Chapter 128: The Human Race’s Details Are Out!

The coast of the East China Sea, the ancestral land of the human race.

When Ji Meng, Fei Lian, Bai Ze and other monsters such as Da Luo powerhouse exuded their own aura and walked towards the battlefield.

The sound of fighting over the entire monster battlefield has become smaller.

Those with great supernatural powers onlookers here also have a look of regret.

Not long after the human race was born, the background is not as strong as the monster race. The monster race can use three hundred and sixty-five big Robes to fight against the stars next week, so does the Human race have so many big Luos?

Even though the Human Race has three quasi-sages, the three ancestors of the Suiren clan, there are quasi-sages among the Monster Race.

Not to mention other things, it’s just that the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is equipped with his Chaos Clock, I am afraid that the two quasi-sages may not be able to stop him.

However, just when Ji Meng and others exuded the atmosphere of Da Luo, they were ready to join the battlefield and completely kill this battle of monsters.

There was a vast, ancient aura from the Hall of People in the midair.

The gate of the Palace of Human Beings opened wide, and a golden light occupied the gate of the palace.

clatter! clatter! clatter!

With the sound of footsteps, a figure walked out of the palace gate with his back to Jin Guang.

The human race who came out was burly in shape and dressed in ancient animal skins. His whole body seemed to have human history.

His gaze swept across the battlefield, looking at those monster races, his eyes were full of evil spirits.

“The monsters dare to come and invade my human race, really should kill!”

“On the migration road, I slaughtered eighteen demonic tribes. Today, it seems that I have to add more demonic ghosts to my men.”

The killing intent in the words is like the essence, flooding the whole world.

It brought a lot of pressure to those monster races.

“Oh, I’m really not ashamed, let’s see how I kill you!”

“Remember, my name is Yaozu Yaosheng Jimeng!”

Ji Meng looked at the human race that appeared, with a bloodthirsty smile on his face, his figure flashed, and he rushed towards the human race Daluo that appeared.

“Ji Meng? My name is Hong Tangshi!”

The human race murmured slightly, stepping out the next step, and a vision bloomed behind him, a towering giant tree appeared, and his figure also rushed towards Ji Meng.

The two collided in mid-air and began to fight.

Fei Lian, Bai Ze and other Yaozu Grand Luo Qi glanced together, and then walked towards the battlefield.

And just after they left, one after another human races wearing animal skins with the same ancient aura walked out of the human hall.

They didn’t have the slightest words, quietly bursting out of Daluo’s breath, selected a monster of Daluo, and rushed to the past.

In the blink of an eye, Daluo, who was nearly a thousand monsters, was fighting in midair.

The movement they played against has spread hundreds of thousands of miles away, changing this whole world.

“Is it crazy, or is this world crazy?”

“There are so many big Luo in the Yaozu. Why are there so many big Luo strong in the human race in such a short period of time?”


Many great supernatural powers and a group of wild creatures were stunned for a while, they never thought that there would be such a change.

“The human race hides so deeply, if it weren’t for the monster race, I’m afraid that these human race big Luo wouldn’t be born!”

“They don’t have the aura of merit in their bodies. They are not quasi-sages who have been promoted with merit like the third ancestor of the human race. How can this be possible?”

“When did the Great Luo Jinxian Realm be so easy to achieve?”

They all seemed to have seen a ghost.

Do not!

It’s more nonsense than seeing a ghost.

In the mid-air, countless auras gleamed, and magical powers competed in the air!

The roar continued to sound, and it seemed that their fight against Ronaldo was extremely stalemate.

In the chaos, outside of Nu Wa Tian, ​​Nu Wa also gave up playing against Laozi.

In the process of the fight just now, although she didn’t use her hole cards, Laozi also understatement and stopped her.

Let her have no way to go to support the human race.

Originally, there was no hope for the human race, and I could only hope that the human race could save itself.

But right now, these human races gave her a big surprise.

She knew that Huang Tian was transformed by Fengxi, so she didn’t pay much attention to the human race, and she didn’t expect that the human race had so many great Luo.

If Fengxi is in front of her now, she will probably kiss Fengxi in her arms.

Laozi didn’t have such a surprise as Nuwa, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

He also heard the declaration of the immutability of the demons.

He also felt the human will.

This kind of human race is what he doesn’t like.

Right now, there are so many big Luos in the Human Race, it is almost impossible for the Demon Race to severely damage the Human Race, and his perfect plan has been broken!

On Mount Xumi in the West, Sanskrit sounds sing, filled with amazing Taoist rhyme.

When Jioyin and Zhunti saw that there were so many big Luos in the Human Race, Jioyin and Zhunti also showed a look of surprise.

In their thinking, Human Race should be very weak.

At this moment, he should be struggling hard in the killing of the monsters, and finally ask their saints for help, so as to survive this genocide crisis.

“Brother, this human race is really good for the world, and within a short period of time, there are so many Da Luo existences.”

“If these human races can be introduced into our Western religion, why not worry about our Western religion?”

“Someday, when my Western church has such a grand occasion, I will do it!”

Zhunti’s words were full of emotion, with envy and expectation in his eyes.

At this moment, Zhunti showed no state of mind as a saint at all.

At this moment, he stood on the stand of the entire West, full of envy and regret.

“Junior Brother, don’t worry!”

“In the future, our Western religion will have its own prosperity, and it should be even more prosperous than this human race!”

Looking at Zhun Ti, the words he introduced were gentle, and he knew in his heart that Zhun Ti had paid so much for the West.

After hearing the quoted words, Zhunti didn’t say anything more, just staring at the ancestral land of the human race silently.

There seemed to be divine light blooming in his eyes, and it seemed that he had thought of something again.

Seeing such a quasi mention, the lead also shook his head slightly, and then once again focused on Human Race.

Not to mention the thoughts of these saints, what were the thoughts of the prehistoric creatures who watched the war between humans and monsters, in the midair, nearly a thousand humans and monsters started fighting together.

Those Human Race Daluo, just like human warriors in the battlefield, are not afraid of death, and do not seek their own safety, but only seek to eliminate these monster races.

They don’t care how many top-ups they have, or whether they can survive.

They just wanted to do their best to kill the monster race that appeared. Whenever their bodies suffered heavy injuries and became unsustainable, they laughed.

Desperately explode, and will die with the monster race Da Luo!

“Hahaha! My Terran Yongchang! The Cangshan Clan is one step ahead!”

“Human Yongchang! Dianmu’s first step!”

“Human Race…”

Rumble! Rumble!

There was a roar from time to time in the air, and after each roar, several monster races were buried.

Facing Human Race’s desperate style of play, those Monster Race Da Luo’s heart is really a little bit distressed, they don’t have the consciousness of Human Race.

Facing the offensive of Human Race Da Luo, they became more and more fearful and began to be chased and beaten by those Human Race Da Luo!

The scene that emerged suddenly changed the looks of the great supernatural powers who were onlookers.

They didn’t expect that the Human Race would be so fierce, and the Demon Race could actually be like this.

“Hey! Is this the Da Luo of Human Race?”

“All of them don’t hesitate to die, and the human race has such a big Luo, who can kill them?”

“Don’t provoke. If such a human race can survive, who will dare to provoke them in the future?”


If it were before, they dared to say 100% that the Human Race would definitely be annihilated by the Demon Race, but now that the Human Race showed such strength, their hearts began to shake.

It’s just that the quasi-sage of the demon clan has not taken action yet, they have doubts about the ability of the human race to withstand the attack of the quasi-sage of the demon clan.

And if the human race can withstand the attack of Donghuang Taiyi and others of the demon race, then the fun will be great at that time!

Di Jun, who was not far from the ancestral land of the human race, looked at the appearance of the big Luo of the monster race being chased and beaten, and his heart was out of anger.

His Yaozu is not a cat or a dog, how come he is like this?

He simply lost the face of their demon race, and his demon emperor’s face had no brilliance.

But the killing intent on the human race rose again.

Such a forbearing human race has cultivated so many Da Luo, what are they going to do?

Are you ready to take advantage of the fisherman’s profit after the decisive battle between their monster race and the witch race, and both lose?

What’s more, these human race daluo all developed under the eyelids of their monster race.

The longer time dragged on, the more their monster clan appeared to be a joke in the midst of prehistoric times.

Others think that your monster race is not strong enough, and it is so troublesome to clean up a human race that has only been born for more than 100,000 years.

Thinking of this, Di Jun looked at Donghuang Taiyi and Kunpeng.

“Taiyi, demon master, you can do it!”

“To completely erase the human race, I’m tired of it!”

Donghuang Taiyi’s eyes were already impatient.

Seeing the failure of Ji Meng and others, he had long wanted to go, and now he got Dijun’s order, and he did not hesitate at all, showing his figure and heading towards the ancestral land of the human race.

Kunpeng bowed slightly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, which also disappeared.

“Human, die!”

Donghuangtai’s figure emerged above the ancestral land of the human race, and he roared.

The Chaos Clock levitated in front of him and stretched out his hand for a beat.

The Chaos Clock traverses between the sky and the earth, as if the sky is overturned, pressing down towards the ancestral land of the human race.

He seemed to be ready to destroy all the hundreds of billions of human races in the entire human race ancestral land in one breath.

“Want to destroy my human race, wishful thinking!”


A loud shout came from the hall of people in the sky.

The entire human hall suddenly shook, crushing the surrounding space, and then moved towards the top of the chaotic clock, directly knocking the chaotic clock into flight.

A golden divine light flashed in Donghuangtai’s eyes, and his eyebrows were tightly furrowed, and he spoke.


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