Chapter 149 Four Spirits of Heaven and Earth

“Perhaps, there is really something that can support the entire prehistoric world!”

Just as Laozi and others were thinking about it, Tong Tian suddenly spoke up.


Everyone looked at Tongtian.

“Before, when I was looking for the five-color sacred stone in Beihai, I saw a giant tortoise!”

“The giant tortoise is derived from the remnant body of the Chaos Demon God. Since the beginning of the world, it has existed in the wild.”

“It’s just that he has never activated his spiritual wisdom, so his limbs may be used to support the entire world!”

Tongtian spoke to everyone.

“Giant tortoise? Chaos Demon God’s remnant evolves?”

Everyone was bright, and it seemed that the giant tortoise was indeed the most suitable thing.

“That giant tortoise has survived for such a long time, its body is powerful, and its limbs are used to support the world. It is the only choice!”

“Tongtian, but you cut off those limbs to support the four poles of the world!”

Yuanshi spoke to Tongtian.

“Yes, the Daoist Yuanshi said that although the giant tortoise is not as good as Mount Buzhou, it is best to spread the support of Mount Buzhou to the four extremes!”

Zhunti also nodded and looked at Tongtian.

The corners of Tongtian’s mouth twitched slightly, looking at everyone’s meaning, this thing is for him to do.

“I… okay!”

In the end, Tongtian nodded helplessly, his figure flashed, and he headed towards Beihai.


Not long after, Tongtian went quickly and came quickly. It was only a short time before he returned with four sacred pillars.

If you look closely, the four heavenly god pillars are exactly the limbs of the giant tortoise he said.


The four heavenly sacred pillars landed with a roar and fixed the four poles of the heavens and the earth.

Looking at this scene, Laozi and the others nodded and withdrew their mana.

“Almost, it’s about time, right?”

Feng Xi whispered slightly, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, and there was a hint of expectation in her eyes.

After he came to this prehistoric world, he discovered that although most of the trajectories of this prehistoric world were consistent with what was known in the previous life, there were also some differences from the previous life.

One of them was the Sifang Saint Beast that should have been born long ago, and the four spirits of the sky did not appear.

Fengxi is not surprised at this, after all, how can a real world be described in a few words.

When Feng Xi’s words were heard, all the saints in the room looked at him.

They don’t know what Feng Xi’s words meant, but when they were puzzled, they suddenly felt something.

I saw that they looked towards the place where the four heavenly sacred pillars fell.

I don’t know when, four creatures appeared in front of the four heavenly god pillars.

“The way of heaven is above, and there is a dragon of the dragon clan today. I feel that the world is incomplete, and I am willing to suppress the extremes of the prehistoric East with my body, and become the Eastern Yimu Qinglong of the sacred beasts of the four directions!”

“The way of heaven is above. There is the Phoenix Suzaku today. I feel that the world is incomplete, and I am willing to suppress the wild south pole with my body, and to be the southern part of the sacred beasts from the Fire Suzaku!”

“The way of heaven is above. There is a white tiger of the white tiger clan today. I feel that the world is incomplete, and I am willing to suppress the wild west with my body, and become the western golden white tiger of the sacred beasts of the four directions!”

“The way of heaven is above. There are Xuangui clan Xuanwu today. I feel that the world is incomplete. I would like to suppress the extreme north of the wild with my body, and become the northern Kuishui Xuanwu of the sacred beasts of the Quartet!”


Above the nine heavens, there was a roar of thunder, and thick purple thunders flickered.

The oath of the Quartet and the Four Spirits has been sensed by Heaven and responded to it.

Hum! Hum! Hum!

After the thunder flashed, there was a humming sound between heaven and earth.

Along with this buzzing sound, the heaven and the earth became clear, all kinds of chaos were calmed down, and the evil spirits also dissipated.

Everyone felt that there was a fresh breath coming from the prehistoric world, this was the calamity that the world had passed the Lich.

Countless rain falls from the sky, moisturizing all things, seeming to make up for the vitality lost in the previous Lich War.


At this moment, the heavens and the earth roared, and the mysterious light beams condensed and turned into golden clouds of merit.

These merits are divided into several parts.

Forty percent of them were submerged in the Sifang Saint Beast, which was what they deserved for suppressing the four extremes of the heavens and the earth.

Then, one and a half of them were submerged in Nu Wa, which was what she obtained by refining the five-color sacred stone to repair the sky.

Half of it was submerged in Tongtian’s body, and he took the limbs of the mysterious tortoise to cast the four poles of the sky and the earth.

Twenty percent was submerged in Feng Xi’s body. He proposed the idea of ​​repairing the sky, giving the Qiankun Ding to refine the colorful stones, and proposing the idea of ​​supporting the world. This is what he got.

In the end, the remaining 10% was evenly divided by Laozi and others.

Compared with what Fengxi and others did, they were able to get the final 10%, all of which was based on their merits in helping to settle the holes and find the five-color god stone.

Regarding this, Laozi and others did not have any opinions, and each took away their merits.

As for what they think, only they know it.

After the merits were collected, the atmosphere among the people suddenly became serious.

Everyone’s eyes were on the chaotic clock spinning around in the void and the witch-killing sword that soared to the sky.

Before, because of the Tianku matter, everyone did not compete.

But their spirits have been paying attention to the Chaos Clock and Tu Wujian.

At this moment, the cave has been patched up, so it’s natural that it’s time for them to divide it up.

Before anyone could speak, Feng Xi stood up, and the sharp spear appeared in his hand, and boundless evil spirits filled him.

On the top of his head, the Kongtong seal on the other side also hung down the Taoist Xuanhuang Qi, covering his whole body.

“Everyone, that witch-killing sword was made with the grievances of hundreds of millions of people, and it should be returned to the hands of the human race!”

“Please don’t be greedy. As for the Chaos Clock, you can discuss it yourself and keep it!”

“But if you want to compete with me for the witch-killing sword, then look at the sharpshooter in my hand, it’s not good in the end!”

Feng Xi’s eyes were extremely sharp, sweeping across everyone.

Hearing Fengxi’s words, everyone present fell into silence.

They believed that Fengxi who made such a gesture was definitely not a joke.

If they really dared to have an idea about the Slaughter Witch Sword, then Feng Xi would definitely attack them.

After a long silence, Sui Yin smiled lightly and said.

“Fengxi Fellow Daoist is just that, the Slayer Sword should be returned to the human race, and I will not participate in the West!”

Zhun said he didn’t say much, just looking at Tu Wujian’s eyes, there was still a bit of reluctance.

He is poor in the West!

Although this witch slaying sword can cause huge damage to the body of the ancestor witch.

But he didn’t believe that this witch slaying sword could still work on the body of his saint.

Laozi and others did not speak either, they all tacitly agreed with Fengxi’s words.

Seeing this, Feng Xi also stretched out her hand and took the Witch-Tuning Sword into her own hand.

He immediately stepped back two steps, apparently unwilling to participate in grabbing the Chaos Clock.

“Dear fellow daoists, this chaotic clock is a spiritual treasure associated with the Eastern Emperor. Now that the Eastern Emperor is dead, this chaotic clock is nothing but a thing.”

“It just so happens that I think the Chaos Clock has a fate with me in the West, and it should be something for me.”

“Please also ask fellow daoists to give me a face.”

Zhunti glanced at Fengxi, he was relieved, and smiled and said to Laozi and others.

His gaze is not far from the Chaos Clock.

Because of the Western geography, Western religion has always had a shallow foundation, and there is no treasure to suppress Qi luck.

If Chaos Clock can be obtained, it will undoubtedly make up for a large part of their foundation.

At this moment, with such a chance to get the Chaos Clock, he would never give up easily.

The receiver also stood in front of Zhun Ti and nodded slightly.

“Chun mention, you really don’t know how to be ashamed!”

“Don’t think I don’t know, you often come to my east to catch the autumn breeze, and everything has a predestined relationship with you in the west!”

“Is it true that you can’t be a failure by yourself?”

Tong Tian was not at all polite, and immediately stunned Zhun Ti, and he said that Zhun Ti made his face stiff, not knowing what expression to make.

Seeing Zhunti’s expression, Tongtian spoke again.

“But you are right about one thing, this chaotic clock is indeed unowned!”

“I am an authentic Pangu. The eldest brother and the second elder brother got one of the Three Treasures of Kaitian Taiji and Pangu banners respectively.”

“At the moment, this chaotic clock is also worthy of me!”

Tongtian’s words are reasonable and well-founded. He is indeed an authentic Pangu, and this chaotic clock should be given to him according to the logic he said.

These words made Zhunti even know how to refute Tongtian.

However, just as Tongtian was about to collect the Chaos Clock, Yuan Shi, who was standing by his side, said abruptly.

“Third brother, grow up and grow in order, this chaos clock, it’s up to the eldest brother to determine its ownership!”

“Second brother, you…”

When Tongtian heard this, his breathing was stagnant, and he turned his head to look at Yuan Shi, his eyes full of unbelievable expressions.

My second brother, not to mention helping myself, is still dismantling his desk.

At the moment, he is neither advancing nor retreating.

If you take it, you don’t respect your elder brother. If you don’t take it, his face will be lost.

Yuan Shi also woke up at this moment, he felt a little regretful, but on the surface, there was no change in the slightest.

Laozi also glanced at Yuan Shi with a little surprise, but did not speak.

Zhunti and Jiying looked at each other, as if they still had a chance.


However, when they were silent, the chaotic clock changed.

I saw that the chaotic clock buzzed, bursting out infinite light, and suddenly broke through the space, sank into it, and disappeared before the eyes of a crowd of saints.


“Do not….”

Everyone’s expressions changed drastically, and they were all traced by their divine consciousness.

But the vastness of the void is far more mysterious than the prehistoric. It is just a blink of an eye, and Chaos Clock has no idea where it has gone.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

“Everyone, the Lich War is over. I don’t know how you think these people of the Lich Clan should deal with it?”

Feng Xi glanced at these remnants of the Lich Clan slightly, and then asked everyone.

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