Chapter 153: Human Race’s Prosperity, Three Emperors and Five Emperors

The separation of the three cleansing families has attracted a lot of great supernatural powers to be delighted.

I saw that Laozi walked through the wild, and finally set up the Bajing Palace on Shouyang Mountain.

Yuanshi monopolized East Kunlun and changed the Sanqing Palace to Yuxu Palace.

Tongtian walked far beyond the East China Sea, found a Jin’ao Island, and set up Biyou Palace.

The gate of Jiejiao was opened wide, and all of a sudden, thousands of immortals came, and Jiejiao was in full swing.

. . . . . . . .

The sky and the earth are long and the years are like flowing water, just like this, the prehistoric days pass by day by day.

After both the Lich races were defeated and retired to the Northern Lands, the human race began to rise in the entire predicament.

The human race was originally a great race in the prehistoric state. Although it has experienced wars with the monster race, its vitality has not been lost too much.

Now that the Lich has ended, in the entire prehistoric land, apart from the saints, no race can stop the rise of the human race!

When the Human Race developed and expanded like this, within the Terran ancestral land, an order from the third ancestor of the Suiren clan came.

All the strong human races who have cultivated to the Daluo Jinxian have entered the ancestral land and are the elders of the human race.

It is not necessary, and must not easily appear in the human race, it must be used as a family accumulation to suppress the human luck.

East China Sea, Penglai Island.

In the Ziwei Hall, Feng Xi closed her eyes tightly, and between her exhales and breaths, he swallowed and vomited purple smoke.

The purple smoke filled his whole body, and the glow of the sun was radiant, and in a vague way, a trace of mysterious Taoism could be heard.

A simple gray ball was three inches from his forehead, and its surroundings turned into a small whirlpool.

In that whirlpool, it seems to be connected to the mysterious world of the other side, which is magnificent and dazzling, simple and vast!

As if it were the source of the world.

The Law of Three Thousand Great Ways is derived from here and is the root of all things!

Hum! Hum! Hum!

I don’t know how much time has passed, it seems to be a moment, and it seems to be thousands of years.

Suddenly, Feng Xi opened his eyes, his eyes were deep, and countless pictures flickered in his eyes.

The heaven and the earth are opened up, the turbidity is divided into two parts, the four elephants and eight trigrams evolve, the cycle of life and death, the birth and death of the world are all in it.

As if everything can be seen in his eyes, the incomparable mystery is full of ancient aura.

“Haotian is the emperor, and the three are separated. Is the Human Race going to be the next?”

Feng Xi murmured.

And just as his words fell, a purple talisman penetrated the void and fell into his hands.

A divine light flashed in Feng Xi’s eyes, and when he picked up the talisman, an indifferent voice came into his mind.

“Come to Zixiao Palace, if you have something to say with you in equal parts!”

Feng Xi did not delay in the slightest, but saw him take a step forward, and the void automatically divided a passage, and the opposite side of the passage was endless chaos.

Feng Xi walked in, and this void channel disappeared into the invisible again.

When Feng Xi arrived at Zixiao Palace, a group of saints had already been here, and even Hou Tu came here with a phantom body.

Fengxi nodded at Nuwa and Houtu, giving them a faint look.

In this regard, the saints did not notice.

Their minds were thinking about why Hongjun would summon them.

Regarding this, they also had a bit of speculation in their hearts, the last time it was because of the re-establishment of the Heavenly Court to determine the position of the Emperor of Heaven.

So this time, it’s only possible because of Human Race!

After the defeat of the Lich, the human race rose strongly in the predicament, and no race dared to be an enemy of the human race at all.

The prosperous trend of the human race is already unstoppable, and becoming the protagonist of the prehistoric world is already a sure thing.

“You are here!”

Above the cloud platform, Hongjun’s figure appeared, his eyes swept across the crowd, and his words were very flat.

Laozi and others were all in their hearts, although they were thinking about something.

But the spirit of mind did not relax at all, even so, they could only wait for Hongjun to speak before they could detect his appearance.

Otherwise, they didn’t even know that Hongjun had appeared.

No matter what they have thoughts, in the end they all respectfully salute Hongjun.

“Let’s meet the teacher, teacher Saint Ann!”

“Fengxi (Houtu) has seen Dao Zu, Dao Zu Shengan!”

Hongjun nodded, and spoke to the crowd without turning a corner.

“The great power of the prehistoric heaven is like a tide. Even though you are a saint, you can’t go against it!”

“If the machine is operating today, the Terran race is about to flourish, but if you want to become the protagonist of the prehistoric world, the Terran race still needs to go through hardships!”

“For this reason, the human race should have three emperors and five emperors born, determine the relationship between the human race, cultivate the human race, and suppress the human luck!”

Hearing Hongjun’s words, a divine light flashed in the eyes of everyone present.

“Dare to ask the teacher, I don’t know who are these three emperors and five emperors?”

Zhun raised some movement in his eyes, and asked Hongjun.

“Three emperors and five emperors have their own destiny, and no one can impose any interference, but if the three emperors and five emperors need to grow up, someone needs to be taught. This matter will be decided by you!”

Hongjun glanced at Zhun Ti, and then said calmly.

When Hongjun’s words fell, except for Que Fengxi and Nuwa Houtu, everyone else was happy.

Although the three emperors and five emperors are not available, they can all fight for the position of the human emperor.

As long as the three emperors and five emperors can be guided back to the throne, the day of success will naturally have merit.

This is still for their disciples, but for the entire sect, it is undoubtedly even more important.

Human race’s prosperity is already the general trend of heaven, their sect wants to develop, and the human race is a hurdle they can’t get around.

Think about it, if one of his disciples accepts the Three Emperors and Five Emperors as his disciples, how simple it would be for his sect to preach among the human race.

Want to suppress other sects, is it a simpler thing?

This alone makes it impossible for them to give up!

“Teacher, I set up a great teacher to teach others. Should I make the selection of the teachers of the three emperors and five emperors?”

Laozi’s words fell, causing all the saints to look at him in surprise.

You know, Laozi has always been relatively inactive, and there is basically nothing that he values.

But I didn’t expect that this time, Laozi actually took the initiative to speak, wanting to get the decision right.

However, before Hongjun could speak, Fengxi, who was watching the play, spoke first.

“Taiqing sage, the selection of the teacher of the three emperors and five emperors can’t be done by the sage!”

“Could the saint forget?”

“The education you set up has a name, but it’s not true!”

“Therefore, it is not necessary for the sage of Taiqing to intervene in this matter!”

In Feng Xi’s words, there seemed to be a bit of ridicule, mocking Laozi’s wishful thinking.

Hearing Fengxi’s words, Laozi looked at Fengxi blankly without speaking.

He just waited quietly for Hongjun’s answer.

Looking at Laozi’s appearance, Feng Xi frowned slightly.

As the saying goes, a dog that bites doesn’t bark!

Laozi is so impatient, then it proves that when it erupts on a certain day, it will destroy the world and destroy the earth.

“Well, the return of the three emperors and five emperors still needs the approval of the human treasure Kongtong seal.”

“Now, the Kongtong seal is in Fengxi’s hands. If you want to be the emperor, you can discuss with Fengxi!”

“But you need to remember that the position of the Three Emperors and the Five Emperors is related to the operation of the Heavenly Dao. I don’t care who is the teacher of the Three Emperors and the Five Emperors.

Hongjun’s words fell, and a breath flashed from Hongjun’s body.

And this breath caused all the saints to sink in their hearts.

The breath faintly gave them a feeling of suffocation.

There was a hint of horror in their eyes.

Some did not expect that they had become a saint, but in front of Hongjun, they could still feel how big the gap between them was.

Even after being sanctified, they could feel even more that they were like ants in front of Hongjun.

If it is said that they had any other thoughts before, at this moment, those thoughts of them are completely dispelled.

Sitting on the cloud platform, Hongjun nodded slightly, as if he had also seen their thoughts, and then disappeared.

The disappearance of Hongjun caused all the saints to breathe a sigh of relief, and their eyes gathered on Feng Xi’s body.

Where Feng hoped that Hongjun would disappear, a light flashed in his eyes. Seeing everyone staring at him, there was an extra smile on his face.

“Sages, since Dao Ancestor has said so, then let’s talk about what you think!”

Feng Xi did not worry that Laozi and others would give up the fight for the division of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors.

This is the longing they can’t give up.

Although he and Laozi had a grudge, although he didn’t want these saints to intervene in the human race, this thing really couldn’t be stopped.

Human race has its own way to go, all he can do is to become the backing of Human race, so that they can fearlessly trial and error, and then walk out of the great road!

Laozi had a bad relationship with Fengxi, so he didn’t speak, but sat quietly on the futon without speaking.

Seeing that Laozi didn’t speak, he quasi lifted his eyes and said to Feng Xi with a smile.

“The three emperors are the emperor of heaven, earth, and human; the five emperors are the eastern blue emperor, the southern red emperor, the central yellow emperor, the western white emperor, and the northern black emperor!”

“Three emperors and five emperors are destiny. I don’t have the slightest idea, but the teacher of the human emperor is very important to me. For this reason, I would like to ask Fengxi Taoist friends for a convenience!”

The three emperors and five emperors’ heavenly secrets appeared, for Zhun Ti and the others, they could easily deduce their names.

In this regard, Fengxi has no doubts at all.

He nodded, and then there was a (treacherous) kind (insidious) smile on his face.

“I want the position of the three emperors and five emperors, I raise my hands in favor!”

“But, what price can you exchange with me?”

“Can’t let me give you the position of the three emperors and five emperors so easily, right?”

Saying this, Fengxi couldn’t help but stretch out two fingers and rub them in front of Laozi and others.

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