I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 657: Ogata: "Aren't you going to kill me? I'm here! Let...

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After hearing the sound of the cannon, Songping Dingxin's body immediately moved on his own, hurried to the side window, and looked out.

Yet nothing was seen.

Due to the angle of view, Songping Dingxin only saw a few wisps of gunpowder smoke.

"Lord Middle! Lord Laozhong!"

At this moment, the little surname Tachibana and the anxious shouts of Masahiro Osaka Castle and Daihota rang out from outside the room.

"Come in!"

As soon as Matsudaira Satshin's permission to enter the room was issued, Tachibana and Horita hurriedly opened the door and rushed into the room.

Both of them showed very similar expressions at this time.

Tachibana was flustered.

Hota Masaru was slightly better, but he was also flustered.

"Lord Zhong!" Hota Masaune said quickly, "Osaka Castle was attacked by unknown people!"

Matsudaira showed a completely different reaction from Tachibana and Horita Masaru.

"How many enemies came? Where did they come from?" Song Pingdingxin asked in a calm tone.

"The number of enemies is more than 200! Equipped with a large number of artillery and other firearms! They are currently surrounding the entrances and exits of Osaka Castle! They are bombarding the city gate with artillery!"

There is a tall city wall around the Osaka Castle, and there is a wide moat on the periphery of the city wall.

If you want to enter Osaka Castle, you can only walk on the 4 bridges located in the southwest, southeast, northeast, and northwest of Osaka Castle.

After learning that the only four entrances and exits of Osaka Castle were surrounded by enemy troops, Matsudaira believed that his originally very calm expression finally changed a little - his face sank slightly.

"Lord Zhong! The enemy's artillery is very powerful! It won't be long before the city gate will be blasted open! With the current strength of Osaka Castle, it is impossible to stop the enemy! Please hurry up and leave the city. Bancheng!"

Matsudaira Sadashin also counted how much Osaka Castle's current garrison strength is - there are less than 50 people in total.

50 people confronted an enemy army with a conservative estimate of more than 200 people, and the enemy army still had a large number of artillery... In such a battle, there is no suspense at all.

After two hundred years of peaceful life, the military equipment in all parts of Japan has long been slack, and Osaka Castle is not a particularly important place, so the garrison of Osaka Castle is getting more and more unbearable.

At present, the garrison of less than 50 people has been strengthened.

Last year, after the "Kyoto Nijo Castle Attack" incident, many places, including Osaka Castle, have stepped up their security.

Previously, there were only 30 samurai in charge of defending Osaka Castle...

At this time, Matsudaira Dingxin slowly clenched his hands, which had been hanging down naturally, into fists.

"Last year Nijo Castle was attacked... This year, Osaka Castle was attacked..." Matsudaira gritted his teeth, "What happened to this country..."

Osaka, Osaka Castle, the gate to the southwest—


Another shell flew out of the barrel and hit the city gate not far away.

Under the bombardment of one round of shells, the city gate to the southwest of Osaka City was already crumbling, and it didn't take long for the city gate to open.

"Hmm..." A burly man with a large naginata in his right hand, his left palm resting on his eye socket, looking at the southwestern gate of Osaka City from afar, nodded lightly with a smile, "Not bad, these are from France. The cannon I bought is really powerful."

This brawny man has an extremely majestic figure, nearly 2 meters tall, and his muscles bulge out of the clothes on his body. This figure is more like a bear than a human being.

"Lord Zuemon, Youemon, Zuemon." A black-clothed Iga Ninja walked quickly to the strong man's side, "The city gate in the northeast has been breached."

"Huh... The one who broke the city first, is it from the northeast... But we're almost here."

The strong man known as Zaemonemon Yoemon Yoemon, stretched his waist vigorously.

Then he said with emotion:

"Every time I see the scene of the cannon roaring, I can't help but feel sad - swords, spears, swords and halberds, as expected, are about to be eliminated."


A shell hit the southwest gate again.

The city gate, which was hit directly by the shell again, made a cracking sound of "quack".

Immediately after—


With a rumbling sound, the originally extremely towering city gate in the southwest collapsed into large or small fragments.

Looking at the collapsed city gate, the guards on the left and right showed a grin.

"Follow me!"

He didn't say much unnecessary words.

After shouting "Follow me" directly, he carried his big Naginata sword like this, and rushed towards the collapsed city gate.

Osaka, a bustling commercial street—


The rumbling sound of the cannon was heard in Ogata's ears, who was rushing back to the hotel.

—This is… artillery?

As Ogata continued to run forward, he turned his head to look in the direction of the rumbling cannon.

He was sure he had heard correctly.

Because on the commercial street where he is currently, many passers-by have stopped and looked in the same direction with Ogata.

After living a peaceful life for a long time, the common people have long been ignorant of soldiers. Therefore, after hearing this rumbling sound, many people are confused or puzzled because they do not recognize it as the sound of artillery roaring.

—That direction...is it Osaka Castle...?

During this time, Ogata has been wandering around Osaka with A-cho and the others, so Ogata has a general understanding of the orientation of various important places in Osaka.

—Where exactly was the bombardment? Are these people who are shelling a certain place the same group of people who just attacked me?

—Ugh... Damn... My head hurts so much that I can't concentrate on my thoughts.

As time passed, Ogata's body not only did not improve, but gradually deteriorated.

Just now, it was just pain all over the body.

And now, not only is the pain all over the body, but the body temperature is gradually rising.

Ogata felt that his current body temperature was about 37 and a half degrees, and the exhaled gas gradually became hot, and his head began to swell and hurt.

The head was already uncomfortable, but now it was fueled by the fire, and the various questions that kept popping up from his mind made Ogata feel that his head was getting more and more swollen.

The physical discomfort naturally caused Ogata's current physical condition to plummet.

- My feet are so heavy... I'm a little out of breath after running for such a short distance...

Ogata raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, swallowed, and moistened his dry throat.

Although his body was already quite uncomfortable, Ogata still did not stop his feet.

-In this state, I can't fight anyone at all...

- You have to meet A-Ming and the others as soon as possible, and then hide in a safe place until the "undead poison" fades...


A fireworks sounded from behind Ogata, interrupting his thoughts.

At the same moment when the fireworks sounded, Ogata's expression suddenly froze.

He quickly stopped his feet and looked behind him.

I saw the sky behind him, a red flower blooming in the sky.

The people on the street looked at the fireworks in the sky that should not have appeared at this season.

Below this "red flower" is a man in black who is standing on the roof and is holding a small wooden tube at the sky.

Looking at the man in black, a strong sense of familiarity welled up in Ogata's heart.

In just a short time, Ou Fang remembered why he felt that the man in black was quite familiar.

The outfit of this man in black... has quite a few similarities in style with the Iga ninja uniform of Azhu.

After the man in black finished setting off the fireworks, he turned around and fled without any hesitation.

Ogata used his **** to think and knew that the man in black was definitely not a "commoner who wanted to set off fireworks for entertainment on a whim".

—Did the decline in state also weaken my perception... I didn't even notice that the man in black was following me from beginning to end just now...

While Ogata let out this annoyed shout in his heart, he was about to jump on the roof of the shop next to him to chase the man in black who was suspiciously stalking him.

If this guy is really following him, he can't be let go no matter what.

Ogata hurried to a nearby dessert shop selling wagashi, and was about to jump on the roof when a sudden burst of dizziness came out of his head.

This intense dizziness made Ogata feel as if the sky and the earth were turned upside down.


Ogata let out a low pained cry, then covered his head and fell to one knee.

This intense dizziness came suddenly and went away quickly.

In just 2 breaths, the head returned to the original state of pain and swelling, but it was still tolerable.

Before Ogata could feel fortunate that the intense dizziness just now was not continuous, the sound he didn't want to hear the last time came into his ears from far and near - the sound of footsteps came from a distance. The intersection in front of Ogata rang.

A musketeer appeared from both sides of the intersection, and then formed a neat three-column square in the center of the intersection.

And standing behind the gun formation was Sakuma.

"It's really lucky that my troops and I happened to be right next to you..." Sakuma said softly and waved his hand, "Shoot!"

When the musketeers appeared in the field of vision, Ogata's body was already moving like a conditioned reflex.

With a clever movement, he turned over and jumped into a nearby tree whose trunk was thick enough to hide his entire body.

As soon as Ogata hid behind the tree, rows of bullets roared.

The bullet missed Ogata who was hiding behind a tree trunk.

But it hit... The people on this street who didn't respond at all...

"Ah ah ah ah ah-!"

"Me, my hand!"

"Wow wow wow wow!"

Bloody, ruthless, cruel...this is what...this once bustling and bustling street is now.

This street is already prosperous, and 70% of the space on the road is crowded with people.

In such a densely populated place, the flintlock gun fired at such a close distance... One can imagine what the result will be.

The people on the street collapsed in a large area under the first round of shooting.

The people who did not fall to the ground fled in terror away from the musketeers.

There were already many people on the street, and everyone fled in confusion. You squeezed me, I squeezed you, and the street became congested.

Facing the disaster for no reason, the people who were wailing in horror—Sakuma didn't even frown.

He looked calm, as if the people who died under his "shoot" order were not individuals, but ants.

And the musketeers in front of him also faithfully fulfilled Sakuma's orders. The gunmen in the first row exchanged guns with the gunmen in the second row immediately after emptying their guns.

With a dumbfounded expression, Ogata looked at the people who were just a stone's throw away from him, who were suffering from unpredictable disasters.

If he had been hiding behind the trunk like this, under the protection of this thick tree, even if these musketeers had emptied their ammunition, they wouldn't be able to hurt a single hair on Ogata.

Only...these innocent people will be killed and wounded.

People are fleeing in a panic now, the streets are congested, and when they all leave this place, God knows when.

Those musketeers obviously didn't care about the lives of these ordinary people. Even if there were a large number of innocent people in front of them, they would still irradiate them correctly.

Continue to hide behind the trunk, it will be very safe, and many innocent people will be accidentally injured.

If you actively expose your body, you will be very dangerous, but the people on the street will be much safer.

In front of Ogata's eyes, there was such a multiple-choice question.

However, in essence... no multiple-choice questions appeared in Ogata's mind at all.

Because one of the options in this question never appeared in Ogata's mind from beginning to end.

As the musketeers in the first row and the musketeers in the second row switched guns, Ogata jumped out from behind the tree trunk without thinking, and then jumped onto the roof of a nearby tea house.

"Aren't you going to kill me?!" Ogata pulled out the knife from his waist, "I'm here! Come on!"

After Ogata's figure appeared on the roof, the musketeers raised their muzzles in unison, aimed at Ogata standing on the roof of the tea house, and pulled the trigger.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! bang...

The instant the musketeers pulled the trigger, Ogata jumped to the side, and the bullets roared where Ogata had just stood.

Because the musketeers raised the muzzle, the people on the street naturally escaped from the musketeers' attack range. In the second round of the musketeers' shooting, no innocent people were accidentally injured.

Ogata tried his best to avoid the bullets fired by the musketeers, while moving on the roof, approaching the gun formation.

When confronting this row of flying bullets, perhaps because his attention was drawn to the battle in front of him, Ogata felt that the pain in his head faded a little, and his thoughts gradually became agile and active. stand up.

—The man in black who pulled the fireworks just now...is he responsible for finding my traces...

- Once you find me, immediately set off red fireworks. Then these musketeers who happened to be nearby immediately followed the fireworks...

- It seems... In order to kill me, these people are really prepared...

Every musketeer in the gun formation, following Sakuma's order, removed all the sabers from their waists, and only carried a flintlock pistol.

Ogata discovered this when he hid behind a tree trunk just now.

The enemies no longer carry swords—what that means is all too clear to Ogata, who now doesn't have a good sword at his side.

But even so, he still resolutely rushed to the gun formation without any hesitation.


Due to the climate, the roofs of houses in Osaka are basically sloping roofs.

Every ridge on the pitched roof was a perfect obstacle for Ogata.

Ogata dodged bullets by moving from roof to roof.


When he counted to 10 meters in his heart, Ogata tightened the knife in his hand.

At the same time, he began to slowly change his breathing rhythm to that of the source of his breathing.

Just get a little closer.

Since getting closer to 8 meters, Ogata can leap into the enemy line in one breath, just like the previous battle.

- 9 meters...!

Ogata put his left hand on the handle of Wakizashi's sword and pulled it out.

However at this moment...

The corner of Ogata's left eye turned to the end of his left field of vision, and there was a little light.

He turned his head to look, his pupils shrank suddenly - I saw five people crouching at the entrance of an alley not far from his left.

The five men pointed their bright guns at him.

The light he noticed from the corner of his eyes just now was the cold light emitted by the moonlight hitting the barrels of their guns...

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The five snipers pulled the trigger together.

On the roof, Ogata, who was rushing towards the location of the gun array, suddenly stopped.

Then, like a piece of withered and yellow leaves in autumn, it fell backwards and fell into the dark alley sandwiched between two shops.

"Do you think I'll make the mistake of 'getting you into the gun circle' again?" Sakuma said to himself in a cold tone, "I know that you will most likely kill you along the roof again, so I specially arranged for snipers to shoot cold shots."

After Sakuma murmured, he took out a flintlock pistol from his pocket.

In addition to being easy to carry, the flintlock pistol has no other advantages. In terms of power, range, and accuracy, it is not as good as a rifle. There is no need to install it on a large scale among ordinary soldiers. On the other hand, only commander-level characters like Sakuma have flintlock pistols specially used for self-defense.

"Go!" Sakuma raised his flintlock pistol.

The musketeers lined up in a neat line, slowly leaning towards the alley that Ogata had just fallen into.

This is a dark, deep and narrow alley. The alley is so narrow that only one person can enter and exit. Standing at the entrance of the alley and looking into the alley, I can't see the end at a glance, but only see the seemingly endless darkness.

Sakuma looked into the alley a few times, but Ogata could not be seen at all under the cover of the ink-like darkness.

So Sakuma ordered the four musketeers beside him: "You four go in and have a look. When you see the man, don't get close, and don't care if the man is dead or not. After a few shots at his vital point, Get closer."


The four musketeers, armed with flintlock guns, formed a long line, filed in, and entered this narrow alley that it was impossible for the two of them to walk side by side.

After a while, the musketeer who was walking at the front saw Ogata lying face down on the ground, still holding the knife in both hands in the alley.

He was motionless, as if he were dead.

The musketeer who took the lead meticulously followed the order Sakuma had just given.

After seeing Ogata, he stopped in time, and then picked up the flintlock gun in his hand.

But... just when he raised the flintlock gun, he felt a flower in front of him.

Then, there was an excruciating pain in the neck.

He subconsciously wanted to open his mouth and scream.

But after opening his mouth, he found that he couldn't pronounce a single word. When he opened his mouth, a large amount of blood poured into his mouth along the throat, choking his mouth full of blood.

His throat was pierced by the sharp point of the knife.

And the person holding the sword—it was Ogata who was still lying in front of him.

Ogata was still lying face down on the ground, but his right hand holding the knife was raised upwards.

Grasp the lower end of the hilt with the right hand—this is one of Ogata's old tricks.

Hold the bottom end of the hilt, so that the attack range of the sword is much wider.

With this old trick of his own, and his arm length far above the average of this era, he pierced the musketeer's throat.

【Ding! Kill the enemy with Sakakihara's Ichito-ryu・Bird stab]

[Acquire 80 points of personal experience and 90 points of experience for swordsmanship "Sakakihara Ichito-style"]

[Current personal level: LV40 (3570/6400)]

[Sakakihara Ichito-style level: 14th stage (1135/14000)]

"You come into my attack range..." Ogata slowly raised his head from the ground.

His eyes flickered with a peculiar brilliance after entering the "realm of no-self".

The sound of fighting and the screams of the subordinates came from the alley.

Sakuma's expression changed outside the alley.

Before he could issue a new order, he saw a black shadow leap out of the alley, and then like a shooting star... slammed down towards Sakuma.

Sakuma hurriedly raised the pistol in his hand as the blood on his face receded.

It's a pity - his movements are still a step slower.

As soon as his gun was raised in the air, Ogata's knife had already hit him in the forehead.

Sakuma's head was chopped off like a watermelon.

When he split Sakuma's brains out, Ogata's feet just landed on the ground.

Sakakihara slashes and falls!

Sakakihara's One-knife Row, Bird Thorn!

Ogata's right hand stabbed with a bird stab, while his left hand was used to stab the water, and at the same time sent the two people beside him back to the west.

When he stabbed the throat of the enemy in front of his right with the bird thorn, Ogata clearly felt that the knife in his right hand was dulled by too much fat, blood, and other strange liquids.

He subconsciously wanted to give up the knife.

But when he was about to release the knife in his right hand, he suddenly remembered that none of these musketeers had swords on them.

Therefore, Ogata could only grit his teeth, pulled the knife back, and continued to use this knife that was no longer very useful to kill the enemy...

Osaka, home of Senbei—

"Xianbingwei, your wine is really good. After only a few sips, I feel my cheeks get hot!"

Since arriving in Osaka, Fuuma has often visited the house of his old subordinate, Senbei, for dinner and overnight stays—and this is the case tonight.

Feng Mo is now sitting face to face with Xianbingwei, and you are drinking the new spirits that Xianbingwei bought today.

Just when the two of them were drinking happily, the rumbling sound of cannons coming from Osaka Castle made both of them toast at the same time.

"This is... the sound of cannons?" Xianbingwei widened his eyes.

Hearing the sound of cannons, Feng Mo did not speak.

Only slowly frowned.

Osaka, the hotel where Ogata and the others stayed—

"Master Yidaozhai is so slow..."

As soon as Ah Zhu's soft murmur fell, her stomach groaned.

In front of her and A-cho, there was a **** that had already been cooked.

Dinner is already cooked.

But Ogata never came back.

At the beginning, the two could comfort themselves by saying, "Something may have happened in the middle, so Ogata came back later."

The two kept waiting.

Until now, Ogata has not been seen at the door.

The two of them...especially A-Ting's face showed a blatant look of worry.

"...Miss A-Ming." A-Zhu asked cautiously, "Should we go outside to find Lord Ichitosai?"

A-cho had a thoughtful look on his face.

After only thinking for a moment, UU read www.uukanshu. com A-machi stood up.

"...You stay here. If you're hungry, you can eat first. You don't have to wait for us. I'll go to Master Yu Er to see what's going on."

"If Ayi comes back when I go out to find Ayi, you can tell him: I'm going out to look for him, so he doesn't have to worry."

If the two of them went out to find Ogata, they might encounter an embarrassing situation of "the two of them just went out, Ogata came back, and the two passed by", so it is best to leave one person at the hotel.

Therefore, in response to A-Ding's request to let her stay at the hotel alone, A-Zhu didn't make any refutation, nodded obediently, and said "Be careful on the road" to A-Ding.

A-cho hung her wakizashi on her back waist, and her white feet without socks pulled on straw sandals that were very similar to flip-flops, and then quickly left the hotel and followed the memory to the residence of the second master. go with.

Not long after she left the hotel, the rumbling sound of the attack on Osaka Castle reached her ears.

"This is... cannon sounds...?"

A-cho stopped and looked at the direction from which the gunfire came from with a startled look.

For some unknown reason, after hearing the sound of the cannons, an ominous premonition welled up in A-Machi's heart...

She bit her lower lip, then quickened her pace and rushed to Master Yu Er's house.



Today is a long-lost chapter of nearly 7,000 words. Please vote for this book.

PS: The author suddenly thought of it recently - Ogata has the nickname of "Shura".

In Buddhism, Shura is an evil god, a monster.

So... A-machi, who has been practicing horsemanship on Ogata's body... Hasn't it become "Tama Ninja"?

I am such a genius! I decided to add a tag to A-Machi as "Tomo Ninja" in the character introduction of the starting point!

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