I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 554: The face-slap to the shogunate came so quickly [Six thousand six...

Yesterday there was a technical failure. I can only watch the free chapters and booked chapters of the book. There is no way to subscribe to the new chapters, and there is no way to vote or give rewards.

I didn’t expect such a low probability event to fall on me...

In the urgent repair by the staff, the repair was completed at noon yesterday, so starting at noon yesterday, the book has returned to its normal state and has been updated as usual.

So what should everyone do afterwards? There is nothing in this book~~



The north, west, and east directions of the Red Moon Fortress are all adjacent to the big river, and it is impossible to spread troops to attack the walls in these three directions.

Therefore, the shogunate can only attack the south side of the Red Moon Fortress-this is undoubtedly a great advantage for the less powerful Red Moon Fortress and can concentrate its forces.

But for the shogunate army, which can only attack in one direction, it is impossible to maximize its strength in force.

The inner and outer walls of the Red Moon Fortress had already been deployed.

On the outer wall, tribesmen holding various melee weapons and responsible for driving off the Kazuto who climbed the wall were deployed.

On the inner city wall, archers and musketeers responsible for long-range strikes are deployed.

The musketeers holding muskets lined up in a "one" shape in the middle of the inner city wall.

When the Heren's horns were played, the musketeers flattened the muskets in their palms, and pointed their guns at the Heren army that was rushing toward them outside the city.

The flintlocks they used had a range far longer than the bows and arrows, so they were naturally the ones who launched the first wave of attacks.

After the First Army generals carrying a long ladder entered the shooting range of the musketeers, the inner city wall immediately shot loudly.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The gunshot sounded like a popping bean, and the air pressure directly passed and the momentum of the people.

Japan is a country lacking iron ore, so it is naturally impossible to install luxurious equipment such as iron shields on a large scale.

The dominant shield in the ancient Japanese army has always been a wooden shield.

Although they carried a long ladder to the wall of the Red Moon Fortress, they held up their shields to prevent long-range strikes, but their shields faced the bullets fired by the flintlocks, which was no different from a piece of paper.

However, flintlock guns also have shortcomings, that is, their shooting accuracy is very poor.

A row of projectiles whizzed and flew away, and only less than 10 projectiles successfully hit the enemy.

However-these screaming projectiles did not kill too many enemy soldiers, but they caused a great blow to the enemy's momentum.

A hot projectile pierced the air, engulfed with great power, hit the forehead of a soldier who was in charge of carrying a long ladder, and shot through the soldier's head.

Because of the high speed and powerful energy of the projectile, the brain plasma, fragments of the skull, and blood together formed a mist, sprayed from the back of the soldier's head, and landed on the face of a soldier who was also carrying a long ladder behind him. superior.

How can this soldier have seen this kind of formation?

Whether it is the direct troops of the shogunate or the feudal army of each domain, the vast majority of the soldiers among them have not heard of soldiers for a long time, and they don't know what the "blood splashing" is like.

After witnessing the tragic death of the fellow in front who was okay just now, and was shot to death in the next second, and the "mixed liquid" sprayed by this fellow who was shot to death on his face, this A soldier went stupid.

For a while, I even forgot to wipe off these "mixed liquids" on my face.

It took several seconds for the soldier to finally come back to his senses.

After regaining his senses, the blood on the soldier's face dissipated very quickly.


"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

The screams weren't like crying from people.

Stimulated by this huge shock and fear, the soldier only felt his legs weaken and almost fell to the ground.

Similar scenes continue to happen around all the soldiers who were unfortunately shot.

After the musketeer finished a shot, he immediately handed the empty musket to an assistant who was responsible for filling him with the projectiles next to him.

The assistant handed the other flintlock with the bullets in his hand to the shooter, and then took the newly empty musket handed by the shooter and started reloading. As for the shooter, the shooter continued to shoot with the new gun loaded with bullets in his hand.

Although Chanup and the others do not know how to defend the city, "Alternative firing of muskets can increase shooting efficiency." For them, who live a life of fishing and hunting and have a deep understanding and experience of shooting, they still understand. of.

They have a total of 80 flintlocks. There are 20 shooters in charge of shooting. Each shooter has 4 muskets and 3 assistants to assist him in reloading, adopting the shooting strategy of "changing guns without changing people".

After the musketeer took the lead and launched a continuous fire on the shogunate soldiers outside the city, it was finally the archer's turn to play.

The General of the First Army, carrying a long ladder, carried the musket projectile, and after advancing for a while, he heard the sound of vibrating strings on the wall in front.

Arrows like migratory locusts drew a beautiful parabola, jumped from the inner city wall, and hit the generals of the First Army.

"Ah ah ah ah ah-!"

"it hurts!"

"Save me! Save me!"

The screams and screams sounded more frequently and densely with the splashing of the blossoms of blood.

Archery, but the Ainu people who are fishing and hunting people are good at it.

Unlike the flintlock gun, which is difficult to control the shooting accuracy, for the Ainu, the bow and arrow are much easier to control.

Although the generals of the First Army leaned on the armor and shields in their hands to successfully block most of the arrows, there were still a small half of the arrows that passed through the gap between the shields and hit the ones without armor protection. place.

Most of the generals in the army are light. The armors they wear are extremely simple armors. There are no shoulder armors, arm armors, etc., only simple breastplates and skirt armors. Many parts of the body are not armored at all. Defended by.

There is no concept of "shoot injury" in the arrows they shoot.

Either "shoot to death" or "shoot into the air."

Because the arrow of each arrow is coated with toxins used by the Ainu for hunting.

These poisonous arrows that can't even take a few steps when hit by a bear, naturally there is no reason for "this person to survive" shot on a person.

The generals and soldiers shot by these poisonous arrows turned blue after a few painful calls, collapsed to the ground, and were poisoned to death alive.

These arrows, which are bound to die as long as they are hit, naturally put tremendous pressure on the generals of the First Army.

The trigger of the flintlock and the friction of the bowstring vibration resounded through the inner wall of the Red Moon Fortress, and the projectiles and arrows were full of power.

The soldiers of the First Army paid a huge price before they even touched the walls of the Red Moon Fortress.

When the soldiers of the First Army rushed towards the wall, the archers of the First Army also covered and shot for their companions.

However—they can only attack on their backs, many of them can’t even shoot arrows on the walls...Plus there are not many archers, so their cover shooting can only be said to be better than nothing...

Finally—after paying a lot of sacrifices, the soldiers of the First Army finally rushed under the outer wall of the Red Moon Fortress and put the long ladder on the wall.

"Quick! Quick! Climb up! Climb up!"

Under the command of the soldiers in an orderly manner, like an ant colony, they climbed along the long ladder towards the outer wall of the city wall.

The tribesmen who had been waiting on the outer wall for a long time finally started their attack.

Many long ladders were pushed down as soon as they were erected.

And the soldiers who managed to climb onto the outer city wall along the long ladder that hadn't had time to push down, will greet them with sharp spears.

Many soldiers were stabbed back to the ground just as soon as they exposed their heads.

The shooters on the inner city wall also actively covered their companions on the outer city wall, shooting and killing all enemy soldiers who tried to climb the city wall.

Under the combined forces of the Ainu people on the inner and outer walls, the first army soldiers who climbed up the long ladder screamed one after another, and then fell off the long ladder.

Soldiers continue to fall from the long ladder, but at the same time new soldiers continue to climb up the long ladder to take the place of the companions who have just fallen from the long ladder. In the footsteps of the soldiers who fell on the long ladder.

Standing on the inner wall, Chanup was directing the battle while observing the battle on the outer wall.

The current battle on the outer city wall is going smoothly, but-Chanup's brows are frowned.

It's just because Chanup noticed that there was an aura of "disorder" everywhere in the defense on the outer city wall.

"Hey! What do you gather so many people over there? There are not many people there!"

"Hurry up! How many people come here! The people here are about to climb up!"

Statements similar to this continue to appear everywhere on the outer wall.

The reason for this situation is that they lack a "commander" who really knows how to fight defensive battles.

This "disorderly" situation soon produced evil results.

"Hey! Come here and help! All the people here are here!"

A scream sounded from somewhere on the outer city wall.

I saw that the place where the sound came from, a large number of Japanese people had already swarmed.

Those who successfully climbed the long ladder to the wall of the city wall, they formed a wooden wall with wooden shields in their hands, blocking the periphery of their long ladders, desperately blocking the attack of the Ainu, and built a soldier that can ensure the follow-up. A small stronghold that keeps on boarding.

When the surrounding Ainu saw this, they naturally rushed to support them, struggling to destroy the small stronghold built by Heren.

The First Army, the Honjin—

Gui Yizheng, who stayed behind at the main formation, has been using binoculars to observe the battle on the outer city wall.

The said distance is a bit far, but relying on the high-performance telescope in his hand, Gui Yizheng can still see the battle situation on the outer city wall more clearly.

Looking at the frantic barbarians on the outer city wall, Gui Yizheng couldn't help showing a proud expression.

"Sure enough... barbarians are barbarians." Gui Yizheng put down the binoculars in his hand and sneered. "Even if you have a musket, you are only helping barbarians who don't understand how to fight."

Inamori was also watching the battle with a telescope.

Inamori stood on a high slope, looking at the battle in the distance with a telescope-he also showed a proud expression like Gui Yizheng.

At this time, standing on this high **** accompanied Inamori, only a few of Inamori's confidants.

"It seems-the difficulty of taking down this city fortress is much smaller than I thought." Daamori smiled, "These barbarians don't know how to fight the city defense at all. They are so'wild'. Keeping the city law really makes me want to laugh when I see it."

"We don't need our firearms to appear on the stage." A close believer responded.

Inamori nodded: "Next, we only need to attack the city in an ordinary way, and finally enter the fortress that has been breached."

The reason why Inamori didn't wash the ground with heavy firepower such as artillery and big barrels and blast the inner and outer walls of the Red Moon Fortress from the beginning was because of the protection of the fortress.

Their Edo shogunate launched such a large-scale expedition this time to occupy this fortress located in a dangerous position.

As long as you hold this fortress in your hand, it will be of great benefit to all subsequent Ezo land development activities of the Edo shogunate.

From the very beginning, Inamori did not take the resistance of the Red Moon Fortress seriously. At the beginning of the expedition, he had regarded the fortress as the private property of their Edo shogunate.

That is to say-to smash this fortress is equivalent to smashing the fortress of their Edo shogunate, and then they will have to spend a lot of money to rebuild the walls of the fortress.

So Inamori had to avoid destroying the walls of the Red Moon Fortress as much as possible.

As much as possible to accept the Red Moon Fortress in a non-destructive state-this is Inamori's goal.

"My lord." At this moment, another cronies said, "It's noon in half an hour."

"At noon, do you want to withdraw the generals of the First Army and replace them with our troops to launch an uninterrupted attack on the barbarians?"

"Our troops" in his mouth naturally refers to the generals of the Second Army composed entirely of the direct line of their shogunate.

"No." Inamori said without hesitation, "it's not yet time to send our troops to the field."

Speaking of this, Inamori sneered.

"Our Edo shogunate's troops are only responsible for the final'harvesting'."

"The early'planting' and'cultivation' should be handed over to the first army composed of the feudal army of each domain."

"They die more people, and the benefits to our Edo shogunate far outweigh the disadvantages."

The cronies who just proposed whether they should send their direct troops to attack the Red Moon Fortress uninterruptedly, after smiling, said in a half-joking tone:

"My lord, you are really bad. You want to rely on this battle to easily weaken the power of the Northeast vassals."

"I'm just continuing what our shogunate has been doing for two hundred years." Inamori shrugged.

The attack by the soldiers of the First Army on the Red Moon Fortress lasted until noon.

It was not until noon, after the sun was high in the sky, that the First Army finally sounded the horn of retreat.

The generals of the First Army who were launching a fierce offensive against the Red Moon Fortress, after the retreat order was issued, retreated like a tide, and while preparing lunch, they also allowed the generals who had been fighting for a long time to rest and regroup. .

Gui Yizheng's current expression...to use one word to describe it, it is "satisfied".

Although their battle this morning, judging from the results, they did nothing except kill and wound some Ainu. Although in the course of the battle, some small strongholds were successfully built on the outer wall, they were all quickly destroyed.

But even if nothing was gained from the battle this morning, Gui Yizheng's eyes were still full of excitement.

Although there were no results, the battle this morning exposed the shortcomings of the barbarians who did not understand the tactics.

This greatly increased Gui Yizheng's confidence.

After returning to the camp in a majestic manner, Gui Yizheng was surprised to find that Inamori had come to greet him himself.

"Gui, you played well." Inamori smiled, "Keep on maintaining such a spirit and defeat the barbarians as soon as possible and show me."

In this society that emphasizes inferiority, superiority and hierarchy, a compliment from the superior is enough to flatter the inferior.

"Yes!" Gui Yizheng hurriedly responded loudly, "I will surely eliminate all the idiots who dare to resist in the Red Moon Fortress as soon as possible! For the adults, all obstacles to taking this city fortress will be eliminated!"

After all, Gui Yizheng and Inamori tacitly showed meaningful smiles to each other at the same time.

Gui Yizheng wasn't a fool either, he naturally knew that it was definitely not the first army to be a side force to take down the huge honor of the Red Moon Fortress. Their First Army can only do the hardest jobs.

Therefore, what Gui Yizheng just said was a very playful "smoothing obstacles" rather than "taking down the fortress."

Regarding how much military merit the other generals of the First Army can score after the end of the battle-Gui Yizheng doesn't really care at all.

After all-he is one of Inamori's trusted confidants, a "general of the direct line."

"Hurry up to have lunch and rest." Inamori raised his hand and patted Gui Yizheng on the shoulder. "We have to continue fighting in the afternoon."

Gui Yizheng: "Yes!"

Red Moon Fortress—

Since the beginning of the battle, there have been a steady stream of wounded being carried down and into the "treatment area."

The so-called "treatment zone" is nothing more than an open space close to the city wall. The open space is covered with blankets for the wounded to lie down.

After the battle was over, the tribesmen could let go of their hands to carry the wounded, and the number of wounded in the "treatment area" immediately surged.

With the continuous increase in the number of wounded, the smell of blood in the "treatment area" is getting heavier and heavier.

The strong smell of blood is firmly locked in this open space like an invisible chain. No matter how you dispel the strong smell of blood, it will gather back again.

In addition to the strong **** air that drilled into your nostrils, there were endless screams and wailing sounds.

Many of the wounded pressed their wounds in pain, wailing and screaming again and again.

"Ahhhhhhh! My hand!"

"It hurts... It hurts..."

"Miss Kunoya... My leg hurts..."

The doctors headed by Kunoya shuttled back and forth in the "treatment area."

Since treating the first wounded person, Kunoya has always had a calm expression.

Whether it's treating the wounded with only skin trauma or treating the wounded with terrifying bleeding, Kunoya has a calm expression, "any injury is just a small injury" appearance.

In an inconspicuous corner somewhere on the outermost periphery of the treatment area, two middle-aged men silently looked at the painful wounded with complicated eyes.

"...Chanup, it's not going to work like this." Retannoe said, "If we don't find a way to make up for the shortcomings of our lack of'commanders' who know how to fight defensive battles, we're afraid we won't be able to hold on for long. ."

"I don't understand what you said." Chanup said in a deep voice, "But how do we make up for this shortcoming?"

"...How about a Japanese general who knows how to defend the city?"

"Retannoe, is your statement true?"

"Of course it's not true, I'm just making a joke."

"Don't make jokes that are not funny at all at this time."

Even Inamori and Gui Yizheng, who can only use binoculars to observe the battle, can see that there is "disorder" everywhere in their battles, and they stand on the inner wall to direct the battle, and at the same time know that they are lacking. Chanup, a qualified commander, don't you know?

After witnessing the appearance of these painful children in the "treatment zone", Chanup deeply realized how deadly their current biggest shortcoming is.

If there can be a powerful commander in command and dispatch, the casualties should be much smaller.

But his insight... is useless.

Because they can't think of a solution at all.

Chanup raised his hand and rubbed his frowning brows, and said in a half-joking tone to Retannoe next to him:

"If only at this time, someone who knows how to defend the city could fall from the sky."

"You just said that you shouldn't make funny jokes at this time." Retanoer glanced at Chanup sullenly. "As a result, he started to talk silly jokes."

"Under the sun, how can there be such a good thing..."

Retanoer hadn't finished speaking, and there was a somewhat anxious shout from behind the two of them:

"Mr. Chanup! I finally found you!"

A young man hurried to Chanup.

"What's the matter?" Chanup asked.

"That, that..." The young man was a little out of breath because of the fast walking, but he still resisted the rapid breathing and tried to piece together a complete sentence, "The prisoner and People...say they want to see you...say they want to fight with us..."

"...Huh?" Chanup tilted his head, "Want to fight with us...?"

"The imprisoned person?" Retanoer also showed doubts, "Who is it...? When did we imprisoned the person alone?"

About an hour later—

The First Army, the Honjin—

"Okay!" Gui Yizheng lightly slapped the military service in his palm, "Let's continue!"

Gui Yizheng not only ate a full lunch just now, but also slept beautifully, replenishing his energy.

Because of a good mood, Gui Yizheng had a particularly sweet nap today.

After taking his place in the current formation, Gui Yizheng waved his military manpower in full force: "Offensive!"

With Gui Yizheng's order, the scene exactly the same as in the morning appeared-the generals of the First Army rushed towards the Red Moon Fortress like a colony of ants.

After issuing the offensive order, Gui Yizheng held the military garrison in his right hand and a telescope in his left hand, leisurely watching the battle in the distance.



After just following the telescope and sweeping his gaze on the outer wall of the Red Moon Fortress, Gui Yizheng subconsciously let out a "um" sound full of doubts.

Compared with this morning, the scene on the outer city wall has hardly changed.

But somehow...Gui Yizheng just felt the atmosphere on the outer city wall...No, it should be said that the atmosphere of the entire Red Moon Fortress has become a little different from this morning...

While Gui Yizheng was still puzzled by the change in the atmosphere of the Red Moon Fortress, the soldiers in charge of the siege had begun to attack each other with the barbarians in the Red Moon Fortress.

With bullets and arrows fired, the long ladder was placed on the outer city wall, and the soldiers were as early as possible and attacked the outer city wall along the long ladder.

It was also at this time—Gui Yizheng's face began to change at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He raised his eyebrows first.

Then surprise appeared on his face.

Then the surprise turned into shock.

Immediately afterwards, the shock began to be mixed with incomprehensible colors.

Finally-Gui Yizheng, who was shocked, jumped up from the horse and screamed:

"What the **** did those barbarians do—?!"



Maybe some book friends have forgotten, UU Read www.uukanshu.com, so the author is here to help you review the components of this ten thousand army.

In this battle, the Edo shogunate sent 5,000 troops on its own, and these 5,000 were the direct line of the Edo shogunate. A total of 5,000 troops were dispatched by the various feudal vassals in the Northeast, for a total of 10,000.

First Army: 3000 people. It is composed of the army of each domain headed by the Sendai domain. A proper sideline force.

Second Army: 5000 people. The 5,000 people dispatched by the shogunate were in the Second Army. Therefore, the Second Army is a proper line of troops.

Third Army: 2000 people. The third army in the battle was all the troops of the Aizu clan who were loyal to the shogunate and were able to fight. Aizu is one of the most trusted and important domains of the shogunate. Be regarded as a quasi direct line.

Today is a long-lost chapter of nearly 7000 words, so I humblely asked for a monthly pass (Leopard has a headache. jpg)

Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a monthly pass!

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