Chapter 148

In the wild, on the Wu Clan battlefield, Emperor Jun, Donghuang Taiyi and others were blew up by a group of ancestors and witches, and they ended up in the same end.

And the only co-worker who survived, looking at the boundless scene of the sky and the earth, in extreme grief, he slammed into Bu Zhou Mountain.

Crash the mountain that has existed since the land was opened up!


There was a loud roar, and the entire prehistoric world was shaken for it.

The expressions of countless great magicians changed dramatically.

Bu Zhou Shan collapsed!

The Bu Zhou Mountain that supports the prehistoric world is broken into two pieces!

Boom! Boom!

And with the collapse of Buzhou Mountain, on the sky that did not know how high, it seemed to be pierced, and a huge black hole appeared.

In the instant that the big hole appeared, countless gusts of wind and weak water spewed out from it, sweeping towards the entire prehistoric world.

“Ah! Don’t, save…”

“Haha, the Gonggong Ancestral Witch has also gone, Yaozu bastard, die with me!”


The Lich Clan used the surrounding area of ​​Buzhou Mountain as the main battlefield, and at this moment Buzhou Mountain collapsed.

The countless winds and weak water swept out, and the first to suffer was the second family of Lich.

“Gonggong, it’s gonggong! How dare he?”

“Buzhou Mountain is transformed by the spine of the great Pangu god. As a descendant of Pangu, how can he be so disrespectful?!”

“Buzhou Mountain, the Buzhou Mountain that supports the desolate world has collapsed. Who can block the hole…”

“Great calamity, this is a bigger calamity than the battle between the lich!”


Endless primordial beings and a primordial supernatural power, their faces are hard to look at at this moment.

I originally thought that as long as I stayed away from the Lich Battlefield, I wouldn’t be affected by it.

But it never occurred to him that after avoiding the Lich War, he couldn’t hide from the hole in the sky.

Buzhou Mountain is the key to supporting the entire prehistoric world, and is known as the Tianzhu!

Now that the mountain is broken, endless wind and weak water are useful, this is no longer a disaster for the whole family, but a disaster for all living beings.

If the hole cannot be blocked, and the world’s fetal membranes are completely broken and cannot stop the chaotic air current from eroding and influx, then the entire prehistoric world will be destroyed at that time!

At that time, I am afraid that, except for the strong and saints, they will not be able to escape the end of being corroded and destroyed by the chaos!

Even if the time comes, some of them can survive the chaotic erosion for a while, but they will not survive forever.


Just when all beings were frightened, the human ancestral land on the coast of the East China Sea, the Kongtong seal hanging in the air on the other side, made the sound of dragons.

The Kongtong seal directly turned into nine golden dragons and flew to the cave where the Buzhou Mountain collapsed.

The nine golden dragons radiated golden light and turned into a fetal membrane, temporarily filling the holes.

With that golden fetal membrane, no matter whether it is wind or weak water, it can’t gush out, raging across the world!

“Kongtong Yin! It’s Fengxi Tianzun, he made the shot!”

“It’s great, Fengxi Tianzun takes action, those saints will not watch, we are saved!”

“It’s such a powerful force, even if it is a hole in the sky, Tianzun Fengxi has a way to stop him.”


Suddenly, many great supernatural powers were talking about it, and the countless prehistoric creatures, at this moment, all bowed their heads in the direction of the hole.

You know, when the holes appeared, countless gangs of wind and weak water raged out, and the Lich Clan not far from Buzhou Mountain suffered a devastating blow.

In addition to them, I don’t know how many creatures have fallen in it.

If it weren’t for Fengxi’s move, I’m afraid, at this moment, I don’t know how many other creatures will die under those strong winds and weak waters.

“Crack! Click! Click!”

But just as the creatures knelt down to this hole, the golden fetal membrane that the Kongtong seal had turned into, at this moment, there was a cracking sound of cracking.

Countless creatures changed their expressions. When they looked around, they saw cracks in the golden fetal membrane.

From the crack, a trace of wind and weak water seeped out.


At this moment, the figures of Fengxi and Nuwa emerged in front of the cave.

Combining the power of both of them, once again blocked the hole.

“You wait for the saints, when are you going to see?”

“Does it really have to wait until the ruin of the great famine is impossible?!”

There was a hint of cold light in Feng Xi’s eyes, and the words were full of coldness.

“Haha, Fellow Fengxi, I waited a long way to save lives in the west, so I came a little later.”

“Please don’t get me wrong, Fengxi Daoist!”

Zhunti smiled, and then He Zhun proposed now in front of Fengxi and Nuwa.

After them, Taiqing Laozi, Yuqing Yuanshi, and Shangqing Tongtian also arrived here.

They used their own methods to set up their own prohibitions before the golden fetal membranes, weakening the power of the wind and weak water.

This can be regarded as reducing Fengxi’s pressure.

“Brothers, Senior Sister Nuwa, Fellow Fengxi, I wonder if you have any good ideas?”

“On this day, you can’t rely on us to keep blocking like this, right?”

“The power behind this is constantly accumulating. If it continues to block, one day it will exceed our limits. At that time, I am afraid that it will cause the entire prehistoric…”

Zhunzi didn’t say all of his words, and everyone present understood what he meant.

After a moment of silence, Feng Xi spoke first.

“To resolve this matter, there is only one way to go!”

Feng Xi’s words attracted everyone’s attention.

Although these saints can live forever in the chaos, the true spirits of these saints are pinned on the heavens, and when the time comes, the ghosts know what will happen.

They don’t dare to bet that only the prehistoric exists, and their saints have meaning.

“There is only one way to fill the sky today!”

“Mend the sky?”

All the saints present were taken aback, but they reacted immediately.

The sky broke, and a hole appeared. It is true that the only way to make up for the sky is to make up for it, but how should I make up this day?

You know, it was Buzhou Mountain that supported the world before. This is not a casual thing, nor is it an illusory thing, it is a barrier to the entire world!

“Fellow Daoist Fengxi, what you said makes sense, but how should I make up this day?”

There was a light of divine light flashing in the eyes of Xiu Yin, and he asked Feng Xi.

“Between heaven and earth, there are sacred stones named Five Colors, which can be found in the four seas.”

“And my sister Nuwa, you can refine the laws of good fortune to make up for the holes!”

“This also requires the Qiankun Ding in my hand to rebel against acquired innateness.”

Feng Xi didn’t conceal it, and said the way.

“Okay, so there will be Lao Nuwa and Fengxi Taoist friends!”

After thinking about it for a while, Laozi and others nodded, and then dispersed to look for the five-color god stone.

It didn’t take long. With the holy thoughts of a group of saints, the five-color divine stones hidden in the world were easily found by them.

Feng Xi nodded at Nuwa, stretched out her hand and waved, a large tripod exuding a simple atmosphere appeared on the sky.

On the great cauldron, various primitive runes were inscribed, and the word “Qiankun” was engraved on the treasure cover.

The whole big tripod looks shining and looks extraordinary.

Nuwa also nodded to Fengxi, and she threw all the five-color gods and stones brought back by Laozi and others into the Qiankun Ding.

Those five-color sacred stones all emit red, yellow, white, blue and cyan lights.


Nu Wa punched the seal with both hands, the law of good fortune surged, and a cyan flame rose from the Celestial Cauldron.

The cyan flame quickly refined the five-color sacred stone.

Hum! Hum! Hum!

I don’t know how long it has passed, Nu Wa opened her eyes and looked at Qiankun Ding.

With a wave of her hand, she opened the lid of the tripod, and the five-colored rays of light rose into the sky, shining all over the world.

Then, a large piece of soft mud flew out with five colors of brilliance.


Seeing that the five-color sacred stone was successfully refined, Nuwa was also relieved, and then filled the hole with the entire five-color ooze.


The entire predicament seemed to be shocked, and I saw that when the five-color ooze filled in, it expanded rapidly, filling the entire hole to perfection without leaving the slightest gap.

Seeing this scene, whether it was Laozi or other saints, all smiles.

But Nuwa was suddenly stunned. After the five-colored ooze filled the hole, there was still a small piece of ooze left.

Looking at the slime, Nuwa didn’t think much in her heart. With a flick of her finger, the five-colored slime fell into the wilderness.

The saints did not care too much.

Only Fengxi flashed a divine light in his eyes, which was also a concealed flick.

What seems to have been done, and nothing seems to be done.

“Well, this day has also been made up by us. It seems that there will be no problems!”

Tong Tian patted his hand, a smile appeared on his face.

However, at this moment, the whole world shook again, and the hole that was originally filled by the five-color god stone cracked a tiny gap again.

“How is this going?”

“Didn’t the sky cave have been filled!?”

The sages did not dare to delay, and once again used their methods to freeze that area.

Their faces are a little hard to look.

“The sky is high and the earth is thick. Before the Buzhou Mountain collapsed, it was the support of the whole world. Now that the Buzhou Mountain collapses, there is no support, so this scene will appear!”

“If you don’t want such a problem, you still need to find something to support!”

Feng Xi’s words were very plain, and he gave a solution.

Hearing Fengxi’s words, everyone on the scene jumped.

Fengxi said it is easy, but is it so easy to find a support that can replace the mountain of Bu Zhou?

You know, Buzhou Mountain was transformed by Pangu’s spine. Now that it is broken, where can I find a replacement.

Everyone fell silent.

I don’t know how long it has passed, when Tongtian’s eyes suddenly lit up, he clapped his hands, and said to everyone.

“Perhaps, there is really something that can support the entire prehistoric world!”

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