Chapter 127

“Don’t die, fight to the end!”

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”


On the entire coast of the East China Sea, the billions of human races uttered their own roar, shaking for hundreds of thousands of miles!

Even in the East China Sea, waves of waves were raised, seeming to be driven by this roar.

This roar was filled with their murderous sentiment towards those monsters who slaughtered their own people.

Endless killing intent, endless fighting intent, at this moment all put into this roar!

The will of the human race that was originally assembled appears to be even stronger at this moment, and the thunder above the nine heavens is also constantly roaring.

The changes on the shores of the East China Sea have long attracted the attention of countless great supernatural powers.

They listened to the declarations of the human races and felt the will of the human races, and at the moment they were a little dazed.

What did they feel from that will?

That is the unyielding and fearlessness of Human Race!

How deep is your Yaozu background?

What if you want to occupy the celestial realm and dominate the predicament?

When is the fate of my human race, the life and death of my human race, it is your turn to dominate the monster race?

If you want to dominate the life and death of my human race, then we will fight to death and death!

Your monster clan is in the prey, except for the witch clan, it can be said to have no rivals.

But our human race has no fear, even if we lose the enemy to death, we must break your monster’s teeth before dying!

And who has stipulated that our human race will be slaughtered by your demons, and our human race can slaughter your demons as well.

Thousands of times the blood of your monster race will be used to repay the blood debts you have committed!

Human race, endless dying, bloody battle to the end!

Rumble! Rumble!

The will of the human race stunned the vast world, and the sound of thunder rang out, and all the great magical powers were surprised. This is the response of the heavens to the human race.

Heaven recognized it, the declaration of the human race!

From today onwards, the shemales will not stand at each other!

“Human Race, is this the Human Race?”

“Human race deserves to be the first race born of the saint, if I didn’t recognize the human race, but now I do!”

“I have no doubt that while giving these human races time to develop, I’m afraid they can really compete with the monster race!”

“Horrible! But for more than 100,000 years, the Human Race has such a mighty power, it is hard to imagine what kind of opponent the Demon Race will have if it can escape this catastrophe!”


There are people with great magical powers who appreciate the human will and spirit, but there are also people with great magical powers who can’t understand the human race.

They don’t like the human race, but they don’t like the monster race, they just don’t like it purely.

“The development of the monster race so far, only Zhou Tianxing’s big formation is not something that the human race can resist. What do they use to fight the monster race?”

“That’s all for grandstanding, if there weren’t the Nuwa saints and the Taiqing saints behind, I’m afraid the human race would have been destroyed long ago!”


Not far from the ancestral land of the Human Race, Di Jun looked at the Human Race, his eyes blooming with coldness.

He hadn’t put the Human Race in his eyes, but he wanted to leave some of the Human Race’s old, weak, sick and disabled. At this moment, he had no such thoughts at all.

Facing this human will and the approval of heaven, he felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

“Originally I wanted to keep a few human races and let them pass on, but now it seems that the human races should not exist in the prehistoric times!”

“A Witch Clan already gives me a headache, there is no need for another Human Clan!”

“No one can be an enemy of my monster clan, and whoever can be an enemy of my monster clan has only one outcome, and that is death!”

Listening to Di Jun’s words, Donghuang Taiyi and Kunpeng behind him did not speak.

It’s just that divine light is constantly flashing in their eyes, and they obviously have their own views on the human race.

After realizing the threat of the human race, Di Jun repeatedly ordered to urge more monsters to come to the precipice, and he must besiege all the human races on the shore of the East China Sea from the outside to the inside.

. . . . . . . . . . .

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”

Within the hundreds of millions of miles around the border of the East China Sea, endless shouts and killings rang out.

Countless army of monsters and army of human race collided together.

In each one, countless monsters and human races died, their blood was flowing on the ground, and their corpses piled up like a mountain.

They shattered mountain peaks, and rivers diverted or evaporated.

No creature dared to stay in the battlefield of the demon race and the human race, this is not something they can participate in.

Even in the sky, it was raining drizzle, it seemed that the heavens were a little bit overwhelmed and wanted to wash away all of this.

However, as the war continued to develop, the battlefield gradually shifted towards the shore of the East China Sea.

The number of human races on the coast of the East China Sea gradually increased to nearly 300 billion, and this was the number of human races that had survived under the encirclement and suppression of the monster race.

Don’t think that there are many human races of nearly 300 billion. You must know that before the demon race started, the number of human races has reached trillions.

Now this battle, the human race has lost nearly 700 billion.

(Emmm… there should be no wrong numbers. There is no way to write them wrong. Who told the maths to be handed in by the physical education teacher? [Helplessly show hands])

Outside the ancestral land of the human race, the ten great demon saints led a large army of monsters to surround the ancestral land of the human race on the coast of the East China Sea.

They looked at the human race in the human ancestry, full of murderous feelings.

Many of them are full of hatred.

Originally thought it was a very simple matter to slaughter the human race, but they did not expect that the human race could burst out such a strong resistance.

In the process of resistance, they slaughtered the tribes of the human race.

The Human Race also did not sit idle, and while retreating, wiped out all the demonic races found.

I don’t know how many demons have been exterminated because of this!

The hatred between the two parties is just like the declaration of the human race, and there is no ambiguity between the monsters!

These monster army are ready to destroy the human race!

The human race surrounded by these monster races did not despair. They surrounded all the old, weak, sick and disabled in the middle. The rest of the human race fighters stood on the periphery, and their faces looked towards the monster race all exposed. Fierce color.

“I don’t know what I can do, the tribe of humans dare to make the oath of heaven, and you will destroy your human race today, kill!”

Di Jun’s voice suddenly resounded across the sky. He could have been silent, waiting quietly for the human race to be destroyed by the monster army, but thinking of the human race’s declaration at the time, he tickled his teeth with hatred.

Now he personally issued the final order to destroy the murderers!

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”

After hearing Di Jun’s words, the monster races rushed up towards the human race, the sky full of demonic energy dyed the sky black, a scene of black clouds pressing down on the city to destroy the city.

As if a black sky collapsed, it was pressed down towards the ancestral land of the human race.

At this moment, immeasurable rays of light bloomed from the human palace.

“Human race! Fight!”

A majestic voice rang from the Hall of Humans, and Suiren’s unquenchable fire was burning in the air.

Afterwards, there was a ray of flame towards all races, and this ray of flame gave those human race fighters courage.

No matter how horrible the monster race in front of them is, and how terrifying their aura is, they can’t be scared.

How about these are the elites of the monster race, how about being stronger than myself, as long as I can leave him a hole.

Then my follow-up brothers continue to fill in, and they will always be able to kill this monster race. The most indispensable thing for other races is the courage to fight to the death!

With this belief, all human warriors fought very fiercely, every move and every style was a life-threatening fight, leaving no room for themselves at all, even if they died, they would leave these monsters wounded.

Facing the human race who fought back to death, these monster races were caught off guard and lost a large number of troops.

But the Human Race didn’t get any advantage, and countless Human Race warriors died under the monster’s butcher knife.

Throughout the East China Sea, the corpses of countless human races and monster races piled up into mountains, and blood was flowing on the ground.

“Kill! Kill! Kill! The demons are all damned!”

“Brothers, I’ll take a step forward, demon cubs, die for me!”

“Kill! Fight with these monster beasts!”


The eyes of a human race were red, and the suppressed emotions that had been suppressed for a long time were completely released and burst out. Their faces were grim and roars.

There is no other idea in their minds, just one idea, endlessly dying!

This kind of human race battle, such a human will that is not afraid of death, completely shook all the prehistoric creatures who were concerned about this battle, so that they really knew the human race, and they knew this race that was nothing more than good luck in their eyes.

Seeing the performance of these human races, countless prehistoric creatures who watched this battle were silent. They thought about the situation in different places. When faced with this scene, perhaps they were not as good as the human race.

What if the crisis of extermination suddenly comes?

At this moment, they were silent!

Their silence does not mean the silence of Emperor Jun who is watching. His eyes are full of cold light, and the anger in his heart turns into real fire from the sun, burning on his body.

He didn’t expect that the human race that was about to be pushed to a desperate situation by their human race, the human race that could easily be flattened, would actually block the demon race at this last moment.

Even every further step towards the shore of the East China Sea will result in deaths and injuries of countless demon races, more than those of human races.

What does this point out?

Are their monsters inferior to humans?

If they are of the same realm and the same number of people, doesn’t it mean that the human race can completely defeat them? !

“Ji Meng, Jiuying, Ghost Car…When will you wait for Ron to make a move?!”

With a roar of the Eastern Emperor Tai, Ji Meng and others who were watching the battle took out his weapons one after another, preparing to join the battlefield and quickly wipe out the human race.

Seeing that these big Luo Jinxian and even half-step quasi-sage monsters are about to enter the arena, most of the predominant creatures who watched this battle shook their heads, and their eyes were full of pity.

“Unfortunately, the backbone of the human race is too small, and it is impossible to stop the monster of the monster race!”

“Even if the three quasi-sages of the third ancestor of the Suiren clan make a move, they will be stopped by the Donghuang Taiyi and others of the demon clan.”

“They can’t support the human race at all, they can only watch the human race fall away!”


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