Chapter 102 The sun goes out!

“Do you really think you are invincible?!”

“Kill my father and brother, destroy my many witch tribes, today, I vowed to kill you all!”

Hou Yi looked at the golden crows rushing towards him, with a cold smile on his face.

Seeing his words fall, he immediately raised the big bow in his hand, and a bloody arrow was placed on the bow.

This big bow is like Xingtian’s worries, and they were brought with them when they came out of the Pangu Temple.

It can be said that this is equivalent to the companion spirit treasure of those innate gods.

And that bloody god arrow is not simple, this bloody god arrow is forged by him from various ferocious auras such as earth evil qi, blood evil catastrophe and innate spiritual materials.

Ben was planning to use his bow and arrow to shoot and kill the big Luo Jinxian masters of the monster race in the next Lich War.

But he didn’t expect that the first time this bloody arrow saw blood, it was to drink the blood of the three-legged golden crow, the prince of the demon clan.

Although these three-legged golden crows are only the realm of Taiyi Golden Fairy, they are not considered to have insulted his bows and arrows.

I saw Hou Yi’s expression very calm, and the bloody arrow in his hand pointed directly at a kind of golden crow rushing towards him.

There was no distraction, and it was pinned on this arrow.

“The second one!”

The words fell softly, Hou Yi loosened the bowstring in his hand, and the bloody arrow on the bow, accompanied by the sound of gusts of wind and thunder, disappeared in front of him in the blink of an eye.

I saw that above the bloody god arrow, the blood-red light turned into a guide, directly piercing through space and time, and rushed in front of a golden crow.

Between heaven and earth, in front of this arrow, they seemed to lose their brilliance.

The golden crow locked by this bloody arrow was full of horror, and his heart was full of the crisis of death.

The feeling inside tells him that if he can’t avoid this arrow, then he has only one way to die, and there is no possibility of surviving.

But before he was struggling, the expression in his eyes was stagnant, and then his eyes dimmed.

The breath of Taiyi Jinxian on his body instantly dissipated, and the real fire of the sun burst into flames.

Like a big fireball, it fell towards the wild land.

A closer look revealed that a bloody arrow was inserted on the forehead of this golden crow, killing him instantly!

“The third brother!!”

“No, brother three!”

The remaining eight golden crows screamed as they looked at the three golden crows that had no interest.

It was this arrow that made the Great Golden Crow understand that the great witch who made bows and arrows in front of him was not something they could contend with.

If it continues, it’s just going to die in vain!

“Everyone, go, this is not something we can deal with!”

“Quickly return to the heavens, otherwise we will all die here!”

The big golden crow didn’t care about sorrow, and greeted the other golden crows quickly, and headed towards the heaven.

Hearing the words of the Great Golden Crow, the rest of the Golden Crows also understood.

This Houyi is different from Kuafu, the attributes will not be restrained by them, and it is still a long-range weapon used, they are basically living targets in front of Houyi’s bow and arrow.

One after another put away the grief, the golden crow transforming the rainbow technique came out, turned into a streamer, and headed towards the heaven.

Looking at this scene, Hou Yi showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

If his divine arrow can dodge by relying on speed, then he wouldn’t want to use his bow and arrow to hunt down those big Luo Jinxian powerhouses of the monster race.

After all, there are more than one or two Da Luo Jinxian who dominates in speed among the monster clan.

“Can you escape?”

“If you escaped, I would praise my father and brother, how should the enmity of many Wu Clan Erlang be counted?!”

Hou Yi’s expression did not change at all, but he took out three bloody magic arrows very calmly and put them on the bow.

Bloody rays of light exuded from the bloody god arrow.

And this bloody light is a symbol of death!

call out! call out! call out!

“Puff puff!”

The three scarlet arrows randomly aimed at three of the golden crows, and then turned into three bloody brilliances, they only penetrated the void in the blink of an eye and came behind the fleeing nine golden crows.

Three faint sounds of flesh rushing came, and three bloody arrows took the lives of three golden crows.

These three-legged golden crows did not have the ability to fight back and defend in front of Hou Yi’s bloody arrow.

I saw the three dead golden crows falling toward the wild land like the same round of the sun, so that there were three more places where the sun burned on the wild land once again.

“Fourth brother!” “Sixth brother!” “Eighth brother!”

Da Jinwu shouted out in grief, his eyes full of pain.

The other four golden crows beside him are also very painful. These are brothers who have lived together since birth.

Unexpectedly, life and death are separated today, and their hearts are full of regret. If they were given a chance, they would definitely stay at Sun Star honestly and would never leave.

But there is no regret medicine in this world, even if their father is Demon Emperor Dijun, there is no way to save it all.

Although they didn’t know that they appeared in the predicament, all of this was a calculation.

“Second, fifth, you must protect Xiaojiu, Xiaoshi, we can’t all die here!”

“But I hold on to the great witch of the Wu clan and buy you time!”

Da Jinwu deeply knew that he and others were living targets in front of Hou Yi, and someone had to hold Hou Yi, otherwise, none of them would survive.

After the words fell, he turned around and rushed towards Hou Yi, the sun spit out in his mouth, and he wanted to burn Hou Yi.

“Big Brother!”

The remaining four golden crows just cried out, and they seemed to want to turn around and rush towards Houyi.

“Go, don’t let me sacrifice in vain!”

The words of the big golden crow full of cruelty sounded in the ears of the remaining four golden crows.

The Four Golden Crows stopped. They knew that this was their brother’s life to give them a chance to survive, and they couldn’t just waste it.

Therefore, after a cry of sorrow, they hurriedly headed towards the heavenly realm, wishing to return to the heavenly realm immediately.

Looking at the big golden crow rushing towards him, Hou Yi’s expression did not change at all, but coldly took out a bloody arrow on the bow and shot it towards the big golden crow rushing.

“Courage is commendable, but it’s useless!”

“When you come to the wild land and do evil, you can think of such a day when you do something against my Wu Clan!”

“Blood debt must be paid with blood!”

After the words fell, the light of that bloody divine arrow emerged, annihilating the real sun fire that the big golden crow squirted directly, and then without a pause, it sank into the big golden crow’s head.

There is another place above the wild land where the sun is burning with real fire.

“Little nine, little ten, you guys go!”

“Let’s hold him!”

The remaining two golden crows and hardware crows rushed towards Hou Yi just like the big golden crows and the others, their expressions full of fearlessness.

“All said it is useless, you are all going to die here today!”

The murderous intent in Hou Yi’s eyes remained unchanged, two bloody rays of light flashed in his hand, and the two golden crows and hardware crows fell dead.

These sacrifices are all worthwhile, and the remaining Nine Golden Crows and Ten Golden Crows are about to approach the heavens.

“The last two!”

Looking at the nine golden crows and ten golden crows running away, Hou Yi took out the last two bloody divine arrows and shot them at the nine golden crows and ten golden crows.

Nine Golden Crows and Ten Golden Crows only felt that they had been blocked by the bloody divine arrow in their escape space, and they could only sit and wait for death.

Only then did they realize how desperate their brothers were before they died, and they almost watched death approaching themselves.

“Little ten, we must live!”

The Nine Golden Crow screamed, and his figure instantly became bigger, and then he lay in front of the Ten Golden Crow and the two bloody arrows, trying to block the two bloody arrows with his body.


There was a cry of grief, in the air, it could not dissipate for a long time!

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