Chapter 103: Eastern Emperor Taiyizhi Kill!


A scream echoed in the mid-air, and it lasted for a long time!

Ten Golden Crow trembled all over, unable to move, and in his eyes, he could see a bloody divine arrow shooting towards him.

In front of him, the Nine Golden Crow had turned into a ball of fire, and fell towards the ground.


Just when the ten golden crows were about to fall under this bloody arrow, a bell rang through the world.

Circles of ripples swayed in front of the Ten Golden Crow, placing the bloody arrow at a distance of less than ten centimeters from the center of the Ten Golden Crow’s eyebrows.

Shi Jinwu’s body trembled, and a drop of blood leaked from the center of his eyebrows. Looking at this bloody arrow, a look of fortunate flashed in his eyes.

“Hou Yi, kill my demon prince, you are looking for death!”

Donghuang Taiyi’s cold and murderous words rang between heaven and earth.

I saw him in an imperial robe, and the three-legged golden crows on the imperial robe looked different, and the whole person showed the majesty of the supreme emperor.

He stood in front of the Ten Golden Crow, reached out his hand to hold the bloody arrow, and squeezed it hard to turn it into powder and dissipate it between the heavens and the earth.

He looked at Hou Yi’s eyes with indifference and ruthlessness, and his murderous intent locked Hou Yi tightly.

At this moment, the quasi-sage’s aura was faintly uncontrollable, and the slightly violent aura instantly shattered the surrounding space, and the void raged out.

Black and red snowflakes fell from the sky and scattered on the ground, exuding an icy breath.

As early as when Hou Yi shot the Seven Golden Crows, Xihe and Emperor Jun, who were far in the heavens, vomited a mouthful of blood.

Di Jun quickly found the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and sent him to the Sun Star. Finally, he found that the monster race had all gone to die.

The ten golden crows disappeared without a trace.

In the end, he followed the breath of the ten golden crows, hurriedly hurried all the way, and finally caught up.

However, when he arrived, the ten golden crows were left with the last ten golden crows.

Seeing the appearance of Donghuang Taiyi, the ten golden crows suddenly rushed towards Donghuang Taiyi.

There was crying in the words, and endless sadness emerged.

“Uncle, you are finally here, Xiao Shi thought he would never see his uncle again.”

“Big Brother, Second Brother… Ninth Brother, they are all dead!”

“Uncle, you must avenge your eldest brother and them, and you must kill those witches!”

“Kill them, kill them!”

As the Ten Golden Crow continued speaking, the voice became sharper and harsher.

A trace of black air appeared all over his body, and his eyes were full of scarlet colors.

Seeing the changes of the Ten Golden Crow, Donghuang Taiyi frowned, and he stretched out his hand and knocked the Ten Golden Crow into a faint.

“Xiao Shi, don’t worry, my uncle will protect you!”

“Your brothers’ grudges, uncle will definitely get revenge!”

“Get a good night’s sleep!”

Donghuang Tai said softly, a gentle color flashed in his eyes, and he stretched out his hand to collect the ten golden crows.

Then he set his sights on Hou Yi’s body.

“Ten golden crow beasts are a disaster and cause boundless karma. You should kill!”

“Killing me to praise my father and brother’s life, and to kill my witch tribe erlangs, you should kill!”

“The Lich is hostile. If you meet the Prince of the Demon Race, you should kill!”

Hou Yi faced Donghuang Taiyi, a quasi-sage master, with a sense of death threat in his heart.

But he didn’t have the slightest fear, three in a row should be killed, it was murderous.

“Hahaha, so courageous!”

“If this is the case, then don’t blame the emperor for bullying the small and suppressing you here!”

Hearing Houyi’s words, Donghuangtai laughed in anger, and then stretched out his hand and patted Houyi.

The endless real fire of the sun emerged out of thin air, and finally turned into a giant palm of flames, covering thousands of miles of the sky, and suddenly shot towards Houyi.

The endless sun burned, distorting the surrounding space.

Facing this giant flame palm, Hou Yi’s expression became solemn.

He reached out and scratched his right hand.

Immediately drew the bowstring, the endless blood gathered to form a bloody arrow.

The mind was fully invested in it, a sharp light burst out in his eyes, facing the flame giant palm, he let go of the bowstring.

call out!

Click! Click!

There was a slight sound of breaking through the air, and then there was a sound like glass breaking.

In the midair, the huge flame palm of ten million li in size was pierced into the palm of the palm by this bloody arrow, and it split into pieces in an instant.


The endless aftermath spread out, dyeing the mid-air golden red, and the endless high temperature distorted the space.


A mouthful of blood was spit out, Hou Yi’s eyes were a little bleak, and his face was extremely pale.

“Oh, it’s interesting!”

“Blood energy is an arrow, and mind is a soul, but how many times can you use it?!”

“Chaos Clock, suppress!”

Donghuang Taiyi could feel the violent aura that was constantly approaching from far away, and his face became cold.

With a wave of his hand, Chaos Bell appeared in front of him.

With a flick of his finger, a circle of ripples emerged, spreading towards the four directions.

The breeze stopped, the aftermath spreading in the sky also stopped, and Hou Yi’s figure also stagnated.

Except that Hou Yi’s eyes can turn slightly, his skirt is not under his control at all.


The Chaos Clock suddenly flew into the air, and grew to the size of one hundred thousand meters in the blink of an eye, and suddenly suppressed towards Houyi.

“Sadly, the hero who shot the nine golden crows and solved the predicament can’t escape death!”

“Fortunately, I didn’t make a move, otherwise Houyi’s today will be my tomorrow!”


In the predicament, many great supernatural powers watched Hou Yi face this deadly realm with his own eyes, and he was about to die under the hand of Donghuang Taiyi. Their eyes were more or less pitiful, and they were silent for it.

But Hou Yi did not give up in the slightest.


“No, move me, I will never die here!”

Hou Yi couldn’t help crying out in his heart. In his body, a trace of blood hidden deep in his body seemed to feel Hou Yi’s will, and it was slightly integrated into his body.

boom! boom! Bang…. Bang!

Nine explosions suddenly came from Hou Yi, blood covering his body, turning him into a blood man.

It stands to reason that Hou Yi should have been hit hard, but his eyes were extremely bright.

He could feel that he was in great condition.

Lifting the big bow in his hand, a series of nine bloody arrows emerged, shooting towards the Chaos Clock that was coming.

clang! clang! Clang…clang!

Nine bloody divine arrows, one after another, shot at the same point of the chaotic clock, making a crisp chime, and immediately bounced the chaotic clock.

He blocked another murderous move of Donghuang Taiyi.

This scene made the great supernatural powers who were paying attention to this battle stare at it.

Even the Eastern Emperor Taiyi who was in the air, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

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