Chapter 101: Die Day by Day, Seven Golden Crows Die!

In the midair, the ten golden crows who had made up their minds stopped escaping and looked at Kuafu coldly.

While Kuafu watched the ten golden crows not running away, there was an unexpected look on his face, and then he showed a hideous smile.

“Haha, run, why don’t you run, I haven’t played enough yet!”

As soon as the words fell, a brilliance flashed across the peach stick in Kuafu’s hand, and then disappeared. When it appeared again, it turned into a sky full of shadows in the midair and fought towards the golden crows.

All the golden crows screamed, and their voices contained a bit of panic, and the golden feathers were flying.

“Hahaha, monster clan beasts, are you just so capable?”

“It seems that you are destined to lose my hand!”

Kuafu looked at the ten golden crows who were dodging in embarrassment, and he laughed loudly.

“Quafu, because you are still a great witch of the Witch Clan, and you have the strength of Da Luo, you can’t beat the few Taiyi juniors I’m waiting for.”

“I see if you, the great witch, are mixed with water!”

“Yes, that is, you still want to fight against our monster race with your strength. If you are interested, surrender quickly. Maybe we can spare you!”


While avoiding the attack of Kuafu’s peach stick, the ten golden crow used words to stimulate Kuafu.

When he heard the words of these ten golden crows, Kuafu was unexpectedly irritated.

“You are looking for death!”

Kuafu’s eyes became blood red, and the eyes of these golden crows were full of murderous intent.

A green light appeared on his body, and trees grew out of thin air, and vines entangled toward the ten golden crows.

And those golden crows rely on their own golden crows to transform the rainbow, and the speed is faster than Kuafu.

While avoiding Kuafu’s attack, he burned these trees and vines with real fire from the sun, without giving Kuafu a chance to get close.

The two sides became entangled in this way, and they fought for a while.

As time passed, most of the water in Kuafu’s body was evaporated again, and he felt thirsty.

Kuafu gave up attacking these golden crows and ran towards a river he knew.

“Haha, he can’t help it anymore, hurry up to catch up with him, evaporate all the water from the rivers, and die of thirst!”

Big Golden Crow looked at Kuafu’s departure, and he was immediately surprised, and said to the rest of the Golden Crows.

Then a group of golden crows followed Kuafu, relying on their own speed to evaporate the river first.

When Kuafu saw that the river was evaporated and there was no water for him to drink, he roared.

He wanted to pursue the ten golden crows, but the ten golden crows did not give him the slightest chance.

Kuafu was very helpless. He knew that if he kept on being so entangled and had no water to drink, he would definitely die of thirst.

He immediately decided not to pay attention to these golden crows and went to find water first.

Just let him replenish the water, and then clean up these golden crows!

He headed towards the north Daze again, there must be water there, but before he got there, he died of thirst halfway under the siege of the golden crows.

(Emmm…. I feel outrageous, I was actually dying of thirst…garbage plot, garbage author!)

“Ah! I’m not reconciled!”

With a roar, the peach stick in Kuafu’s hand turned into a peach blossom forest, and his body turned into a high mountain.

Seeing the death of Kua’s father, the ten golden crows hovered in the air happily and let out a cry of excitement.

“Haha! It seems that the great witch of the Wu Clan is nothing remarkable, and it is not dragged to death by us!”

“These witch races are not our monster race opponents at all!”

“I don’t think we need to go back to the heavens anymore. We can go find those tribes with great witches and kill them!”


The golden crows were very excited to talk, and they were obviously a little swollen.

However, the youngest Ten Golden Crow had a cautious look in his eyes, and there was a faint feeling of anxiety in his heart.

“Brothers, let’s hurry back to heaven!”

“That Kuafu is the great witch of the Wu Clan Wood Tribe, and it happens to be restrained by us!”

“If we provoke a digital witch, we will not be able to deal with it, and we will be in danger then!”

Hearing the words of the ten golden crows, all the golden crows calmed down.

I saw, Da Jin Wu said, “Xiao Shi is right. We have to return to the Demon Court as soon as possible. If we can burn a great witch to death, we have been able to prove our ability!”

One of the golden crows also nodded, agreeing with the words of the big golden crow, and then looked at the peach blossom forest with killing intent in his eyes.

“Brother, you can leave, but Kuafu is really hateful. He has chased us for so long!”

“You can leave, but if you want to burn this peach tree forest, I want him to leave nothing.”

When the Golden Crow on the side heard this, they also nodded one after another, the real fire of the sun faintly appeared in their mouths, and they obviously couldn’t wait to get up.

“Yes, yes! It’s so hateful to burn him!”

“Burn him! Burn him!”

“Okay! Then we will burn him!”

Da Jinwu didn’t object at all, and his heart was full of hatred towards Kuafu.

call out!

Just as they were about to burn down the peach tree forest, a sharp piercing sound came.

When the golden crows hadn’t reacted to what was happening, a blood-red divine light instantly broke into the body of a golden crow.


There was a scream, and the golden crow, which was broken by the blood-red light, fell to the ground, and there was no breath in the whole body.

The sun on his body was really burning, like a sun falling on the ground.

“No, Xiao Qi!”

“Seven brothers!!”

The group of golden crows looked at the seven golden crows who had no aura, they all shouted anxiously.

They were all a little frightened, some couldn’t believe it, and the Seven Golden Crows who were still talking to them just now died like this.

“Don’t worry, today, none of you want to live, all of you will die here for me!”

At this moment, a word like the one from Jiu Nether rang between heaven and earth.

Holding a big bow in his hand, Hou Yi walked from a distance step by step.

He looked at the peach trees and mountains that Kuafu had transformed into, with a sad expression in his eyes.

All the way hurriedly and slowly, the result still did not catch up.

Right now, these golden crows wanted to destroy the last thing Kuafu left behind after his death, and Hou Yi’s eyes were full of murderous intent.

“Another great witch!”

“Big brother, he killed Xiao Qi, we killed him and avenged Xiao Qi!”

“Yes, revenge for Brother Seven!”


The golden crows looked at Hou Yi’s figure, their eyes full of hatred.

Since they were born, they have been living together, never separated.

But now, a brother was shot to death by Hou Yi with an arrow, and their minds were full of anger and hatred.

In addition, they killed Kuafu before and gave them great confidence, and now they all rushed towards Houyi.

They want to replicate the previous act of killing Kuafu.

Seeing these golden crows rushing, Hou Yi showed a cold smile on his face.

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