I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 658: Tsushima Ninja Acho vs "British Musketeer" + Iga...

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Osaka, somewhere—

"Sir, the capital of the corpse has been converged." A musketeer said respectfully.

"Well, good." Baixiang nodded.

At this time, Baixiang was standing in front of a trolley.

If there was an ordinary person on the scene at this time, then this ordinary person would be scared to take a few breaths of cold air when he saw the trolley in front of Baixiang, or he would just slump on the ground.

On this cart, more than a dozen corpses were neatly stacked.

And these more than a dozen corpses are the remains of the dead who failed to ambush Ogata just now, and were then killed by Ogata.

After finally completing the task of "recovering the corpses of his subordinates" that Sakuma gave him, Baixiang let out a sigh of relief, and said to the two subordinates beside him:

"Transport these bodies back to Longshui Temple. Remember to move fast."


"Huh? Baixiang, why are you here?"

Suddenly, a young male voice sounded behind Bai Xiang.

Hearing this man's voice that was very familiar to him, Bai Xiang raised his eyebrows:


Baixiang asked as he looked behind him.

Behind him is a big tree nearly 3 meters high.

And on a sturdy branch at the top of the big tree, sat a black-clothed youth in black.

The black-clothed youth didn't seem to intend to get down from the tree, so he maintained a squatting posture, looking down at Baixiang below with a smile on his face.

"Are you collecting the corpse?" asked the young man who was called Naganosuke's pilgrimage village.

"Yeah." Bai Xiang smiled bitterly, "Sakuma gave me 10 people, and asked me to restrain the bodies of the subordinates who died under the Shura sword."

"Ha, do you tame the corpse... This is indeed the style of Sakuma, who has always loved soldiers like a child." Naganosuke shrugged.

"What about you?" Baixiang Asanosuke asked now, "What are you doing now, the 'Lone Ranger'?"

Having said this, Baixiang put on a playful tone.

"Plan A of 'Ambush Shura' failed, and now we are launching Plan B of 'kill Shura in the whole city'."

"As a member of the Iga Ninja, and you are still an elite with the name of 'Iga Star', shouldn't you be acting as the 'eye' of our army at this time, busy looking for Shura and locating Shura's position? Why do you have time to chat with me now?"

"I am indeed busy looking for Shura." Naganosuke pouted, "But people have to rest."

"Just now, I have been looking for Shura in this area, and my eyes are sore when I find it, so I decided to sit on this tree for a while to rest and rest, and I happened to bump into you."

Speaking of which, Naganosuke yawned heavily.

"Really... If the 'Ambush Shura' plan is successful, I won't have to suffer from this again... Is that Shura that strong? More than 60 musketeers were mobilized to ambush him, and he was still able to let him escape."

Naganosuke glanced at the cart full of corpses.

"And he also killed so many people... These musketeers, who were personally trained by the army coaches of England, are all very precious. Even I feel a little distressed after so many deaths."

"...Although it is strange to praise the enemy, I still have to admit that Shura is far more powerful than we imagined..." Bai Xiang's face sank, "Whether it is agility, reaction speed, and explosiveness, it is all strong. Terrible."

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed that humans could jump so far..."

The scene of Ogata leaping more than 8 meters from the roof and jumping directly into the musket formation just now appeared uncontrollably in Bai Xiang's mind, causing Bai Xiang to shiver involuntarily.

"Oh?" Naganosuke raised his eyebrows, "Can you tell me how that Shura got out of your ambush?"

"Actually, there's not much to talk about... The process of Shura's counter-attack against us is quite fast and concise."

Bai Xiangjiang told Nagasuke in a succinct and comprehensive way how they ambush Shura and then how they were killed by Shura.

Naganosuke listened and grinned:

"Being pointed at more than 60 flintlock guns, and being able to fight against the first army... Really incredible skill..."

"I really want to compete with him..."

"Heh." Bai Xiang sneered, "I advise you not to do such a stupid thing. I think you must not be that Shura's opponent... eh? Naganosuke, what are you looking at?"

Naganosuke turned his head to look west as if he had discovered something just now.

Bai Xiang asked loudly what Naganosuke was looking at, but Naganosuke continued to stare at the west without saying a word, as if he had not heard.

Just when Bai Xiang wanted to ask Nagasuke, Nagasuke suddenly grinned:

"...Bay home, come and have a look. We... seem to have found that Shura's companion."

"Companion?" Bai Xiang's eyebrows jumped, and then he quickly climbed onto the roof of the house next to him, took out the binoculars from his arms, and looked west.


"On the west side of the street, there is a woman running, do you see it?"

Baixiang follows Naganosuke's instructions and looks for "a woman who is running".

This place is a remote place in Osaka, and there are not many ghosts, so after a while, Baixiang found a beautiful figure on a street in the west.

It was a rather beautiful young woman.

Wearing a red kimono with white as the main color, no socks on her feet, and a pair of red shoelaces on flat-bottomed clogs, and a wakizashi that even civilians and women can carry around on the back waist. .

Instead of pulling her hair into a bun, she tied her waist-length hair into a high ponytail.

This beautiful woman looked in a hurry at this time, running fast, as if she was in a hurry to go somewhere, and the ponytail tied behind her head jumped up and down with her running and flew.

After discovering this beautiful woman in the camera, Bai Xiang was immediately startled.

No... To be precise, after seeing the unusually protruding part of this woman, Bai Xiang's expression was startled.

That beautiful woman had a body that was extremely rare in this day and age.

The fabric on the chest of his kimono was bulging.

Looking at this woman with a rare figure in the camera, Bai Xiang's expression slowly changed from stunned to excited.

It's not the kind of excitement a womanizer gets when she sees beautiful women.

It's the excitement a hunter gets when he sees high-value prey.

"Worship." Naganosuke said slowly at this time, "If I remember correctly... Does that Shura have a very beautiful and very old wife?"

"You remember correctly."

As soon as Naganosuke's voice fell, Bai Xiang immediately replied like this.

"According to the information we know so far, that Shura does have a very beautiful and very big wife."

"At this point in time, I hurriedly appeared here... The physical characteristics also completely match the characteristics of Shura's wife..."

Paixiang's breathing slowly became heavy due to emotional excitement and excitement.

"Naganosuke, are you interested in working with me?"

"If we are lucky, we will make a great contribution tonight!"

"It seems interesting." Naganosuke grinned.



After A-cho came out of the inn, he hurried to Master Yu Er's house non-stop.

Suddenly, a faint smell of blood penetrated A-Ting's nose.

Since the fight with Ogata, the smell of blood has become one of the most common smells in A-Machi.

A-machi, who was sure that she had heard it right, slowed down and scanned the surroundings with alert eyes.

After a while, she found the place where the smell of blood came from.

"This is...!" A-cho looked at the ground ahead with astonished eyes.

Under the illumination of the moonlight, A-Machi could clearly see—a large amount of blood was splashed on the mud ground ahead.

This is the place where Ogata was ambushed just now.

Although the corpse had been taken away by Baixiang, he did not clean up the blood on the ground.

Standing beside the bloodstains that had not completely dried up on the beach, A-cho's expression became ugly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

All kinds of bad guesses poured out in A-Ming's mind...

She looked around, trying to find anything new.

After looking around and finding nothing of value, A-ding bit his lip, then spread his feet again, and then rushed to Master Yu Er's house as fast as he could.

While rushing to Master Yu Er's house, he prayed inwardly.

Pray that Ogata will not have any accident.

The home of Master Yuji, who had been there once, finally appeared in front of A-cho.

Finally arrived at the house of Master Yuji——but A-cho's mood became heavier than before.

Because there is no light in Master Yu Er's house now, and there is no sound coming from the house.

And... A-machi could vaguely smell a faintly rancid odor coming from the house of Master Yu Er...

As it got closer to Master Yu Er's home, the stench of rancidity became stronger and heavier.

- Shouldn't it be...

A terrible guess made the blood on A-ding's face dissipate most of the time.

"Master Yu Er! Master Yu Er! Are you at home?"

A-cho stood outside the door, shouting "Master Yu Er".

No matter how she shouted, no one answered in the house.

A-cho raised his hand to open the door.

The door is not locked...

"...Master Yu, please forgive my rudeness."

After he finished speaking, A-cho pulled the door with his left hand, and put his right hand on the handle of the Wakizashi sword hanging from his back waist.

clap la la...

The door was slowly opened, and the scene behind the door was unobstructed in front of A-Ming.


Looking at the scene in the room, A-ding, whose pupils shrank suddenly, almost screamed out.

I saw that the room had completely become a paradise for flies.

A-ding, who suddenly opened the door, alarmed the flies in the room.

They "buzz" flying around.

A-cho saw the corpse of Master Yoji... lying on his back on the floor of the corridor connected to the gate in the gap between these flies flying around.

The unpleasant stench dissipated from the body of Second Master Yu.

Holding her breath, A-Ming slowly stepped into the room, pushed aside the flying flies with his hands, and walked to the body of Master Yu Er.

Master Yu Er, who was lying on his back, suffered a fatal injury from a knife wound on his forehead.

His forehead was split open, blood and brains dripping all over the floor.

His eyes were wide open, and his eyes that had already lost their luster were still filled with shock and fear.

Based on the state of the corpse, A-cho speculated that Master Yu Er was probably killed the day before yesterday.

Normally, as long as the death time exceeds one day, the corpse will start to stink, not to mention that it is still spring, and the temperature has already warmed up. Although the corpse of Second Master Yu is not unsmelling, it can be regarded as stinking. I don't want to get close.

"how so……"

A-ding, who showed a sad expression, slowly crouched down, raised his hand to stroke Master Yu Er's face, and closed his eyes.

Then close your eyes and put your hands together.

- Please rest in peace...

A-Ting doesn't believe in Buddhism, so he doesn't know how to recite the Buddhist rebirth mantra.

She originally wanted to recite the incantation used to save the dead in the Shinto religion she believed in for the second master.

But considering that she doesn't have the time to do this kind of thing now, she closed her eyes, put her hands together, and recited in her heart "rest in peace" and "I will come to bury you properly in the future". Opening his eyes, he glanced at Master Yu Er's house.

The house is full of traces of rummaging.

Cabinets and boxes were pushed over, and the contents were turned over.

After walking around the house, A-Ming immediately discovered that the house was missing something that should never be lacking in the house of Master Yu Er - a knife!

Those knives made by the second master, the Da Shitian and Da Zizai that Ogata had entrusted to the second master to repair, all disappeared...

Master Yu was killed.

All the swords in the house, including Ogata's saber, were gone.

Ogata, who came here to get the knife tonight, has not returned to the hotel for a long time, and has not been seen since.

After combining all the events known so far... A-cho instantly felt like falling into an ice cave.

She vaguely had such a hunch—someone is staring at Ogata!

——Have to find Ayi quickly!

As soon as A-cho shouted in his heart like this, there was a sudden sound of footsteps coming from far to near, and quickly approaching the room...



When A-cho first entered the house of Master Yuji——

"...This woman has entered the knifemaker's house." Bai Xiang, who was lying on the trunk of a big tree not far from Yu Er's house, put down the binoculars in his hand and showed a happy smile, "At this time, his face was anxious. Die into the swordsman's house... It's almost certain that this woman is Shura's wife."

"Let me guess... Shura's wife probably saw that her husband had not returned home, so she decided to come to the swordsmith's house to find Shura."

"Ha, I really want to see what this woman's expression looks like when she sees her husband's sword gone." Naganosuke, who was sitting beside Baixiang, sneered, "Sura's saber was sent to this place to be repaired. Now — in the face of such important information, how could we be indifferent.”

"Speaking of which..." Bai Xiang turned to look at Naganosuke, "You have participated in the mission of 'taking Shura's sword', right?"

"Well, yes." Naganosuke said lightly, "It's a boring task."

"Rush in and kill the knife maker. In order to prevent taking the wrong knife, we searched every corner of the house, took all the knives in the house, and moved them to our main formation."

Having said that, Naganosuke smiled, and then gestured to his forehead a few times.

"I killed that swordsmith."

"After rushing into the room, I directly faced the swordsman and stabbed him in the head, cutting out his brains."

"This swordsman is also quite pitiful."

"Just because of helping Shura repair the sword, he suffered such an unpredictable disaster."

After all, Naganosuke, who has good eyesight and can see things in the distance even without a telescope, turned his eyes back to the residence of Master Yu Er, not far away.

"So——Baixiang, what are you going to do now?"

"What are you going to do? That needless to say." Baixiang grinned and jumped down from the tree.

"Of course I'm going to arrest people and make great contributions!"

"Naganosuke, you are leading four people to guard outside."

"I'll lead someone to rush in and arrest them!"

"You want to bring someone in?" Naganosuke raised his eyebrows, "For the sake of caution, I think it's better to surround the house and force the woman to come out."

"You don't need to be so troublesome!" Baixiang waved his hand, "Why do you need so much trouble for a girl?"



When he heard the sound of footsteps approaching quickly outside the house, A-cho's expression changed drastically.

A-cho was standing in the corridor connecting the door of the house at this time.

She had already seen several figures shaking outside the door.

Get out - it's too late.

The instinct of being a female ninja appeared at this time.

Realizing that she didn't have time to escape the house at the moment, and that she didn't know what was going on outside the house, A-Ming rolled over and jumped, and the jump was behind a large toppled cabinet at her feet.

At the same moment after she jumped into the closet, the sound of the house door being kicked violently exploded.

"The woman in the house!"

Baixiang led four musketeers into the house.

"Don't hide! I saw you hide behind the cabinet just now!"

"Be obedient and capture it! That way you will suffer a lot less pain!"

Listening to Bai Xiang's shouting with a bit of pride, A-ding's face sank.

——I am... being followed...? !

This group of people obviously saw the timing when she entered Master Yu Er's house~www.readwn.com~ rushed into the house to catch her.

There is no need to pretend to be dead, A-ding leaned against the cabinet that separated her from Baixiang and others, and shouted:

"Who are you?"

While drinking tenderly, A-ding raised his hands, grabbed the front of his kimono's chest, and split it to the sides, revealing the bottomless Mariana Trench.

When you stare into the abyss, you can often find that there is something special in the abyss.

A-cho reached into the Mariana Trench and pulled out two things from it—the two pistols she had always carried with her.

Su Sakura, who can fire 4 consecutive shots, and Hii Sakura, who can only fire one shot but has great power.

When A-cho took out her weapon, Bai Xiang shouted arrogantly:

"You don't need to know about who we are!"

"You just need to know that we're not here to kill you."

"We have no interest in your life!"

"Follow me obediently, and answer some of our questions obediently!"

"As long as you cooperate with us, I promise to keep you safe and sound! Your life, chastity, etc., can all be preserved."

"If not... Hmph, I have a unique experience on how to torture women."



Let the author come to explain to you the principle of the operation of A-cho pulling out the gun from that place.

The worldview of this book is "a low-level world with a little bit of fantasy", so of course there is no such thing as "four-dimensional X groove".

Book friends who want to know what the specific principle is, please read the author's words below↓↓↓

In order to help everyone understand this principle, the author posted a pair of very large actresses here: Maki Yoko's kimono photo (can only be viewed at the starting point)→→

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