Chapter 152 Heavenly Court Re-established, Three Cleansing and Separation of the Family!

“This is the Heavenly Court?”

“This… how is this possible?”

When Haotian and Yaochi rushed to the heavens, they all froze in place.

I saw that Nantian Gate, one of the gates of the realm that day, had collapsed, and there was a broken wall full of dilapidation afterwards.

There is no such thing as the majesty and majesty of heaven’s dominance over prehistoric times.

But if you think about it, you won’t be surprised.

This heavenly court was originally the base camp of the monster clan. During the Lich War, it was naturally taken care of by the witch clan.

What’s more, the Heavenly Court stands on the top of Buzhou Mountain, and the collapse of Buzhou Mountain has also caused a lot of impact on it.

Now, it is inevitable to become this dilapidated appearance.

Although such thoughts flashed in the minds of Haotian and Yaochi, it was just like the dilapidated appearance of the court today, which still made it difficult for them to accept.

Not to mention other things, it’s just this dilapidated appearance, just because the two of them want to restore it, I don’t know when they will be busy.

If it is said that it cannot be restored, it will not work.

After all, the Heavenly Court was re-established among the Remnant Walls, then, where is the majesty of the Heavenly Court and the majesty of his Heavenly Emperor?

Thinking of this, both Haotian and Yaochi were lost in confusion, and they didn’t know what to do.

They were nothing more than Dao Tong around Hongjun before, and they had never experienced anything like this before.

Just when they were in a dilemma and didn’t know what to do, a golden light suddenly shot from the chaos towards the heavenly court.

That golden light quickly merged into the entire heavenly court, causing the heavenly court to roar.

I saw that the scene of the entire heavenly court changed instantly, and the collapsed palaces gradually recovered.

The innate auras fleeing everywhere are also constantly converging, and the entire heavenly court has become a fairy mist.

“From now on! Heaven is re-established, Haotian is the emperor of heaven, and Yaochi is the queen of heaven!”

“Heavenly Court controls the prehistoric world, maintains the predominant order, and educates the predecessors!”

After Heavenly Court returned to its original appearance, Hongjun’s voice also resounded through the entire prehistoric world in an instant.

The scene of the heaven, the shadows of Haotian and Yaochi also appeared in front of the endless prehistoric creatures.

Let them know that the heavenly court has ushered in a new owner!

“We will follow the orders of the Taoist ancestors!”

In the predicament, the endless creatures all bowed to the sky, and their expressions were full of respect.

Haotian stood at the Nantian Gate. He listened to the voice from Hong Huang, his eyes flickered, and his complexion was a little bit **.

“One day, I will let this endless creature chant my name!”

“I Haotian, one day, will truly dominate the vast and desolate world, and the heaven under my control will be immortal forever!”

“I, Haotian, will be the great heavenly sovereign of the entire prehistoric!”

Haotian’s thoughts flashed, and he buried his mind. What he had to do now was to use this effort to pass his own news.

I saw that Haotian took a step forward, and the voice instantly spread to the entire predicament.

“I am the new heaven emperor Haotian of the primordial heaven. Today the court is re-established. This emperor sincerely invites a group of people with lofty ideals to take up positions in heaven.”

“To work with the emperor to maintain the order of the prehistoric and wasteland, and to restore the peace and tranquility of the predominant world.”

Haotian’s words quickly reached the ears of a group of prehistoric creatures.

This caused many creatures to flicker in their eyes.

In the Lich War not long ago, why did the monster race have such power?

In addition to the great power of the Yaozu, it is not without the help of the heavens.

When the heaven was born and occupied by the monster race, the situation in the heaven was naturally known to them.

That endless innate aura, that abundant star power, is not knowing how much higher than the average Dongtianfudi.

If they can enter the Heavenly Court cultivation, I’m afraid that it won’t be long before their cultivation level will increase a lot.

Thinking of this, some of them didn’t hesitate, their bodies turned into a stream of light and headed towards the heaven.

All of a sudden, the sky flashed a stream of light from time to time.

Above East Kunlun, Sanqing had different complexions, and finally returned to peace.

Above Mount Xumi in the West, Zhunti seemed to have thought of something, and kept talking to the citations, and finally turned his gaze in the direction of the heaven.

As for Nuwa and Houtu, they are now on Penglai Island and are forcing Fengxi to ask him how to solve the problems of Fuxi and the ancestors.

Naturally, he also unintentionally noticed the movement of the heavenly court.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

In a blink of an eye, the time of a Yuanhui has already passed from the prehistoric state.

Within the time of this Yuanhui, the world seemed very peaceful and peaceful, and there were not so many killings.

It made the great creatures who survived the previous Lich Wars a little unaccustomed.

After a one-dollar meeting, Haotian also initially built the heavenly court.

Also played his reputation in the prehistoric times.

Haotian’s most brilliant battle was when a sword swept away a demon cave and killed a quasi-sage who had cultivated the demon way.

The Heavenly Court, which showed its strength, had also absorbed a lot of primordial cultivators to take effect, and the Heavenly Court’s strength was also constantly growing.

But Haotian was dissatisfied in his heart, not to mention surpassing the Heavenly Court created by Emperor Jun, and now he doesn’t even have half the strength of the Heavenly Court of Emperor Jun.

Even if you have the righteous status of the Dao ancestor, but you are not strong enough, there is no way to truly control the predecessor, and those people will not listen to you.

Thinking of this, Haotian raised his hand with a wave, and a golden talisman flew out of the Ling Xiao palace.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

And in such a day.

On this day, East Kunlun, in the Sanqing Hall.

Laozi, Yuanshi, and Tongtian sat side by side, their expressions were very gloomy and ugly, and the atmosphere in the hall became heavy.

“Tongtian, Kunlun Mountain is a blessed land of caves, not a demon cave. Look at the disciples you received, one by one with scales and armor, and the generation of wet eggs.”

“Not only is he inadequate, but he also doesn’t understand etiquette and education, making the entire Kunlun is full of smoke!”

“Quickly send out your disciples to teach!”

Yuan Shi looked at Tongtian, his brows furrowed, obviously in a very bad mood.

He has a arrogant temperament, and these wet and egg-like generations are the most common in the day, let alone these are still dangling in front of him in groups.

“Heh, Yuanshi, don’t use this as an excuse!”

“How about my disciple, I will discipline myself, but it is not your turn to make irresponsible remarks!”

“What’s more, although the disciples under my sect are not good enough, but your precious disciples are not strong enough, what qualifications do you have to say about me?”

A sneer appeared at the corner of Tongtian’s mouth, and the expression on Yuan Shi was full of discomfort.

Originally, because of the Chaos Clock, he had his opinion on Yuan Shi’s boss.

Now this scene, after returning to Kunlun, is even more mentioned in his ear every three to five days.

Yuan Shi didn’t bother to say it, he was tired of listening.

Right now, the second brother didn’t want to call Yuanshi anymore, just called him by name!


“This is the attitude toward my brother?”

“I think your disciples all learned from you, and they have no respect for each one!”

Yuan Shi’s face flushed, and he stretched out his hand to point to the sky, his eyes flashing with anger.

“Huh! Yuanshi, you don’t talk about my disciples.”

“You just can’t understand me. Just say it directly. Can I still refute you?”

“You will also behave like your elder brother, and then?”

Tong Tian shook his head and curled the corner of his mouth, seeming to be a little bit disdainful.

“you you…..”

Yuan Shi looked even more angry. When he was about to say something, he was interrupted by the silent Laozi.


“After arguing for so long, you haven’t quarreled enough, I’m tired of listening!”

Hearing Laozi’s words, Yuanshi and Tongtian were silent.

Seeing what they were like, a look of helplessness flashed in Laozi’s eyes, and then he returned to his indifferent expression.

“Well, since you think that each other’s disciples are not good, and all of them are not pleasing to the eye, then our three brothers should separate their families!”


Yuanshi and Tongtian both changed their faces.

For a while, I didn’t know what to say.

“Even though East Kunlun is a prehistoric place, it cannot carry the luck of the three saints.”

“And with so many contradictions between your brothers, it’s okay to split up now!”

“But, you still need to remember that the Three Purposes are one, even if they are separated, there is nothing.”

Laozi sighed slightly, and spoke to Yuan Shi and Tong Tian.

“Brother, this has not yet reached the point of separation, right?”

“That’s right, big brother, we…”

Yuanshi and Tongtian both became anxious, they wanted to say something to Laozi.

However, at this moment Laozi stood up and walked outside the hall.

“Well, Sanqing’s family is also determined by nature, so I will leave first!”

“This East Kunlun, let your brothers decide to belong!”

When the words fell, Laozi’s figure disappeared all of a sudden, and then I felt that even Laozi’s only disciple, Xuandu, had disappeared above East Kunlun.


In the Sanqing Palace, feeling that Laozi has left, Yuanshi and Tongtian looked at each other, and for a while, they didn’t know how to speak.

“Leave this Kunlun to you. I will find a place by myself so that my disciples will not stain your eyes!”

After a long silence, Tongtian also got up and left, just as he walked to the entrance of the hall, looked back at Yuan Shi, as if he wanted to say something.

However, in the end, Tongtian did not speak either, and with a wave of his hand, he took all the disciples away from Kunlun.

“all gone?”

In the Sanqing Palace, only Yuan Shi was left, watching Tongtian also leave Kunlun, he muttered.

“Whether it’s gone or it’s gone!”

“I am not wrong!”

A firm color flashed in Yuan Shi’s eyes, and with a wave of his hand, he changed Sanqing Palace into Yuxu Palace!

Hum! Hum! Hum!

And with Yuan Shi’s actions, the primordial secrets suddenly changed.

This also attracted everyone’s attention. They soon learned about the separation of the three families, and their hearts were quite shaken!

The trinity is one, which arouses their dread.

As for the separation of the three cleansing families, everyone was relieved.

Above Mount Xumi, Zhunti and Recitation also looked at each other and smiled, which seemed to be very pleasantly surprised.

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