Chapter 129: The Eighth Patriarch, Zhen Yuanzi Comes to Help!

“The emperor recognizes the three of you, Suiren, Youchao, Ziyi, the third ancestor of the human race!”

“So… who are you?”

Donghuang Taiyi recalled his chaotic clock and hovered behind him.

He frowned between his eyebrows and looked at the figures in front of him.

He knew that the three standing in the front were the third ancestors of the human race, but who was behind the third ancestor of the human race?

If he didn’t feel wrong, the people behind the third ancestor of the Suiren clan exuded a quasi-sage aura.

“Human, Ge Tian!”

“Humanity, Yin Kang clan!”

“Human Race, no White!”

“Human, Haoying!”

“Human, Li Lu family!”

There is no need for the Suiren trio to answer. The five standing behind them each stepped forward and said their names, Quasi-Holy Breath.

Feeling the quasi-sage aura of the eight people in front of him, even the Eastern Emperor Taiyi shook his face slightly.

In any case, he never thought that Human Race could have eight quasi-sages.

You know, their monster clan, including Xihe, are only five quasi-sages.

And that Wu Clan is only twelve, and now there is one in Houtu, and there are eleven quasi-sages.


Not only Donghuang Taiyi did not expect it, but also the great supernatural powers who were concerned about this battle in the entire prehistoric land.

They can be sure that the third ancestor of the Suiren clan must be a quasi-sage, but they don’t know that the human race actually has five quasi-sages!

Daluo belonged to the backbone of the prehistoric level, and the quasi-sage was the top strength in the true sense.

It is so terrible!

Among ordinary races, the existence of Da Luo is not considered weak.

And if there is a quasi-sage, it is a character who suppresses the ethnic movement, and it is a blessing to invite heaven to be able to give birth to one.

Today, the human race displayed before them are eight quasi-sages!

My old swan, this human race is so shocking.

If not, they have superb strength and extraordinary dispositions, I am afraid they will make a pig cry.

(Pig: Can this drive me too? It really didn’t happen to me)

“Emperor Taiyi, thinking that you also want to destroy my human race based on your monster race, really wishful thinking!”

“Today, not only can you not destroy my human race, but even these demon cubs, don’t even want to live!”

Suiren took a step forward, exuding a cold killing intent.

Behind him, the other seven human quasi-sages also stepped forward one by one, killing intent all over the world.

The auras of the eight quasi-sages were connected, and their killing intent turned into black snowflakes, spreading over the entire battlefield, making the battlefield more and more serious!

“The only eight quasi-sages who dare to speak arrogantly?!”

“What is it that gives your human race the confidence to resist my monster race?!”

Dijun couldn’t sit still, his figure appeared in front of Donghuang Taiyi, his eyes looked at the Suiren clan and the eight people, without any change.

Hearing Dijun’s words, Suiren glanced at him, stretched out his hand and waved, a ball of immortal fire, rushed to the sky, and then exploded.

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”

“The last moment is here, kill all the demons and defend my human race!”

“Don’t even try to escape…”

One after another shouts of killing from far and near, bursts of blood and blood rose into the sky.

Di Jun’s face changed slightly, and he swept through his spiritual thoughts, and suddenly found a few human race armies with a number of more than one billion.

These human race forces will destroy the monster races that are still in the Qing and suppress the human race remnants, sweep the monster race all the way, and finally encircle the human race ancestry!

“Is this the confidence of your human race?”

“This emperor did not expect that your human race is still separated, wanting to besieged my monster race here!”

“However, in the precipice, it is never the army that determines the victory or defeat of the war, but the highest combat power!”

“Today, this emperor wants you to know that there are only eight quasi-sages, and this emperor is still in his eyes!”

Dijun’s eyes seemed to be ignited with fire, and with a wave of his hand, the sun filled the sky with real fire.

Set him off like an emperor of fire, raising his hands and feet, the endless emperor’s coercion filled the world!

Reach out your right hand, surround the endless sun with real fire, and shoot out with one palm.

This palm doesn’t have the slightest smell of firework, but it looks particularly terrifying.

As soon as this palm appeared in the midair, the space around him was shattered and turned into a big black hole. Void turbulence raged out from it, and the palm prints appeared on it, making it clear!

This palm presents the color of gold and red, and it is pressed down with intense heat and terrifying power, as if to suppress the entire world and burn everything!

This is the manifestation of Emperor Jun’s strength. With the full strength of the quasi-sage, he did not put the eight quasi-sages of the Suiren clan in his eyes at all.

With one palm, he wanted to wipe them out with this palm, even if he couldn’t, he would seriously injure Suiren and others.

Facing the attack of Emperor Jun, Suirenshi and others looked solemn. At this moment, the strongest person was only the mid-stage quasi-sage.

They know exactly how big the gap between the quasi-sage and the quasi-sage is.

They knew that if it were one-on-one, they would definitely not be Dijun’s opponent.

I saw each of them appearing behind their backs. Behind the Suiren clan, a group of flames appeared. Observing carefully, it was the immortal fire of the human race. From the flames, I could see the human race slashing and burning, driving away the beasts, and establishing their homes. scene.

Behind the Chao clan and Zi Yi clan, their own house and golden clothes have emerged respectively, from which they can still wish the human race good wishes.

The other five human quasi-sages also revealed their facial features, and then joined forces to fight towards Emperor Jun’s palm.

Rumble! Rumble!

The palm taken by Di Jun was suddenly broken by their combined efforts, but their bodies stepped back three steps in mid-air, and each step they stepped on would shatter the original space, revealing a large black hole. .

Even if the strengths of the eight quasi-sages were assembled, they fell into a disadvantage when confronted with the full strength of the quasi-sages of Emperor Jun, and did not account for half of the benefits.

“Huh! A dying struggle!”

A slightly surprised expression appeared in Di Jun’s eyes. He didn’t expect these human races to be able to resist his blow, and then he gave a cold snort. This time, he would not give these human races a chance to survive.

“Brother wait a minute, you, as my monster emperor, kill these human races, don’t you dirty your hands!”

“They asked me and the demon master to deal with it!”

Donghuang Taiyi discouraged Dijun while Dijun hadn’t made a move.

After hearing the words, Di Jun nodded after a breath of contemplation.

Seeing this, Donghuang Taiyi and Kun Peng took a step forward, and the momentum of the late quasi-sage burst out, pressing towards the Suiren clan and others.



Suiren and others glanced at each other, and then the three ancestors of the Suiren clan joined forces to kill Taiyi, while the other five human quasi-sages joined forces to kill Kunpeng.

The battle of ten quasi-sages froze in midair.

Even if the strength of Donghuang Taiyi and Kunpeng is higher than that of Suirenshi and others, it is not so easy to decide the winner in a short while.

“This time, the emperor wants to see if Human Race has any hole cards to play!”

Dijun glanced at the hands of Donghuang Taiyi and others, and then set his gaze on the Human Palace, clasping his hands together, constantly forming seals, and one rune floated out. These runes combined with each other in the air, and gradually, Turned into flames, three-legged golden crow.

Under Di Jun’s control, these three-legged golden crows screamed, and then suddenly rushed towards the palace of man.

Di Jun knows that this human palace is the spiritual support of the human race. If the human palace is destroyed, the resistance of these human races will be destroyed in an instant!

Since then, it will be much easier for his demons to eliminate these human races.

Just when those flame three-legged golden crows were about to hit the Human Palace, a figure appeared in front of the Human Palace.

He stretched out his hand and waved, a book appeared, and an earth-yellow light flashed.

This earth-yellow light turned into a light shield, protecting the entire human hall.

boom! boom! boom!

Those flame three-legged golden crows slammed on the light shield, and suddenly exploded, making a roar.

The power of the explosion caused the entire mask to ripple, but it did not destroy the mask.

“Zhen Yuanzi, you want to help the human race, but can’t fight against my monster race?”

The figure that appeared in front of the Hall of People was Zhen Yuanzi.

Listening to Di Jun’s questioning, Zhen Yuanzi laughed loudly.

“Why don’t you help the human race?”

“My town Yuanzi will do whatever he wants. Is it possible to listen to your Dijun’s instructions?”

Before coming, he had hesitated too, but feeling the will of the human race, the spirit of the human race, his hesitation disappeared.

In addition, his coming here is also related to Fengxi.

He has seen Fengxi and knows that Fengxi will never ignore the human race.

He still needs to ask Fengxi about one thing, so he definitely can’t let it go.

“good very good!”

“Now anyone really dares to fight against my monster race!”

There was a sneer at the corner of Di Jun’s mouth.

His heart is full of anger. Is it because Emperor Jun can’t lift the sword anymore, or because Zhen Yuanzi is too drifting to dare to go against him.

He didn’t say anything more, but with a thought, Hetu Luoshu appeared.

The sky dimmed suddenly, and the sky filled with stars fell into a star field.

With a wave of his hand, in the star field, the stars condensed by starlight smashed one by one towards Zhen Yuanzi.

These stars not only smashed toward Zhenyuanzi, but also smashed toward the ancestral land of the entire human race.

“Don’t you want to protect the human race?”

“I want to see how long you can hold on!”

Di Jun’s words full of sneers sounded in the ancestral land of the human race, his eyes full of coldness and mercilessness.

Zhen Yuanzi’s expression also changed. He didn’t dare to be indifferent at all, and with a wave of his hand, the yellowish halo that had originally covered the Human Palace instantly spread towards the ancestral land of the entire Human Race.

Now that he has made the decision to protect the human race, he will definitely do his best to help.

At this moment, a word resounded throughout the ancestral land of the human race!

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