I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 656: Look good! This is how female ninjas fight! 【Five thousand…

Popular recommendation:

PS: For book lovers who forgot that Osaka-cho pursued Okino and Qingju's "Tianhongxin" and other related plots, you can review Chapter 637 first.



"All in all - pay homage to the hometown, and the task of collecting the corpses is left to you."

After saying that, Sakuma took out a small wooden cylinder with a thin hemp rope at the bottom from his arms. He pointed the mouth of the cylinder to the sky, and then pulled the hemp rope at the bottom hard.


A little flame flew out along the mouth of the tube, and with a "bang" sound, the flame bloomed in the sky and turned into a purple flower.

"Sakuma, you asked me to collect the corpse, I don't have any opinion." Bai Xiang pouted again, "But after collecting the corpse, can you give me some more interesting tasks? Since I was sent to you After taking over, you kept asking me to do some boring tasks."

"Tonight is a lively night that is rarely seen in a century. Give me more interesting tasks."

Sakuma glanced at Baixiang: "The reason why you have been asked to do some boring tasks is because you are far from being able to be alone."

"You act impulsive and reckless. When you learn to think calmly, you will naturally give you interesting tasks."

After speaking, Sakuma turned around:

"Hurry up and pick 10 random people to collect the corpses."

After leaving those last words, Sakuma walked away quickly.

Looking at the back of Sakuma walking away quickly, the corners of Baixiang's mouth drooped down.

"Think I can't be on my own...? Hmph, who do I look down on..."



Whoosh... bang!

The sound of fireworks came from behind.

The sudden sound of fireworks naturally attracted Ogata's attention.

Ogata, who was still clutching his left neck with his left hand, sank as he looked at the purple flower rising not far behind him.

The position where the fireworks rose coincided with the position when he was ambushed just now...

An ominous premonition came from the bottom of Ogata's heart.

——Is it using fireworks... Is there any message...?

Ogata hurriedly looked around, alerting the surroundings, getting more energy, and being careful if anyone was following him.



Osaka, Longshui Temple——

"...Lord Commander, I observed purple fireworks."

A female ninja who was standing by the window and looked out the window with a telescope in her hand, reported this to Yoshihisa beside her.

"Purple fireworks?" Ji Jiu raised his eyebrows, "The ambush against Shura actually missed?"

Ji Jiu's expression became serious.

"That Sakuma led more than 60 musketeers to launch an ambush, and he even missed..."

"We seem to have misjudged Shura's strength."

"I thought that Shura should not be good at dealing with flintlock guns. Now it seems that this is not the case. There is still too little information on Shura."

"Well, it doesn't matter. Since 'Plan A' has failed now, let's start 'Plan B'..."

As soon as Ji Jiu finished speaking, out of the corner of his eyes, he noticed the host of this Longshui Temple—Qing Cheng, humming a little tune while wiping the blood on his hands with a clean cloth.

"Have our main formation been cleaned up?" Yoshihisa asked Kiyomizu.

"It's cleaned up, it's cleaned up." Qingcheng grinned, and his face flushed with excitement, "Everyone else has been cleaned up! This place is now officially the home of my Toyotomi army!"

"Jijiu, it's really a pity that you weren't there just now!"

"I really want you to see the expressions of those people."

"When I heard my summons, I went to the Buddhist hall with a puzzled look on my face, but when I got to the Buddhist hall, I saw people rushing in with bright swords. , it was wonderful.”



At this moment-

The Buddhist hall of Longshui Temple——

tick... tick... tick...

The sound of blood dripping, one after another.

The Buddhist hall no longer has the tranquility and solemnity of the past.

The scene in the Buddhist hall...is a **** **** picture scroll.

Bloody corpses lay on the floor.

More than a dozen Iga ninjas shuttled back and forth in this flesh-and-blood hell, cleaning up the "battlefield" and dragging away the corpses on the floor one by one.

These corpses, without exception, are the monks of Longshui Temple.

They are now basically staring round eyes, full of disbelief.

Many of them looked at where their abbot, Qing Cheng, was standing.

Their last memories before they died were the same:

Qing Cheng suddenly called them to gather at the Buddhist hall. They followed the memory of Qing Cheng to visit the Buddhist hall, and in front of the Buddha statue they saw Qing Cheng with kind eyes and gentle smile as usual.

Then... Countless men in black suddenly broke in along the door and window of the Buddhist hall, killing and killing people.

People in black rushed in from all directions, so that they had nowhere to hide or hide.

They wailed, struggled, and cried for help.

At that time, countless people subconsciously turned their eyes for help to Qing Cheng, who they usually respect and trust the most—for example, in the daytime today, the two tall and thin floor-sweeping monks talked about Qing Cheng with admiration.

After they turned their eyes to Qing Cheng for help, they saw... Qing Cheng was still smiling, watching them being slaughtered like watching a play...



Yoshihisa ignored the self-indulgent Clarification.

"Sakuma, who was in charge of ambushing Shura, failed." Yoshihisa succinctly explained the latest information he had just learned.

"Huh? Failed?" Kiyotaka stopped being intoxicated and looked startled, "If I remember correctly, Sakuma has brought more than 60 musketeers, right?"

"Yes. But he just failed. My men have just observed purple fireworks."

"I was ambushed by more than 60 musketeers, and I was able to retreat... tsk tsk tsk." Qing Cheng's expression became serious at this time, "We still have too little information about Shura."

"Shura is very good at dealing with muskets - we have never heard of such a thing."

"Since the 'Plan A' to ambush Shura failed... Then we can only start the 'Plan B'."

"Yeah." Ji Jiu said lightly, "That's the only way it can be."

"Ha, worthy of being the front-line commander of the 'Osaka Spring Formation and Shura Crusade' appointed by Lord Toyotomi." Kiyosumi shrugged, "This large-scale battle is not good at the beginning, but you can still manage. So calm, this kind of heart is really unbearable.”

"Master Qingcheng."

At this time, an Iga ninja rushed over with a bucket of Serum Sumi.

"We've packed what you want."

"Well, thank you." Qing Cheng took the bucket of blood.

"Qingcheng." Ji Jiu asked, "What do you want this bucket of blood for?"

"You'll find out soon." Qing Cheng smiled, then carried the bucket of blood to the wall not far away, using his fingers instead of the brush, and the blood in the bucket instead of the ink, on the smooth wall in front of him Paint on it.

After a while, Qing Cheng put down his blood-soaked hand.

"Well... not bad." Qing Cheng smiled with satisfaction, "Since this place is the main formation of the 'Osaka Spring formation and Shura crusade', then it is still indispensable."

Qing Cheng painted a family crest on the wall just now.

A **** "Taiko Tong"...



Osaka, Shinmachi, Mushroom House—

"Qingju! When I heard that you were sick, I was really worried to death!"

Osaka-cho pursued - Okino Kyosuke is now holding a wine glass in one hand and holding a beautiful woman in the other, his cheeks slightly flushed from drinking, and a wretched smile hangs on his face.

The woman in his arms was about 20 years old, with outstanding looks. The red and yellow kimono was worn crookedly, the belt was not fastened, and the placket was loose.

The abyss that can't be seen to the end, the delicate shoulders are all exposed, and a large piece of spring is leaked.

This woman is the popular wandering girl of Shinmachi Funukaya: Qingju.

4 days ago, after receiving the "Tianhong letter" sent by Qingju, in the letter, I learned that "Qingju's illness will be cured in 4 days, and I invite Okino to visit her at night in the 4th day." Ye has been waiting for today.

For the sake of today, Okino has not touched everyone including his wife for the past 4 days, nor did he do the "traditional handicrafts" of men.

After surviving the 4 days that were like years for Okino, he finally met Qingju, whom he was talking about.

Since seeing Qingju until now, a smirk of happiness has been hanging on Okino's face, and it hasn't disappeared for a long time.

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Okino." Qingju, who was hugged by Okino, poured wine for Okino and said in a delicate voice, "I'm making you worry."

"Hahaha." Okino laughed a few times, "No need to apologize! You're fine! Then again, what's wrong with you? You've been in bed for so long."

"It's not a serious illness, it's just a little cold." Qingju showed a charming and charming smile, and then squeezed into Chongye's arms, "I thought it was just a cold, even if I didn't take medicine. It was okay, so I didn’t go to see a doctor or buy medicine.”

"But who knew that the cold was getting worse and worse. As a last resort, I had to call a doctor to see a doctor. It took me a long time to finally get my body conditioned."

"Oh, I knew this earlier. When I had a cold, I should have called the doctor to see a doctor as soon as possible."

After all, Qingju squeezed into Okino's arms again.

She was being hugged by Okino.

She, who frequently squeezed into Okino's arms, deliberately squeezed her bear into Okino's chest.

A burst of wonderful touches came from the chest, making Okino's breathing heavier and heavier, feeling like he was floating in the air.

This is Okino's favorite place for Qingju - he will be very active in doing things that "boil his blood".

Okino couldn't take it any longer.

He drank the drink in one gulp and threw the glass aside.

"Okay, Qingju, let's stop drinking!"

Okino hugged Qingju tightly and kissed Qingju's left cheek forcefully.

"Lord Chongye." Qingju, who was hugged tightly by Chongye, hung his chin on Chongye's right shoulder with a coquettish expression, "Why are you so impatient tonight? Let's have a drink together."

"Hee hee hee." Okino smiled wretchedly, "Who told me that I haven't seen you for too long and miss you so much?"

"Okay, just like before, you use your feet..."

Before Okino's words were finished, his voice stopped abruptly.

Just now, a sharp pain came from the back of his head.

This severe pain caused Okino's eyes to stare as if they were about to fall out of their sockets.

He wanted to yell.

But he found himself speechless.

He wanted to touch the back of his head to see what happened to the back of his head.

But I felt that all the strength in my body was rapidly draining.

With the loss of strength, Okino felt that his vision was getting darker and darker...

Consciousness is getting more and more trance...



"Ugh... This uncle smells... I can't stand it. Does this person usually use tooth powder to wash his teeth?"

After pushing Okino, who had no life in her arms, to the side, Qingju retched and rubbed the left cheek that was kissed by Okino with her left hand.

At this time, Chong Ye was no longer as charming as before, with a charming smile on his face.

With no expression on his face, he looked at Okino, who was exhausted beside his feet, with cold eyes as if looking at garbage, holding a slender iron cone that was still dripping blood in his hand—this is what Okino looks like now.

Okino's death was quite tragic.

His eyes were round, and the back of his head, which had been pierced by Okino's iron cone, gurgled out a strange liquid mixed with blood and brains.

He didn't know how he died until he died.

I don't know that the person who killed him was the woman he had always loved.

Just now, when she was hugged by Okino, Qingju used chat to attract Okino's attention.

After attracting Okino's attention, Qingju silently pulled out the slender iron cone that had been prepared from her sleeve.

Because Okino and Qingju were hugging each other, and because Qingju was distracted, Okino didn't even see Qingju's actions.

After Qingju took out her long-hidden slender iron cone... what happened next, there is nothing to describe in detail.

After taking out the iron cone, Qingju pierced the foramen magnum on the back of Chongye's head without any hesitation.

The iron cone penetrated deep into Chongye's head along the foramen magnum, and in order to ensure that Chongye could be killed, Qingju carefully "stirred" the iron cone to the deepest point.

The head was churned into a mess, such an injury would make people unable to even cry out, and at the same time it would also make people die very quickly, and the immortals would not be able to save them.

"The mission of assassinating Osaka-cho has been completed..." Qingju said softly, "Although it is one of our female ninja's main tasks to lure the enemy with beauty, but practicing in front of such a disgusting uncle will really make you feel very tired... …”

Dang bang.

Qingju threw the iron cone in her hand to the ground, then took off her clothes, walked naked to the closet in the room, and took out a set of black clothes from the closet.

If Ogata and A-machi were present, this black outfit would definitely look familiar.

Both of them had seen this outfit on Ah Zhu's body.

This is Iga's ninja uniform.

Qingju, who quickly put on this Iga's ninja uniform, loosened her hair that was originally tied in Shimada's bun, and combed it into a neat ponytail, and then, like a nimble bird, followed the open window of the room, Jump outside.

The room that had been lively just now was only left with Okino's corpse that was constantly getting colder.



Osaka, the home of a high-ranking official—

"Why...why...?" A fat man with a fat head and big ears looked at the newly accepted concubine in his arms with a look of fear and puzzlement.

The concubine, who had always given him a gentle smile, was now looking at him with cold eyes while slowly pulling out the Wakizashi who had pierced his vitals.

Similar scenes are happening all over Osaka.

The newly-appointed concubines in many high-ranking officials' homes, or the newly hired maids, all took out all kinds of weapons and took their lives with extremely sharp tactics...



Osaka, the town hall——

Open 24 hours - this kind of thing is impossible in the government of this era.

As soon as it got dark, the Osaka sanctuary closed, and the officials all went back to their homes, leaving only a few clerks bored guarding the government office, which was no longer working.

Normally, the practice at this point in time was very quiet because no one was working.

But today, the practice is extraordinarily lively.

A large number of Toyotomi soldiers, holding a flintlock pistol, kicked open the door of the institute with a neat pace and rushed into the institute.

They shoot anyone they see, whether they resist or surrender.

At present, there are only a few clerks left in the office, and in just a moment, there is no one alive except the Toyotomi army.

After suppressing the institute, some soldiers of Toyotomi's army unscrewed a bottle of bamboo and dumped the gasoline in the barrel to various places in the institute.

All government agencies related to the shogunate were attacked at almost the same time.

The Osaka Institute, Dojima Yone City...and the Osaka Castle where Matsudaira Tashin is located.



Osaka, Osaka Castle—

——Has 500 generals been assembled until now...

Matsudaira Sadashin frowned, looking at the report presented by Masahiro Osaka Castle on behalf of Horita this afternoon.

After coming to Osaka, Matsudaira stayed in Osaka Castle completely and was busy with the affairs of Koyasan.

All the information he currently has points to a terrible conclusion - there may be a problem with the current Koya Mountain!

If the monks in Koyasan really have any serious intentions, they must prepare early.

So a few days ago, Matsudaira gave a death order to Masahiro Hota-to gather all the troops in Osaka and the surrounding areas as quickly as possible.

Although Matsudaira had already ordered this, but Masahiro Horita disappointed him—until today, only 500 people have been reluctantly assembled.

According to Matsudaira, Osaka and the surrounding area should be able to assemble an army with a scale of 1,000 people~www.readwn.com~ In other words, until today, the work of Hota Masaru is only half completed.

But disappointment is disappointment, and Matsudaira didn't want to blame Masahiro Horita.

He knew that this poor Osaka Joyo did his best.

As for how bloated the number of officials in the shogunate is and how inefficient they are, Matsohira is still a bit counted.

So he didn't want to scold Masayoshi Hota.

He just wanted to let out a long sigh at the current corruption of the shogunate.

After throwing the report aside, Matsudaira stretched out his right thumb and rubbed his frown.

- What time is it now?

Matsudaira turned his head to look at the dark night sky outside.

——Unconsciously, is it already so late...

——I haven't had dinner yet... Let Tachibana bring something to eat.

When Matsudaira was about to call Tachibana loudly—




As if the roar of thunder landed, it exploded suddenly.

Hearing these roars, Songping Dingxin's expression suddenly changed.

This voice was all too familiar to him.

A while ago, he had just heard such a voice during the battle with the Red Moon Fortress.

This is the unique roar of artillery firing!



Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a monthly pass! QAQ

Osaka Castle and Osaka are two different things. The author Jun also popularized the country before, and Osaka City is to Osaka, similar to the Forbidden City to the capital of our country. Therefore, everyone can understand Osaka City as a "city within a city" like the Forbidden City.

These female ninjas in this chapter are the most real ninjas. The job of female ninjas in history is basically this - to lure the enemy with beauty, obtain information or take the opportunity to assassinate.

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