the first to speak, “The kind of scaly creature you mentioned is called a fish, and it can be eaten by the human race.”

“It’s just that you have thought that before the beasts and fruits were enough to meet the needs of the human race, but now that the beasts and fruits are consumed by the human race, what if one day wait until the fish are also eaten by the human race?”

Hearing this man’s question, Pa Xie was stunned. He didn’t expect so much, but thought that if it could be eaten by others, then the food crisis could be resolved.

What if one day the fish is also eaten?

Thinking of this, Xia Xi was lost in thought, his eyes full of distress.

Seeing this, the man smiled slightly and said to Bao Xi.

“Well, you go back first, first try to see if you can catch those fish. If you can solve this problem, then the problem I asked you just now can almost be solved!”

Pa Xi glanced at him with a bewildered look, and then at Xuan Du again.

Xuan Du smiled and said to Pa Xi, “Go, this is what I want to tell you.”


Pa Xi nodded, and then walked outside Huaxu Mountain. He was very curious in his heart. For so many years, this was the first person to come to his teacher.

“Master Xuandu, don’t blame me for being troublesome!”

“Only seeing the joy of hunting, did I mention a few words of sacrifice!”

The man spoke to Xuan Du, with a smile in his eyes.

A wry smile appeared on Xuandu’s face, and he shook his head slightly.

“If the emperor said anything, you can teach Xia Xie, it is the luck of Xie Xie!”

“What’s more, I am also a human race. If I really call it, I am afraid that I will call the emperor the Father!”

Xuan Du said, looking at the figure next to him, a smile appeared in his eyes.

Then, he continued to speak to him.

“It’s just that I don’t know that the emperor is here this time, but he is here specifically for sacrifice?”

It was Feng Xi who came here. Hearing Fuxi’s words, a divine light flashed in his eyes.

“No! I’m here for the Great Master Xuandu!”

“Presumably the Great Master Xuandu also knows that I am now the Purple Emperor of the East Polar!”

“But, I don’t have anyone under my staff. I don’t know if the Great Master Xuandu intends to join?”

“I can appoint Great Master Xuandu as my Azure Dragon God General in the Purple East Palace!”

Feng Xi pointed her eyebrows toward Xuan Du, and a flash of light fell into Xuan Du’s mind.

When Xuan Du opened his eyes, he became silent.

The twenty-eight constellations of Zhoutian, Fengxi divides it into the fourth house of southeast, northwest and northwest.

East Palace Canglong, Nangong Suzaku, West Palace White Tiger, Beigong Xuanwu, and the four spirits of the sky correspond to each other!

And what Feng Xi invited him was to make him a god general of the East Palace Canglong!

Joining Feng Xi, he can be trained by Feng Xi and can better absorb the power of Zhou Tian and stars.

For him, this is also a profit without harm.

However, the reason why he was silent was precisely because of Fengxi.

After all, there was an unpleasant quarrel between Laozi and Fengxi.

The teachings of Laozi are now almost a joke.

There is only the name taught by people, but no one teaches the truth.

Because of this, Xuan Du seemed very hesitant, wondering if he should agree to Feng Xi.

Seeing Xuan Du hesitating so much, Feng Xi also smiled slightly.

He stood up, walked outside Huaxu Mountain, stopped two or three steps, and tilted his head slightly.

“Xuan Du, I will give you the time to consider, if you like, the position of the East Palace Canglong God General will be reserved for you!”

After speaking, Feng Xi’s figure gradually faded, as if he had never appeared here.

Looking at the direction where Feng Xi was leaving, Xuantu’s eyes flickered and he didn’t know what decision he should make now.

For a long time, following the indifferent Dao Xin cultivated by Laozi is obviously a little messy at this moment.

“Emperor, Emperor, you really have a problem for me!”

Xuan Du shook his head, forcing himself to temporarily let go of this matter, and while his divine consciousness turned, he locked his gaze on Feng Xi’s body.

On the other side, after Shao Xi returned from Huaxu Mountain, he brought some men from the tribe to the Luoshui River.

Looking at the fish in the water, he first commanded a group of tribal men to catch them down the river.

But the fishes in the water are smooth in body and very flexible in the water. Once they see people approaching, they swim towards the distance one after another.

People in the water have no way to move fast because of the resistance of water, and they did not catch many fish in one day.

In desperation, Xia Xie had to suspend the idea of ​​catching fish, but he did not give up, thinking about how to solve this matter in his heart.

But in the end, Xiao Xi didn’t think of any good way. On this day, he once again moved towards Huaxu Mountain.

“Teacher, swimming fish are flexible in the water, but our human race is quite inconvenient to move in the water. There is no way to catch those swimming fishes. I wonder if the teacher can solve it?”

With a look of confusion, Pa Xi asked towards Xuan Du.

Hearing Xuan’s words, Xuantu’s mouth showed a smile, and he did not directly answer Xuan’s questions.

He pointed to the wooden house behind him and said.

“My wooden house hasn’t been cleaned for a long time, so go and clean it for me!”

Hearing Xuandu’s words, Shaoxi opened his mouth, and didn’t say much in the end. He turned around and cleaned the Xuandu’s house.

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