Chapter 158: Achievement and Creation!

The wooden house on Huaxu Mountain has never moved in since Xuantu was built!

When Pa Xi walked in and took a look, there was dust in the entire wooden house.

He didn’t dislike it in the slightest. He just cleaned a wooden house. It was not that he had never done such a job.

While he was cleaning inch by inch, suddenly, there was a buzzing sound in his ears.

When he looked up, it turned out to be a flying mosquito.

When he was watching the flying mosquito, the flying mosquito suddenly flew to the corner of the wall, and then it was unable to move.

It was only when Pao Xi walked in to discover that it turned out that the flying mosquito had flew on the spider web.

No matter how hard the flying mosquito struggled, there was no way to break free from the spider web, and was eventually killed by the spider.

Pa Xi didn’t pay attention to the spider web at first, but when he finished cleaning the whole wooden house and made an appointment with Xuan Du, Xuan Du spoke.

“Xia Xie, have you ever observed anything?”

There was a contemplative expression in Pa Xi’s eyes. After thinking for a long time, what finally appeared in his mind was the flying mosquito that was killed by the spider web.

When he said this, Xuan Du asked again.

“Then what do you think of from the fact that the mosquitoes were killed?”

Hearing Xuan Du’s words, Pa Xi fell into contemplation once again. After a long while, he showed a sense of understanding.

“Teacher, I understand!”

“Oh? What do you understand?”

Xuan Du looked at the sacrifice that was full of joy, and then asked him again.

“It is criss-crossed, with clear latitude and longitude. This is the solution.”

“My human race can also learn from the spider, weave a big web, put it in the water, and naturally can catch the fish!”

Xuantu nodded when he heard the words, and a hint of admiration flashed in his eyes, as he deserves to be the Emperor of Heaven, this talent is perfect!

“Very good, then you have thought about a problem.”

“The human race has developed to this day, because the wild beasts are not enough for the human race to kill, and the wild fruits are not enough for the human race to pick. Then one day, those fish are not enough for the human race to eat. What then?”

At the expense of speech, I don’t know what to say.

“Teacher, I…”

“Haha, go, go, you will find the answer!”

Hearing the words of Xuandu, Xuan Xi went down to Huaxu Mountain with confusion and doubt in his heart.

It’s just that, in his mind, he was thinking of what Xuandu said. If one day, those fish are not enough for their human race to kill, what then?

After Sha Xi left Huaxu Mountain, he did not find the answer to the question Xuan Du said, so he temporarily left it behind.

I saw that he found some of the most powerful weaving people in the tribe, and asked them to weave a big web based on the spider web.

After a period of failure, he finally made the fishing net that he wanted.

The fishing net was extremely strong, and the spacing was very dense. He found that it could not only be used for fishing, but also be used to catch beasts.

After trying it in Luoshui, the net was set up and the fish slowly swam. The people of the Feng tribe were full of joy, knowing that there was no shortage of food.

Only Pao Xi looked at the tiny swimming fishes in the net, and there seemed to be a lightning strike in his mind, and his eyes suddenly brightened.

He finally understood how to solve the problem Xuan Du mentioned.

Since it is possible to kill the fish cleanly, he will put the small one and catch the large one.

When those small fish grow into big fish in the future, they can spawn small fish again, so that the scene can be endless and catching endlessly.

With this in mind, Xia Xie Dang will sparse the dense nets a lot.

In this way, you can prey on the big fish, and then let the small fish escape, so that the fish will not be preyed, so as to achieve endless life.

And because of this inspiration, Xia Xie also used it on the beasts.

Paoxi discovered several beasts with milder temperaments, and he asked the tribe to tame and raise these beasts in captivity.

In winter, if there is not enough food in the tribe, these domesticated beasts can be used as food.

Gradually, the six animals, horses, cows, sheep, pigs, dogs, and chickens, were gradually valued due to their gentle temperaments. They stood out among the many wild animals at that time and were called the Six Animals.

As Paxi continued to govern the tribe, the life of the tribe became better and better, and the reputation of Paxi became more and more widespread, and the surrounding tribes came to take refuge in succession.

In the next few years, Paoxi also produced instruments such as Tao Xun, Qin Se, and composed music and ballads.

By dividing and conquering the area under his rule, and appointing officials to conduct social management, the chaotic tribal state of the human race has been improved, and the civilization of the human race has begun to develop rapidly.

When he was forty years old, his achievements were finally recognized by the entire human race and he became the co-owner of the human race. He gave an order to build the first human race in a flat and fertile place. City, and named it Chendu.

After becoming the co-lord of the human race, Shaoxi did not satisfy him. Instead, he managed the entire human race more carefully, finally making the human race stronger and stronger, and his luck also increased a lot.

As Pa Xi became famous, Xuandu, as his teacher, spread his reputation among the human race.

Renjiao, the saint sect, is also well-known among the human race.

The luck of the whole person taught has risen a lot because of it.

And this point made De Yuanshi and others eager, thinking about how much their own sect’s luck should increase after they have taught a three emperors and five emperors.

However, just when the human race is getting higher and higher.

On this day, the mountain torrent suddenly broke out, and all the people of a tribe were drowned and died. After hearing the news, Paxi fell into silence. He didn’t know what he should do.

He only knew that he didn’t want such a thing to happen.

With this thought in mind, Xiao Xi rushed back to Huaxu Mountain from Chen Du and met Xuandu.

He bowed to Xuandu and said.

“Teacher, before the flash flood broke out, a human tribe was destroyed by this!”

“I want to know, is there any way to know these natural disasters in advance?”

Hearing Xuan’s words, Xuan Du spoke.

“Of course you are. Now you are considered a golden immortal. I can teach you a method of calculation, so that you can calculate when natural disasters will occur!”

“Teacher, most of my human races are mortals, they don’t have cultivation bases, so I want to know, is there any method of arithmetic that mortals can use?”

Pao Xi looked at Xuandu with a bit of sorrow in his words. He thought of that human tribe, and he was heartbroken.

Xuan Du was silent for a while, then shook his head.

“I don’t know the way of calculation suitable for mortals!”

“Why is this?”

There was a bit of doubt in Xu Xi’s eyes.

“It’s very simple. Those arithmetic that can deduce the secrets of the heavens can only be used by people with cultivation skills, and you have also said that most of the human races are mortals, how can they be used?”

Xuantu’s words were long, and he looked at the sacrifice with grief in his eyes.

Pa Xi froze in place, the hope in his eyes dimmed.

“However, although there is no suitable way of calculation for mortals in the prehistoric times, you may not be able to create one!”

Hearing Xuandu’s words, Paxi was taken aback for a moment, then the grief in his eyes turned into firmness, and he said.

“As the co-leader of the human race, Xia Xie has found a calculation method for the human race.

“Please also ask the teacher to point out a clear path for the sacrifice!”

Xuan Du looked at Xi Xuan, his eyes were deep and his words were faint.

“It’s a sacrifice, this matter is extremely difficult, and it even requires you to spend your entire life looking for this answer, so are you willing?”

“Willing to sacrifice!”

Hearing Pa Xi’s words without hesitation, Xuan Du’s eyes flashed with appreciation, and then he pointed to the outside of Huaxu Mountain.

“Look, this world, this landscape, everything in the world is here.”

“The so-called Taoism is natural, heaven and earth are natural, if you can understand thoroughly, then you will be able to find what you want!”

Pao Xi followed Xuandu’s finger and looked over, his mind seemed to be inexplicably affected.

Originally in his opinion, this clear world, mountains and rivers, now became mysterious again, and he needed to explore it himself.

After getting an explanation from Xuan Du, Pa Xi returned to Chen Du. Except for very important matters, he delegated all the affairs of the human race to his subordinates, and he himself walked in the territory of the human race. middle.

Watching the changes of the human race, watching the various changes between heaven and earth, watching the growth of all things, everything is under his observation.

In the end, he came to the Weishui River. Over the years, he has observed a lot and realized a lot about Shaoxi. He has a lot of clues in his heart, but he doesn’t know where is the beginning and where is the end.

Above Huaxu Mountain, Xuandu’s heart suddenly moved. He looked up and seemed to see the sacrifice on the Weishui River.

A smile suddenly appeared on his face.

“It’s time for me as a teacher to play a role!”

After the words fell, Xuandu’s figure quietly disappeared on the top of Huaxu Mountain.

Time passed slowly, and within half a month, Xuan Du rushed back to Shouyang Mountain.

“Disciple Xuandu pays homage to the teacher!”

In the Bajing Palace, Xuan Du bowed to Laozi.

“Xuandu, if you don’t assist the human race to assist the human race co-master to sacrifice, what do you do when you come back?”

Laozi slowly opened his eyes, and there seemed to be a world in his eyes, and it seemed that there were three kinds of fresh air colliding and fusing with each other.

“Xi Xi is creating a method of arithmetic for the human race suitable for mortals.”

“As his teacher, the disciple should help him.”

“For this reason, I want to ask a teacher’s decree to go to Bei Minghai and borrow the Hetu Luo book!”

Xuan Du did not hesitate, and explained his intention to Laozi.

“Xuan Du, you only have such a relationship with that sacrifice, and there will be no relationship in the future. Can you think about it clearly?”

Laozi spoke leisurely, and asked Xuan Du.

“Disciples have no regrets!”

“As long as the disciple is still a sacrificed teacher, then I will be responsible for it!”

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