Chapter 156 Huaxu Leize, the sacrifice of the world!

Years passed, time passed, and in a blink of an eye, the entire predicament was ten thousand years.

During these ten thousand years, the entire prehistoric land was peaceful.

There is a river called Luoshui above the eastern land boundary.

There are more than ten human tribes on the bank of Luoshui, one of which is named Feng’s tribe.

On this day, in a cave in the Huaxu Mountain next to the Feng’s tribe, there was the sound of a baby crying.

This is the patriarch of the Fengxi tribe who gave birth to a girl. Because she was born in Huaxu Mountain, she was named Huaxu!

The Huaxu family was born smart and witty, a very kind-hearted girl. She cared very much about the tribesmen in each tribe and was loved by all the tribes.

When Huaxu became an adult, she heard a legend and was very curious in her heart.

It turned out that there was a place called Lei Ze on the west side of the Feng Clan. It was said that there lived a great congenital god in Lei Ze, who was called Thor.

The dragon head of the Thunder God’s body is bulging, like running to thunder!

Many Feng clan members strayed into Lei Ze, and never came out again.

For this reason, Lei Ze has also become a forbidden place for the Feng clan, and no one is allowed to enter privately.

However, on this day, the Huaxu family broke into Leize privately because he was very curious and wanted to know whether there was Thor in Lei Ze.

After she walked into Lei Ze, she didn’t see the so-called Thor, and found nothing except a very huge footprint.

When she approached that footprint, for some reason, there was a thunderous sound in her mind, which shook her a little dizzy.

When she woke up, she found herself stepping into that huge footprint.

In an instant, a piece of colorful color just rushed into her belly.

In response, the Huaxu family was full of panic and hurried to the Feng family tribe, but she did not dare to tell others about her experience.

It’s just that she didn’t know that when she ran away in a hurry, the whole Lei Ze was thickly foggy.

A pair of eyes appeared in the thick fog.

Time slowly passed, and in a blink of an eye, three months had passed, and Huaxu found that his stomach was getting bigger and bigger, as if pregnant.

Everyone in the tribe knew about this.

But they all knew that the Huaxu family was not married. Now that the Huaxu family’s belly is getting bigger, they all think that there is a monster in the Huaxu family.

I wanted to kill the Huaxu clan, but because the Huaxu clan’s mother was the patriarch of the Feng clan, and because the Huaxu clan was kind in the past, they did not kill the Huaxu clan, but expelled the Huaxu clan. tribe.

In desperation, the Huaxu family had no choice but to support themselves. Not far from the tribe, they built a small house. Because they could not hunt, they could only pick fruits for a living, quietly waiting for the birth of the child in his belly.

She has 100% expectation for her child.

Because, she can’t forget the day when the colorful rays of sunlight fell into her belly.

As time passed, Huaxu’s belly grew bigger and bigger, and she couldn’t move freely. Just when she was worried about herself and the child in her belly, there was a clear sound of phoenix in the sky.

A golden phoenix flew in front of her cabin.

The Huaxu family was very scared and did not dare to move at all.

However, the golden phoenix just left her food and left.

After the golden phoenix left, the Huaxu family boldly went out and took away the food.

As soon as this happened, Dehuaxu’s heart suddenly became more determined. The extraordinary life conceived in his stomach must be an extraordinary person, not a monster in the tribe at all.

The Huaxu family waited and waited, and this wait is twelve years in the past.

In the past twelve years, the Huaxu family had not given birth, and the fact that the phoenix was delivering food was spread to many tribes around them. They all heard of the Huaxu family’s reputation.

The child in the Huaxu clan’s belly also made the surrounding human tribes look forward to it.

Looking forward to their human race being able to give birth to a great sage again.

On this day, the hut where Huaxu was.

She suddenly felt a pain in her lower abdomen. She knew that the child in her abdomen was about to be born, but she could not deliver her own baby.

At this critical moment, the golden phoenix appeared, heading towards the Feng clan, and attracted many members of the Feng clan.

When they knew that the child in the womb of Huaxu was about to be born, they did not dare to delay the slightest.

The Huaxu family’s mother quickly found two women from the tribe who were most able to deliver babies to the Huaxu family.

After a while of shouting and tossing, the child’s cries sounded, and when the child was born, a purple qi fell from the sky, the sky was dark, thousands of stars were shining, and the hut where Hua Xu was located was full of glow and smell. Full house!

This sound of crying suddenly spread throughout the entire prehistoric land.

In the Wa Palace, Nu Wa heard this cry, and a slight smile appeared in her eyes. Her eyes seemed to penetrate hundreds of millions of miles and she saw what Fuxi looked like now.

“Great, I finally succeeded. In the future, you need brother to go by yourself!”

In Shouyang Mountain and the Eight Jinggong Palace, Laozi slowly opened his eyes, and a divine light flashed in his eyes, as if the disillusionment of the world had happened in his eyes.

“Finally born, it’s time for Xuan Du to accept disciples!”

After the words fell, he stretched out his hand slightly in the air, and a golden light sank into the void and disappeared. Then Laozi closed his eyes again and continued to comprehend the avenue.

This golden light soon disappeared into Xuan Du’s mind, making De Xuan Du understand his next mission. He bowed to Bajing Palace and then headed towards the Feng clan.

As soon as he set off, he heard the crying that spread all over the land, and Xuandu immediately lifted his spirits, accelerated his speed, and headed towards the Feng clan.

A group of people in the Feng clan saw the birth of the Huaxu child. They all regarded the child as a sage of the human race, cheering for him, and no longer suspected of being a monster.

Soon Xuan Du appeared here. He looked at Golden Phoenix, as if he understood something, and bowed to Jin Feng.

Jin Feng also nodded slightly, then let out a cry, flew towards the sky, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The remaining members of the Feng clan looked at Xuan Du, and saw Xuan Du all dressed in qing robes, his body was full of dust, and he looked like a real celestial being, and they all bowed down towards Xuan Du.

“The Feng’s tribe pays homage to the immortals!”

Xuantu waved his sleeves, and everyone who bowed down at the scene stood up with an irresistible force. He said to the Huaxu family who was holding the child, “I am a disciple of the Taiqing sage, Xuandu, today I am ordered by the sage. , Come to accept this son as a disciple, I wonder if Madam has any thoughts?”

Listening to Xuantu’s words, there was a hint of reluctance in Huaxu’s eyes, but she knew very well that this was an opportunity for her child. Although she was reluctant to give up, she nodded, and then handed her child. To Xuandu.

“Madam does not need to be like this. This son is young, and it is just right to stay with Madam. When he is an adult, he can come to find me on Huaxu Mountain. I will wait for him at Huaxu Mountain!”

When the Huaxu family heard this, there was also a surprise in her eyes, and she thanked Xuandu.

Xuan Du disappeared in front of everyone, and the patriarch of the Feng clan who watched this scene was even more convinced that this child would be the hope of their Feng clan, and named him Paxi.

The first three emperors and five emperors of the human race were born and the first person to lead the human race to a new era. Whether it is a group of saints or the three ancestors of the human ancestors, they are constantly paying attention to the situation of the Feng tribe, and they also want Know what kind of performance the sacrifice will have.

The most concerned thing is Tongtian, after all, the next Emperor of the Earth will be his assistant in the teaching, and more understanding will help his disciples to teach.

As Paxi came to the world, many human tribes close to the Feng clan knew that there were immortals who came to the world to be disciples, and they sent people to observe Paxi.

I saw that this sacrifice is really unusual. Ordinary people can’t walk in three or five months, let alone talk. But this sacrifice can speak for three days and walk on five days, but in a half-moon landscape, its wisdom is not much less than that of ordinary people.

The people of those tribes are full of joy. Although they belong to different tribes, they are all human races. They are naturally happy.

Moreover, they also firmly believed that they would be able to make some achievements in the future, and they chose to merge into the Feng clan.

After Xia Xie became older, Xia Xi began to think about everything, and would often ask questions that the most wise of the tribe could not answer.

Because of this incident, the patriarch of the Feng clan was also taken aback, and even brought Xie Xie to his side and taught him how to deal with the affairs of the clan.

He was also very interested in the things of the Feng clan. He would be able to get started before long.

However, in just a few months, he handled better than the original Feng clan patriarch.

Seeing this, the patriarch of the Feng clan was even more happy and made a decision in his heart.

After Paixi came of age, he gave the position of patriarch to Paxi.

And after this spread among the tribe, it was not opposed by everyone in the tribe, after all, they had already seen the development of the tribe today.

On the day when Wu Xie became an adult, he took over the position of patriarch. His mother Huaxu told him that he had a teacher waiting for him on Huaxu Mountain.

Hearing his mother’s words, Xia Xi’s heart was also a little more curious. After he had dealt with the tribe’s affairs, he came to Huaxu Mountain and saw the first sentence of Xuandu. Just ask

“You want to be my teacher? Then what can you teach me?”

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