Chapter 151 Arctic Purple Weitian Emperor Haotian Jade Pool!

“Fengxi, are you willing to be the emperor of heaven?”

Hongjun said to Fengxi, who was sitting aside watching with gusto.

After Laozi and others heard Hongjun’s words, their expressions changed, and they stared at Fengxi closely.

If Fengxi becomes the emperor of heaven, should these saints listen to the dispatch of heaven at that time?

“Tao Ancestor, I don’t have the idea of ​​becoming the Heavenly Emperor of Heaven!”

“However, I heard that in addition to the Emperor Quetian, there are still four imperials in the Heavenly Court. I would like to serve as the Purple Emperor of the Arctic!”

After Feng Xi was stunned, he spoke to Hong Jun.

A light flashed in his eyes.

The position of the Heavenly Emperor is a pit, a huge pit!

Don’t say he has conflicts with Laozi, even if he has no conflicts with these saints.

When he became the emperor of heaven to dominate the wild world, would these saints embarrass him? Will you listen to him?

The answer is yes!

That being the case, then why does he still want to be the emperor of heaven?

This is totally uncomfortable for myself.

Of course, Feng Xi also just said that she didn’t want to.

Now he has no confidence in suppressing these saints, but when he has the strength to suppress these saints, he will definitely fight for the position of the emperor!

At the beginning, after the achievement of Hunyuan, his system began to upgrade.

He can’t use the power of the system to sign in in the prehistoric times.

(Ah, the dog author remembered that, the protagonist still has a system… I feel that there are so few people watching now, then the dog author is going to let himself go!)

There is only one way to sign in, and that is to go to war!

At war with the heavens and worlds, when he suppresses a world, he can sign in in that world!

It is so difficult to conquer a big world with his power alone.

Therefore, he will definitely fight for the position of the emperor, but it is definitely not now.

As for why you want to be the purple emperor of the North Pole? !

Don’t ask, the question is that he has mastered Zi Wei Dou Shu and Zhou Tian Xing Dou Array.

Hearing Fengxi’s words, all the saints present breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as they don’t become the emperor of the sky, they can accept the position of the purple emperor of the North Pole.


“Who does Naer think can be the emperor of heaven?”

Hongjun thought slightly, and then said.

Hearing Hongjun’s questioning, Fengxi was also slightly silent, glanced at Haotian and Yaochi, and then spoke.

“The position of the Emperor of Heaven is very important. Since the saints can’t decide a real candidate, let Dao Zu personally arrange it!”

“Do you have any comments on this?!”

Upon hearing this, Hongjun’s expression remained unchanged, and he asked Laozi and others.

“I’m waiting to follow the teacher’s decision, and I am convinced!”

Although Laozi and others had their own ideas in their hearts, they were not easy to refute at this moment, and they could only bow to Hongjun.

Hearing everyone’s words, Hongjun’s expression remained unchanged, as plain as before.

He stretched out his hand, and Haotian and Yaochi standing beside him suddenly came to the court.

Looking at the two Taoists Haotian and Yaochi, all the saints felt bad in their hearts.

“Haotian, Yaochi, you two have been with me for a long time!”

“Now that the emperor has fallen, the world is premature, you can’t have no one for a day!”

“You two, Haotian is the heavenly emperor, Yaochi is the heavenly queen, and the primordial world is respected together!”

Hearing Hong Jun’s words, both Haotian and Yaochi were stunned.

After a long while, they just came back to their senses and bowed down to Hongjun.

“Tong’er thanks Master!”

“Well, they are all going to be the emperor and queen of heaven, how can you be called a boy?”

“From now on, you two will be my registered disciples.”

Hongjun frowned slightly, then reached out and pointed at Haotian and Yaochi, and a golden light enveloped them both.

After the light dissipated, I saw that the two people who were originally boys suddenly became a pair of young men and women.

Haotian wore an emperor’s robe, and looked Zhou Zheng, with a breath of majesty.

Yaochi was dressed in a phoenix robe, with a beautiful appearance. There was a divine light flashing in the phoenix eyes, with its own grace and generosity.

“Haotian (Yaochi) thanks teacher!”

Hongjun nodded, and then stretched out his hand to wave, three pieces of Lingbao and one Linggen with the light, fell into the hands of Haotian and Yaochi respectively.

I saw that what Haotian had in his hands was a sword and a mirror.

“This sword is the Heavenly Emperor’s Sword, and it can also be called the Haotian Sword.

“This mirror is called the Haotian Mirror. It can look at the nine heavens on the upper side and observe the Nine Nethers on the bottom.

In Yaochi’s hands are a hairpin and that spiritual root.

“This is a crested hairpin, which contains nine true phoenix souls, all of which are in the realm of quasi-sages. It can be summoned to enemies, and it can also manipulate the galaxy itself. It is the best innate spirit treasure!”

“This spiritual root is one of the ten innate spiritual roots, Renshui flat peach. How to use it is up to you!”

Listening to Hongjun’s introduction, a gleam of light flashed in the eyes of all the saints, even if it was them, they were quite moved.

At this moment, Haotian thought of something and bowed to Hongjun.

“Teacher, in the heavens, the people who served were all monsters.”

“Now that the Lich Clan retreats, the Heavenly Court has almost become an empty shell, and I alone cannot make the Heavenly Court work.”

“I wonder if the teacher can solve it?”

Hongjun closed his eyes and opened his lips slightly.

“You don’t need to ask me about such trivial matters, you can discuss it with your senior brothers yourself!”

After the words fell, Hongjun’s figure slowly disappeared from the cloud platform.

Although the sages were paying attention to Hongjun’s disappearance, they didn’t realize the mystery in it.

They couldn’t help but frowned. After becoming a saint, they still couldn’t see enough in front of Hongjun!

“Brothers, the teacher asked me to discuss with the seniors, and please help me!”

Haotian looked respectful. After Hongjun left, he immediately saluted Laozi and other saints and lowered his posture.

“The Emperor of Heaven does not need to be polite. It is said that you and I are in the same line. I should help you, but I just said that. There is only Xuantu under my sect.”

“He still needs to inherit my mantle, but it is inconvenient to enter the heavenly court. Please forgive me!”

After speaking, Laozi stood up and headed outside the Zixiao Palace.

“Tiandi, although my sect is a true god of merit, but he is not good at learning art and cannot meet my requirements for them.”

“After they meet the requirements, please mention what the Emperor God has to say by then!”

Yuanshi Tianzun also politely rejected Haotian, stood up with Laozi, and walked outside of the Zixiao Palace.

“Although there are many disciples under my school, I don’t know if I intend to come to Heavenly Court. I will ask after I return. If I want to come to Heavenly Court, they will all be allowed!”

Tongtian is not as kind as Yuanshi and Laozi.

After speaking, he nodded to Haotian, and then walked out of the Purple Cloud Palace.

“Tiandi, I am poor in the West. Not only is the environment bad, the resources are scarce, and even the talents are scarce.”

“I’m still thinking that after the heavenly court is rebuilt, let the emperor transfer some people to my west, let alone let me wait for the disciples to enter the heavenly court.”

“I can’t do anything about this, but if the emperor is willing to come to my west as a guest, I will wait to welcome me on the couch at Mount Xumi!”

As for the introduction and quasi-promotion, the West already lacks talents. If the emperor is from the West, the two of them may grit their teeth and let their disciples come, but they are obviously irrelevant now, and they are not interested, even after crying poor. Disappeared in the Zixiao Palace.

Although Nuwa’s subordinates said that there were demon races such as Bai Ze, but after thinking about it, they knew how they could be willing to serve in the heavenly court of Haotian.

Therefore, she did not speak.

Haotian was also very interesting and did not ask.

Hou Tu was in charge of the Netherworld, and in terms of personality, he was not inferior to the heavens, so he didn’t say anything about it.

“The Emperor of Heaven, I am now the Purple Emperor of the Arctic, and I can be regarded as serving in the Heavenly Court with the Emperor of Heaven.”

“If the emperor has anything in the future, you can come to discuss with me at any time.”

Feng Xi also spoke kindly to Haotian.

After that, he took Nuwa and Houtu and left Zixiao Palace.

“Haotian, the seniors are unwilling to help, what should we do next?”

Yaochi’s eyes were full of discouragement, which became the excitement of the queen, and under the blow of Laozi and others, it instantly disappeared invisible.

Haotian, who was standing by Yaochi’s side, also became darkened at this moment.

You must know that now he is regarded as Hongjun’s disciple, but Laozi and others call him the Emperor of Heaven, and obviously do not recognize his identity.

The words spoken, although polite, seemed extremely alienated.

Haotian squeezed a fist, and there was a little more anger in his heart, only to see him speak.

“I’ll go to the Heavenly Court to talk about it first, at least put up the framework of the Heavenly Court first, and then think about how to recruit the candidates for the Heavenly Court!”

“I still don’t believe it. Without their help, I can’t stand this heavenly court!”

Haotian also wakes up from the excitement. He is now very clear about his situation. If he doesn’t become a saint, he has no position at all, and maybe he will be emptied by the saint in the future.

A sense of urgency appeared in his heart, and he instantly understood what he should do now.

“Yeah! I heard that Heavenly Court is very magnificent, but I never thought I would live in Heavenly Court in the future!”

Yaochi’s eyes were filled with expectation and yearning.

She was a little stunned by the blow, but now she jumped for joy again.

Before, she was just a boy by Hongjun’s side. Now, although she has become a queen, she has also become an adult.

But obviously, she still has a little childishness.

Haotian didn’t speak, a look of expectation also appeared in his eyes.

Heavenly Court, where a generation of demon emperors ruled heaven and earth, he naturally looked forward to it.

And looking at the cheering Yaochi beside him, Haotian’s eyes flashed with an imperceptible gentle color.

The next way is for the two of them to support each other and go down.

The two of them did not delay, and then they left the Zixiao Palace and headed towards the heavenly court, but when they arrived at the heavenly court, they were instantly stunned!

“This? This is Heavenly Court? How could it…”

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