I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 659: A-machi: As a ninja, it's fair to use my toes to kill enemies...

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——A flintlock gun in hand... Who are these people...

Just now, when Baixiang broke into the door, he happened to see A-ding who was hiding behind the cabinet.

At the same moment, A-cho saw the appearance of Baixiang and others who broke in.

Although he only glanced at it quickly, with his strong eyesight, A-Ming still clearly saw who was breaking into the house.

Counting 5 people, except for the leader Baixiang, the other 4 people are all holding a flintlock gun.

A-machi knew better than Ogata how rare and difficult to obtain flintlocks were in this country.

There were a full 5 enemies who broke into the house, 4 of them with flintlock guns. The situation outside the house is unknown, and it is very likely that a large number of enemies are ambushing outside the house.

After a brief analysis of his current situation, a little bit of cold sweat immediately appeared on A-Machi's forehead.

The palms of both hands were also sweating outward, and the gun handles of Su Ying and Hii Ying that were being held were slightly soaked.

The fear that emerged from A-Ming's heart was like a big claw with a sharp fingernail, tightly grasping A-Ming's heart.

——Ayi is not around...what should I do now...

Since the reunion with Ogata last summer in Kyoto, A-machi has been following Ogata, acting with him, inseparable.

Although the time she spent traveling with Ogata was far from long, A-machi had unknowingly gotten used to this life with Ogata by her side all the time.

At the same time, he also felt accustomed and... dependent on Ogata's strength.

No matter what difficulties she encountered, Ogata could use his sword to protect her well.

And now... Ogata is not by her side.

There are no companions around.

She can only rely on herself to meet these suddenly killed enemies!

The last time I encountered such a situation of "relying on my own"... was when I was still traveling in Ezo.

That is, the battle in which he accidentally encountered one of the "Seven Guns of Xianzhou" in the wild.

But in terms of urgency, this battle is obviously not comparable to the danger A-machi is currently facing. In the battle with Mogami, A-machi at least knows that Ogata is nearby. As long as he delays, he can wait for Ogata. .

And now... A-machi doesn't even know where Ogata is at this moment...

——Ogata-cho... calm down...

A-machi took a deep breath.

——It’s just that he has to rely on himself to break through this danger.

—— Before you met A Yi, didn’t you live a good life and overcome many difficulties and obstacles by yourself?

A-machi cheered and encouraged herself in her heart.

However... Even so, A-cho felt the fear in his heart continued to increase.

Just when A-cho couldn't suppress the fear in his heart for a long time for himself——

(It's not a bad thing to be afraid.)

A word...the words that left a deep impression on me before, resounded in A-cho's mind...



A few months ago—

"...Ayi, don't you feel scared when you face those powerful enemies?"

Ogata, who successfully repelled the 10,000-strong army of the shogunate and paid the price of "was wrapped in sackcloth into rice dumplings again", is sitting obediently on the bed.

And A-machi sat behind Ogata and helped Ogata change the medicine.

When helping Ogata to change the dressing, A-machi suddenly threw this question to Ogata.

"Huh?" Ogata turned his head and looked at A-Ming, who was sitting behind him, who was helping him change the medicine with a quick technique, "Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

"Just... a little curious. Because I think you are incredible."

"The battle of Hirose Domain's 100-person kill, the battle of Nijo Castle in Kyoto, and the recent battle with the Shogunate... These are hard battles that ordinary people can't even imagine. You fought one after another."

"If it's me, don't talk about the 10,000 army of the shogunate. Just to face the tyrant who is protected by hundreds of guards, I may be afraid of being soft-hearted."

"Confronting a hundred enemies without changing your face - I think that's a lot of courage."

"But someone like you who can face the 10,000-strong army of the shogunate without fear...I think it's not just as simple as 'superb courage'."

"Ayi, aren't you the kind of person who doesn't know what 'fear' is since you were a child?"

"Or do you have some way of overcoming fear?"

After quietly listening to A-Machi's words, Ogata burst into laughter.

"Ha... Ah-cho, you seem to have misunderstood me a lot..."

"When did you have the illusion that I never felt afraid when facing these powerful enemies?"

"Ah?" A-cho's beautiful eyes widened in doubt, and the pair of plain hands who were helping Ogata to change the dressing also stopped.

"Whether it was the Hirose Domain's attack on the hundreds of guards in Matsudaira Gennai, the attack on Nijo Castle in Kyoto, or the army formation that attacked the Shogunate army not long ago, I felt terrified in these battles."

"Fear doesn't need to be overcome because it's not a bad emotion."

A-cho, who didn't understand what Ogata's words meant, tilted her head.

Ogata, who was amused by A-Ming's appearance of "I'm thinking seriously", chuckled a few times and said slowly:

"In the beginning, I also felt that it was a shameful thing to be afraid when facing a powerful enemy, and I seriously thought about whether there is any way to overcome the fear."

"But as I experienced more and more things, and fought more and more battles, big and small, my concept gradually changed."

"Probably when I attacked Nijo Castle, I realized that fear doesn't need to be overcome. It's not a bad thing to be afraid."

"Fear can make you approach the dangers you're facing with a more cautious mind."

"So instead of overcoming fear, it's better to embrace fear."

"For a long time, I have defeated one strong enemy after another by tolerant of fear, and I have come to this day."



- Tolerate... fear...

A-machi's breathing slowly slowed down.

Stop taking deep breaths.

No longer in the bottom of my heart to encourage myself, encouragement.

She just let fear persist in her heart.

After adopting an attitude of "ignoring" the fear in his heart, A-cho looked around, observed the environment he was in, and racked his brains to think of a way to escape from here.

Amazing things happen at this moment.

A-Ming kept saying "don't be afraid" to herself just now, but fear kept growing in her heart.

But now I don't care about the fear in my heart. Although my heart is still beating very fast and my hands and palms are still sweating, my thoughts have become much more agile.

——The weapons I'm carrying now... There are only two pistols, Su Ying and Fei Ying, one of them has been modified by me, and the hilt is filled with a lot of hemostatic medicine, and there are three kunai...

In addition to the two pistols, Su Ying and Hii Ying, A-Machi also carries with him the three most commonly used throwing hidden weapons of ninjas: Kunai.

This is her habit as a female ninja, no matter when and where, she must carry at least three kunai on her body.

——I don’t know the total number of enemies yet, so it’s best to escape from here as soon as possible…

——The nearest exit to me now...is there...

A-cho turned to look at a closed paper window directly west of her.

A-cho, who was checking her current environment, soon made a big discovery - on the ground between her and the window on the west side, there was a pool of water, and next to the pool was a small piece of water that fell on the ground. Pots.

This water basin was probably thrown on the ground by those who killed Master Yu Er and turned the house of Master Yu Er into a mess.

Behind Baixiang and the others was the door of the house they had just broken open.

A lot of bright moonlight shone into the house through the broken door.

This large pool of water located to the west of A-machi is also shrouded in moonlight.

The stagnant water reflected a sparkling light.

At the same time... it also reflected 5 extremely blurred figures standing in front of the cabinet where she was hiding.

In A-Ming's eyes, the color of thinking slowly poured out.

She looked at the west window.

Then he looked at a large hammer that was thrown not far away.



After he made a naked threat, A-cho, who was hiding behind the cabinet, did not respond.

Baixiang is a person with little patience.

Being ignored by A-cho like this, his little patience for worshipping the hometown was quickly exhausted.

Just when the patient Baixiang was about to signal his subordinates to rush in and arrest people——

"As long as I surrender obediently and follow you, you won't do anything to me?"

A-cho's voice finally came from behind the cabinet.

Listening to A-ding's words, Bai Xiang raised his eyebrows, and then put down the hand that was about to signal his subordinates to rush over to grab someone.

"Of course! If I wanted to kill you, or if I wanted to do something to you, I wouldn't negotiate with you so kindly!"

"...I see. I'll come out right now."

Baixiang looked happy.

Capturing this woman who is suspected to be Shura's wife by peaceful means - this is naturally the most desired result of Baixiang.

However... the happy look on his face didn't last long before his expression froze.

He didn't see A-cho come out from behind the fallen cabinet.

All he saw was two dark tubes jutting out from behind the cabinet.

The next moment when these two tubular objects protruded from behind the cabinet—

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Tongues of fire poured out.

These two tubes are the barrels of Su Ying and Hii Ying.

A-cho emptied the bullets of the two pistols in one go.

The 5 bullets that poured out penetrated all the vital points of the 5 people in the house, including Baixiang.

Paixiang was considered a jackpot - he was hit by the most powerful bullet of Hii Ying.

Sakura's bullet hit him in the head.

He didn't even have time to let out a scream, and the strength of his body quickly flowed away and fell to the ground, his vision was shrouded in darkness at a terrifying speed.

At the end of my life, what appeared in Baixiang's mind... are three sentences.

The first sentence was the answer Sakuma gave him when he asked Sakuma why he didn't give him some interesting tasks:

(You act impulsive and reckless. When you learn to think calmly, you will naturally be given interesting tasks to you.)

The second sentence is what Naganosuke told him when he just learned that he was going to bring someone into the house to catch A-cho himself:

(Are you going to bring someone in? To be cautious, I think it's better to surround the house and force the woman out.)

The third sentence was his response to Nagasuke when he heard Nagasuke persuade him to surround the house and force A-cho out:

(Don't have to be so troublesome! Why do you need so much trouble for a female streamer?)

After quickly finishing these three sentences in his mind, the last bit of light in Baixiang's eyes dissipated.

When the look faded, what remained in Baixiang's eyes... was a touch of regret...



There are 10 subordinates sent by Sakuma to help Baixiang collect the corpse.

Two of them have been ordered to push carts full of corpses back to their home formations. Therefore, there are still 8 people under Baixiang's subordinates.

Among the 8 people, 4 people entered the house with Baixiang to arrest people, and the other 4 people surrounded the house of Master Yu Er together with Naganosuke.

Naganosuke was involved in the "Taking Shura's Sword" operation two days ago, so he knew the structure of the house of Master Yuji well.

The door of this house faces north, and there are windows on both the east and west sides for adults to enter and exit at will, but the south has no doors and no windows.

Therefore, Naganosuke divided the four musketeers who were in charge of surrounding the house with him into two teams of two, each guarding the east and west of the house. He alone guarded the front door of the house.

——It's so slow... What is Baixiang doing?

Naganosuke, who was squatting in an inconspicuous dark alley to the north of the house, yawned boredly.


Naganosuke sneered, and then secretly said in his heart in a joking tone:

——Could it be that Baixiang had already been killed by that woman?

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

As soon as he finished saying this joke in his heart, the sound of Su Ying and Hii Ying pouring bullets rang out in the house.

The sudden sound of gunfire shocked Naganosuke and the musketeers who were responsible for guarding the east and west sides of the house.

Before the musketeer who was guarding the west side of the house could stabilize his mind, a new abnormal sound exploded again—a window on the west side of the house suddenly shattered from the inside.

Something hit the window from inside the house, smashed the window, and flew outside.

The two musketeers, who were terrified by the sound of the gunshots just now, hurriedly raised their guns and aimed the muzzle at the thing that had just smashed the window and flew out of the house.

Immediately afterwards, the two musketeers showed their consternation on both sides.

Because the thing that smashed the window and flew out of the house—was a hammer for hammering iron.

When the attention of these two people was drawn by the hammer, a certain figure flew out of the window that had just been smashed by the hammer.

This figure is A-Ming with dual spears.



The reason why A-cho asked Baixiang just now, "Is it possible to be kind to her by surrendering", was simply to delay time.

Buy time for yourself to identify the positions of Baixiang and others based on the stagnant water next to you.

The stagnant water reflected the figures of 5 people from Baixiang.

Although it is very vague, it is still quite reluctant to see the respective positions of these five people.

Relying on this pool of water and his own luck, A-cho decided to pay tribute to the five of them, and then used Su Ying and Hii Ying to shoot them all.

They probably never dreamed that they would be defeated in an inconspicuous pool of stagnant water.

After killing Baixiang and the others, A-Ming immediately ran out from behind the hiding cabinet.

He ran straight to—the big hammer that was thrown on the ground not far away.

It is very likely that there are enemies outside the house, pick up the sledgehammer and throw it out the window to attract the attention of the enemies outside the house - this is A-cho's second plan.

A-machi is lucky.

Her second plan was also successful.

A-machi also visited the house of Master Yu Er once, and A-machi still has an impression of the surrounding environment of this house.

She remembered that on the west side of the house, there were not many places suitable for hiding.

Therefore, as soon as she jumped out of the house after the hammer, A-Ting immediately used her amazing dynamic vision to quickly scan every place suitable for Tibetans in the west of the house.

Soon, she found the two musketeers who were distracted by the hammer.

Sakura cannot reload quickly, but Sakura can.

As he jumped out of the window, A-cho filled So Sakura's gun with bullets with a quick and skilled technique.

After discovering the two musketeers in the west of the house, A-cho raised his gun and shot without saying a word.

You can always trust A-Machi's shooting skills!

Two bullets flew out of the barrel and accurately blasted the heads of the two musketeers.

A-cho did not forget that her purpose was to escape.

Therefore, after killing the two musketeers, A-Ming did not have the slightest interest in fighting. He used Shiranui's stealth technique, jumped on the roof of the mobile abandoned house next to him, and disappeared in the darkness of the night in just a few breaths. middle.



After hearing the sound of a broken window coming from the west side of the house, Naganosuke hurried to follow the sound.

Just arrived at the west side of the house, the two musketeers who were in charge of monitoring the west side of the house had already been killed by A-cho.

But fortunately in the misfortune - he clearly saw A-cho's back.

He saw how A-cho jumped on the roof next to him, and in which direction he fled.

- What is this body method? !

Nagasuke's pupils shrank slightly.

"Sir!" At this moment, the two musketeers who were in charge of monitoring the east of the house rushed over.

"...What an incredible woman." Naganosuke grinned, "The woman fled in that direction, you two come with me!"

"Yes!" the two musketeers who were lucky enough to survive shouted in unison.



"Ha ha ha ha……"

A-machi ran as fast as he could with all his strength.

She ran almost 2 kilometers at a 100-meter sprint speed.

After running until he was about to lose his breath, and had to stop to adjust his breathing, A-ding finally stopped, holding on to the mud wall next to him, slowly adjusting the rhythm of his breathing.

——Wearing Wu clothes, no shoes... It's really hard to move around in this outfit...

A-Ming smiled wryly, looking down at her feet without any shoes or socks.

She just escaped from Master Yu's house with bare feet and fled here in one breath.

The only difference between the flat-bottomed clogs of this era and the modern flip-flops is that the flat-bottomed clogs are made of wood and have a thicker sole.

Wearing flip-flops... ah, no, running in flat clogs, it's better to run barefoot. Therefore, when she escaped from Master Yu Er's house just now, A-machi kicked off her pair of flat-bottomed clogs with great pride.

A-cho has now fled to the sidewalk in a residential area.

There are private houses all around, and the pedestrians on the sidewalk are almost all residents in this residential area.

Pedestrians who passed by A-machi looked at A-machi, who was barefoot, leaning against the wall, and breathing evenly, with doubtful eyes.

Facing the gazes cast by the surrounding pedestrians, A-Ming turned a blind eye.

Concentrate on breathing evenly, and scan your surroundings with vigilant eyes, checking for pursuers.

Although A-cho thinks that he has run far enough. But A-machi was still worried.

So after the breathing rhythm stabilized, A-cho raised his hands and patted his cheeks on both sides.

-Okay, let's run a little further...

Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha!

Without any warning... A strange sound suddenly sounded behind A-cho.

A-cho was very familiar with such a voice.

This is the sound of running fast on a wooden roof!

A-cho, whose pupils shrank suddenly, quickly jumped away from where he was standing, put his hand into his arms, and took out Su Ying.

Hii Sakura, who is quite troublesome to reload, has not yet reloaded, and currently only Su Sakura can still use it.

Just as A-cho jumped away from where she was standing just now, a black figure jumped off the roof of the private house next to her and landed on the place where A-cho was just standing.

A young man in black.

And after the black figure fell to the ground, A-ding hurriedly raised Su Ying and aimed at the uninvited guest.

However, just as A-Ting raised the gun, there was a sharp pain in her right hand holding the gun - the young man in black seemed to expect that A-Ting would take out a short gun and point at her, so he used a sharp whip. Leg, kicking A-cho's right hand.

A-cho, who was in pain, subconsciously loosened her right hand, and Su Ying flew out of her right palm and fell very far away.

Su Ying let go of her hands, and A-ding, whose face sank, jumped back, pulled away the distance between herself and the black-clothed youth, and at the same time pulled out the hazashi hanging from her waist.

"As I expected..." The young man in black slowly retracted the whip leg he threw out, and said in a playful tone, "You really have a short gun on your body. What's with the gunshots?"

This black-clothed youth was none other than Naganosuke.

Naganosuke, who suddenly rushed out, and A-machi, who drew his sword, startled the pedestrians around. Screaming, they ran in all directions.

——This guy...is he a pursuer...

A-cho, who clenched the Wakizashi tightly, looked around while watching Naganosuke in front of him, looking for any other pursuers.

This little movement of A-cho was precisely captured by Naganosuke.

"Don't look at it, I'm the only one who has arrived here." Naganosuke shrugged, "The two subordinates who worship the hometown are too slow, so I let them go here slowly, and I'll come to arrest them first. "

"You can kill Baixiang and the others, and you can run so fast while wearing Wu clothes and bare feet. Your skill really surprised me."

When he uttered the words "I will kill the villagers and the others", Naganosuke's tone was flat, as if he was talking about the death of a stranger who had nothing to do with him.

In fact, Naganosuke really didn't care about the death of Kaoru.

Naganosuke has always regarded Baixiang as a "someone who is still acquainted".

Rather... Baixiang is now dead, but Naganosuke is even happier.

Because in this way, he can swallow the great merit of "capturing Shura's wife alive"!

"I'm asking you - you're a ninja in Shiranui, right?"

"I can't read it wrong. The movement technique you used just now is the stealth technique of Shiranui."

"I also said hello to the ninjas in Shiranui before, so I remember your ninjutsu."

"So what if I'm a ninja in Shiranui, what if I'm not?" A-Ming said coldly.

"It's nothing." Naganosuke shrugged, "I just asked out of curiosity. After all, I've never seen a ninja in Shiranui."

"I thought that when I was extinguished in Shiranui, I had no hope of seeing the ninja in Shiranui again."

"Okay, let's talk about it."

"Obviously surrender."

Naganosuke spread his hands while showing a meaningful smile.

"The short gun I kicked out just now should be your strongest weapon, right?"

"Even if you have other short guns on your body, I will not refuse."

"The current distance between you and me is only 4 steps. With such a short distance, I have absolute certainty that I can kick your short gun away before you shoot."

"Humph." A Ding sneered, "Everyone will say such big words."

"Haha, if you don't believe it, you can give it a try."

The smile on Naganosuke's face was a bit more sarcastic.

"Anyway, I'm the one who said the ugly thing in the first place - I'm very strong. You can't possibly be my opponent. I'm not a **** with poor skills and only commanding ability that I can barely see."

"If you think you can defeat me with a weak woman like you, just let it go."

After Naganosuke's words fell, the street where pedestrians had already run away suddenly became quiet.

A-cho didn't make a sound, just clenched the knife tightly, staring at Naganosuke without blinking.

Naganosuke smiled confidently.

He cast a very blatantly contemptuous look at A-cho.

Neither A-cho nor Naganosuke said a word.

The two of them were silent for a while, and finally someone broke the silence that was directly depressing—

"...I see. I surrender."

As A-cho said that, he threw the Wakizashi in his hand to his feet, and then raised his hands.

Looking at A-cho who abandoned the knife, Naganosuke grinned: "Smart woman. A wise choice! Your wise choice has saved you a lot of pain."

After saying that, Naganosuke took out a hemp rope from his waist.

"Because you're so smart, I'll take care of you too. I'll try to be gentler when I tie you with twine later."

After saying that, Naganosuke walked towards A-cho with the hemp rope.

When he took two steps forward and was only a little over a step away from A-machi, A-machi suddenly... smiled.

"The strongest weapon of the female ninja...it's really easy to use..."

After muttering in a volume that only he could hear, A-machi's right foot shook violently!

A kunai fell out of A-machi's kimono and landed at A-machi's right foot.

Immediately afterwards, A-machi used the big toe and second toe of his right foot to clamp the hilt of Kunai's sword, and his right leg turned into a long whip, which he swung towards Naganosuke's face from the bottom up.

The sudden change made Naganosuke's face change greatly, and he jumped back subconsciously.

But...it's too late.

Because he despised A-cho, he didn't pay attention to A-cho's feet from beginning to end.

Just before he had time to take a half step back, the shuriken caught between A-cho's toes had already pierced his right eye.


Naganosuke let out a scream like a pig.

After stabbing Naganosuke's eye out, A-machi withdrew the kicked foot without any pause, threw off the shuriken between his toes, picked up the wakizaki on the ground, and used all his strength to put his hand in his hand. The key point of Naganosuke's abdominal cavity was stabbed.


Naganosuke vomited out a large amount of blood and collapsed to the ground.

He tried to stop the blood spurting out from the wound in his abdomen.

But he did it in vain~www.readwn.com~ The vital part was hit so hard, with the medical standard of this era, it was impossible to save at all.

"You deduced well just now. I am indeed the female ninja in Shiranui."

A-machi pulled out the other kunai hidden in the "kimono pocket" in the lower back.

"Do you know what our female ninja's strongest weapon is?"

A-machi smiled and patted her chest lightly.

"Many people always think that female ninjas like me have the strongest weapon on their bodies, and it is our body that can disturb the minds of others."

"But in fact-beauty is not our ninja's strongest weapon."

"Our strongest weapon...is the arrogance of women in the world."

After saying that, A-cho stabbed the kunai in his hand at Naganosuke's neck.

Naganosuke, who had a look of horror in his eyes, quickly begged for mercy:

"Wait, wait a minute..."


Before he could even finish a sentence, the Kunai in A-Ting's hand pierced his throat.

"Don't... underestimate the female ninja...!"

A-machi twisted the shuriken that had stabbed into Naganosuke's throat, making Naganosuke die as hard as he could.



This chapter has nearly 8,000 words, which is quite conscientious. Seeing the diligence of the author, please vote for this book! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

PS: What do you think I have been mentioning in these chapters, intentionally or unintentionally, that A-Ming didn’t wear socks and was barefoot? Just to set the stage for this one!

The plot of A-cho killing the enemy with his toes in this chapter is inspired by the female ninja Asheng in the game "Nioh". Anyone who has cleared the game knows that Ah Sheng once used a sharp action of "grabbing the shuriken with his toes and turning a horse backward", which almost ended the game's plot ahead of schedule.

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