Chapter 150: Are You Wish to Be the Heavenly Emperor?

“Everyone, the Lich War has ended, how should these surviving Lich Races deal with?”

Feng Xi looked at the surviving Lich Clan, her eyes flashed slightly, and she asked everyone.

Hearing Fengxi’s words, all the saints looked at the surviving Lich Race.

In their eyes, the expressions are different.

And among those Lich Clan who survived, the demon saints and great witches, who are now the pillars, clenched their fists, and showed a trace of unwillingness in their eyes.

When, when, did their two tribes become so despised by others?

A deep sense of humiliation appeared in their hearts.

But, obviously, no matter which saint it is, they don’t care about their thoughts.

At this moment, a yellow light turned into a shadow and appeared in front of a crowd of saints.

“My Wu Clan matters, don’t bother you saints!”

“Jiufeng, Xingtian, Er and others led the remnants of Wu Clan back to Pangu Hall and migrated north!”

“For no reason, you can’t easily be born in the predicament!”

The yellow light is amazingly Houtu.

Although, in the old days, Hongjun had said that Houtu could not easily leave the Netherworld, but this did not mean that Houtu could not split up a clone and appear in the prehistoric land.

Hearing the words of Houtu, all the saints present had no objection.

These witches seemed to them to be solid stones.

In the hearts of these witches, there is only Pangu and the will of those ancestral witches.

Even if they, as saints, want to frighten these witch races, it is completely thankless.

Therefore, it is entirely possible to sell Hou Tu to save face, and there may be other things that will be required on Hou Tu in the future.

“I’ll follow the order of the Houtuzu witch!”

One man and one woman, they are Xing Tian and Jiufeng.

At this moment, they were full of sorrow and bowed to Houtu, and immediately led a group of remnants of Wu Clan towards the direction of Pangu Temple.

Houtu looked at the backs of those Witches who had left, his eyes flickered slightly, and finally slowly returned to peace.

Just stretched out his hand to collect the twelve shots of the gods’ evil flag, and then came to Feng Xi’s side, not speaking.

Everyone also watched the witches leave, and they also became silent.

After a long while, Zhun Ti took his gaze back from the monsters, and spoke to them in a serious manner.

“The Lich Clan has disturbed the predicament, and caused the lives to be disgraced. They have a big sin!”

“And I have the Supreme Dharma in the West, you can enter the Pure Land, and you can get bliss. If you give these people to my brothers and sisters and enlighten them, you can benefit one party in the future!”

From Zhunti’s point of view, these monster races were able to survive the war, and all were people with great luck.

Moreover, their strength is also very good.

If they can join their Western religion, not to mention that they can be compared with the East, but it can also strengthen a wave of their Western religion.

“My junior brother is right. These monster races have a lot of karma in them, and they are suitable to listen to my Western magic and wash away their sins!”

The receiver also nodded, agreeing with Zhunti’s words. If they can be drawn to the West, that would be the best.

“This…I’m afraid it’s wrong!”

Nuwa glanced lightly at Xie Ying and Zhun Ti, and rejected their words.

“Are you the only one in the West who has a magical method?”

“My demon of the East is not your turn to be in charge of the West. Even if I wait and ignore it, I won’t go to the West with you.”

“In my opinion, you should go back and forth wherever you go!”

There was a sneer on Tongtian’s face.

He has never looked down on Zhun Ti, and his behavior is undoubtedly hitting the attention of the people in the East.

Originally, it was enough to hit the autumn breeze occasionally, but right now, my appetite is so big that I want to swallow the entire monster race, and I am not afraid to hold it.

“Yes, I don’t have the turn of the West to call the shots of the East!”

At this time, Yuan Shi also spoke.

Although he doesn’t like these people who are wearing scales and armour, who are wet and egg-like, but he will not watch them just as they are carried into the bag.

When Nuwa and Tongtian Yuanshi said so, Zhunti also didn’t know what to say.

Strictly speaking, these monster races are really the monster races of the East, and there is really no good excuse for him to intervene.

At this time, Laozi spoke up.

He was innocent and looked down on these monsters who looked fierce and evil, and saw him speak lightly.

“Well, these monster races, let them choose for themselves, whoever they are willing to follow, then follow who!”

“As for those who don’t want to, then all move to the north, so you won’t be born again easily!”

Hearing Laozi’s words, no matter whether it was Nuwa or Zhunti, they did not object at all. They didn’t really care about these monsters.

“Nv Wa Niang, Bai Ze is willing to present the demon banners, only hope that Nu Wa Niang Niang can protect me and other monsters for the sake of Emperor Xi!”

At this time, Bai Ze stepped forward, and a flag appeared in his hand, and said respectfully to Nuwa.

This flag should have been in the hands of Emperor Jun.

However, just before the war, Di Jun gave the banner to Bai Ze and explained to him that if there was any accident, he would use this to seek protection from Nuwa.

Hearing Bai Ze’s words, Nu Wa frowned slightly, she nodded her head when she didn’t know what she thought of.

“Well, I can protect you, but I won’t manage you directly.”

“You all moved to the north, and you can’t be born easily if you have nothing to do!”

“When the ten golden Ulu pressure grows up, I will return this demon banner. Whatever decision you make at that time, it is your own business.”

The big demon saints who were still alive, including Bai Ze, saluted Nuwa.

There is gratitude in their eyes.

Leading the demon clan who was willing to move to the north came behind Nuwa.

Among those monster races, some of them were tired of fighting and chose to join Tongtian’s subordinates one after another.

There is also a very small number of people who have chosen Western religion, worshipping Zhunti and Jiying.

It can be said that this is a happy ending, except for the dissatisfaction of the quasi mention and the introduction, everyone else can accept it.

Seeing that this matter has been processed, Feng Xi, who was standing aside without speaking, waved her sleeves and took the broken Bu Zhoushan mountain.

Yuan Shi regretted this a little bit, why didn’t he think of accepting the half-depleted mountain?

Even if Bu Zhoushan is broken, it is not an ordinary thing. It is completely possible to refine an infinitely powerful spirit treasure. Now that the wind is hopeless, he does not have the idea of ​​letting it go and ask the wind to ask for it.

Yuan Shi just thought for a while about the part of Bu Zhoushan that fell into Feng Xi’s hands, just because Hongjun heard words.

“The prehistoric calamity has passed, and you all come to the Purple Cloud Palace!”

Hearing Hongjun’s words, everyone present glanced at each other, waved behind them, and after they settled the demon race they had received, they headed towards the Chaos Purple Cloud Palace one after another!

It didn’t take long for everyone to arrive at Zixiao Palace.

After everyone entered, Hongjun sat on the cloud platform, beside him, Haotian and Yaochi, the two Taoist children, stood pretty and serious, looking quite cute.

“I’ve seen the teacher, teacher Saint Ann!”

“Fengxi, Hou Tu pays homage to Dao Ancestor, Dao Zu Shengan!”

Listening to the audience’s courtesy, Hongjun nodded without making any waves.

His eyes swept across everyone, and he spoke lightly.

“The second clan of Lich is in decline, but the heavens are prehistoric and orthodox, and they cannot be left without an owner for a long time. Calling you to come here is for you to have a discussion.”

“Who is the new Emperor of Heaven?”


Hearing Hongjun’s words, everyone present, except Fengxi, was shocked.

They didn’t expect that Hongjun would call them for the sake of the Emperor of Heaven.

But soon, they reacted, and their eyes flashed with divine light.

Emperor Jun died, the monster clan was defeated, and the Heavenly Court was almost in name only. Isn’t it just the time when a new Heavenly Emperor is needed?

If their disciple is the Emperor of Heaven…

“Teacher, Lu Ya, the son of Emperor Jun, is still alive, can he be the Emperor of Heaven?”

For some unknown reason, Nuwa lifted Lu Ya out.

“Sister Nuwa, the Demon Race of Emperor Jun is in charge of the Heavenly Court for a long time. Now that Emperor Jun is dead, and the Demon Race is defeated, how can he be in charge of the Heavenly Court?”

Laozi first refuted Nuwa’s words.

After a slight pause, he spoke.

“Under my sect, there is a disciple named Xuandu, whose morality is the best choice, and now he is the Golden Immortal of Daluo.”

“In the past, when Emperor Jun was intimidated by the demon clan, he was only the Daluo Jinxian. Therefore, Xuan Du can be the emperor of heaven!”

Nuwa smiled slightly when she heard the words, and didn’t pay any attention. She sat aside and didn’t speak.

At this time, Yuan Shi’s expression was a bit hesitant, but in the end he still spoke.

“Under my sect, there are also several real fortune immortals, who have deep luck, such as Guangchengzi and Yunzhongzi, who can be the emperor of heaven!”

“The disciple of my sect, a multi-talented Taoist, has a profound way of doing things, and can be the emperor of heaven with high mana!”

Tong Tian also pushed out his big disciple Duo Bao.

“Although we are barren in the West, there are also great talents born. Maitreya and pharmacists can all be the emperor of heaven!”

Taking advantage of Tongtian to speak, Zhunti did not let go of this opportunity, and wanted to promote his disciple as the emperor of heaven.

“Chun mention, you are really shameless, this heaven is my eastern heaven, when is it your turn to sit in the west?!”

The sky is full of unpleasant colors, and those monster races are no more, but the position of the heavenly emperor must not fall into the hands of Zhunti Western religion.

As soon as these words came out, Sanqing No. 2 and Nu Wa both nodded. They were very close to each other and didn’t want to involve the Western churches who Zhunti and received.

“Brothers, these words are wrong, this heaven maintains the prehistoric order, don’t we belong to the predominant in the West?”

“So, why can’t we fight for the position of the emperor in the West?!”

Zhunti was full of unhappiness, and immediately spoke.

When Tongtian people were still going to speak, Hongjun opened his eyes, frowned slightly, and saw him speak in a cold voice.

“Enough, how can you be so noisy as a saint, how decent?!”

“Please forgive me too!”

Laozi and the others changed their faces slightly, and pleaded guilty to Hongjun.

“Fengxi, are you willing to be the emperor of heaven?”

Hongjun said to Fengxi, who was sitting aside watching with gusto.

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